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gimme some good ibuki combos
Most of the cutscenes take a few second to load. Until they do fully you get the unmapped shit like that.
>im gonna post my thread early so i can show everyone my epic memepic!

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>that LoD
jeezus capcom
What's the lore behind Kermit hating GG?
>tfw Ibuki is fun but I also want balrog
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Several scenes were like this the entire time for me
Daily reminder that sfv is shit.
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On a scale of 1 (not at all) to 10 (most fun you've had with SF ever) how much are you enjoying Street Fighter V now?
Burning kermit is a general meme for games that are dead. Nothing to do with GG specifically.
>tfw urien and juri are actually fun as well

I can't actually play 4 characters at once. I really want to play Ibuki and Urien though.

Still has netcode problems

Still the best fighting game ever

Really looking forward to urien
Are you going to watch SFV on ESPN or Twitch? I'll stick to Twitch since I'm watching other games too.
>r/kappa making threads early for shitposting OPs
Use the report feature!
4 maybe
rog seems cool but the online is still dogshit and it still has input lag
Shit taste my dude, Rashid is well designed they just need to buff his damage output.
Pretty sure it started with GG and was originally intended for GG only
sounds like someone's never played karnov's revenge
Both. To give Capcom the fullest extent of jewgold I can.
Nothing, you're living the dream.
8-10 tbqh.
is Ed just a douchey Rock Howard?
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my game feels like that except constantly since im on a toaster
>0.002 USD are in transit to your account. note: Keep up the good work! ;) - Combofiend
Asking again since I posted at the end of a thread, what should I do to prepare if I'm going to Japan and I want to play fighting games while I'm there? Any Dustloop or SRK links about I don't know, getting nesica cards or something.
SFV is not a street fighter. It's like an old 2dtard tried to emulate 3d fighters but completely fucked up.
you have twenty seconds to explain why you aren't playing samurai shodown v special, karnov's revenge, street fighter alpha 2, or killer instinct 2013 instead of street fighter v
more like any game that isn't 5
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>tekken players will defend this

literally shitty marvel
Twitch will have pay2watch at a watchable quality and have horrible bitrate for fast paced fighting games.
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Same as before. 7.

Story was a fun romp though.

Don't forget to donate and subscribe to Jiyuna and log into IRC to plot how to overthrow SF tournaments.
Depends on what game you want to play.
Nesica cards aren't necessary to play and if you're just going for one trip there's no reason to get one.
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I'm not a fighting game fan, I'm a Street Fighter fan and I go where the playerbase is.
Ryu looks so derpy in his run animation
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because sfv is fun when you play the right characters
get a bamco id card if you can before you travel.
where were you when they ruined juri?
>minecraft water
>no shadows

nice is ok tho we got 3 hours of b movie sfm
We're all on Discord now
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Fucking Juri feels so good, where is her release date?
because I got burnt out on those games a decade ago and I don't want to upgrade to W10
Whats the matter, not enough SFMs of her feet yet?
Man I'm so disappointed right now, thought I was going to receive ALL skins with the season pass.
are you that really fat sf4 Guy player?
That is on you, on my NASA PC I had zero problems with graphics.
where were you when juri gave me a latex fetish
>tfw you can hear it squeaking as she mounts her motorcycle
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Xth for chun's massive milk tanks w/puffy nipples
I don't understand why this meme is about Combofiend when it's Haunts who has been posting on social media lately to defend the game.
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Any pictures of the new 11/12 colours? Don't see why it's so hard for them just to add a preview past two coloured squares.
Support the developers.
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Just buy the all anyway now. Only 4 bucks for a low quality outfit outclassed by any mod. You must be poor to not invst into the capcom game communities future today.
>all this lab time with ibuki
>all this potential
Why did capcom made him so hard to play I tried to do his optimal punish combos and the timing on the juggles is really tight
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My friends are even bad at Smash Brothers, I wanna know at what level on the meme ladder are players considered good so i know where to get to have fun
Good OP.
>Xbox One
>Windows 10
But the developers were all outsourced and don't get any more money after they did their job.

I even bought Xrd's alternate colors and system voices for $1 a pop
How's balrog and ibuki? I only got to try them a little bit before i had to go to a wedding, i'm clamoring for some analysis from anons
>2 combos that use EX meter AND v-trigger
>deal less than 40% to a 950 health character
So can someone tell me how to beat Peter? Maybe my game is glitched but this fucker is harder than Dictator at the end of Alpha 3.
target combo xxx grab thing
target combo xxx DP
target combo xxx DP xxx CA
Release sfv.
dustloop falseflag
>pc master race
refund the game
like one jump in combo and a random normal will kill him, what are you doing
Balrog is good, Ibuki is really bad
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I got bored of balrog after a half hour but he seems fine
I got a gtx 970 and an i7, not a problem with my PC
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>Urien's banana hammock is under his suit
Calling it, his suit will tear off to reveal his classic costume when he does his CA in his full release.
All the time at the shadaloo base it was like this, fine everywhere else

I thought my GPU had broke
what are rog combos
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>have to unlock colors for each costume separately

Oh god, why

Also, I bought the game on launch, played around 20 hours and I'm coming back now

Why do I have the story costumes for some characters but for some they are missing?

Any way to get the new characters for free (without spending FM)? I wanna try Guile before buying
Guile and Alex were playable before the story mode release. You fucked up.

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I'm on PS4. How do I get the SF5 story DLC? I checked the add ons on the store and it's not there. I already updated the game.
I respect that
>I wanna try Guile before buying
go back in time 24 hours
Stop stealing content. Just give capcom more well deserved money for the excellent job they did with Street Fighter V.
someones already datamined and apparently that's what happens
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that's why it's really rewarding to win as rashid, hopefully they buff his damage in december
OUR BOY SonicFox is going to win EVO with Ibuki

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Nice stage Capcom
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It should be under the SFV. If it isn't, look for the 'New' tab and find it there.
Ryu and Chun's story costumes are free
intergrated apu shit 024 r7 graphics
cpu amd 10 7870k
I mostly played balrog, it seemed like I couldn't find the right range for him. His CCs are kinda stubby, and cr. HP CC'd at random.

How bad is ibuki exactly? Before i left, i found some weird stuff, like how the grab seems to grab limbs better than every other grab. But i did notice that her damage wasn't super great without VT
Wow, seriously? Fuck me, then

That makes sense, thank you
what happens if fang does coward crouch?
This game is so fucking ugly.
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>cpu amd 10 7870k
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GUYS? Hey guys? Hey! Hey you! Yeah, you! Guys, this is serious. I have a serious question for you:

SFM webms when?
Guile's pretty great. If you liked Guile before, you'll like him now.
Fuck off back to >>>/mlp/ goober
Like he just rushes me down, his attacks have crazy recovery, he anti airs me on any jump. This fucker builds meter way too fast. Fucking bullshit baton beatdown.
Well no texture issues for me, so something is fucked up on your end.
how bad is it
my pc was a gift and i dont know how computers work
Someone calls ArcSys, I want a beach stage in Xrd too
xrd has no costumes lol
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>probably outsourced to someone who doesn't know what is a fighting game
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When did this start becoming a term?
Nah, you should head back to r/Kappa and stay there.
your CPU is definitely on the lower end of (modern) CPUs but honestly it shouldn't be a big problem if you upgrade your GPU
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>tfw no ibuki vortex
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I think I prefer the undersuit.
yeah im upgrading my gpu in a week or two
When capcomdrones went full damage control with how shit sf turned out.
Charge characters just make no fucking sense to me

If someone jumps towards me while im charging what the fuck do I do

Worthless if I drop my charge and unsafe if I do a move
That is not a big problem, you can clearly see which attack she is doing there and where it is. The real problem is this:

They could probably salvage it by cranking the transparency on the water way up?
not him, but she seems like she's just pretty sub-par until she gets v-trigger then she's real
buttons seem weak except for like F+HK, not having tsumuji hurts, CC game is crap at least damage wise, not much damage in general without v-trigger like you said
I hate how the water fucks with lows, but goddamn I like the Kanzuki Resort too much to not make it my main stage(at least for casuals) because that stage theme is godlike.
An anti air
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But why Goober?
>All the world warriors meet up
>except Blanka and Honda

It just doesn't feel right...
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>sean's totally looking at what you're holding
looks dumb without the latex
Just mash lp like everyone else.
Never unfortunately. All the sfm guys are busy with overwatch
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Did he deserve it?
yeah at least for the legs.
When SF fans realized that their game is shit and stopped defending it and switched to name calling like the mature adults they are.
if you're on PC someones made a basic mod to remove the water at the feet
you can mask charging with jabs.
You can see it when the break isn't going and the water is clear, but Birdie's are going to legit abuse the waves.

The real cancer is the break foam.
Pretty sure it's literally one guy forcing his stupid meme.
It's become more annoying than the sniffposter.
Which character are you trying to play?

If you're guile, flash kick them or since you're holding down back just hit heavy punch for the anti air crouching punch
Heck do I know. I am not a regular here and actually play fighting games.
i wonder who could be behind these posts
Nah, it's the discord teenage squad, Meppz, Slim and Doug.
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You need to learn how to incorporate your normals into your playstyle. Don't look to your specials as your main weapons, your normals and your spacing are your biggest weapons. Try to fit the charge moves more into punishing unsafe shit or into combos.
no but seriously, wheres broksi? i thought this was his day
I'm on both because my Japanese and Korean friends play on PS4 and my NA friends play on PC. I don't want to use the mod because it just removes the wave in total and leaves a huge open blue space across the screen on the right half of the stage.

I know, double dip cuck but I can't just give up on my nip buddies.
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At what meme ladder rank in SFV should the player know all the fundamentals?
ahaha oh wow

fucking called it
Cammy not so subtly fights her sister next answering her own question.
Started out as "goofy goobers", abbreviated GG like Guilty Gear. Some autistic guy spammed it to the point where it actually caught on.
jesus christ his pupils are FUCKING HUGE
Honda seems like he would fit just fine in SFV. Not sure about Blanka though.
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14,680 total entrants at Evo
3670 pot monsters going 0-2
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I'm not playing KI because I don't want to isntall W10, but I'm not playing SFV either. In fact I just picked up Skullgirls.
Super Bronze
That shit from Spongebob?
Cammy punches decapre really hard, Laura was just sexually bullying Sean.
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Will anyone ever be able to fix Ken's face?
Pottery, 10/10 story telling by Capcom.
Because KI is a trash game that revolves entirely around rock / paper / scissors, or rather combo / combo breaker / counter breaker

Winning a round in KI literally comes down to getting that 1/3 guess right more often then your opponent.
The researcher he killed in the beginning was a she. She had breasts and a big ass.
No one really likes Blanka except for a very small super niche(just like how no one really likes Ingrid) but he has nostalgia points with casuals. That might be the only thing that gets him in.

Honda is the same way, but I feel as though Honda might not make it in favor of a new character with a similar playstyle. At some point they're going to start introducing new characters in the DLC.

Honda, Deejay, and Fei Long are probably fucked that way.
Is it true that GG players are the smash players of the FGC?
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One day.
That doesn't look like Ken.
And then Cammy hops on a bike with Juri and Decapre and they ride all the way from Brazil to England, while Vega catches up with them by foot.
You're not using 3rd party software for mods right?
Does someone have the webm of Kid Viper 's Johnny killing Hotashi with counter hit far HS.
almost like game of thrones
Nah, GG players just play their games. Here and there complain about always being in the back corner and getting bad time slots, but I think most have accepted it because the turnout is never good enough to justify better. Seriously every tourney I have been to the GG players have been the most chill of the groups.
Count me as leader of the super niche blanka fan club. I'd never play another character again if he came back to sf
Which Ken should he look like?
Yes it does.
this is getting out of hand
Every game is about guessing. KI just makes combos a multiplayer experience instead of a one player rythm game.
why do you make this low quality shit
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Im sorry anon what?
>season pass is $30 dollarydoos
>doesn't even include half the season's content or any of the new stages

Don't be a fool like me, don't buy the goypass.
Reminder to report the obvious r/kappa kids getting their shit and drive fix here.
Add MKX to that pls
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So have they dug up the colors for Balrog's story outfit?
>Capcom announced Juri and Urien at CEO instead of keeping their announcement for EVO top 8
They could've had the announcement on fucking ESPN. Fucking wasted opportunity.
So Bison's story mode costume was just a "what if" I guess.
It's s4s breed culture of "layers of irony" to jsutify your sad life full of anger.
game isn't popular enough for people to bother with it
>talks shit about other games
>insecure about their game
>constantly dick rides their game and inserts GG into conversations
>"muh high APM and technical game!"

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we sports now
Season passes are supposed to include pretty much everything. Capcom has no idea what they are doing from the DLC pov
Buttmad false flagging goober detected
Better to have a game like SFV where combos are only 3-5 hits and less then 3 seconds long.
this is the same number of players for the entire NA region
unlike the animal costumes we got in sf4. those were canon
costumes are just costumes mate, dont try to interpret shit

So you are a gg player then? Good, put on a trip so I can filter you.
>IVV's costumes aren't on sale on steam
Even though i don't play IV anymore, that actually sucks.
>$30 gets you all the costumes, all of the characters

that's hundreds of hours saved, a great deal for a reasonable price to be honest
F2P announcement.
You're describing literally every competitive video game fanbase
Street Fighter II Ken is the only true Ken, not your yaoi boy.
Dude you have no clue what you are talking about. Get offline sometime and then you might learn something.
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Should I start playing KoF? I keep on considering trying it, because right now on steam XIII is like 5 bucks.

However, some of you faggots are really making me not want to try it at all. It almost seems as if every KoF player has autism.
They were playable in the campaign, so unless you wanted the update to be delayed until the end of July, be glad they did it now.

Not sure if I can get behind Gill's voice actor being Illidan...not majestic enough.
How would you fix Ibuki?
>give her throw an actual knockdown
>give her unlimited kunai
>make raida a command grab
>replace her bomb with yang's sa3
>make her overhead faster
>make it so she can attack after using cape
>give her an s.mp s.mp link as well as a c.lk s.lk link
Is it just me or do the short story chapters each character has not really match up with the full one that just released?
I got it on sale some days ago, been having some fun playing vs a few players from here, won't get into it "seriously" probably but I'm having a lot more fun playing it than I thought
People who post/save Kermit shitpost images need to be IP banned.
how about we give her one more day?
>abandonware has more players than ggxrd
Is it just me or does the game feel slower? I haven't played in a while and I've been playing balrog and doing moves in general feels slower than before.
I hope Street Fighter VI will take a different route tha SFIV and SFV
I love Narancia!
Wait, she can't attack after cape?

No fun allowed fighter 5 strikes again.
XIII is fun but if you want a more accessible game with a bigger playerbase try out 02 or 98. The Steam versions are cheap and have more characters and single player content, but you can also play them on Fightcade online for free tough with less features (no training mode)

>It almost seems as if every KoF player has autism.
That's because /fgg/ is full of autists.
>It almost seems as if every fighting game player has autism.
That's more accurate version.
>sf vi
lol desu
nobody gonna be funding that shit
in what way?
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Ibuki's takes place after.
Balrog's is kinda both?
git gud
she can kunai after it
how do you beat bison in story mode as nash and chun li

i dont play any of them
i heard she was able to in some early build but they took it out and only allow you to do kunai
and i really have no idea why the fuck her kunai are limited at all, especially when you can still just jab them away
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soon the betrayer will become...the betrayed...
>skelly dhaslim
Ibuki's a weird kid.
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Can someone check if it's possible to bind kicks and punches to numpad keys?

Surely they have fixed this since the invite beta I played in?
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Ibuki is seeing them all as traditional Japanese yokai.
Old news.

These OW mods are the best thing to happen to SFV
If Blizzard made a fighting game it could be bigger than SF and Smash combined
Actually lost profit for capcom.
does stat tracking work yet or are there still a dozen menus that do literally nothing in sf5?
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This is absolutely haram.
Chunners takes place after as well
>guile and alex are literal jobbers
>ibukes and balrog can actually affect tourneys

What happened?
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The game has 8 frames of intenional input lag and a bad netcode.
I would actually buy stages if I could just CHANGE TO THE FUCKING STAGE MUSIC ONLINE
What's the general feeling with Balrog? I like how he looks, but playing a character without invul reversal gets me in those hopeless situations and I can't stand it.
How the hell did they balance Balrog Screw Smash?

The strongest version is the medium one, the weakest the fierce one. What the freaking fuck?
Or it's a hint that he survived.
>Another sf where people think Barlog's fully charged TAP is a broken
just use autohotkey, capcom gives zero fucks
No, nothing was fixed. The only thing changed was the online search filter.
>ESPN2 will be airing bikini-clad DOHOHOHOs

I'd love to see the reaction of the average joe when this shit airs.
who are those people? that single anon earlier?
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ibuki reset.webm
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right thread
ok so the new characters arent free for 1 day anymore? i just have to buy this shit and hope i like them?
Is it still -60 on hit?
brb browsing /v/ for posts
No see >>147169462
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 139

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