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Previous iM@S Thread: >>146879574
Archive of materials: http://www.yukipo.com/
Japanese news: http://imasnews765.com
Official upcoming events schedule: http://idolmaster.jp/schedule/index.php
Streaming music: http://shijou.moe/imas-radio
CG material translation archive: http://pastebin.com/jf7CiTya
CG discography archive: http://pastebin.com/fX7fpxrU
ML material translation archive: http://pastebin.com/h7UnuErv
ML discography archive: http://pastebin.com/jsA2ttAG

New here? Question about the games? Check out the FAQ and Resource Links:
Please check the archive of materials if you're looking for something older, or check the most recent news post for newer things.

May 6th to August 28th: iM@S Platinum Stars theme for PS4 releases (free for a limited time)

June 29th: Cinderella Girls Cool jewelries! 003 releases
July 12th: Million Live manga vol. 4 with original CD releases
July 13th: SideM 1st STAGE ~ST@RTING~ Live Blu-Ray and SideM 2nd Anniversary Disc 01 release
July 19th: Azusa Miura's Birthday
July 20th: Platinum Master 00 Happy! releases
July 22nd: Million Live Backstage volume 2
July 25th: Million Live Anthology volume 3
July 27th: SideM ST@RTING LINE 11 Altessimo and 12 Kogadou release
July 28th: iDOLM@STER Platinum Stars (PS4) releases
August 10th: Million Radio Theme Song 2 releases
August 29th: Makoto Kikuchi's Birthday
August 31st: SideM 2nd Anniversary Disc 02 releases
September 1st: Wild Wind Girl volume 1 (+CD)
September 7th: LIVE THE@TER ACTIVITIES 01 releases
September 9th: Kotori Otonashi's Birthday

Latest news posts: >>146590326 + >>146590453
I want to be harassed by this old man.
So how much money, in total, do you think you've spent on Starlight Stage?
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uzuki finally got it.png
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Commus for Uzuki and Rin have been recorded and uploaded.

Uzuki 04:

Rin 04:

Have 4 SSRs. Good enough.
Only $30 because the guaranteed SSR you could pick.
Absolutely nothing and I got all the SSRs I wanted.
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News post:


Iori's character PV in Platinum Stars has been uploaded, and features the song "Nanairo Button": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3AyEe9Ka7s
The next Platinum Stars Nico stream airs on 6/30 at 10 PM JST, and features Asakura Azumi (Yukiho's VA), Shimoda Asami (AmiMami's VA), Sakagami "GamiP" Youzou, and Kutaragi Hayato: http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv266371720
Latest SS assets update (6/28): https://mega.nz/#!uY0mQBrI!GClP0-faCQDudIyp1Kr29NjsCnP-k7jm6kK-LCnOMqs + >>146832725
New SS commus have been subbed:
>Yoshino 01: https://mega.nz/#!tgdHDTgD!Ga8kaE-8TZ1_0WLD_u_u0mqBi1JHZZcW61sOUd7QXJk (sub) + https://mega.nz/#!MxVnUBxI!seZI1J5bdi48CPyRciL04ZPS8Oy9KmakSYKqpcItQ5A (video)
New SS commus have been uploaded:
>Uzuki 04: https://mega.nz/#!1hchBQJA!-rxE73Da9yVnvSlUhAZX2Simyuf_YUUu74RSlcqHlvg
>Rin 04: https://mega.nz/#!MhV1AJgK!cJThGIkZ9BR65YXokfeiFPJiJxSU3wVhEwIRFPm5NiU
A Cinderella Fes is coming up in SS: https://twitter.com/imascg_stage/status/747309009372250112
The next event in SS is a Dance Burst Live Groove with Mayu and Karen. Frederica's CM has also been added to the game: >>146832135
STARLIGHT MASTER 03 Hi-Fi Days topped the Oricon weekly single chart for the June 20-26 week, selling 89,000 copies in its first week: https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2016-06-28/idolm@ster-cinderella-girls-starlight-stage-single-sets-franchise-record/.103700
CG manga chapter 4 has been scanned: >>146606213 onwards
New CG comics have been typeset:
>Karen/Nao/Rin: >>146724607 onwards
>Uzuki/TakeP: >>146872808 onwards
>Kirari by Bkub: >>146920714
A CG Yuki/Kaede 1koma has been translated: >>146910408 (comic) + >>146918215
Cool jewelries 003 has been uploaded:
>MP3: http://www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=825038
>FLAC: https://mega.nz/#F!TsZwkChT!6zhxme7rWW-EG8qYH2kz-w

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Been playing since launch, and have only spent around $150, including the SSR ticket. I have 7 SSRs, including my favorite and second favorite girls, so I'm quite pleased.
roughly $100
$0 Dollars

6 SSRs.

Living the dream.

None of those are SSRs I want though. I mean, I like the idols, but I don't "want" them. Forgive me Dooky, I shall never acquire you.
>coming up
It's currently active and going away soon

Latest ML cards update (6/27): >>146742268
Tamaki's new ML ULA card "Ultimate Live!" has been translated: >>146661590
The story for the ML 3rd Anniversary Drama CDs has been summarized: >>146730540
Mirai's 2016 ML birthday live guests were Arisa, Yuriko, and Makoto: >>146867601
amisports has restocked Shiho's cycling jerseys with new racing pants to match: >>146927572
A だれ?らじ talk show airs on Nico on 6/29 at 7:30 PM JST, and features Nomura Kanako (Chizuru's VA), Komagata Yuri (Sayoko's VA), and Kakumoto Asuka (Elena's VA): http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv267939525
Two new videos have gone up for Machico's (ML Tsubasa's VA) 3rd album "Ambitious*", which goes on sale 7/27: http://news.mynavi.jp/news/2016/06/29/163/
Details regarding the serial codes that come with the SideM 2nd Anniversary Discs have been revealed: http://www.lantis.jp/news.php?id=1466989201 + >>146729525
SideM's first television broadcast airs on 6/29 (time varies depending on station), and features Nakamura Shuugo (Teru's VA), Uchida Yuuma (Kaoru's VA), and Yashiro Taku (SM Tsubasa's VA) of DRAMATIC STARS: http://app.famitsu.com/otome/20160607_740124/

PREVIOUS: >>146351461 + >>146351583 + >>146590326 + >>146590453
UPCOMING (outdated): http://pastebin.com/Ha5sm2Bm
REQUESTS: http://pastebin.com/ZHpF4bNk
You could have bought Dooky if you really wanted her.
Wish I could keep track without going through email receipts. Probably around $170.
That was not a good month for me.

Although next time that promo comes around, I'll finally offer my Deresute virginity to Chihiro.
Sorry, my mistake. I forgot to change that line.
I don't spend money on free games
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New idols have been added!
This is pretty hot. Then again, I'm kind of into ryona.
I'd pay to go under that skirt.
Zero, because I only play the rhythm game part and don't do other things in it
Somewhere from $200 to $240.
Ryona is great.
Which store is this again? These things are cute.
My brothers
Let's not let Chihiro get a cent out of us til the end of time
$0 because I'm poor and only have money for bread and water.
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Idol Chihiro when?
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I spent about $400 on rolls and another $100 or so on daily rolls and promos.

I'm still mad that I couldn't get Limited Mika during the first Cinderella Fes.
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stop at nothing2.png
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Im trying to add my account to another phone, but I keep getting this error, anyone know what it means?
It says transfer has already been completed.
Is this on your old phone?
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she'll cost 100,000 chinabucks
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I'm having phone problems since the 2.0 update, I reformatted, put my account on a friends phone, and now am trying to get it back on my old one after the factory reset
> Get five SRs from a 10-roll
> Only one is new
At least it's Hina.
You don't need to use up. It'll automatically reset to zero.

Now do you still have the account on the friend's phone? And how are you trying to transfer to your phone? By using the transfer option at the beginning?
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hina wet summer.png
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>Letting a poorfag advertise for your store
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this game lets you play on multiple devices. I thought by downloading it on his phone would keep it alive if something went wrong and I couldnt re-establish my BNID on my phone.
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That's fine
Money doesnt matter when its for a cute girl like chihiro!
It won't let you play across different platforms.

ie. You can't have the account on both iOS and Android at the same time.
How much to run my fingers through that hair?
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About $250 total since the start. I spent 100 at New Years for the first CinFes, 30 on the pick ticket, and the rest was during the time I actually bought dailies. But considering I've stopped buying and playing AAA games for a while now it's not like I've spent much more money that I would have been on those.
if I refund will they ban me
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$0.00, been playing since day one and managed to come this far without submitting to Chihiro.
Probably not. Some people do that a lot just fine.

I'm personally not risking criminal charges over chinese cartoon girls no matter how low the risk is, though.
I haven't gotten banned, so probably not. I wouldn't push my luck trying to refund more than once though, I'd suggest trying to refund for two rolls' worth of stars instead of just one.
Wing of snow
matoeba shining
Is a good song.
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Probably close to $1000 with what I've been spending on this gacha. I've spent a little every now and then so I could do paid daily rolls, but the biggest sprees were during Mika at a little over $300 and now I'm almost $400 on this one, but I've yet to get the Rin I'm rolling for, unfortunately.

I'm seriously reconsidering what the fuck I'm doing though. Why am I doing this? What am I gambling for, a piece of data for an online-only game? I'd rather spend that money on something tangible, like a figure or novelty item, if I'm gonna fag it up. I love Rin, but I can't look at an SSR model day and night and hold it like I could my figma or statue collection. I was more upset when some fuck bought a 2500JPY WS card on Mandarake before I could, while I feel apathy and (at the time) no financial regret drawing 14 envelopes to no avail; that's not right.

I know there are people that have dropped more into this game than even I have, but it still doesn't detract from what I've spent. I don't envy those that have CinFes Rin anymore; I envy every sensible person in this thread that haven't spent a single unit of currency on this game.
post your SSRs
Why did my presents box just say I got two new room items when I retrieved all my presents? I'm pretty sure there weren't any new room items in there.
Maybe there were old ones unclaimed below the 100 items limit.
Oh wait, nevermind. SSR posters.
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Nothing, been playing since release.
Still not a single SSR.
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pon best.png
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just not when its summer
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So Chihiro is the best Cinderella girl right?
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more like cinderella hag
Nigga, set an absolute threshold for your spending. It's not that hard.

Allot a certain amount of cash that you don't mind throwing away for petty stuff. So even if you lose it, you won't feel bad at all.
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Damn, Radio Happy is good. I should trust popular opinion more when it comes to im@s music.

Cafe au Lait is better full, then the cut in-game version.
I like Tulip, you should trust my judgement
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Reservations on this actually went up on the 28th, but eh, I don't think anyone's posted this anyway.


Joining the previous Crystal Night Party statues of Uzuki and Mio, reservations are live for the 1/8 scale Crystal Night Party Rin Shibuya statue from GSC. List price is 11,852JPY with a tentative release date of February 2017. Orders from the GSC Online Shop will ship with an exclusive staircase stage base.

You want CinFes New Generation SSRs? You don't need those; make a purchase on these statues, products that won't betray your expectations or enable gambling addictions, with a 100% guaranteed delivery rate!
You probably shouldn't.
I already discovered how much of a gem that one is, it's part of why I'm finally diving more into im@s music.
in case unfortunate things happen
>You want CinFes New Generation SSRs? You don't need those; make a purchase on these statues, products that won't betray your expectations or enable gambling addictions, with a 100% guaranteed delivery rate!
Also this actually looks good.
What happened in Cast Away was a very, very freak accident with an incredibly low statistical probability of happening again.
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She's the Evil Stepmother.

To the Producers, not the Cinderellas.
idol crack, son, just as good as the regular kind.
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I demand a Puffy Serika figure.
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Remember you can do your daily roll again right now
What did he mean by this?
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1 MB, 1280x824
Wait nevermind Chihiro scammed me again
gonna do a solo scout right now
i want a dooky
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has anyone tried getting a refund for buying jewels
look at those knockers
Star Loveration is just as good.

I love Yui so much, I want her to be my wife
>didn't care for Everyday Dream before
>recently tried listening to it again, suddenly love it
I just thought that I want to hear Mio Honda do a cover of Motorhead's "Ace of Spades".
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koume's TUMMY.png
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How does this image of Koume make you feel?
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I get that, thats how I feel about Shangri-La
How? There was no gacha change.
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I want to ruin Mio's everything.
You get one each 24 hours the gacha is online (15:00h) and another one at the daily reset (24:00)

You can double roll in the attribute boxes, but fore some stupid reason Chihiro decided to be a fuckwit with this 2 day limited gacha
I just got a shitty hippie
maybe next time
You got it the other way around. You can roll on the change, but you get one per day after that.
What are you talking about?

It resets everyday at midnight JST, yes. And the only other time it resets is when the gacha pool changes.
Well I'm certain there's a situation where you can do double scout with the gacha unchanged
Only that has never happened. Reset at 15:00 is only when a gacha pool change occurs.
You only get to roll twice in a day because of the gacha change, so no.
I loved it the first time myself. A cut version similar to the one in SS (except about 30 seconds less) would make great anime OP music. I even have an idea of what it would look like, but I'd have to draw all the frames myself and I'm neither a talented artist nor animator. Maybe someday, though.
You roll at 15:00 and then can roll again without the gacha changed at 24:00
That is on a day where the gacha change happened. Which isn't the case today, so you can't roll at 15:00 if you rolled before.
>10 exactly at 2:00am.
>get Hinako
Well, it's certainly better than a dupe. She'll do great on my dance-based passion team.
Voice when?
I'd watch a whole anime that's just about Mayu being cute. Can't be any worse than the CG anime.
Can't blame you there.
I'd watch an anime about Mayu because I think she's assumed direct control of my heart.
>Fluffing a maidens hair
Truly a dream of all gentlemen
I want an SoL anime about the l@lis from all branches of the franchise. Maybe as some kind of idol summer camp or boot camp.
Drama or nothing, you pussies.
That would be garage, your taste is garbage, and everything about you is garbage too.
I'll give you drama in your ass.
Such an anime would be a commercial failure.
Fuck off A1.
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cuddling material.jpg
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Now I really want it to happen. And Namco holds a special screening just for you.

It probably would. Us l@liscons are a vocal minority, I can admit this.

people like >>146938351, >>146938020, >>146937837, >>146937515
don't listen because their heads are far too stuck up in their ass of l@li world, l@li fanservice, and girls being just cute.
God forbid character development for them.
I just wanted to make you happy.
You only get one refund from Google Play.
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I sure hope this roll gives me a Dook.
Do I just call them and tell them to refund?
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Hey, my wife is my favorite because of her backstory. I like a mix of character development with lightheartedness, they can do this with Momoko. I don't like drama but I think they could actually do it decently with her as long as they try to balance it out. If they want me to die of a heart attack, they can put crying scenes in there. Crying girls make me HNNGH, especially if it's my wife.
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I love character development.
Automatic refund. You need to do it from your Google Wallet page. There's only a short window of time, though. If it's passed, no luck.
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mfw i watch cinderella girls.jpg
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There's a difference between having some drama to balance out the sweetness and drama fucking taking over the entire show and shitting on the characters and mood.

Nobody watches iM@S to see Mio throw a bitch tantrum and quit for one episode. Nobody watches iM@S to see gloom and doom all over the company for several episodes as Mishiro fucks up everyone's lives. Idols are supposed to make the audience smile and uplift their hearts, not force some deep and complex character study on them.
Give them a list of payments that you don't want to show up and give a reason like your younger sibling buying them.
So, uh, this is pretty much the last thing I expected to read tonight:

Granblue Fantasy is coming to GREE. And it's going to have cross-play. So Mobage users and GREE users can play together.

Does this mean that we might actually see an OG+ML 765 crossover with GBF one day?
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Fuck Nino.
Same, when dookie cried I came buckets
Oh fuck.
We might actually get MLs in BGF.
Basa better be Fire
Damn. Better luck next time
This is really surprising considering Cygames is tied to DeNA.
Does this mean we can finally have an ML and CG crossover?
seems like you have to be lucky as shit to get all 3 NG SSRs, such a high chance of dupes
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This is the only known occasion of this happening.
Sometimes RNG just wants to watch the world burn.
I meant if you wanted to collect all 3, still extremely hard to do without spending a lot
Little did this Producer know that from that point onwards, every firstborn in their family line from that generation onwards will have their souls taken away by Chihiro.
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Eh, it would be his descendant's problems. Not his.
Jokes on you, no one will ever procreate with me!
It just goes to show that emulating Miki or Chihaya can only lead to trouble.
More idols should aspire to be like Haruka instead.
>implying this producer's family line will continue with him so deep in idols
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Chihiro can always steal the souls of the children of his relatives.
what does chihiro do with those souls anyway
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What do you think the Star Shekels are made of?
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Enough of this.

This post right here is the Anti-Chihiro bullying line. From this point onwards, there will no longer be any Chihiro bullying or demonizing.
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>"steals" the souls
>P's selling their future family for star shekels

deep and dark
Chihiro is a fucking demon who needs to be publicly executed
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Don't let those tears fool you.
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>character development
Assuming they get the initial characterizations right in the first place.
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Chihiro did nothing wrong.
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Is there anywhere I can find the transparent CG cards? (not SS)

It's not like she's -forcing- the Producers to ruin their lives and lose money. They do so of their own accord. And when things go wrong, they blame Chihiro.

Bunch of fucking pussies.
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>LLSIF trying to keep up with deresute with their new SSRs
Either way, the money goes to Scamco's (AKA Chihiro's) pockets anyway.
They've even upgraded their game with 3D graphics.
They've also been putting two SRs in each event
They did? Can you give a link?
Why won't you ask on llsifg?
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yo guys i have a problem with deresute.
initially i have linked my deresute data with bandai namco id but i don't have set country/region in japan so i can't log in. Recently i send an inquiry to bandai namco id for turn my country/region in japan. Now i have my bandai namco id account in japan but when i try to log in deresute i got this.
How can i recovery my data?
It literally says that you have some sort of data transfer error. And that you should contact scamco for support.

Can't really help you with that.
Dammit dookie
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>bandage ring
>on ring finger
>Uzuki/TakeP: >>146872808 onwards

It's nice that people love to get in with some TakeUzu action but it always seems silly to me when people end up working on the same thing.
>check idolmaster tags
>before: sexy idols
>now: homo idols and lots of yaoi and butt stuff
T-Thanks SideM.
Is this our first actual DING DONG BANNU?
What site are you on? I'm on panda right now and literally everything is girls.
I meant for images not doujins.
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Hijiri Mochizuki.

Well don't fucking delete them. I never said there was anything wrong with what you did. I just pointed out that someone else did it first.
Oh, I see you're on a booru.
Nino you're disgusting
is anyone recording the side m broadcast later on?
so i can't recovery my data in any way?
Why do Passion idols get more voices than Cool and Cute?
Because passion idols are god tier.
There are always exceptions. Like Kirari.
They're not as popular as Cools and Cutes so they need to try to get people to like them
English anon. You might want to further brush up on your English.

>so i can't recovery my data in any way?
Not necessarily. All the error is saying is to contact Scamco for support. It's not like your completely fucked. Probably.

In any case, your problem is most likely something that people on an anonymous imageboard can't help you with.

The Passion voice count shoots up even further if you consider the Aoki Sisters as 4 separate voiced idols. They technically are Passions after all.
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>this is an idol
Is this a fucking joke, Bamco?
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Gonna にょわ your shit anon

Man, fuck posting on a tiny ass phone.
No it's fucking Santa Claus
Ho ho ho motherfucker
I really want to fuck that Santa Claus.
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Slut on the right
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She's cute.

I don't see the issue here officer.

Isn't she one of St. Nick's elves?

Or his daughteru even.
>tfw we didn't get Eve last year
Swear to god if we don't get her this year
Yeah, if you look at that pic through a mirror.
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[ ] Christianity
[ ] Shintoism

[x] Genuflect
So is Tulip Master+ still the hardest song in Deresute?
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The one that isn't blind.
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They were hard.
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Are idols halal?
The former
I want dressed up as crusaders
idols dressed up as crusaders*


I can bully Karin but Clarice fucking scares me
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only ones of the right faith
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Scans when
when your dick isn't doing the talking
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Why did I even bother.
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It's literally illegal to be dressed like this in the shariah infested hellhole she was born in.
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But Kirari is my favorite.

Also did my daily 60 roll to try and hopefully get something.

I got this.

Literally WHO?
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Kumiko is cute.
It's Kumiko, man. C'mon.
You can't link this game to a western BNID so I'm not sure how changing your unlinked and unrelated BNID region to Japanese has resulted in this error happening for you.
Layla please cover your shoulders and knees
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My zombie surviving lovers.
that's pretty rad
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Fred's song is pretty cute.
Fuck me.
>Fred's song
Your brain needs to be examined.
Ainu idol when?
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Nino I'm going to chain you in my basement for this.
Anya likes company.
It's okay, she bought her another one.
>literally knocking down a kid's parfait because she's not pretentiously drinking black coffee
Wow Nino is shit

Or not really because this is dumb fanwank
You need a new pair of eye
Alice knocked it over herself.
I hope Makoto Shinkai directs the ML anime.
Whoops. てへ
Nino is a good girl.
I can't decide whether I want to laugh or cry. It's so in character for her to get mad over something silly and accidentally knock something over, but it's not funny when the panels of her crying are drawn so well.

Gonna give her lots of headpats and more parfaits, and have her get mad again at being treated like a child.

Nino: Strawberry parfait really suits you.
Alice: What do you mean by that?

Nino: Just thinking what a child you are.
Alice: I'm not a child!!

[knocking over sound effect]

Alice: Stawberry... parfait...

Alice: I'm not crying!
Nino: Another parfait for this kid please.
Anyone getting error code:100 for SS when idolizing an idol? I am getting it for Mahiro Kitagawa.
Is this really the next "what is over?"

Next time don't put boys in your favourite unit.
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Frederica trips.jpg
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Brain problems.
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Frederica is the man.
>All smiles to the end
Fred is the true egao master of CG.
I want to be Chizuru's senile lover.
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Ten Kanades!?
Lots of cuddles for Asuka.

CG or ML Chizuru?
I don't know.
QT Mako-makorin.
Das my shirt.
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 251

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