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Thread replies: 255
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Symmetra Edition

>Official Stuff

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Previous Thread
I love dva
Symmetra has a nice ass
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What's in the box.webm
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So what have you gotten in your boxes, /owg/?

I've been getting tons of lag from going from a game to my loot boxes.
I'd love my D in her va
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Amazing 3.webm
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>Play Torbjörn
>Get shitty POTG

It's like pottery
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Mercy needs a nerf
Mei needs a buff
Is masteroverwatch not updating for anyone else?
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>wow the enemy has a Reaper.
>Lets all group up on the point gang!
We need requirements for people to play Overwatch.

Do you have a brain?
Do you watch anime/

Very simple.
fuck off she's mine
>got to kill mei with it
>still retained 99% charge

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Mei is for DELETING
>that voice
use overbuff, is better
I have a brain but I don't watch anime
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console shitters get the hell out of my thread
I believe it only consumes if you get the kill DURING the ult.
Symmetra players:
post yfw a dumb Genji tries to deflect your M1 and goes down the loo a second later
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Symmetra 6.gif
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>got Bee.VA and Devil in last couple days
>use White Rabbi and Mist instead because they look better
I'd fuck her right there, I'd literally just jump on top of her mech and start having sex with her right there
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kek does anything trigger autists more than saying 'gg ez'
Ok, it looks like the API is broke. Both sites showing the same wrong stats.
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No, when you use your ult you can watch the meter drain, that isn't a graphic, that is the game taking away the meter, if you're intterupted during it whatever isn't drained it kept.
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I kek erytim
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Be careful what you wish for anon
>tfw paying attention to footstep sounds and hooking him out of his ult the instant he drops in
Seriously though why does she have those triangles on her face
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I finally have enough shekels for a legendary but I don't know what to buy, pls help
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Best girl
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The exact way it works differs per hero, but your ultimate gauge isn't consumed completely when you activate it; it just drains very fast. So if you get interrupted really quickly you'll still have most of your charge
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angry marek.gif
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war paint, but since she's cute, it has to be cute
it makes her more anime
wait till the new ones come out
>actually shooting at enemies yourself
You've got lot to learn.
Pink war paint, Jesus I'd shit myself if I saw that
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Symmetra gameplay.jpg
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>When you set up underneath the left balcony on King's Row and all the faggot flankers die the moment they drop down
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W-well, what do you guys think??
Any of Reinhardt's,
Winston's are awful
S76's are awful
Lucio's are awful
Mercy's are ok
Junkrat's are meh
Symmetra's are me
Phara's are ok

Isn't that Nyanners?
Most recent legendary is Junker. Still using default because I like it better than any of the unlockables.
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I'd love to blow a huge load down her throat.
Aren't you only supposed to say gg when you lose?
some girl who does a cutesy voice people say is her "real" voice
Yes, but normally it drains completely if you get a kill, even if you are interrupted after.
It's possible that dealing damage increases the speed at which the gauge depletes, but since Roadhog dealt minuscule damage, it didn't drain .
>Misspelled "Involvement"
it's destiny
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I hope I never have to play with anyone who says this unironically
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>tfw junkrat doesn't counter her

>Do you watch anime/
>inb4 answering yes to this immediately activates their anti-cheat to prevent you from ever playing the game
>retarded teammates somehow lose to double roadhog

and this is why I don't play support
Monkey box
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new trollface.png
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you only do that in quake, starcraft and ut. don't bother in overwatch.

modern 'gamers' aka the moba generation aka generation Z use gg as an insult. the meaning shifted from 'good game' to 'get good' around the same time league of legends became popular.
No, >>146849503
TriHard 4Head
>Reinhardt/Bastion/Mercy trio on Route 66
>THrow my tracer bomb on Reinhardt and magdump him right when my team makes a big push
>Get that triple kill
>Play of the game is the Bastion walking from the spawn after that kill
Thanks, game
I-I know your Internet is bad at the moment, anon, but I can barely read this.
>30 shields provided on card
>somehow more relevant than 20 fucking teleports

screw you too game
>play mcree
>11% accuracy

pretty good desu
>You say if you win or lose
only if the losing party says it first, otherwise it's bm as fuck
Winston Epics are better than his Legos
Soldier Legos are a joke, only thing good are his Vietnam skins weapon model, the skins themselves are shit
Lucio Legos are literally the reddit mascot and an Ice Jockey Attire ???
>on attack
>on final push in tunnel
>d.va comes behind
>nerf this
>everyone is running the fuck out of the tunnel
>use my ult
>think im safe
>reinhardt charges d.va's mech out of the tunnel into us
>everybody dies

>play of the game
>play Zenyatta for the first time
>10% weapon accuracy
>keep playing him for hours
>Now avg 36% accuracy

Repetition is the path to mastery.

>Reported for Blackwatch Overwatch activities
>Report to Overwatch

You fucked up
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It's 1200 PM EST.webm
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What's more painful. Having your High noon get blocked by one player, or having a Genji reflect your whole hog back into you sending you off the side of Ilios
>god knows how many shields
>more than 20 teleports, 60% telaborter uptime

>card is X webcam kills, X+7 eliminations

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Vishkar Symmetra is great, fug you
Things shitters say in Overwatch.

>Just a game bro.
haha get it

because she's a gamer

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>backfill games
that too
I would have left instantly.
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Indian sausage - Cropped.png
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Muh waifu. I appreciate that post, OP.
this shit needs to stop. tf2 did it way better by allowing players to drop in and out of a game without punishment. you shouldn't be forced to play a game where one guy just left because it was unwinnable.
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> webcam kills
oh god, don't know why but that made me kek so fucking hard I drooled
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>Get a legendary Skin for a character
>Barely play her

That's twice this has happened now.
>gg ez
>Someone go Mercy or no Sniper for you
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>Blizzard won't get rid of hero stacking.
>They nerf Torb on console.
Honestly this game is going no where they all they care about are the casual babs.
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Why are you turbo autists so obsessed with legendary skins? Why is it always a legendary skin? Why do you have to ask for some sort of permission or justification for what pixel cosmetic skin you use on your pixel character in a video game? Are you so void of acceptance and attention in your life that you have to seek it here?

How can people be this autistic honestly? I'm being serious. I just don't understand what's so difficult. You use a skin that you think looks good, it's that simple. Why would you care what other random people across the globe think?

I'm confused.
>They captured a point
That Reinhardt must be a hard worker.
I'd literally eat Symetra's poop
This is why I hate this game

Joining games in progress and no punishment for leavers. What a fucking terrible idea.

I wouldn't care if it was only casual, but it's the only fucking game mode right now.

Ruins everything
Maybe you should play more characters?
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>be me

>playing reaper for the 2nd time

>press Q

>save my team 3 times

>mfw people thinks that Reapers are fair and balanced

who cares
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That's not Mercy.
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I play her but she's not one of my go to picks for a healer.

I might try her a bit more though.
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Oh lord give me strength
hero stacking is not an issue if you are actually not handicapped and know how to counter.
> consoles
Why would anyone care about the peasants?
Yeah but why are her boobs clicking?
There are punishment for leavers, what are you talking about?
Pretty much. Torb didn't need nerfing as much as the game needed hero stacking. Of course, the problem then becomes
>Join room
>See someone picked Hanzo before me
>Pick Widowmaker
They'll never block teamstacking though. Maybe on competitive mode in PC, but on quick play? No way, Jose.
I don't care about consoles but that's not the point.

They're just catering for casual babbies.
thats me with genji idk how to play that fucker
Exotic goddess
If you lose to hero stacking then you're a shitter

Unless its 6 man roadhog/5 pigs and a lucio on a koth map. That shits fucking strong

Think about it logically. Most heroes have 200 hp. So the average team has about 1200 hp to burn through to kill everyone (add an average of 300 more for the team tank, so 1500 hp)

6 streetpigs? 3600 hp. 3600 hp on targets that can heal 300 hp in a couple seconds
>you will never hear the noises she makes when she cums
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Consoles are for casuals, so makes sense.
As for hero stacking, see >>146850945
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>mfw there still isn't a high quality scan of the collector's edition artbook out yet.
The game is literally made for casual babbies
Use Lucio/Zenyatta on attacks and Mercy on defences, there fixed.
>Seriously thinking Blizzard doesn't care about Console money just as much as PC money
It's a $1:$1 ratio, folks.
5 / 6 roadhogs is a garbage team comp, how bad at videogames do you have to be to lose to that ?
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>tfw Symmetra is my favorite but scant opportunities to play her
Damn it I can't even rub one out why do you guys have to troll me FUCK
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Sounds reasonable enough.
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Not porn anymore.png
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I have an erection because of her.
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My GTX 770 reaches 80°c while playing Overwatch
What the fuck do i do? I'm scared to even play the game
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A well balanced team sill wrecks meme comps.
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I didn't need this feel
Such a lack of imagination.
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>enemy cancer throws a blizzard bot
>manages to catch 2 of my teammates
>blindly charge
>mfw managed to pin and kill her before she shot a single icicle in their direction
4-6 Torb isn't an issue on Console. But 2-3 Torb is a big issue. A team can still be balanced enough to counter whatever class you brought out to counter Torb while still having a Mercy to raise the dead when they can't cycle Molten cores anymore.

And even if it wasn't an issue, the prevention of teamstacking is a good idea anyway, as it promotes player exploration and creativity. Unless of course you only play snipers, then you still have an option. But that Genji player might just learn how to play Reinhardt, or Soldier, or hell, even Lucio. Let's be honest, there isn't a single real argument against blocking more than one hero in a ranked/quick lobby.
Bro, I play with a laptop that reaches 90+, you are okay, but clean your tower and use canned air on your GPU fans
You mean you told yourself you stopped caring about W/L but you still do
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Symmetra shopping.jpg
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My point exactly.
>Get shit teams
>Tell them they are shit in every way possible
>Point out the bad players and make them feel bad about themselves so they don't play the game for the rest of the day
>Don't get banned or punished at all by blizz

My god blizzard has done it. I can finally become a janitor and clean the filth from this game without getting silenced by some cuck that uses words like """"fun"""" and """toxic"""
1. go to >>>/g/
2. open the "stupid questions thread" or find a VGA card general, there is one IIRC
3. ask your question there

My bet is bad airflow or dirty cooler or booth. Clear out your case bruh.
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Symmetra gets ganked.jpg
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Keep playing? 80 Celsius is perfectly normal. Nothing is going to happen to your card.

90+ is when you should suspect something.
rev up the gpu fan, check that the case fan is working properly.
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Symmetra Wins.jpg
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Find a reason, Anon.
Too bad her in-game face is nothing like what you see on fanart.
the thumbnail looks like an exotic dildo
Everyone yells at me when I try to play her on offense, which I guess it's kinda justifiable. But shit, they do it half the time playing her on defense to. So under-appreciated, do people not want teles on offense?
>defend all game
>get to the last minute
>1 wipe
this game is triggering imo
>reaper ult wipes our team half a minute into the match
>check team

of course.
>join midgame
>team has 4 people under level 50
>other team are all over 100
Ranked is going to be a shitshow.
because they think you should be locked into roles, and refuse to accept that characters might just provide a use outside of those rigidly defined roles. Hell, a defensive tracer can single-handedly shut down a payload
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I'm at like 65%, small sample size though (around 40 matches)
Git gud lmfao xd
At least her face is different from what we can see everywhere. I get why people would find her ugly, but I like her and her general design.

I'm fucking tired of the stupid captcha minigame!!!

Symmetra fags are delusional as fuck.
She looks nothing like this in the actual game. She looks fucking ugly as sin. It's like that angled facebook photo vs. actual photo comparison
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Stop being lazy, get a can of air and clean out the dust bunnies from your computer.

But even then, most GPUs can safely withstand 80c. Most, if not all, graphics cards have safety mechanisms in place to prevent damage from high temperatures, either by underclocking the GPU or by shutting it off during periods of really high temperatures. So I wouldn't worry about your GPU melting too much.
I have 3 support characters on my team
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Can't stop won't stop
Her face looks indian and exotic, but even if it didn't there's that beautiful brown body. Dem hips.
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Nigger I will duel you.
>Enter Room
>5 Torb+1 Symetra
>kek ezpz
>Every single turret is being watched by another turret and a symetra turret+Torb is watching the places that watch those turrets.
>Guys go Junkrat
>fuck you Hanzo counters Torb
>I have 4 golds
>Our healer had 140 healing
So why do you guys get triggered when someone says Reaper is too stronk?
Just mute the chat for crying out loud. People will complain about any hero you play.

Just pick her and play, there's only one way to find out if you can make yourself useful. She's very viable on offense, especially Payload maps where there are stale-mate trench warfare type situations. Like the last points of Hollywood and Gibraltar, where the teleporter is extremely useful and at low risk of being destroyed unless they have a Tracer.

Basically if you're on offense and they have a Tracer don't even bother playing the poo goddess. Also never play her on KOTH she is useless there.
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>the sound of her heels
>play hanzo
>never played hanzo
>shit out a gorillion dragons throughout the game
>people consider him hard

what gives
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Mercy main here
Her ult isn't OP at all just shoot her lol! Seriously just shoot Mercy before she can ult it's easy, if you think her Ult is overpowered you're just bad at the game.
What do you mean if it was so easy then why is there a "12 Resurrections" end card in every high skill tournament match, even between teams like C9, LG and Envy?

No seriously just fucking shoot her it's so easy oh my gosh you are so fucking bad at the game just shoot her dude. What do you mean if she was so easy to counter she wouldn't be picked in every single match? Shut up just shoot her and it's alright. Just fucking shoot her, retard. Just shoot her and you will completely shut her down lol!
Anyone got a soundfile? A youtube video?
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Oh, also, for the last 2 minutes they cycled molten cores in perfect fluidity
fuck off Leeterr.
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>tfw just bought the arctic skin so I'm not totally repulsed while playing Zarya
>tfw based skins for all my mains
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Get in anon don't ask questions.png
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Have you been practicing that hero /owg/? How is your progression on getting good with them?
someone sound clip mercys clack clack
i wanna see what the fuss is about
you can spawncamp mercy and force him to switch, still wondering why people arent doing this
Yes. I finally got the basics of playing Reinhardt and it's fun.
I don't get why people think Mercy's ult is So strong. I mean, I play Reaper and his ult needs serious buffs. He should be invulnerable during it
'just shoot her' is perfectly applicable in pubs where people never look behind them and there's at least two flankers on each team

In "pro" matches it's tends to be blob of 6 vs. blob of 6 with a reinhardt in front which makes it more difficult
I'm so bad with her
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51% average accuracy on Mcmeme, slowly climbing. Need to definately work on headshots but it feels good to be able to get gold damage in 80% of games.

Thanks for asking anon.
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It looks like this ingame. You're wrong.
>Hanamura B.
>Team with 5 Toblerones.
>Every time we clear the turrets, they molten core and contest the point while the rest rebuild turrets.
>Lose game.

This shit is why we need to limit the amount of same type of heroes in a team.
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>leave game
>get put back in the same game you left
>afk cuz turbo autism dictates my actions
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>not having particular classes (around 5-6) that you excel at and spend the most time using
How about this

>Characters where I am a net positive and thus play more than other characters
https://youtu.be/-r2TLt8ok4k?t=51 only found this
Please my cock cannot handle this teasing and I don't want to fap it's too hot in my room
Anyone who likes the Vishkar series over godesses has no taste.
I got really good with Tracer. Only problem is I'm bored of playing her now.
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>People start talking about how Zarya is OP and needs nerfs
>Suddenly every match other has shitters playing Zarya

Please stop, I can't take anymore of this.
jafar skin when
goddess skins look fucking retarded
nah dude, just get good. Kill them before they molten core
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Perfect Harmony.jpg
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I'm the designated Symmetra of the team of my own volition. I do so much damage and provide so many dank TPs that I'm pretty much allowed to use her whenever and wherever.
Get a team, master the way of the laserballs and you'll earn yourself a free pass.
And no, I'm not even a support main.
Secret activities of Satya






The exotic goddess surely bring order to chaos.
I recognize this plague
Artist is Matsu-sensei.
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>Symmetra will never put me in my place
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>80°c is fine

Yes, that's what Nvidia tells you so you buy another GPU in 2 years after yours died
Although I'd swap my Architech for Goddess any day, I think all her skins are pretty sweet.
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If only Symmetra's face was as good looking as her official art in game.
I've heard that Overwatch is a good game, but I think it costs a bit too much for a primarily multiplayer game. I want to play it, so should I wait for the price to come down?

>get put into a game
>team is getting destroyed and I get gold objective time with 6 seconds after being in the game for 30 seconds as the enemy team steamrolls through the game

Why is this allowed?

Why am I put into games that are pretty much done because the team sucks?

its happened 3 times today out of 7 games
>Got a legendary skin for a hero I never use

Shame you can't sell them
Reminder that Junkrat does NOT counter Tracer
Does anybody know if Genji can parry another Genji's sword slash with his E?
wait until its F2P
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It'll have to do.
People thought he did? Based on experience I always felt Tracer countered Junkrat
he can parry rein's hammer so i don't see why not
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anime is dumb.jpg
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80 is perfectly fine. Most GPUs wont stop malfunctioning until 95+. Modern CPUs can withstand heats over 110 degrees.

Dumb animeposter.
anyone else think they should go pro? I'm watching VODs of the recent tournament and I'm probably better than all of them.
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>Blizzard game
>price to come down
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Anyone who thinks Zarya is OP is literally retarded. The shields last 2 seconds, eat the pussy ass laser beam for those two seconds and then shoot her, not hard.
She looks so dominant...
"Why do you struggle...?"
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Is competitive today?
I heard it was and im excited
Is D'va bad or just hard to use correctly? Just cant keep anyone in point-blank range long enough. Also some classes just destroy her in seconds no matter what.
Only shitters think he does

They think they can "hit" her with projectiles or "anticipate" her movement
>Advice from a Main
Last game I was fighting a Genji main who kept using Deflect against me as Mei. Mains may know a bit about their favorite, but they know jack shit about the other 20 heroes in the game.
>A Blizzard game ever changing game model
They do go on sale a lot to be fair
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>get potg as mei
>it's just me headshotting two dudes from long range
yes with widow and mccree nerfed he became the most consistent hitscan hero.
She is underpowered yes. I still use her often and manage to be effective though. Aside from when you're shielding teammates at a choke-point, use her as a flanker. Boost often.
You're retarded. If your GPU constantly reaches 80°c under load it will degrade much faster and probably be fried after 2 years
he meant the mode
>He thinks level determines skill
Boost deals damage, use shield, don't fight against two people at once alone.
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>tfw can easily and quickly counterpick any team comp in pugs
>tfw shutting down anyone on fire within 1 life
>tfw already hit my own personal skill cap already because my kb+m and controller accuracy are garbage after 2-3 years of pc/console shooters

god it sucks being born with shitty reflexes, fuck all you tourney winning fucks with pinpoint aim
Discontinued WoW expansions
>reading comprehension
Yeah no. Who told you that? A wizard on /v/?
Maybe read up on the subject before talking about it like you know anything.
well im already burned out

i honestly kind of worry for the game's longevity
something about that image always struck me as odd and i finally see it
her jaw and the right half of her glasses are skewed
oops please don't bully me
This game has way too much visual noise

Like when you are caught in a Zarya ult you can't fucking see shit

When you are inside a Winston bubble you can't fucking see shit

All in all there are wayy to many bright ass colors with too big particles that obscure everything and make it hard to see coherently everything that is on your screen
was posted in the previous thread, here you go
>tfw reinhardt's hammer does not damage to tracer because he doesn't counter her
feels bad
>Does as much damage as reaper
>At longer range
>With a better ult
>With 150 more health
>200 of which regenerates
>While having projectiles to deal with turrets
>With insane utility
>A better ult
>And a smaller head with small critbox

Yeah fuck this dumb hero and everything about her. She's a better hero in every way possible than reaper.
SC2 went on sale a few times and so has Reaper of Souls, both still being worked on
Blizzard has been pretty good with content updates, even for their dead Heroes of the storm, so we'll be getting refreshers for this to keep it long going and fun

Just hope that shit comes soon
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It needs more grays and browns. Maybe some bloom too
So I let my friend play for a good 7 hours and he lost 80% of matches apparently. Now my MMR is so low I've been steamrolling teams for an hour now with almost always 4 golds. How long will it take to get back to my original MMR?

every hero is so easy
every hero gets so boring after couple of games

maybe ranked helps
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we need new maps, TF2 has 91 maps over 16 game modes
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Thanks anon.
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do i get penalized for insta-leaving games that arent payload?
Day 1 TF2 had like, 12 maps
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