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Previous >>145064776

>[Shuten-Doji gacha until 15.6]
- Limited 5* assassin Shuten-Doji
- Event CEs
- 3* Benkei CE: blocks debuffs (1 time) | gourd drops (+1)
- 4* Kiyo CE: +25% damage against males | debuff success rate +12% | gourd drops (+2)
- 5* Tamamo CE: NP gain +20% | gain 3 crit stars every turn | gourd drops (+3)

>[Xuanzang event starts 15.6]
>another genderbend

>[Oni raid event until 15.6]
- Raid boss Berserker Ibaraki
- 5* assassin Shuten-Doji temporarily added to gacha
- Event CEs help to defeat Ibaraki; Ushi can be purchased from the shop, Kintoki is part of the damage reward pool - both can be dropped from 1-3 BP quests
- 5* Ushi CE: Quick cards +10% | upon death: ally Quick cards +10% | damage vs. Ibaraki 100% (self)
- 5* Kintoki CE: NP charge +30% | battle start: +15 stars (1 time) | Party ATK (includes support) +50%
More information can be found @fgo_english

>News and Reminders
- Latest changes: http://fate-go.cirnopedia.info/news.php
- Siegfried, Spartacus, Stheno, Darius, Memeaxe, Kintoki, Nero, Gilgamesh, Saber Lily, and David have lvl. 10 bonds now
- Stay away from cheatAPK, as damage is being tracked


>Frequently Asked Questions

>Mega Pastebin

>Translations Pastebin

>Friendlist Spreadsheet

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Best Saber
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Xth for the sun will never set on the British Empire!
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I love you Gilgamesh!
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Xth for best archer
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Smug redman carry
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How long will Elliot last in the holy grail war?
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Jekyll and Hyde are cute.
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best daughteru
What kind of conversations would happen if GilKo were to meet Enkidu
Nobu a CUTE.
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When will Ozy come home?
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Let's talk Jeanne for just a moment. Alter welcome too.
What's your favorite sprite? Are you of the opinion that the long hair looks copypaste levels of awful and prefer to stick with a previous sprite because of it?
why is Tesla a 5*
Mashu,you loose slut.
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Xth for Greece has the best lore and waifus

I use sprite 1 on both Jeannes.
And the comback comes to an end.
I'm of the opinion that Jeanne has no worth as a character.
I keep her with the second sprite. Third have stupid hair.
She should have short hair all along.
>Ozzyfriend died of old age before he even got a chance to roll his king
Feels bad.
Why is Jack a 5*?
Jannu would have blocked these goals.
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>Discord Cup again
There really is no hope for this general.
because she's a cute girl

Tesla isn't.
Most famous serial killer in the world ? Still envellopped in mystery such as there are people who still try to solve his identity.
Sakurai wrote London. Sakurai loves the idea of Tesla as a lightning man (see Gahkthun). He had input and choose to make his favorite servant a 5*.
Upvoted :)
I keep my Jannu in her 2nd sprite. I do like cloaks but hers is like Hassan; looks shitty and doesn't look like a piece of fabric, almost hard.
We're doing so bad that Melvin's being useful.
Of course we lose from that.
we tried.
Because it makes Edison roll in his grave.
And that makes everything right.
We lost because we didn't do ritualistic gacha roll before the match for good luck
Semiramis anon is also gonna die of old age before she becomes available
When's /vg/ cup 7 Winter?
If only we had a team filled with players half as useful as smug redman.
He's a cuck so no one is losing anything of value
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>literally made for survivability
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>Using bersekers instead of good servants for soccer
When will the berseker meme end?
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But we did so well during the pre elimination.
did i arrive in time to watch the game?
the traffic was atrocious
>Getting upset over a game that has shitty AI with huge amounts of RNG involved

Until boards of 4chins starts fielding real teams I really don't think these kinds of simulation sports games should be taken seriously.
>we lost to a team whose entire record up to this league consisted entirely of draws
What the fuck happened?
post his werewolf counterpart
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Snek trio is great.
>Arts team meme
>real teams
it would be like watching a national heart attack convention because of all the basement dwellers, fat people and handicapped retards
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Is she wearing pants or are those just thighhighs, I can't tell
The one guy who wants Arcueid too.
Perhaps he should look into being turned into a vampire.
>retarded opinion
no surprise here
Who's that?
Doesn't have a sprite, doesn't have any art.
It might be entertaining though.
When are we going to have one of these for a real sport like football or basketball?
This is managers fault, he should stick to the plan instead of memeing around.

We are worse than leddit and this point, we can't even win because of that.
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I think this is a fan design though
Not sure
I was gonna say thigh highs, but looking closer they look like pants with thigh windows. If that makes any sense.
Another genderbent Servant created solely as waifubait, further degrading Fate's overall artistic integrity
What did she mean by this
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>real sport
But this is football.
>Buster team
No manager
She's from Journey to the West. Of course she'd want to go west.
Yfw this is a campaign for a surprise western release.
Man, I already have so many Casters.

Also her coloring sucks.
They got gud. They beat even /ksp/ last week.

We still have some hope of getting a player in the /vg/ team if we win the next game, by the way.
The next match won't be useless.
Go home Pedro

Nicely memed
Would you jump servers /fgog/?
I like it.
Does this mean we're going to eventually get wukong
We could wooden spoon
Did the director die?
Almost every other female caster is cuter as well, but you will how they will make her an overpower single target caster so that everyone rolls for her no matter what.
>losing all my Servants
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You are joining Tripitaka as her first disciple so I guess not.
Japan has been genderbending that character for a long-ass time.
All those with E rank luck or newfags would, especially if they use all the old events
We should sack Mashu, she's been routinely worthless as a goalkeeper.
If it's like Granblue they might add ENG language instead.
It's not okay just because other people did it
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Guan Yu when
>further degrading Fate's overall artistic integrity
Yes it is.
Why isn't it?
>implying Fate had any integrity left to begin with after genderbent king arthur

Can you imagine the sudden additional influx of shitposters? It would be like a tsunami of trash hitting the lake victory of shitposting
It's because she's level 1
>still no sign of Ibaraki being a welfare
Come on, DW. Not even you can be so shitty.
Nobody would give seven quartz as the overall reward for killing a servant between the whole community effort seven times.
I use Jannu Alter's second sprite because the short hair is great on her
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Collab when?
On the contrary, because the whole community was involved any one person's involvement was pretty much nil. You could not bother with the actual grinding and just grab the quartz quests when they went up, assuming you're awake for it.
It looks like giant anal beads are falling out of her ass.
It still meant that the great majority of the community helped to bring her down, giving nothing is bullshit.
It's a manga. She wants to read it.
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Redmen as Servant when?
what a shitty looking sword
>Can you imagine the sudden additional influx of shitposters? It would be like a tsunami of trash hitting the lake victory of shitposting
So, nothing would change?
To put this shit event and the community effort in perspective

3 trillion -> 3,5 trillion -> 4 trillion -> 2 trillion -> 2,5 trillion -> 3 trillion -> 10 trillion = 28 trillion HP total
Lets assume 5% was taken off by 1 BP
5% of 28,000,000,000,000 is 1,400,000,000,000
1,4 trillion divided by 300k is 4,666,666 runs of 1 BP
Then lets be really generous and assume 45% of the total HP was taken off by 2BP. 45% of 28 tril is 12,6 trillion or 12,600,000 or 12,6 million runs of 2 BP (which are 25,2 million hours of BP)
And the remaining 50%, 14 trillion, was taken off by 3BP, resulting in 2,333,333 runs of 3 BP or 7,000,000 hours, 7 million hours of BP.

In total, we are looking at 4,666,666 runs of 1 BP, 12,600,000 runs of 2BP and 2,333,333 runs of 3BP, for a total of roughly 19,700,000 runs of the event quests, ignoring the quartz quest for the sake of calculation and also ignoring the continuous battle quests which no doubt rake in millions of runs.
Lets say the forced 1 BP quartz quest was done in total by 500,000 people -> +500,000 runs
And lets assume continuous battle was another 7,000,000 runs
So 27,200,000 runs
And that is assuming every quest was finished
In reality, the number of runs has to be far higher
Lucius Tiberius
Go feed your Seiba, Shirou
>in perspective
I appreciate your effort, but I don't need to be explained to about why this event is utter garbage and DW how doesn't give a single shit about their players.
Lucius Tiberius, nicknamed the Sword Emperor here. Mythical Roman person defeated by King Arthur in Gaul.
John Redman
Wow this post came out retarded, I need to sleep.

Speaking of which, what kind of event do you all think Sanzang's will be?
You might have understood the event is total trash but now you understand the actual math behind why it is total trash and beyond.
It is the Fantastic 4 in-alternate-universe of mobile games.
Maybe if you guys stop complaining and just praise the dev for doing a good job they would work harder and make the game even better.
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So, even when viewing it purely mathematically, DW is shit and whoever decided to advertise Ibaraki should be fired since we won't even be able to play with her after more than 10M runs over the quests?
Seems legit, when will the change of company?
Fuck off, Mashu.
To make something "even better" you first need to make something "good" first.

More than 20 million runs
If I calculated 3BP failure rates, I would probably get up to 30 million runs easily
>people actually think we aren't getting Ibaraki-doujin as a Servant
They deliberately made her a 4* and gave her shit stats.
Overwanked Sakurai new Fate husbando number 3.
>just praise the dev for doing a good job

You're asking me to lie, and I am not a liar.
Here's some praise: the interface is the cleanest and best of any mobage
There, now give me Ibaraki-douji.
Must be nice to have the superpower of limitless hope
Might as well link this in case people want to know more.

I like Ibaraki a lot, they made a good work with her.
Wait, it doesn't matter, DW will never release her.

There you go, that was my attempt of praise.
I'll second this, only reason I don't play that game everyone here talks about (granshit phantasy) is because it's interface looks like trash.
Should I pour all of my off-class EXP into Mashu or my starting 4* (Berserker)?

I never bothered rerolling because I'm not autistic enough.
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>Cute Arturia
Ma heart
Same here, FGO's UI is what makes it more playable for me. Only other mobage I've played for more than a day was that DQ Monsters Super Light, but I could just play the real DQM if I wanted that.
-Lucius Tiberius, called the emperor of swords, gathered a massive army with Greek, African, Hispanic, Egyptian, Babylonian and many more countries' kings and commanders.
-He was the greatest commander of the continent who made a great use of giants who handle strange beasts, magus who discovered destructive magecraft of the age of gods, Eastern witchcraft practioners and psychics.
-Was a tactical and strategic genius who was feared by Eastern factions.
-Defeated Bedivere with one punch, also defeated Gawain.
-His weapons was the sword of the emperor Florent, blessed by the god of flowers Flora, it represents the lordship of the entire continent.
-A sister sword of Clarent, it lets out crimson lighting when mana course through it.
-With Hector's arms, neutralizes Arthur's mana burst.
-With an ability called arm of the giant, he weild the strength similar to that of magical beasts.
-Not only a master of swords, he was also well versed in martial arts.
-While Arthur suffered various injuries like broken ribs and rupture of internal organs, he healed his injuries using the leyline of the valley itself.
-At the final battle, Excalibur beats Florent and destruction of the valley leads to his defeat.

Some other guy's summary, not sure about accuracy
Do both, Mashu will keep the basaka alive
Mashu is the best defense after CU so do it.
Why is Arthur so wanked?
>Defeated Bedivere with one punch
>also defeated Gawain.
A-At night, right?

>Hector's Arms
Sakurai has fucking done it again.
Roman guy named Lou. More officially he's Kentei. Kenny to his friends. He's the boss of Gaul. Commands armies of giants, mages and magical beasts. Also has super strength, can even beat Bedivere with a single punch. And he's got Florent, which is a magical sword like Clarent except it looks cooler.
Remember when Medusa was considered a high tier servant?
>shit stats
Why would anyone want her then?
Think Ibaraki wlll be dead before 75 hours?
she still being a hightier
NP spam every turn is not a meme
Because only autists give a shit about gameplay in a mobage.
Like right now?
Closer to 50 hours so 2 days of nothing
>tfw beat Orleans all the way to the end of America with just a Cu Alter support
Dog stronk
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Hercules? He'll fucking carry you through all story content.
Mashu will carry his weak to everything ass through all story content.

tl;dr - feed them both.
Why can't I roll anymore?
I have moon and 99-"number" something something message
If you look at the scenery in the artwork it doesn't really look like it's midday. Gawain most likely was defeated during the 21 hours of the day when he's not supercharged.
At least Sakurai is consistent

>weild the strength similar to that of magical beasts.
>greatest commander of the continent who made a great use of giants who handle strange beasts, magus who discovered destructive magecraft of the age of gods, >Eastern witchcraft practioners and psychics.
>With Hector's arms, neutralizes Arthur's mana burst
>Not only a master of swords, he was also well versed in martial arts.
>Florent, blessed by the god of flowers Flora, it represents the lordship of the entire continent.
I see Sakurai has finally stopped even trying to find something in the legends to mildly justify the wank.
This is just retarded no matter how you see it.
>fighting arthur on home soil
>fighting arthur on home soil with excalblurgh

literally retarded famalamilia
Still is
What recons?
Saber is still the same as always in terms of skills and NPs. The only thing added was that the true power of Excalibur could only be used when life on Earth was in danger or something like that.
I can remember 5 seconds ago, so yes
Who was in the wrong here?
Just realized
i'm retarded and i should be ashamed

She can spam NP and has a stun I find helpful.
My most used rider; pair her up with the tengu and literally use NP every turn.

She's also cute, just not as cute as the best older sister rider.

Arthur just stayed in Camelot

Lucius started a World Conquest for shits and giggles
This guy was stronger than Arthur though

Also the proof for that is the fact that Excalibur can't be used at full power unless facing someone stronger, like Ozzy.

This guy had so much power and bullshit in his corner, that the only way Arthur could get an advantage is by absorbing the prana from the leylines to have super power.
The Lucius wank is irrelevant because all it's all just build up to wank Arthur in the end

Look at the image where they're fighting, Arthur isn't even remotely engaged in the fight

It's wank by proxy
>the proof for that is the fact that Excalibur can't be used at full power unless facing someone stronger, like Ozzy.
>This guy was stronger than Arthur though
It's sort of hard to have a guy with a superbeam sword and his autistic friends fight against a bunch of weaklings. He needs to be that strong to be a threat.
Excalibur has thirteen seals so it can't be used at full power unless they're broken. He could only use Excalibur full power when facing someone stronger than himself, during an honorable battle, and several other conditions. He could use it full power vs Gilgamesh and Ozzy so far since he admitted they were strong.
Tiberius servant when?
Lucius negated Arthur's prana burst, if course Arthur got hurt. And it doesn't say Excalibur was used at full power. It doesn't need to be completely unsealed to fire laser beams.
If you mean ten rolls in the fp gacha, check the FAQ
Probably soon. That scream "advertisement for GO" more than anything.
Wonder how Artoria would've dealt with this, considering she's physically weaker than Rin without Bursting.
It doesn't make less stupid.

Not really, he doesn't need all that to be a treat.
He could be simply weaker but have a bigger army, which he had, from all places in the continent even, that much wank is completely unnecessary. Specially considering he wasn't even important at all in what Sakurai was writing.
Excalibur wasn't at full power against Ozy.
It wasn't used at full power against Ozzy. Not even half the seals had been undone when he Excaliblasted the pharaoh.
She never was though. Pretty obvious since Fate/stay night.
How munch quartz for manjew?
That's bullshit Arthur wank as well
Could David hold his own against someone like Emiya with his staff?
Is Germans the war mongering people?
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Same as Arthur, fucking lose until Excalibur and Avalon cheat combo bails her out.

But seriously why is Sakurai such a bad writer? They claimed Rome was shit because they weren't used to writing for a mobage. What is their excuse for Fragments?
That's a lot of assumptions.
They are the ones that started both World War, so yes.
I'm out of bones. ;(
All of them generous towards "better than reality"
So this is a low and for DW flattering estimate of how shit the event is
In reality, it is even shittier than this.
She is depending on her master

Gorgon eyes are broken

EMIYA is a D rank servant, David is closer to a C++~A rank servant. His NPs are broken, his skills aren't bad at all, and he is intelligent.

David during his childhood fought lions and giants to death, don't underestimate him due to his physique.
Sakurai can't do conceptual fights so she sticks to DBZ Formula of Bigger Sticks

It works for 90% of people so yeah
>considering she's physically weaker than Rin without Bursting.
Yes. David was a warrior and fought in multiple wars. He's just more remembered for playing secret chords that pleased the Lord and fucking the brains out of another man's wife after having him assassinated and getting his bitch ass smacked by God for it.
I would like to think he isn't as wanked in the original universe. Anyway, did she had Avalon at that point? If she did, there is no problem then.

If she didn't, she could always arrange the battle to be on the day and send Gawain. Or at any hour and send both, Gawain and Lancelot to defeat him.
Whoever made Cu wear blue tights instead of shirtless with body tattoo is a bad concept artist.
Secondary please
David's entire story in the Bible is like a well done action movie, the guy was one of the most hard up people ever to exist.

FGO doesn't really do him much service.
>And it came to pass on the morrow, that the evil spirit from God came upon Saul, and he prophesied in the midst of the house: and David played with his hand, as at other times: and there was a javelin in Saul's hand.
>And Saul cast the javelin; for he said, I will smite David even to the wall. And David avoided out of his presence twice.

Lancer Saul when?
That would be Takeuchi. But then again he also made Proto Cu.

If we had Proto Cu's design with FSN's voice and personality we would have bred the perfect dog.
Happens during a scene in Ataraxia, IIRC
I thought EXcalibur only had to break half of its seals to go full power.
Proto Cu's face is too long for me.
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Without Prana Burst, Saber is as strong as your average teenager girl.
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>mfw reading these arguments based on prototype arthur

is prototype fragments the actual worst written fate series? sounds more retarded than apocrypha.
>He's just more remembered for playing secret chords that pleased the Lord and fucking the brains out of another man's wife after having him assassinated and getting his bitch ass smacked by God for it.

Pretty sure most people remember him for killing Goliath above everything else.
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>misses his attack

sounds like a horrible fucking servant
It has some neat things I guess

But well Manaka fucking ruins it because its all Easy Modo for her
Apocrypha is still worse. At worst, Prototype is boring, Apo managed to utterly waste 90% of the promise it had.
>Worst than apo

Never. Proto is actually fine whille manaka isnt there
Re-read that sentence you just wrote and think really hard about why it might sound really stupid.
wouldn't be the first one, considering that if you can't beat Karna you are shit tier to begin with
Is Manaka handled any better in Labyrinth?
>Forgetting God was watching out for David and going Ex Machina all the damn time
Apocrypha is mostly shit for ruining a potentially interesting premise just for some generic shounen shit power-up laden generic love story that rips off of Shirou and Arturia's romance in almost every way possible but does it worse

Also the unnecessary hype of characters like Siegfried and wasted potential of the Black faction in general
That too, but you'd be astounded how many people don't even realize that that David and King David are the same guy
It's not stupid, anon. It's like saying that removing half the screws from a bridge is enough for it to break and fall down.
>needing 13 seals to unleash it's full power

Why? Why does it need to be 12 more than 1? what's the fucking point?

Oh I only need to nuke half the country this time so I'll just dial this shit up to 5.
She's less of a 'Teheee Psycho' but aside from that I don't know much

Also Raging Lesbians union with Medea in harassing Seibah
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Which is a shame, since most of his adventures really happened after that point.

Its like remembering Heracles for only his boyhood years, and never hearing about his labors.

>>misses his attack

Twice, although it was actually several times. He tried to kill David a lot out of jealousy, and David proved to be a good servant each time by not blaming him.

The guy once went on a spree across the land chasing after David trying to kill him, while David was "You're the chosen of the lord, I respect you, I will not harm you, but stop"

David had a bromance with his son, they were friends.

David quite fumed when he heard that Saul and Johnathan finally died. Saul in his final moments as the invading army was about to reach his castle, ordered a servant to execute him so he would not be tortured. The servant was too weak, so he just did it himself instead, and impaled himself.

Saul was crazy, but he was hard up as well. He was cursed by a spirit of madness for some shit he did I think, or maybe it was just to test David's response.
What's Jackie like in Apo?Heard she's mostly doing Assassin things,being a daughteru,and spooking Atalanta.
Because the Knights of the Round were all pussies who demanded Arthur to seal his blade because he was 'Too Scary' for them
>Why? Why does it need to be 12 more than 1? what's the fucking point?

Each of the knights placed one seal upon the sword

They put seals upon Arthur because he was born like hundreds of times stronger than everyone, and his power terrified everything. Also because a holy sword could not be used carelessly or else it would lose its grace.
No, it's more like saying a car can travel at it's maximum velocity if it's moving at half speed.
she ruins flatlanta
So that the rest of the Round Table had insurance that Arthur didn't fucking accidentally wipe the British Isles off the map.
That's pretty much it.Though her interaction with Reika is also one of the better things in Apoc.

Reika as whole is a pretty good character, I feel. For Apoc at least.
Emiya cannot catch a break
Archer bullying is the best
Because they aren't truly "seals." They're conditions. If he meets half of the conditions, full power is unlocked.

Or at least that's how I thought it worked.
Who remembers Jason?
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>wasted potential of the Black faction
Vlad is the only good thing about the Black camp.
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Clearly muscles are just visual flavor for magic constructs
every fan of friday the 13th
Hey now. There's also horsedick.
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They should retool Martha's animation. But that is never going to happen.
Why wouldn't to be?
All Servants have that, a magical flair fitting of them.
Kinda curious,is GoB's shooting range shit by Archer standards?

Cause Gil seems to prefer closer range stuff instead of sniping.Unless it's a PRIDE thing.
>This much disgusting wank
I'm going to vomit at this fucking mary sue garbage
>this guy is stronger than Arthur and I hate it
>he's not stronger than Arthur
>I hate that as well
/v/ pls
Do you even know what a mary sue is?
He has weapons that can probably hit from a long distance, but he's never caring so much or trying so hard that he bothers to snipe people.
So apparently we will be getting an Extella trailer from XSEED once E3 starts.
I am still pissed how Nasu made him shitty person to justify Medea being a dindu. So yeah I remember.
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>defeated Gawain
>defeated based spearbuddy Bedwyr
Past Nasu was extremely chuuni, even more so than present Nasu.
>More hakunoshit
What is going on here?
When is that?
He was kind of an ass.It's not exactly wrong.

Now if it was Theseus and Ariadne instead,then it'd be annoying.
Wait, Extella in the E3?
I never thought Fate would have something in there at all.
Her Eyes are darn good. Petrifies if below A-Rank Magic Res, debuffs everything by a rank even if A-Ranked.

forgot tweet
Octocripple & Horse Cock > Vlad & Darn-it-Nick
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quick question.
Since I use QooApp for japanese games,what app is good for pirating english games
long-haired Mashu
That's why the idea was scrapped completely, the original idea Nasu had was more of a generic battle shonen than anything else.
I do.
He wasn't really shitty, he had good ideals and wanted to save the world. He gave Heracles a place in the world when no one else would.

He was just ancient Shinji, but not in an evil way. He was Shinji if nothing ever took him down a peg to make him bitter and spiteful towards the world. So he does want to do good with his power, but he's still a bit arrogant and small minded while doing it at times.

But not really bad at all
Fate/zero saved the series by carrying the lesser works on its back. Thank urobuchi for really making a name for fate here in the West.
More like battle shounen mixed with otome game.
Can't you tell it's Jannu Alter?
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