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>BugTrap, crash to desktop, freeze/lockup?? Find your crash log.
Check your Documents or game install directories for the xray_[your name].log file. If you can't find it, look in the location specified at the top of fsgame.ltx. Copy the last few lines from the log and paste them here if you want any help.

>Start guide, beginner tips, and much much more
>HUD guide, modding basics, mod reviews, and AMK mod guide
>Why Complete is bad and you shouldn't play it
>Performance Guides, Steam settings

>The Zone Manual: Every Mod You'll Ever Need for the True Ukrainian Experience
>Pasta summaries, streamer listing and more
>STALKER General Steam Group - Join chat and ask for an invite!

Reminder that MS Update KB2670838 breaks your DX10/11 games including Clear Sky and Call of Pripyat. Here's a fix:
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Mods and Repositories | Often out of date; use only as a last resort!

>Shadow of Chernobyl
>Clear Sky
>Call of Pripyat
>Game Repacks + Modding Tools
>Downgrading Patches (drag-and-drop)
>Unpacked Gamedata + GSC Backup HDD assets
>Old Builds (dated from June 1st, 2002)

>Lost Alpha
>Oblivion Lost Remake
http://pastebin.com/ZUHS77ZS (embed)

>Call of Chernobyl
>Call of Chernobyl/Warfare Bitbucket repository
>Harpoon Knife/Alternate Flashlights for Arsenal Overhaul 3.x+
>Don't have Call of Pripyat but want to play Call of Chernobyl?

>Codebro's 1.0008 Patch for SoC - enter "menu_fps_cap 0" in the console to prevent crashes.
http://pastebin.com/CtQ7zfkA (embed)
>Xetrill's Modified LuaJIT for CS/CoP - improves performance, especially in script-heavy mods.

Previous bread >>143164605
first for mercenary
And here I was thinking that BAP was just people typing BAR in Russian.
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ogse 0692 triple turrets.webm
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That's why Shadowplay is a godsend
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Wow just checked my saves and last time I played was actually 2012, where does the time go.
F12 is STALKER's screenshot key.
dumb fucking frog poster
As far as OGSE exos go, KNIGHT+poopsuit > monolith > first gen exo + poopsuit > shit > regular KNIGHT.

KNIGHT+ poopsuit is really heavy but makes up for it because it's hands down the best suit in the game (lol 70% bullet damage resistance), and its increased carrying capacity more than makes up for its weight. It only has one bad thing about it, it's the reward for a quest that is mildly annoying. You can repair it with Beryll suits (no, I'm not shitting you).

Monocuck exo has the advantage that you can find it ""relatively"" early on if you're lucky, it's light, and it's as mobile as the KNIGHT. The only downside is that the durability is shit (and therefore it costs an arm and a leg to repair it, as you can't use monolith suits for repairing it) and the integrated NVG.

First gen exo is kinda shit, as its sprinting is really slow. If you don't have a car you'll want to kill yourself. The good aspect about it is that you can use it with the poopsuit (which, again, can be repaired with Berylls, and if I'm not mistaken even the basic army bulletproof vest).

"Common" KNIGHT exo is fucking shit because it weighs 12 more kg than the first gen exo, the heaviest suits you can use it with are the sunrise suit and the Duty suit Hunter Edition, its only advantage is faster sprinting speed. Its bonuses to bullet resistance is laughably bad (same as the first gen exo, being +5% or so impact/rupture resistance). To add insult to injury you will more often than not end up with getting it AFTER you get the KNIGHT+poopsuit.
Apparently I can't run shadowplay because I have a GT640
Why do I feel that by the time I beat OGSE 0693 my judgment of it will be "this is good but it could've been SO much better" instead of "holy shit this is GREAT"?

Most of the "new" features are either underused (the knife/gasmask slot), have already existed for years (autodoctor, artifact detectors, cars, food spoiling), more recent mods do them WAY better (weapon attachments and gunplay), at the end of the day the few truly new things that it brings to the table are some graphical improvements and bufgfixes, an easier way to modify the spawns, some new quests and the AI improvements. Its saddening to know that it could've been so much more.
Don't forget that the Monolith exo has negative psy protection that for some reason actually gets closer to zero the lower the condition is.
Do you not appreciate epitome of Slav TECHNOLOGY? Idi nahui, petuh.
I think it makes perfect slavsense. If they had good psy protection, they wouldn't be following the "Monolith", would they ?
>negative psy protection
Literally a nonissue. You have vodka and medicines for that. Hell you can even get luck

>actually gets closer to zero the lower the condition is.
The description perfectly explains why, it has a device attached to it for making brainwashing easier. The Monolith suit prototype has the same device but with the polarity inverted.
>Do you not appreciate
Where did I even say or imply that, regiment's cumbucket?
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That does make sense actually.
Disregard that, I suck cocks.
>ou can even get luck
y with the Klondike and roll some artifacts that give stupid amounts of psy protection. You can even go above 100% psy protection from artifacts with no drawbacks.
Thanks for slavsplaining, comrade
>play stalkersoup
>hey this looks kinda shitty
>get to cordon and drink the medicine
>see the monsters and shit down there
>quit the game and delete it
Cave part is fucking retarded, I can't even comprehend why it's still there.
The rest of it has some charm though.
>shooting alien hybrid breekis with my dual wielding macaroonis while listening to my kino mp3 flash disk
>get interrupted by marked one calling Sid a fat jewish fuck
>throw a miniature atomic bomb and skedaddle back to the bar for a refreshing can of DHARMA beer

Just slav things
>Coming onto the internet to try and enjoy a game
>This slavtriarchal slavlord starts slavsplaining to me
Check your eastern privilege you fucking slav males.
Is Lost Soul the best version of SGM currently out?
Yes and no.
The older version has some extra quests and perhaps better performance but lacks the new areas.
Then again, the new areas are empty and only used for fetch quests.
But LS has a few more high quality weapons.
Geonezis version did add a few though so it makes up.
Try LS but do yourself a favour and use the old Zaton start patch. Unless you're into fetchquests that is.
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Why do people keep whining for weaponsoup anyway? What's it supposed to do that you literally cannot live without?

t. Hasn't been paying attention
Weaponsoup is the gun pack for CoC that will make the authors of all the half assed gun packs such as STCOP or AO kill themselves, and probably other modders as well.
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As descriptive of what it actually does as it is unbiased in viewpoints. 10/10, my thanks cannot be expressed in textual format
People are just looking for an excuse to play CoC.
It's supposed to add shittons of guns and scopes, and make all of it actually fucking work as intended AND consistent, something that none of the weapons packs for CoC truly achieved. It's also supposed to have a lot more features that I won't elaborate on because at this point I lost track of what Werejew will add after the first release.
how do add more missions to CoC?
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As a slav-abled overencumber positive transbreeki factionfluid i fully understand the concept of slav privilege and check it every day.
Slav privilege is being able to play slav story mods without waiting months for a translation
Slav privilege is being able to google crash log tail, find solutions on slav forums and understand them.
Slav privilege is being able to understand camp stories and have a giggle.
Slav privilege is being able to see stalker looking environments every day, and even consume vodka in there.

Will he force Sir gay to make Stalker game again?

Actually, I think he will force the military to build a wall around the Cordon.
That would legitimately fix any issue inside the Zone.
But would probably end up in the Ukrainian government collapsing.
There is a wall around Cordon, it's even guarded too keep the Mexicans out (hence no Mexicans in the Zone)

And he'll make Sidorovich pay for it.
About to install CoC ver 1.3.20 and try it for the first time.

Should I try it vanilla or add something else first?
What sub-mods should I try first?

>Absolute Textures
>true 100% canon CoC menu movie and music 1.1.7zip
>Flip a coin between AO and StcoP
>There is a wall around Cordon
A double electrified fence, to be precise.
>A STALKER multiplayer map called "Experimental Pool". This is actually a cut Shadow of Chernobyl MP map called "MP Bath". It's in CoP too."
Came across this on steam hub, really like the environment, why isn't it in some singleplayer mod yet
Absolute structures/nature, DoctorX's more tasks and desolation, more mutants, radios galore, BAP, the merge for radios galore and BAP, STCOP, itemsoup, the fix for itemsoup. Oh and a fixed relations file since the default relations are SHIT. You can make one yourself with excel and notepad++ in like 10 minutes.
have fun with your ctd
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I said come in.jpg
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Nothing of what I listed causes CTDs.
there is a merged all.spawn for the latest versions of radios galore+bap?

>Slav privilege is being able to understand camp stories and have a giggle.
That's an actual privilege. I'll be huddled around a camp fire and hearing stories and then everybody breaks out laughing and I have no idea why. Feels like being an outsider, even in my virtual world where I come to get away from being an outsider, man...
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>there is a merged all.spawn for the latest versions of radios galore+bap?
>radios galore, BAP, the merge for radios galore and BAP
>the merge for radios galore and BAP

where do you get it from? it's not on moddb or the repo for coc.
I dunno, I just really like that reaction image and noticed you missed the part where he said there was a merge.
nah i didint miss it, i just not aware of where such a thing actually exists. aside from making it from scratch. i vaguely remember one from before 1.3.2 came out, not sure that would work with 1.3.2 since 1.3.2 came with a new all.spawn.
>TFW+AO never got updated

What a shame
It's just a weapon collection. First release won't really have anything too special other than some weapons I imported from css and other various sources, but in the days after the first release I'll be adding a bunch of scopes. The scopes are really what I'm making it for at this point, but the hype surrounding it at this point makes me nervous :v

Fuck, I've neglected that for so long. Unfortunately with warfare and weaponsoup my attention is a little less than focused on that old tfw ao merge. I'll probably get around to updating it again eventually or just merging in weaponsoup when its finished if its possible to get all the scopes working.
>but the hype surrounding it at this point makes me nervous :v

dont be.

fuck you , just dont.
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werejew for three days i've sleeping for 10 minutes every hour and monitoring the thread for 50
my baby hasn't cried once since yesterday and i haven't gone to check on her
relase soup pelase
there would be no weapon soup without stcop
go wash your mouth, frogshitter
If you actually manager to get proper rendertarget scopes it will live up to the hype 100%
Hell, even just 3d scopes for weapons is cool, but noone ever does it
Why wouldn't a mod community as hardcore as STALKERs not have a virtual filesystem mod manager yet?

Manually pasting mods in a certain specific orders which changes every new mod introduced usually involving reinstalling everything from scratch in the certain order? What is this, 1996?
https://smartmodmanager.codeplex.com/ ?
Does that old thing even work with CoP? It hasn't been touched in 7 years.
i just googled it, never actually used it
here's a versin that supports cop
I installed the CoC versions of Absolute Nature and Structures after installing AO3. The game still worked while running AO3, but now it just crashes at startup. Anyone had this problem before?

Starting RENDER device...
* GPU [vendor:1002]-[device:9442]: ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series
* GPU driver:
* CREATE: DeviceREF: 1
* Vertex Processor: PURE HARDWARE
* Texture memory: 4072 M
* DDI-level: 9.0
* GPU shading: vs(fffe0300/3.0/30), ps(ffff0300/3.0/30)
* GPU vertex cache: unrecognized, 16
* NVAPI is missing.
* Starting rendering as 2-GPU.
* DVB created: 1536K
* DIB created: 512K
! Renderer doesn't support blender 'effects\shadow_world'


[error]Expression : assertion failed
[error]Function : CTextureDescrMngr::LoadTHM
[error]File : ..\xrRender\TextureDescrManager.cpp
[error]Line : 55
[error]Description : F->find_chunk(THM_CHUNK_TYPE)

stack trace:

0023:00A57113 xrCore.dll, xrDebug::fail()
0023:03E64286 xrRender_R2.dll
0023:77A2913C ntdll.dll, ZwCreateFile()
0023:779FC72C ntdll.dll, RtlFreeHeap()
0023:779FDC26 ntdll.dll, RtlAllocateHeap()
0023:00A57C82 xrCore.dll, xrMemory::mem_alloc()
0023:5B93E99A MSVCR120.dll, _RTCastToVoid()
0023:00A34EF4 xrCore.dll, IReaderBase<CStreamReader>::r_chunk_safe()
0023:03E46B70 xrRender_R2.dll

Ah I see it now, your first mistake was using AO3
Does wm_size affect the bleed rate, or is this purely cosmetic (i.e. just the size of the decal when bullet hits an obstacle)?
Is there a mod that has the Vityaz?
what quest gives the poopknight
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Latest ogse v2 night vision is crystal clear, sepia is gone
Thanks I will look into it.
monolith exo retains sepia NVG if that's your thing
Either Lukash BTR quest or taking the military guy from Dead City to Cordon.

Pretty sure it's the BTR one.
>there would be no weapon soup without stcop
Yeah, how many of the models are from STCOP and how many of them are from Shoker or shit that isn't even from STALKER mods again?

Kill yourself, I never posted a frog in my life.
Probably Shoker, I faintly remember it being in OGSE 0692. If you really want that gun in particular you could just play 7.62 High Calibre, with the Blue Sun Mod + SilverGirl Armory. The 7.62 Hard Life mod should have it too.

I can confirm it's the BTR quest. And don't even try to move it out of the Dead City until you get both the battery and the FCS. You need to turn it on with the shitty battery for progressing the quest though, and you have to go back and forth between the Army Whorehouses and the Dead City like 3 times.

The colonel quest gives you the military IFF and the cheapest trader in the game (an egghead that among other things practically gifts you cartridges for the autodoctor and GOOD 7.62x54R ammo).
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Ssssh Nimble is sleeping
>cheapest trader in the game (an egghead that among other things practically gifts you cartridges for the autodoctor and GOOD 7.62x54R ammo).
Wait what? I got the IFF but I never saw this egghead. Where's he hiding?
>two micas
>a crystal
>a flash
Good. Not great, just good.

>fucking anomalous bolts, pellicle and sparkler
Stalker, PLEASE. Stop carrying shit artifacts.

The military cucks' outpost at Cordon, the same building where you can find the colonel (it's on the left if you're coming from the rookie village).
Sleep well, stay nimble.

Do NOT wake up Nimble!
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really? when?
little under four minutes
Are the LURK animations for AMK outdated? I have some old files here and they weren't in the OP.
>playing one of the meme AMK merges instead of playing vanilla AMK 1.4 or AMK AE
Is there anything I should install on top of AE aside from the Absolute textures and SWO? Thanks btw
>complete the quest in Pripyat for the old man at the rookie's village
I don't like the implications of its reward one bit.

And the fact that the doll could _ACTUALLY_ FUCKING WRITE (in 1986, before any of the events that actually created the Zone) as opposed to Cheburashka that can just "talk" is horrifying.
Nevermind I am retarded, SWO isn't needed. Should I install the Absolute Structure textures? AA2 doesn't mention including them, just Nature.


Can someone expain this please?
Abbreviation of terveisin, meaning 'regards' in Finnish.

>being able to understand camp stories and have a giggle.

So these are seriously never in english, EVER? That is so fucking annoying.
Oh and the old man was a fucking retard, as he knew that they threaded people affected with radiation sickness in Moscow, and he could've easily guessed that his daughter could've ended up there. All in all it still was a good quest.

Abbreviation for "regards" in finnish, possibly one of the least cancerous mems brought to you by Ylilauta and Krautchan.
the bulk of it is stcop
you're missouri tier fanboi
>So these are seriously never in english, EVER
Most if not all of them were translated by fans in a website that I forgot about. In OGSE, stalkers tell you those if you ask them if they know something interesting, the cunt with the PKM that guards Sid's bunker tells you the jokes. IIRC some versions of SGM give them subtitles.
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>the bulk of it is stcop
Citation needed. I remember that he explicitly stated that a fair amount of the models were from Shoker and AO2.

A bloo bloo bloo.

Yeah but I want to be able to find a camp fire, sit down and relax and listen to STALKER stories while chilling with my homies.
>The military cucks' outpost at Cordon, the same building where you can find the colonel (it's on the left if you're coming from the rookie village).
Oh okay, never poked around there after getting the goods.
Then play SGM. Finding the "right" version of it is up to you though, as the last time I played was half a decade ago or so.

AO3 already comes with Atmosfear and Absolute Nature. As far as Absolute Structures, I only know enough to say that you are having a loading/render error. Like in Minecraft, a chunk is a section of the map loaded when the player enters/nears it.
As soon as I copied over the ENB files for AMK EE, it crashed on launch.

The instructions are short and simple, how could it not work?
Yeah, it's called Survarium.
there are no models native to AO2
you're an idiot that can't use memes in proper context

All jokes aside, the only mod I can find that has it is this one: vk com/stalker_specnaz_mod_2

And that's a totally Russian mod. Good luck. I know that the PP-19-01 Bizon and some other variants are available in AO3 if you're not attached to the Vityaz specifically.
>there are no models native to AO2
Doesn't change the fact that he said he took them from there.

>you're an idiot that can't use memes in proper context
Oh, the sweet irony.
LOL, wtf kind of weapon is he holding? A breech-loaded ak? :D
Hold the presses! Besides the already mentioned Special Forces mod, I found an extremely promising, but unreleased Radium mod (Ultimate Weapon Renewal). Forget Weaponsoup, this looks excellent. It has your Vityaz SMG as well.

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Thanks to the anon who recommended AMK AE, didn't know it existed and gonna start it. Better that than replaying AMK.
I've had this problem lately. I think it's the latest drivers. I can no longer use the ENB with any drivers from the past couple months. Either go to old drivers or don't use the ENB.
I haven't updated my video card drivers in some months, still on GeForce 361.43 from December
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All these weapons, yum.
Is that memery 2.x's weapons list?
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Can't wait for these to come out as well.
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Economy stat? Wtf :D
I believe this includes the additional weapons from TAZ.
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70+% of those weapons are variants
Used by the economists.
>Murdercube formation
>Mac10 "Leon" in OGSE
>integrated silencer and bigger magazine
>still has the shitty spider instead of the RPD logo
Every Desert Eagle you buy from Owl contributes to the domestic economy of Ukraina, bratan. Slava Ukraina.
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I think it's some made-up bullshit to gauge the relative cost of firing and repairing the weapon over an extended period of time.
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>Used by the economists.
It probably also factors in ammo. Honestly it's not that bad of a concept, just really poorly explained. Like hoe the HP bar is basically your will to live.
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>rk62 and 95
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>tfw you confuse double-action with single-action for a split second and think the dev's are beyond retarded
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I don't think we're talking about ammo. Compare pic related. Same ammo. I think what I said previously is correct.
Serious question: WTF is the difference between the TOZ-34 and the TOZ-66? Which is better?
It's an useless stat, unsurprisingly
I said "also ammo", not fucking "exclusively ammo".

One is an over and under, the other is a double barrel. It's up to you, really.
I think the TOZ-34 has slightly better accuracy and/or damage, at least in a few mods.
Also, the TOZ-34 always seems to reload way faster due to internal 'automatic' hammers.
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Memery indeed.
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Was SoC multiplayer any good? I lost internet access for five years after competing SoC so I never played it.

Part of me wishes for a good MP stalker but I've seen the various development hells of the recent attempts and am saddened.
>good MP stalker

Survarium is decent but it's not *really* S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
>I lost internet access for five years after competing SoC
Jesus, talk about going innawoods.
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A fucking RPG of all weapons has almost half economy bar, tell me it's not arbitrary again. :^)
>I lost internet acces for five years

Where the fuck do you live?
Maybe >>143454630 is right with
>gauge the relative repairing the weapon over an extended period of time.

Which would explain why the Toz34 has "less" economy than the Toz66, and why the RPG has so much "economy" - I imagine it'd take a really long time to deteriorate it to the point it needs to be repaired.
Maybe it's cost divided damage or something.
so how was jail
does the doppelganger in the clear sky repo have the english translation
>Nimble is slipping in the house
>he is also being shown captured on military outpost
>Also Sid gives mission to assassinate Nimble later on
>suddenly burer in a staircase
>shoot it
>it grabs my gun
>switch to secondary
>grabs it
>switch to crowbar
>comes flying out of my hands
>lol problem stalker
>no stamina
>you need energy drink
>fucker melees me to death

I had the Hermes artifact, too. +309 stamina regen and I still got rekt, what the fuck
Get the artifact that makes you immune to burers, it's practically mandatory. Alternatively, if you're in X-18, just F1 the faggot.



Fuck out of here.
I tried using the drug that gives infinite stamina and still got shit on
ak47m is literally the AKM, it's too bad you can't read properly.
What fucking part of "it's practically mandatory" do you not understand?
You've described exactly what happened to me 2 days ago. That was an outright bullshit.
>artifact that makes you immune to burers

Which is?
you replied to the wrong post, can't you read properly?
Read the transmute section of the PDA's encyclopedia.
LOL you called me out :D

meant to reply to >>143457614
weaponsoup when
sent, check your PM ;)
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Am I ready to meme on the CNPP? Did I forget anything important?
Your dignity
>being a disgusting organic being that cares about such petty things
Install patch 2.10
I can tell because you don't have tier icon on your night vision
Looks good. Gauss + PKM was my end game combo as well.
>Rank 3 heavy weapon
Wasn't one of the Misery devs saying that Stalker isn't a role playing game? Why add RPG elements then?
I think I already did that, the day it came out. Or did they release another version of that patch, that fixes the icons and adds the missing quest descriptions?
They'd have stopped long ago if they gave two shits about that.
Sid is probably a fucking jew, what did you expect
>Offer to help eco rescue his friemd
>Go all the way to great swamps
>Rescue friend
>Get artefact and a stash as reward

If the military hadn't killed him, I would of.
Some of those models look like dog shit tb h
CoC plus warfare, playing as Duty, just took over army warehouse. Trader is only selling Freedom exo though. Where can I find a Duty exo?
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Why is no one mentioning that you can FINALLY FUCKING PUT A SCOPE ON THE GALIL? Unless Werejew is doing that too.
In the bar.
You can do that in STCoP for CoC too
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No shit? I guess this is what I get for only playing AO.
Both packs have their plusses
STCoP is pretty boring in its weapon selection, and just as inconsistent when it comes to optics
Hopefully weaponsoup comes out soon
So basically this game is just for /k/ enthusiasts now

also why does everything tell me to play on Master, it is not fun to die in 2 hits from 100m away when all I have is a handgun
Everyone repeat after me
Kill yourself
"boring and consistent" > "varied and with quality all over the fucking place"

>just as inconsistent when it comes to optics
It isn't nearly as bad as AO, but I have to concede that not being able to take the scope off the SVT really pisses me off.

Because master is STALKER's normal mode.
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Stalker is a Slav game so it has Slav design decisions. The lower the difficulty your game is set to, the greater chance that bullets that enemies fire at you will simply disappear. Not miss, vanish into thin air right of the barrel. The only problem is that this goes both ways so your bullets will vanish into thin air too.
Say you're playing on rookie. If you fire 8 rounds from your Makarov, only 3 might actually hit and the other 5 will either miss or flat out vanish; and this gets even worse with modifiers like weapon condition, ammo, and the stance that you shoot from.

This is why you play on Master.
For the first release its just gonna be the usual for the galil: aimpoint pro, eotech, acog, and mark 4.
>cant take scopes off a bunch of weapons
>can attach one type of PSO scope but not the others to dovetail mount rifles
It's garbage
>can attach one type of PSO scope but not the others to dovetail mount rifles
Pretty sure that applies only to the PSO specifically made for 9x39 rifles.
It's still the same mount, so it makes no sense that you can't mount them
Werejew, will you make a list of all the guns that are planned for weaponsoup in the future?

I think that would be helpful considering how constantly people ask for the same 3 guns to be added.
The vityaz was requested 3 weeks ago and people keep requesting it
OTs-02 Kiparis when
getting this crash in Doppelganger

Expression : fatal error
Function : CInifile::Load
File : E:\priquel\sources\engine\xrCore\Xr_ini.cpp
Line : 234
Description : <no expression>
Arguments : Duplicate section 'wpn_flamer' found.

where the fuck can i find the file where wpn_flamer is
>playing Doppelganger
>Duplicate section found

What were you expecting?
Fuck off Petrosyan.
jokes aside, i know this error is fixable
>mark 4

>Find the 9x39 Desert Eagle in OGSE
>Does less damage and is less accurate than the M9
I feel insulted.
1. The stats aren't really representative of actual characteristics.
2. It's merely a quest item.
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you can e.nigma the gun over from owr anytime
yeah, i made it attachable to most things where it made a little sense. Obviously not on shotguns but yeah.

yeah vityaz is in but I'm not sure i'm entirely happy with the model, though I guess it does fit in with everything else.

yeah i'll update the excel sheet i posted soon with more accurate details

I've only seen barman sell sunrise suits and gasmasks. Does he randomly have them in stock or do I have to rank up or something?
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oh, meant to attach pic of vityaz.
So if I'm playing Misery, is it still necessary to play Master?
Did you take a look at SGM Geonezis/Lost Soul or whatever?
It is necessary to kill yourself
Regardless of which faction controls a base, they'll still sell the original faction's gear. Meaning, if you want Merc gear go to the Merc base, no matter who owns it, Freedom gear the Freedom base, and Duty gear the Duty base.
Looks pretty good, I'd have to see it ingame to judge it fairly though
I'm really looking forward to the mod
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xrEngine 2016-05-26 14-44-57-68.png
700 KB, 1280x720
also tested out adding a laser sight to the beretta, actually works pretty well. for aiming i'll probably have it so the gun gets angled and the laser points toward the center of the screen. it glows but its hard to see. Then when I get my new attachment script written (or just modify the existing one) I'll have it so you can attach holo sights for the zoom aiming and then the laser sight for quick hipfire stuff (actually makes it relatively easy to hit targets when not using a crosshair).

For the vityaz? or just in general? I'm downloading sgm now.

I'll take a picture of it in game in a sec, about to test some other shit so I'll have it open.
>For the vityaz? or just in general?
In general.
That looks amazing
Does it flicker slightly or is it just a solid line?
right now its just a solid line but I could probably add in flickering eventually. Would really just take writing a shader that is just a slight tweak of the self light shader most likely.

just downloaded it, gonna dig around. anything in specific you can think of that would want to see?
An MP7 without a shit model
Whats up with random mercs in dead city being friendly to me ? I just turned up as a loner and now I've got a big burly exo man protecting me
so what's the appeal to stalkersoup?

what are some advantages and disadvantages it has against CoC?

besides the shitty fucking menus that Stalkersoup has.
>merge of NS and DMX and other slav mods
>shit quality, broken content, broken translations out the ass

>freeplay mod, no other content than mods
>alright translations

the appeal is the slav culture in NS/other soups
apples and oranges nigga
oh fuck it has an xm8 with iron sights and picatinny rails. i gotta have this. unfortunately some of these models have horrendous normals when I import them, but I really want the xm1014 since it has picatinny rails and would add to my collection of shotguns with rails. I'll have to test it in game real quick I guess (plus I have the m3 so not sure if it'd be worthwhile). Not accurate and might be stupid, but I also added picatinny rails (+ the usual optics) in the same style as the famas to the usas12.
The MG42/MG3, if it has it. Also, I hope you have the M3 in semi mode rather than in pump mode (most of the mods have it in pump mode for some stupid reason).
Meh, only the texture is shite.

Model looks fine
>shit quality
>broken content
such as? just asking
if you've never played it, go ahead and fire it up. I'm not so sure about broken content anymore, since it's being updated at least every 3 months. last time I played bacon's soup was 3-4 years ago or so.

but anyway, the enemy loadout system never worked, every single enemy past bar/rostok carried just an APS pistol, a medkit, bandage and 7.62x39mm ammo and the ocassional artefact, spawns were fucked up for quest specific NPCs and other great stuff
>install the latest OGSE patch
>icons are still fucked
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The sun has fallen down...
and the billboards are all leering..
And the flags are all dead... at the top of their poles...
>sgm mod
>protect the measurement squad
>go to fen
>zombies, duty and freedom spawn instantly
>get shot in the face point blank
>fleshs and boars tank SVD rounds and dum dum rounds from shotgun
>1 faggot dies

I have literally never lost one, not a single one, until today
>Can't put scopes on the RPK even though it clearly has a dovetail mount
The normals are a little... shit, I don't hate this (plus no normal or specular yet). Especially since it has rails.
Meh decent enough


But why are you adding guns again when you said that you want to polish it all for release?
Because the scoped version was already in and it was literally copy / pasting. I'm not actually getting it ready for the first release, was just seeing how that model looked. Took literally like two minutes.
Will it have the fort 17? And please please please add the walther ppk
Is the suit you get from the military guy in Dead City all that great? Currently wearing a Cist suit which has fantastic stats, but it degrades crazy quick and costs a lot to be repaired.

Grenades. Listen for them and toss nades until they die. Same goes for controllers, too.
>walther ppk
>requires a completely new ammo type
Dude, do you want to delay the release of weaponsoup by another 3 years?

There is a ppk that uses the 9x18 ultra, not the same as the Makarov but it could do, im sure people with autism will sperge over it but fuck em.
Did some quick googling and couldn't find a fort17 anywhere, but if anyone knows somewhere with it I can. As for the walther ppk, I don't know any stalker mods with it, but I can import it from css (http://gamebanana.com/skins/16088)

Though I'll wait until after the first release for that most likely.
oh fucking boy wait until you reach military warehouses the most mutants i've seen in a mod ever including at least 50 snorks and 20 bloodsuckers
There's literally a fort17 in stcop
>ppk in 9mm Makarov
You basically just invented the Makarov.
It is really campy and the netcode is horrible (unsurprisingly seeing as its a tacked-on feature). I played recently against some russians and all they did was camp the artifact and wait for someone to approach. The netcode was so bad there was a 2-second delay between clicking and actually firing a shot.
I stayed up until 8am working on that shit, its getting done; I have a life god damn it ;~;

oh, the model file was named wpn_fort_snag. I'll add it in, will only take minutes.
>Did some quick googling and couldn't find a fort17 anywhere,

Where did those russian cykas get it from then?


ayyyy lmao
yeah its in stcop, just didn't notice it since it was titled wpn_fort_snag instead of something like wpn_fort17.
getting this error when trying to install doppelganger

Expression : false
Function : ParseFile
File : E:\priquel\sources\engine\xrXMLParser\xrXMLParser.cpp
Line : 48
Description : XML file[$game_config$] parsing failed. Can't find include file:[er\_era.xml]

$game_data$ is set to true, so is $game_config$, why does it say it's set as false?
Based werejew
live and die again
It should be
>$game_data$ = false| true| $fs_root$| gamedata\
>$game_config$ = true| false| $game_data$| configs\
Werejew, any chance for different M1911 skins/variants in the future?

Don't like the look of the classic one, I always loved me the stainless steel one from STCOP.
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>see bright light in Cordon
>investigate further
>find Night Star artifact randomly rolling around on the ground a few hours into the game
It sure beats finding a whirligig right at the doorstep of sids bunker as you start the game.
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83 KB, 544x900
The zone has rewarded you for being so moe.
edited it as you told me

Expression : false
Function : ParseFile
File : E:\priquel\sources\engine\xrXMLParser\xrXMLParser.cpp
Line : 48
Description : XML file[$game_config$] parsing failed. Can't find include file:[er\_era.xml]
Are you launching it through its own exe ? Did you use the russian CS as a base ?
Btw, which version is it ? I see I have a slighlty older one and I'm wondering if the one on the repo is the latest. Yandex is being quite annoying.
It's never necessary, but it is always the best option. Unless you are playing Joint Pak 2/slavmods.
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70 KB, 599x600

I'd do it anyway, I *think* the difficulties have been functionally dummied out/do nothing in Misery, but if not, it's meant to be Master like everything else.
>AO3 already comes with Atmosfear and Absolute Nature

no it doesnt come with absolute nature.
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