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Guild Wars 2 General - /gw2g/
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Masked Edition

Old Thread >>142916025

>I've been away from the game a while and what's new?
>F2P information
>GW2 Wiki (type /wiki [article name] in-game to open browser):
>I Need a Build But I Won't Say for What Mode
>The Mistwar
>World Boss Train
>Fashion Endgame
>Simple Traveling Merchant Data
>Roleplay Resources
>Misc Fun Shit

Guild Wars 2 /vg/ Guilds:

NA [HOPE]: Tarnished Coast, whisper Oothier, Vitto Mortemsen, Bonkk, Mexay Renatus, Peachy Panic, Rijakk, Riathen, or Dylsu X
EU [FUN]: Seafarer's Rest, whisper Farfelu, Aktium, Nalynea, Mo Zing Miko, Hornblower Togo, or Kealdrix

-Servers only matter for WvW and instancing.
-If no one is online, send a mail.
-If you are F2P, leave your name and region on the thread.
New content SOON?
I like to see masteries as a replacement for where other MMOs just raise the level cap.
Honestly, I prefer the mastery system, at least now to reach the "level cap" you actually gain abilities, instead of just some arbitrary stat gains and the ability to not be instagibbed by high level mobs.

Think of it this way; would you like to be able to raid in any other game before hitting the level cap?
1st for kill bunself
Good question actually, would you guys say gliding is any better than just having mounts?

I like gliding, preserves some character aesthetic, but they need less retarded-looking ones.
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Masteries are garbage because they're arbitrary walls in front of content that is already obviously part of a completed design. It's functionally in line with the "NOW" part of pic related in terms of how the content is delivered: the content is already there, the player just has to perform some extra action or go through some extra process to access it for no reason at all other than either the publisher/company wants more money or wants to mask the true quality (or lack thereof) of their product.
Designing a large world without mounts is fine. The real issue is that movement speed is entirely too slow to avoid damage by positioning and movement alone. Dodge and its counterparts are collectively a shitty hotfix.
Makes you think. Imagine if masteries in HoT didn't exist. The expansion already feels lacking as it is
>Makes you think.
Anyone who wasn't already thinking this at least a year ago has long since been hopelessly in anet's palm.
so, this is a thing now?
>I'm a new/returning player, how do I join the /vg/ guild?

NA [DORF]: Tarnished Coast, whisper Edarkness, Reignofpain, Unwarrior Chicken
NA [SS]: Fort Aspenwood, whisper Jakey Gyllenhaal, Ayo Girl Cmere, or Double A E D
EU [FUN]: Seafarer's Rest, whisper Farfelu, Aktium, Nalynea, Mo Zing Miko, Togo Hornblower or Kealdrix
NA+EU [USA]: Fort Aspenwood+Seaferer's Rest, whisper Squatfu, Buzz Spankleaf, Togo Hornblower, Vuncia, Kerolastic

-Guilds are cross-server, and the only real reason to choose the server above is if you want to be on the same WvWvW team.
-You can also send a mail asking to be in the guild, if nobody is online.

Or, leave your name and server here so someone can check this post and invite you
futasura idol modeling a new clothing line!
beefy White Mantle justicars cleansing the world in holy fire, putting an end to the degenerate races once and for all
futasura protecting her family from harm!

we /saffron bread wars/ again?
you can tell how old the video is based on the personal story level not being 10

that being said who knows if it's valid
>attempting to troll within the first 10 posts
First the DORF meme now this.

Someone had to replace the old troll.
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There's only 2 legit guilds already up in the OP, stop shitposting this random list.
I know most people either love the charr or the rats, but is there anyone who likes the salad?
I think they are cool
after playing for so long (Day 1 vanilla) I've yet to get any decent drops outside of 1 random GS drop in Arah. It was only worth 5g.
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You must have the shittiest RNG.
>getting 3 capped
>EU ''''''''''Pro'''''''''' League

I rarely run Arah because so many people just perpetually screw it up
futasura dropping off the progeny at school extra early just to bang her wife in the kitchen when she comes back home
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I was going to post earlier but my phone wasn't cooperating sorry everybody!
I want to text Rikki all night while my phone is on vibrate so every time she sends me a text it stimulates my clit
futasura attending night classes to provide a better life for her wife and progeny
>rare drops
>in this game

There's reallly no such thing as those, desu

You hope for a precursor or a spooky infusion, pray for invisible shoes, anything else of worth isnt dropped from dungeons
I feel the need to tell you that a dedicated clitoral simulator would be far more efficient
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Why aren't you good at GW2?
Because I'm not that horrible in pvp and got wings already without s3.
futasura heading to work hoping one day that her daily toiling will amount to something for the sake of another
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Why does everyone have to have a dick? Can we have some more Cis-sura around here?
futasura bride wiping away tears as she accepts your hand in marriage with a blissful smile on her face
>autists getting this triggered and sperging out over a post
>ywn play a version of VB where Sylvari players can volunteer to be mordremvari
>ywn be a proud mordrem guard bringing about the thousand years jungle
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a Cute
cis-sura cooking the favorite meal of her futasura wife who just got home from a double shift
The game would be better / more interesting without the dragons as huge forces of elemental destruction as opposed to shrewd masterminds sort of fighting against each other while using players as pawns/enemies.
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Whelp can't join HOPE because TC is full, what server is FUN on?
You can join the guild and play with anyone from any server on the same region. The only thing server matters for is WvW.

If you're NA you can join FUN but you won't be able to play with them because they're EU.
you can join HOPE on any NA server. This game features megaservers, so your pick does not matter.
But but I'm stuck on a dead server. (._. )
there's no such thing you dingdong. even in wvw all the shit servers just got paired with populated servers.
Okay I'll be standing on top of the jellyfish in LA if you want to invite me.
yeah you're not stuck on a dead server in PvE because of the megaserver. PvP isn't world specific. WvW pairs your dead server with an active one. We literally just explained this
are you just fucking with us anon? read the op
Well... meet me up on the jellyfish anyways. If you can!
I can't tell if you're a troll or just 12 years old and stupid
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What are you doing today, gw2g?
what was this
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Where do you find your futasuras?

Do we mail out for them? Do they ship locally grown?
Reading for my summer class. If I ever get it done I'll probably play a little GW2 before bed.
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Cats are superior to rats in every conceivable way. A town whose population is comprised solely of rats would be so shaken by the arrival of even a single cat overlord it's nothing short of astonishing.

Just imagine, it's a nice sunny Sunday afternoon; imagine the bustle of this 100% rat town till suddenly catT bulls triumphantly march in. Women would feel infinitely more attraction to these superior, cats than their pathetic rats hubbies. Every woman would be begging, grovelling to be impregnated by these overlords, the new kings of the town, who earned this position with nothing but their superior presence. And these bulls wouldn't stop until every girl was carrying their cubs, the rat's women's original children would probably be neglected. Who the fuck would want to rear these inferior children with their rat genes? They're only going to turn out like their fathers, mindless cogs in a machine whose sole purpose is to chew rats up till no juice is left, then spit them out, all for the benefit of the clearly superior cats.

And the rats? They'd flee, realizing how futile their attempts at winning back their wives' attraction would be, to DR where they'd try to win over FAS looking ugly FHDs, the only things disgusting, lonely, and brainwashed by the ubiquitous glorification of uckoldry enough to accept them. Many would be rejected after the proud papas hear of their shameful display; FHDs probably would have killed themselves to avoid the shame.

Back home in the once rat town, every woman would be raising her superior cat cubs and queuing up for a second or maybe even third pregnancy. They wouldn't stop until they hit menopause as they'd know deep down their purpose is to populate the world with superior cat bulls who'd then move on to proselytize the superiority of the unenslaved to the enslaved in other rat towns.

Face it, rats. You're but servants to your cat masters.
i don't know what anet bans people for. i haven't been banned ever that i know of and i say the worst things. i just now told a noob warrior who threw my game "cut your wrists in the bathtub fag" so i'm going to see if that will do it. i'm more just curious what the limit is at this point
what the fuck did i just read?
anyways, i second this >>143178247
You had me at sentence one
Did you originally get this from /pol/?
>not assembling your own futasura with your alchemy set and a spare femsura

you'll end up with better quality and cheaper cost than any prebuilt futasura
>You're but servants to your cat masters.
stopped reading right there
At the very end, anon?
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I don't really care about this thread. But that OP picture? Fucking amazing way to go you dead fuckers.
cuz idk how to
making gold in this game is impossible unless you just steal from your guild.
just log in every couple days and get a bunch of laurels at the end of every month like me
Daily achievements and dungeons give a ton. meta event rewards in AB drop a few rares every run so you get like 5 or 6 rares and 2~3 gold per run of them
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waiting for overwatch
They nerfed dungeons to death in HoT, unless you are implying they re-buffed them? Cause if they did, they are inactive sans CoF.
>I'm a new/returning player, how do I join the /vg/ guild?

NA [DORF]: Tarnished Coast, whisper Edarkness, Reignofpain, Unwarrior Chicken
NA [SS]: Fort Aspenwood, whisper Jakey Gyllenhaal, Ayo Girl Cmere, or Double A E D
EU [FUN]: Seafarer's Rest, whisper Farfelu, Aktium, Nalynea, Mo Zing Miko, Togo Hornblower or Kealdrix
NA+EU [USA]: Fort Aspenwood+Seaferer's Rest, whisper Squatfu, Buzz Spankleaf, Togo Hornblower, Vuncia, Kerolastic

Official /gw2g/ discord: https://discord.gg/0oyIksSJTlWL6r9H

-Guilds are cross-server, and the only real reason to choose the server above is if you want to be on the same WvWvW team.
-You can also send a mail asking to be in the guild, if nobody is online.

Or, leave your name and server here so someone can check this post and invite you
>Farm wood and ore from 15-65 areas
>Do your daily recommended fractals for 12+g
>Do 8 dungeon paths for 5g in addition to loot, path rewards and salvaged insignias
>Silverwastes/Auric Basin farm
>Draw porn for gold, don't even have to be good
Fractal drops give nothing, maybe because I'm still on expert. I can never find a group that just wants to grind a high fractal level swamp mission. The bad luck also affects my agony resistance. I only have 25 due to it.
You know, i've had a bad losing streak this season for some reason. I cant carry with ele anymore. Feels bad.
I have 30 and I don't even have armor. Don't blame luck.
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Just 40 more minutes
Because rats are degenerates. You should excise your race of this abnormality before it becomes the norm.
whoa there, Hitler
Can I win Jeff Vann's heart with my sick Genji plays?
You're on Expert with only 25 AR?
Fag. Genji is not gay and neither is Jeff Vann.

t yozzil
I want to be pumped then dumped by gae
Ask someone who hasn't been pumped and dumped by Gae anything.
Have you been pumped and dumped by Jeff?
just sign my pump-n-dump contract and trade me your soul, maybe we can work something out
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Would you want to be pumped and dumped by gae?
What was it like?
Like going to the fairgrounds
>doing pvp for dailies on war main
>noticed lately my power build can't seem to kill shit anymore on any class
>can't into condi yet
>go old bunker war for first time in 2 years
>first team I get is 2 warriors and 2 guardians with me

I just wanted to bunker ;_;
>Like going to the fairgrounds

You went on a lot of rides and left with a sore ass?
How long does it typically take for the Gates of Arah to transition into the defend event?
4 days
Who has been pumped and dumped by gae?
vae the spectre fucked my fhd pussy really hard 10/10 best fuck
shut up jivia
wish there was a guild devoted to helping players reach master scale fractal by repeating quick fractals like swamp.
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you can sure try
why do u need a guild for that just make a lfg
But nobody comes.
>gae liking pussy
there's no need to lie anon
nobody would come in the guild either, I bet they would all be max level
That's why I'm convinced the whole "Mordy was using Trahearn/the sylvari as a hit against a rival" is wrong.

It's too good writing for even gw1
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Going broke making my 8th legendary.
Why don't you try forming a guild and selling it as a service?
Bloodborne guy, would you buy little brooches of the paintings in Cainhurst castle?
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Truth, justice and shiny hair
Shame about the junk wings.
Just got back from my psychic. They said I'm still the best rat, but to come back tomorrow for another reading.
What armor items are those?
shit I didn't even notice them

You say that as if there are wings that aren't junk.
I bought a physical copy of the game when it firsrt cane out. Is there a way to install the game from the website? I don't have my code anymore, but I still remember my account login.
joyously speechless futasura nodding furiously when her fiancee proposes
You should be able to login on the website then get the installer from your account page.
Reminds me of an FHD in HOPE. Can't remember her name.
futasura lost in a bittersweet reverie back to happier times as she packs her things and prepares to leave her failed marriage behind
Show me your msura husbando or shut the FUCK up.
i found a new fantasy i think. MOAR
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>Statics graduate making fun of natural born hermaphrodites who just want to be supportive and motherly wives in happy families
Has overwatch killed this game yet
>>143210246 where do i find you lovely peopel in game? i might just play to meet people like this..
and, fuck off >>143210773 you unsupportive swine
sweet futasura wife hugging her progenies and kissing them on their foreheads before waving them good bye on their way to a respectable school
hi anons, i hope ur having a cute and comfy day/evening
lol, anon u make cute little 'reee' noises
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What would you say is the least used core spec in the entire game

Overwaifus won't dent this game's community that much. No furry options.
Noob question: Why don't I feel myself getting stronger?

I'm lv 46 now, yet I still get my ass handed to me when I try to take on a lv 16 toxic offshoot. . .Like, I get dynamic lving and all that, but shouldn't my weapons and armor totally wreck their shit?

What's the point of leveling up in the first place if it's just going to constantly get scaled down?

>inb4 you get new abilites

Well then why not just give us abilites instead of stats
the supportive revenant trait line
there's a giant apeman anon
>he wouldn't plow Winstron straight in his apehole
Technically there's the monkey, but yeah. NOne of the furries go for monkeys.

Besides he's a gorilla so he's hung like a baby anyways.
nobody wants to play as a nigger
Because you are technically wearing level 16 weapons and armor.

At least how I think thats how it works.
Get higher rarity stuff with offensive stats attached.
Gear gets scaled down along with your character. You still have an advantage (I can steamroll most of those events due to having max gear) but it's not a crutch you should rely on and Toxic events are one of the few examples of non-HoT PVE content that actually has teeth and can put pressure on the player.
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>thinking a hermaphrodite can be a mother

That's about synergetics level of dumb, yeah.
>toxic offshoot
what other anons are forgetting is that this was a living story event semi-scaled for level 80 players, and not even made to solo unless going to great lengths to do so

has nothing to do with the scaling just anet being retarded like usual
All of my stuff is rated rare or above.I know that's not the highest rarity there is, but for lv 16 shit it should wipe the floor with them, no?

My goal is to be good enough to solo shit like that. Even if max lv'd players can't do it, I want to be able to do so.
not really no
come back when your at least level 80 with full berserker exotics, including trinkets
max level players can do it

its just how traits happen to work, youll be extraordinarily stronger once you get there

and getting there isnt a hard task or accomplishment
>but for lv 16 shit it should wipe the floor with them, no?
Not for Toxic events, which were designed to keep level 80 players busy. They just happen to be in low level zones and never went away.
cant you be happy? geez
Word. I'm gonna keep grinding 'till I max out.

Hopefully shit will start coming together soon. Thanks all.
ily loppsi, you're a nice femsura, same with rikki
Trust me it does.
so, what's the current worldstate story-wise?
>Mordremoth is dead (along with the other casualties of HoT)
>The Raid occurs after that so that's kind of what happened/is happening right now
>Leyline is flowing out like crazy because mordy died
>White Mantle is planning a thing
any cool new armour sets that arent gem store?
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I can, certainly.

genetically abnormal, genitally deformed people with unrealistic expectations or motherhood, though? They're fucked.
that isn't very progressive anon.
leave them alone you bully
>m-muh safespace, s-stop triggering me!!!!!!!!
ratcucks are the worst
>barren rats can't get married, raise children or be happy
ok anon.
Why doesnt dros play his necro any mroe?
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Hermaphrodites can make babies by themselves, not sure about human hermaphrodites, but a futasura could settle down with a femsura and raise a happy family
What's with the obsession over femsuras having dicks? Is it because anet originally made all of the male asura faces basically ugly as fuck?
my saladnecro? I don't like roleplaying as a boy right now
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>ratfuckers want to raise children just so they can fuck them like the degenerate paedophiles they are
do you have a single factual piece of canon evidence to prove your statement?
>gay furry ball sniffer
>not a pedo as well
yea ok
What's wrong with fucking teens?
>not pedophile
at least get our term straight
She is cute! CUTE!
dont you ERP as a trap?
I hope not, I don't want herm NPC's or any sexual NPC's because that isn't a good foundation for a story character
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Burgerclap pls.
ya thats different than ERPing as a mansalad though, people refer to my char as she/her when i am on Ooth / drosera the trap / comfii / etc
Dude...........arent you like 40?
>you will never put dros in a dress and make her your bae irl
i can imagine rexxie now
>40 year old dating and fucking a 12 year old girl
>it's fine dude, she's hit puberty c:
I am going to make you give me your cubs, even if it means taking the cummies from cheetahfu's and putting it in my vagina instead.

I'm gonna ERP as a little girl FHD and nobody can stop me! I'll even make her min height and baby faced!
Not since HoT launch, but Anet doesn't do armor on the gemstore anymore. That's outfits only.

Coincidentally outfits are also much easier for them to make and go up on the gemstore regularly.
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Can't I just nut in a mug and give it to you or something?

>tfw watching over the bank alone ;_;
Fine, that'll do, now hand it over and we won't have any problems.
OK lil boy ill come fuck you right now stay there ok? papi barbus is coming
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>watching over the bank alone
Time for some backup then.
It's a good thing I'm a Statics graduate, then.
>characters defined exclusively by sexual/gender traits
Only if it's shit. Just like in real life. Thankfully, I think we just have a case of people with established characters blowing off some steam.
People may not be able to get into the same instance as you dude, it'd just be a waste of time.
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Don't let it get cold now.
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Yes.... yummy cummies.
Just in case you're trying to trick me, I'm going to test it on another femcharr first and see what comes out.
You should be ashamed of yourself, Vae.
It's fine. I just bullied a pocket charrs prostate for his cummies and put my name on it. She'll never know.

I'm not sure if anyone's told you, but "statics graduate" and "I have a two year degree in statics from devry, but I'm TOTALLY going to transfer over once I get a job" aren't the same thing.
Femcharr tricking vae by shaving her tail and meeting in a dark alley.
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I'm back
thats a really good idea, but now you have to look the part
what sliders would you need to make the manliest femcharr around?
First things first, you have to pick the lynxface.
You didn't stick around long.
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>you will never be manly enough for vae
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ded gaem, dead thred
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>going for small prey
Here's my attempt, is it good enough?
I'm gay you guys. I'm finally admitting it after all these years of sucking charr dick in secret. Feels good to come clean..
It's ok to be gae, we're all a family here.
Nah charr dick doesn't count mate.

You're just a furfag.
I trust in you anon, go get vae and be the manliest mcharr he has ever seen.
You know nothing regarding the circumstances of my educational career or its grant funding.
They want a man not a sparklecat
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This better?
Whimpering florburz wife
i feel like the hair isnt masculine enough
tfw you want to play a big bara man but norn running/jumping animation are terrible
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Why would I be meeting some random cat in a dark alley?

I like that face. :3
No I suck men's dicks too
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>every charr in this thread has been cucked by gae including me
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>yfw a meme rat got closer to gae's musky nuts than anyone else has
it's not exactly a difficult task to stalk him and get close
>he'll never gift you his loin cloth to treasure forever
>you will never be vae's loin cloth
What is the single most valuable item you own?
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its not fair..
nothing i own has any worth until i have vaes balls within my grasp
you're obsessing over a grown man with nothing to show for his age but personal shortcomings and failures
you can thank me for the reality check
Are Australians going to sleep soon?
stfu vomitsi stop being jealous
Vae is everything for me, you're being jealous
>lime is the only person that is tired of vae's gay furry shitposts
ok anon
nah cunt its only 7
jealous that someone greater gets all the attention instead of your low tier waifu?
only if you bring your qt bootie to bed anon
There's no real explanation anon. Boys are just better. Girls are for faggots.
futasura wife cooking breakfast for her SO in just an apron
femsura ignoring and reporting shitposts while her wife cooks her a cheese omelette in the morning
>my shitposts are ok but yours are not
futasura laughing and panting heavily while drumming up new posts
i need to be an artist of respectable quality so i can draw these scenarios..
>am an artist of respectable quality
>wouldn't draw them anyway because rats are disgusting
>im also an artist
>wouldn't draw them anyway because rats are disgusting

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>drew something but didn't like how it came out
>promises to draw something
>cant get it right
>delete tumblr and deviantart
Thank goodness I'll never have to worry about step 3 of that reaction process.
ay fuck you draw me some cats then
i need something to jack it to
pay me $200 USD's
Fuck off snowskau
literally who
futasura pressing her thighs together at work to hide her erection under her skirt for when she gets home
Futasura wife calling her SO to say I love you from work
femcharr stealing futasura and keeping her as her sandwich maker
It's impossible. Too strong. Just hope that no one calls a board meeting.
you underestimate the strength of her thighs, sweaty and trembling as they may be
post ur qts for maybe some art.
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