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L-39 is FUN! Edition

Previous Thread: >>136482742

A thread for all simulation games: racing sims, flight sims, train sims, submarine sims, tank sims, anything else sims which do not have enough traffic to sustain their own independent generals.

>Extra attention grabbing search terms for example welcome sims
/fsg/ /dcsg/ /fsxg/ /bmsg/ /shg/ /rofg/ /etsg/ /il2g/ /lfsg/ /tsg/

>Thread trailer:
[YouTube] Lock on menu Theme (embed) [Embed]

>/fsg/ Steam Group:

>/fsg/ TeamSpeak:
Or whatever is on the group's profile

>BMS download links

>Planefag pastebin:
http://pastebin.com/Zb0U61in (embed)

>Silent Hunter 3 pastebin:
http://pastebin.com/jNSvhFfY (embed)

>Dangerous Waters pastebin:
http://pastebin.com/qvxk755r (embed)

>FPSchazly's Dangerous Waters tutorials:

>/dcsg/ music playlist:

>OP pastebin:
http://pastebin.com/yXeNzrpg (embed)

>Example of welcome sims:
DCS World
Falcon BMS
Rise of Flight
Combat Helo
Microsoft Flight Simulator
Euro truck sim
Assetto Corsa
rFactor 2
Live for Speed
SAM Simulator
Steel Beasts Pro
Steel Armor: Blaze of War
Enemy Engaged: Comanche vs Hokum
Silent Hunter
Train Simulator
Farming Simulator 2015

>Example of non-welcome games:
Arma 3
Ace Combat
War Thunder
World of ____
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Albatros STRONK.webm
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I'm going to bed, someone keep the thread alive plis
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>Americans letting the thread die while Euros are asleep.
It's 2-5 AM for Americans. Blame the aussies.

Watched the tacview, both those MiGs made it back to base kek.
It's 'us' Americans who are asleep moron.
>say's he's asleep
>posts in thread
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Reminder to not let that trap loving homo come back. I hope he's still perma'd from the teamspeak.
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Yuro reporting in for duty. We take it from here boys.
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Greg vs MiG-21.webm
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based R-60
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near miss.webm
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euro neets, where are you? I want to fly some planes
I haven't flown with /simg/ yet, at least not since the /fsg/ days but what did Kerri get banned for? Other than just being a cancerous and toxic person in general or was that exactly why?
Kerri isn't actually banned afaik, Ivan just goes on about how he gon' ban his ass if he shows up.

Personally not I'm of the mind that banning anyone is a good idea, and that Ivan isn't the king of /simg/.
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Not banned (never have been), just haven't played in months.

I guess that furfag is still asshurt he got something wrong in the thread about 9 months ago and couldn't let go. I don't even remember what, it's been that long.
Cancer please go and stay go.
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When you host them. Whinging doesn't get you what you want, you have to take charge.
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>AWACS and it's escort flight both have looped waypoints
>Upon reaching the second waypoint in the loop, the initial time, the 'RTB on Bingo Fuel' option is activated, meaning they should continue to circle until they run low on fuel and then land
>They circle until low on fuel, break course and head towards the carrier group
>They then circle around the rear of the carrier group as if waiting for landing clearance (implying ATC in DCS works) before they run out of fuel and eject

What am I missing
I presume they have a landing waypoint?

I've never messed with carriers & AI together before.
If the Carrier is USAF Aggressor & they're US maybe it doesn't work.
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Might be it, although they're allied and they seem to know to return to the carrier group to land, unless the carrier group is just not responding to their requests which is why they continually circle.

I'll try in a second once I've got this ambush set up.
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>just trim it out
rargh, dime to kill gommies :DDDD
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GOATest prop plane
>that pic
It might have something to do with posting trap porn in the teamspeak for hours.
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Still no luck, they do the same thing. Reach their bingo threshold, then return to the carrier and just circle it.

I could give them manual waypoints to RTB after a certain time but it would be nice if the AI was actually usable.
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Do they actually have a landing waypoint?
works fine for me
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I sorted it, must have done something wrong accidentally because I deleted the waypoints and did them exactly as I remember setting them up and now it's working.
Reminder that the volume of BRRT the L-39ZA contains far outstrips even the A-10, though it's basically restricted to soft targets.
Just mod GUV gunpods on there.
Still nothing compared to GUV's fps killer.
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Would you play a new flight sim with a focus on cold war jets with both Vietnam, Fulda Gap scenario, and a dynamic campaign, but with only IL-2 BOS level of systems modeling.
So... Strike Fighters 2?
Let's pretend it supported multiplayer too. I'm curious if there's a market for that kind of thing, especially when DCS exists and will in theory have that content in 20 years but with higher fidelity.
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Why not, but I'd rather have that kind of stuff in DCS.

>IL-2 BOS level of systems modeling.

>I'm curious if there's a market for that kind of thing
There's market for everything as long as it's F2P with plebthunder's business model. I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole but at least it'd be a better gateway into contemporary combat flight sims than console trash.
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I'd probably play it, but my full autism cravings have to be satisfied from time to time.

If they would then proceed to model planes thourougly it would be cool. Lets not forget DCS basically startet out with FC3, too.
I'd probably look into it but DCS has spoiled me and I wouldn't feel satisfied unless it was thoroughly modelled.
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Everytime I hear strike fighters I have to think of this and chuckle.
>Lets not forget DCS basically startet out with FC3, too.
Lock on
LOMAC, or for being even more precise, Flanker 2.0.
DCS never started with fc3 planes, dcs first started with the ka-50 module and then the A-10c. not babby cliffs. FC3 was added later as a module.
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This is some damn weak b8. Or maybe you're just not old enough to remember DCSs heritage, idk.
It's okay to be demonstrably wrong as long as you fully believe in it.
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Who here likes screenshots?
I have been known to take them.
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Also, how do I make it so I can actually communicate with naval units in the UH-1H with the editor?
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Is that the inside of an F-18?
It is, or it can be what a VEAO F-18 cockpit would look like. Your choice.
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>every time the huey's rotor pops off
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>DCS: KA-50 Black Shark was released in 2008
>flaming cliffs 2.0 was released in 2010
Does reading hurt your little babby brain?
>In ka-50
>See huey
>Shoot vikhrs at him
>he sees them
>He dives
>rotor detaches
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>Release date(s)

> EU November 20, 2003

> RUS November 21, 2003
Is Mirage finished enough to be good?
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>huey lands
>rotor pops off

>huey flies fast
>rotor pops off

>huey takes off
>rotor pops off

>huey skid gets hit by small-arms fire
>rotor pops off

You could make a space station in low-earth orbit just by connecting T-72 turrets to eachother with huey rotors
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they see me rollin'.webm
3 MB, 1920x1080
Well I bought it yesterday, haven't flown it yet though.
>LockOn: Flaming Cliffs 2 is a further evolution of LockOn: Flaming Cliffs. All of the player-controlled aircraft have been transferred to the virtual environment created for the Digital Combat Simulator series.

>In November 2009 Eagle Dynamics announced that a pay-for upgrade called Flaming Cliffs 2.0 was planned for release in early 2010.

>Flaming Cliffs 2.0 (Russian version) was released on 25 March 2010.The English version was released shortly after.
DCS existed long before that as DCS ka-50.
Where you find that puke camo?
I think you're the only one talking about FC2 lad, LOMAC was 2003, and Su-27 Flanker was 1995.
Yea and those were all separate simulations until 2010. The DCS Series was started with the ka-50.
You're arguing a retarded semantical difference between what separates DCS, especially DCS in its original form, which was not the platform it is today, from LOMAC and its Flaming Cliffs expansion.

Every other anon in this thread is telling you that there was very little technical difference between Flaming Cliffs and OG DCS, and DCS was mainly the rebranding of the series, starting with the Ka-50. They had so much in common that you could play multiplayer Flaming Cliffs with player flown Ka-50s in the same mission despite being "separate" games.

The original statement was "DCS started as basically FC3." This is a reference to how DCS has visibly and technically evolved from LOMAC to FC to DCS with slight improvements over time into what DCS is today.

Fuck you for getting me riled up enough to write all that out.
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>You're arguing a retarded semantical difference between what separates DCS
Yup. like I said THE DCS SERIES STARTED WITH THE KA 50. Porting tons of crap from other flight sims is a completely different topic of discussion. Stay mad autist.
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>we are good at DCS we swear!
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kill yourself banana man.
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>muh killfeed
Mission was a success, first target destroyed, second badly damaged
This is so confusing and unnecessary
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When I think war, I think of sensible Cessnas
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What are the best graphics settings for DCS to maximize fps? Mine are lower than I'd like, and I heard just uniformly cutting down on settings can backfire and put more load on the cpu
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Rate your hype level for the following upcoming planes and modules, use a 0-10 scale, where 0 is no hype at all and 10 is Half Life 3.

>Watery Sand (Strait of Hormuz)
>Sand (Nevada)

Add any that I might have forgotten
Get rid of depth of field and vsync are the big ones. Getting the mod that removed the shadows from trees is another huge one for me.
>proper mission planning is confusing
>proper knowledge where the FLOT is is confusing
>information about hostile units, SAMs and naval assets is unnecessary
Let me guess, you only play freeflight?
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>briefings and flightplans are for losers eccsdeee
There is no Half Life 3. People need to let go.

I can't get hyped for things that I might not see in my lifetime anymore so F-5E is the only thing I'm really hyped for right now because it'll probably come out by next year.

I'm interested in the Viggen because I'm curious to see how an Ikea jet works. There's never been a Swedish fighter simulated to the depth of DCS, so it'll be interesting to see how the Swedish approach design and cockpit ergonomics. Unfortunately the Viggen we're getting is just a ground pounder variant, so my excitement is very tempered by that. At the very least,it'll be the first ground pounder in DCS that can fly fast, and I'm a big fan of the MiG-21, so I'll probably be checking it out.

As for the rest:

>Hornet and Tomcat
Too far away to get excited about, but I look forward to DCS having a true and modern multi-role fighter in 7 years.

>Paying for carriers
I'm worried about the implications this might have on mission design and multiplayer. I need to know more info, but I have on interest in buying these either way.

>Sand and Sand Redux
Sand redux at least offers more interesting scenarios than muh Red Flag, but I still worry that nobody will play any of the non-stock maps because they're not cheap.

>Gazelle and Cobra
Helicopters are too slow for me and I don't recall a Cobra ever even being confirmed or announced. It's a wishlist item at best from what I've heard.
5, I'd like to know more before getting hyped.
>Watery Sand (Strait of Hormuz)
>Sand (Nevada)
>Leathernecks' minimaps
10, only because the tears of the niggers that fly them are delicious.
-10, why in the fuck would anyone waste their time modeling one of the memiest memeplanes in DCS is beyond me.
8 (would be a 10 because I love naval aviation but I'm kind of pissed ED is charging a bunch of money when LN is not)
>>Watery Sand (Strait of Hormuz)
8. Would be an 11 if if was Kuwait instead, they really fucked up.
>>Sand (Nevada)
>WWII stuff

It's going to be a very hype couple of years for DCS.
When the release date comes out:9
For now:5
When the release date comes out:10
For now:5
>Watery Sand (Strait of Hormuz)
>Sand (Nevada)
I alread goyed out for it
I know you guys don't like Arma 3 but just in case:

I made a PvP mission scenario at 5km altitude with custom loadout vanilla Neophron jets (the super fast ones that max out at 900kph). Is anyone interested in dogfighting in that scenario?
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>>Watery Sand (Strait of Hormuz)
>>Sand (Nevada)
>Watery Sand (Strait of Hormuz)
>Sand (Nevada)
>F4U/PTO content
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How hard is ArmA 3 air combat? I know it doesn't model anything properly and its arcade shit like FC3 but is there anyway to get good or just who spams TAB the most wins?
Arma 3 flight is like a somehow even more dumbed down version of Ace Combat.
Ace Combat and arcade shit is fun imo
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squad goals.jpg
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>Watery Sand
No ops?

Should I learn BMS?
Does the steam version of Falcon work for BMS?
It has issues with BMS or doesn't work at all, get the GoG version since I think its the cheapest and works.
no ,yes, no
>Doesn't model anything properly
you're ass wished BMS had the same flight model.
Arma doesn't even have gravity, modeled.

>Arma doesn't even have gravity, modeled.

Then how does any of the physics in the game work.
For any who play TS3, what's your favorite CC World & how do you guys populate it? Looking for something that has all of the expansions (or most) content but isn't super huge
>proper flight model
MiG-29A/S and the SU-33 would like a word. That's almost half of the FC3 planes that don't have a proper flight model.
>inb4 they will updated it soon
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>still forgetting MiG-29G
>literally an S that can fire Sparrows
S-sorry senpai! That makes half of the FC3 planes without a proper flight model then.
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can it really
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>People not excited for glorious cobra ops

How is it more comfy than the Huey? Or the black shark if you want to be useful.
I try not to get excited for things that only my children's children will experience.
You mean your great grandchildren living in the Post-Modern Socialist American Republic?
You can't be comfy when your rotor flies off every single flight.
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What the fuck are you talking about? How bad do you have to be to pop your rotor?

I've been flying the huey for like 3 months now and that has happened exactly ONCE. It happened after I dove down from 10000 feet and gave full collective.

Seriously just don't cause too much stress on the blades and it won't happen.
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Dude that pilot is so deep in the Zone a nuclear warhead could go off right next to him and he wouldn't notice 'cause he's so fucking focused.

Pretty dope.
Do carriers have approach landing lights?
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My mic just broke
Can anyone recommend me a good standalone mic for arma3?
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You get one next to your HUD, and also that thing on the left you can barely see in the webm.
Get an old set of headphones and plug it into the mic port.

Fresnel Lens
I thought they had that "meatball". But my last carrier landing was on the amiga F18 game.
Those two ventral fuel tanks look like a cock and balls

Ball is love, ball is life
A really long time ago, sailormens made a really good school for their bestest plane driving men who drive planes from boats.
They did it cuz they needed to learn how to make other plane driver mens die better, and to know who the bestest plane drivers mens were.

They did a good job.

Today, the sailormens call it the dead plane school
The plane driver mens calls it:
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go home, you're drunk
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Fresh from /gag/

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that makes me wonder

Can a helicopter maintain altitude while inverted? Planes can, but helicopters are a little strange.
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"yes", but most helos don't have the negative collective range to do so. pretty common in model choppers though
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Do helicopters in general even have negative collective? So you can set the blades to a negative AoA? I didn't know that.
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Air Action Weekly 2015.jpg
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>Look up planes and mercs
>Find this gem

Goddamn, /tg/ produces some good shit.
Not a bad edit. However I think there would be more comedy value if you take one of the retardetly useless planes DCS has to offer.

Like the fucking Hawk.
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tfw grom.webm
1 MB, 800x450
Anyone up for some ops? Hop in the TS if you're interested.



Planes and Mercs played in DCS world would be pretty wonderful. Maybe once the F-5 is out we could cook something up?
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op summary
>it took 40 years to create that terrain engine
Sides are in orbit
Maple Syrup OPS

Get in, feggits.

Custard hosts ops with his mission
>An actual mission with flights working together to accomplish an objective

Tyrannik hosted ops:
>random bull shit where everyone flies on their own where ever they want in hopes to accomplish some loose objective
>defended by calling it "fun" and telling players who want actual missions to fuck off and play BMS.
Things I never said: the post.

Also Maple Syrup ops literally require teamwork to complete. So idk where the fuck you pulled that out of your ass.

Oh wait. You're shitposting. Idk why I'm even replying.
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MiG-27 painting.jpg
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Flight sim General.jpg
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This is your fellow planefag pastebin editor speaking

Can anyone upload the mission files you guys have currently been using somewhere? I'd very much like to add them to the pastebin for convenience.
>1st training mission
>blow up tires and break aileron
>plane climbs and flies stable at FL300
This thing flies better without me.

DCS the name and clickable cockpits started with Black Shark but the game engine obviously comes from Lock On.

>tfw never ever in DCS ;_;
s-shut ur whore mouth ;_;

>le hype
Always 0.

>Does the steam version of Falcon work for BMS?
All the installer needs is you pointing it to a folder with falcon4.exe in it.
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3 MB, 900x540
>All the installer needs is you pointing it to a folder with falcon4.exe in it.

Not anymore, it'll check for an entire installation in 4.33.1 because muh legal bröplims :-DD
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>No Mi-8 v. UH-1H chopper races for ops

The Hip has better speed on the straightaways but the Huey has better cornering, it's a good matchup
Here are my current completed missions:

Operation Allah Snackbar - http://puu dot sh/nVdD5/aeef10460b.miz

Operation MiG-31 CSAR - http://puu dot sh/nVdFm/a863a68455.miz

Operation Refugee Removal - http://puu dot sh/nVdGH/a0e759ffc8.miz

Operation Scrambled Eggs - http://puu dot sh/nVdHO/47ce64c250.miz

Operation Scrambled Eggs PvP - http://puu dot sh/nVdJp/de5aa5759a.miz

Operation Syrup Trap - http://puu dot sh/nVdKw/d205f14c51.miz

Operation Capture the Cargo (PvP) - http://puu dot sh/nVdNR/eee31c3131.miz

There's one more which is a COIN op but it's not quite 100% ready yet.
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You would just need to set the course up right, maybe make a limit on altitude, and it would be solid
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Ops were fun but I'm worn out for now.

I've got an idea for an op that someone should make: Anti-Pirate Ops. Basically an army of Somalians is coming to git the wite wimminz of Georgia and you have to sink all of their ships and/or destroy all of their transports before they reach some city and rape your GF. Perhaps they have commandeered a single large ship in addition to the landing craft, to give you a proper AA worry.
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Got it. Hosted on dropbox and listed there.

Also, fuck, just noticed my last dropbox wipe made the current links of the missions posted there invalid. New links are in, apologies for any inconveniences this might have generated.
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Someone post a webm of the missile doing loops, I didn't see it.
Make sure you put a disclamer for whoever downloads them to resave them in the editor, otherwise they may have bugs.
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Yeah maybe one day ED will get the idea to actually do something with lua, and allow us to create menus and shit, like arma does.

At least lua isn't single threaded.
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>Mirage shot by Strela

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To Pyongyang.jpg
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>tfw bored as fuck of DCS when there is no OPS going on because all the campaigns and single player are garbage

I want to get into BMS but god damn it its so dated.

I tried fucking around in it today, and I shot a Tu-95 down with an aim-9x and it literally just disappeared. No explosion or anything. Just gone.

Same shit that was happening in Falcon 4.0 20 years ago.
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Getting frat`d.webm
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I do not understand how people get triggered by something this insignificant ? Do they get scared by the graphics and have low expectations for rest of the simulator ?
>I tried fucking around in it today, and I shot a Tu-95 down with an aim-9x and it literally just disappeared. No explosion or anything. Just gone.
You mustve obliterated that plane
larger craft has terrible explosion models ,but smaller fighters tend to burn for a bit until exploding. Either way I do not mind the damage models at all .
For example , here I got hit by friendly aim9 and i lost a bit of avionics+mfd . I powered down and after 8 secounds my engine exploded (complete loss of power) And i was not hit by anything else .

Why are people in this community so adamant about paying for things?
AvioDev posted this a few hours ago.
>retard overrun written on the hud

Okay so about that Op Blue Flag style campaign for the Strait of Hormuz map. I've been kicking some more ideas around on how to balance it.


F-15C (Saudi Arabia) x8
F/A-18C (Kuwait) x8
M-2000C (UAE) x8
F-5E (Bahrain, Yemen) xUnlimited
MiG-21Bis (Yemen) xUnlimited
Hawk T1.A (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman)
Gazelle SA 342 (Kuwait) xUnlimited
Mi-8 Hip (Yemen) xUnlimited
UH-1 (Saudi Arabia, Yemen, UAE, Bahrain, Oman) xUnlimited

-Additional AI Aircraft-
Tornado IDS


F-14B (Iran) x12
MiG-29S (Iran, Syria) x12
M-2000C (Syria) x8
F-5E (Iran) xUnlimited
MiG-21Bis (Syria) xUnlimited
Su-25 (Iran, Syria) xUnlimited
Su-25T (Iran, Syria) xUnlimited
L-39ZA (Syria) xUnlimited
Gazelle SA 342 (Syria, Lebanon) xUnlimited
Mi-8 Hip (Iran, Syria) xUnlimited
UH-1 (Iran, Lebanon) xUnlimited

-Additional AI Aircraft-

To help balance the advantage that the F/A-18C gives BlueFor, I've given RedFor an M-2000C, and RedFor would also receive a more complex and bigger SAM network to keep the Hornets tied up.

>literally only difference from an image they posted a month ago is that weird symbol on the hud
>on the same team


Also I liked the fact that there was very few AI in Blue Flag. It was cool knowing anything you saw flying was another player.
That's why I've given RedFor a shitload of F-14s and MiG-29s. Slot numbers for the F-18s could be adjusted if needed. If I gave RedFor Su-27s, would that make them too OP? I figured the F-14s would be more than a match for the F-15s.

I would probably ask the Blue Flag guys for guidance on how exactly to set the mission up and how much AI presence there should be.

I really dig the idea of a persistent Blue Flag campaign that isnt either NATO vs Russia or each side gets everything.

Do you have any experience at all with the DCS mission maker? Making something like Blue Flag won't be easy.
I can learn. Begging someone else to make it for me won't get me anywhere, though I fully intend to ask the Blue Flag guys for advice. Something like this is at LEAST a year out anyways, plenty of time to pick apart the Black Sea Blue Flag mission and see how they did it.

If Avio are working on a Mirage F1, I might swap the Syrian M-2000C out for an Iranian F1. As I understand it, the F1 is a better attack aircraft, which I think would help balance RedFor a bit better.

Good fucking luck to you then.

I can't count the amount of times someone on the internet got all excited over making someone cool and then gave up a month after slowly realizing how much work it's going to be.
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we spess now
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Mission scripting is not easy. There is next to no documentation for doing what in your head sounds trivial. The only reason I've been able to handle mission scripting is because I already know how to program and I had a ton of help from the hoggit IRC. There's a few guys who hang out in there know that know their shit and one of those guys is the guy that wrote MIST.

According to CMANO's database, the avionics of the Mirage F.1EE (the one we're getting) is almost identical to that of the F.1EQ (the one that Iran has).

In any case the DCS F.1 will be a better fit for Iran than the M2000.
In that case I'll lean on others' knowledge (hoggit, buddy spike forums) as best I can. I've worked on the Dodge Viper GT3-R and Bentley Continental GT3 physics for Assetto Corsa and managed to stick with those projects, I think I can stick with this.

I'll swap them then. How likely are we to get proper skins for these aircraft for the countries in the Strait of Hormuz map? I've done skinning for racing sims for years, I don't mind doing them for DCS.
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I love flyan ta spess
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I'd like to take some time to acknowledge the guy on /gag/ who thinks he's going to hop straight into 737s as a low-hour CFI, and as a result turned down a job interview to go fly Super King Airs. You shine on, you crazy diamond, and while you're at it, I'll be waiting in the wings to get my commercial cert so I can scoop up all the opportunities you turn down for being somehow beneath you
How do I learn to get gud at SA?

Even with the Su-27 datalink I always end up losing track of the battle immediately after I turn away to dodge a missile.

It's quite likely that we'll get official skins. If we don't however, you'll just be wasting your time making them yourself. In online custom skins don't show up for other players if they haven't downloaded it themselves.
Lots and lots of practice.
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>Strafe a Tunguska and two Osas
>Shoot down a MiG-21 in the process
>Run out of fuel

Such is the third gen life
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MiG-23 Intercept Ops were a success
I can't get the adf to work on the huey. I hear the morse code, but that stupid compass doesn't move. The arrow does not change with my heading. Any thoughts?
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While the MiG-23 has a shit FM and model, its still fun to fly.

But fuck those R-24s are utter trash.
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>tfw no F-8 Crusader for DCS

>having fun during ops

Thats it. I'm fucking done. I'm going to play BMS from now on.
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Area 88 is fucking dope but the F-8 is a shit plane
If it's for a specific audience like Blue Flag I'm sure I can get a bunch if those people to download them for it.

In any case I enjoy doing it so it's not a problem.
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Hey, DCS needs more goofy Cold War fighters, even if they did happen to kill more than a few pilots.
We need more fighter/bombers, since the maps aren't large enough to handle real bombers.
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Jesus these things rape FPS.
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>F-8 is a shit plane
>32 memeplanes slots per side
What's the fucking point of limiting them if everyone can still fly memeplanes? Cut that down to a fourth and completely leave out the Hornet and you might have something with a vague resemblance of balance.
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RIP Kamov.webm
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OK, I have to go to bed, someone needs to keep the thread alive pls.
We'll take it from here famalam.
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I think I'll make some ace combat style missions. :^)

In that they involve a fictional geopolitical landscape, include air-forces with mixed inventories, and are mostly focused around WVR combat,
Whats a good flight Sim for someone to start with when you only have a K&M.
For mouse flying you only really have warthunder and IL2:BOS. Trouble is that mouse flying and good flight models don't mix, hence why using the mouse in BOS is so hard. You really need a cheapo joystick to get into anything more realistic than warthunder like DCS, FSX, BMS, IL2, etc
>"Buy a joystick simulator 2016"
Seriously get some sort of peripheral otherwise its going to be a lesson in frustration and you wont get any enjoyment out of it.
it just moves the frustration to "why the mouse suck" into "why do i suck".
That is why if you start with a stick you can more easily work on the fundamentals.
The modded content (and the a-10) where you can twist and turn really fast on a time and pull 12g effortlessly handle like hot garbage... but the vanilla jets (neophron and buzzard) actually handle properly enough to feel like the real thing imo. So just give them custom loadouts and it can be fun.
Am I going colorblind, or is that a French roundel on that Sukhoi?
poo in loo
>but the vanilla jets (neophron and buzzard) actually handle properly enough to feel like the real thing imo.
No they fucking do not. The A3 flight model is so bad that the lift force is fixed perpendicular to the horizon and if you put the aircraft in a bank you just continue on your original vector...

Even A2 had better flight models.
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Ah. I see it, now.
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Will there ever bee Korean War ops?
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I wish, anything that doesn't have a million sensors and guided weapons is looked down upon here as too "easy".
>looked down upon here as too "easy".
I don't think that's the reason desu, it's more that there's absolutely no content for the damn things and so not many people have the modules.
>is looked down upon here as too "easy".
That's just the furfag being butthurt at propfags.
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>and if you put the aircraft in a bank you just continue on your original vector...
that's not true at all
It was last time I played.
How long ago was that?
Steam says 14/07/2015
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>posts exactly 60s apart
nice try
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There's a complete dearth of content, it's true, but they're fun as fuck to fly
the time between was expanded like a year ago to 90s iirc. or at least for me that's my cooldown timer nowadays.
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I'm convinced the ATC AI in FSX is programmed to fuck up every now and again. I just had it line me up for final on Runway 02 while it lined up another plane for 20, had us make our final approaches at nearly identical times, and gave me a rear-right quartering crosswind, leaving me on a runway excursion about 30 feet away from the end of it, and I listened to it like a fucking lemming
That's because you're a shitter.
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Also, I managed to catch a screenshot of this one, the flight following ATC didn't give me any warning of an aircraft at exactly the same altitude as me performing his climbout to wherever, resulting in a near-miss of about 20 feet
>page ten
>page 4
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>page whatever
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Super King Air, the Modern King of Comfy
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>meme de la meme
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