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> News
- Update 1.1.5 balance patch notes: http://smashboards.com/threads/433162/

> Resources and Guides

Last thread: >>135919983
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Threadly reminder to come check out tomorrow's Items Tournament.

on Wii U
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why is zelda in this picture? she doesnt fit the theme!
tfw no buffs in 1.15 but can't complain since every other patched buffed your main
I think it depends on the age and level of maturity. My local is mostly 17-20 with the odd 22+ and there is no overt favourtism. To those just getting into locals, people acting overtly familiar with others can seem jarring but at least in my case its a very welcoming and open group which is slowly growing.

I've read a lot of bad stories ranging from all of the Smash games and other video game groups so I guess I dodged a bullet.
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Where were you when you realized Knuckles is the best addition to Project M?
Has anyone finished his victory poses?
What do you mean by stage striking 1-2-1?
Last thread recap:
>3DS activity was in an all-time high
>hoody and mcfag bickering like old ladies
>basically another trap episode
>people still lingering about the patch notes
>Surprise visit from your old pal Chazo
1.1.6 leaked

Rapid jab damage decreased (unknown values)
Rapid jab finisher damage 6>5
F-tilt damage 3.5/3/8.5>3/2.5/8
D-air KBG 120>115
Weight 84>80

Dash attack total frames 45>49
D-air auto-cancel interval 43-59>49-59

D-air landing lag bug fixed
D-tilt KBG 80>50
D-throw BKB 75>55
D-B total frames 75>67
Weight 98>100

U-tilt total frames 33>30
D-tilt total frames 34>31
Nair total frames 55>49
D-throw BKB 70>30 KBG 50>65
B-throw angle 45>40 KBG 50>75
U-B distance and speed increased

N-air total frames 48>42 landing lag 15>12
F-air total frames 49>42 landing lag 25>19
Reflector total frames 50>47

N-air total frames 43>40
U-air hitbox size increased by .5 unit
D-air landing lag 30>25
N-B charge time 50>40 Damage 7/10>9/12.5 KBG 92/102>102/116 Angle 30/90>30/45
F-B total frames 45>40

Jab 1 hitbox active 10-11>9-11
Jabs now link together properly
D-throw KBG 82>72
F-air landing lag 30>26

Air acceleration 0.07>0.082

D-Smash now can connect with the same opponent multiple times

U-B bug on certain stages fixed

B-air damage 2/2/2/3>3/1/1/6

F-tilt total frames 30>26
U-tilt total frames 33>28
D-air hits now link together properly

Jab 1 hitbox active 8-10>7-10
F-tilt total frames 67>59
U-tilt total frames 67>63
Grab range increased by 1 unit on all grabs

N-B total frames 62>55
D-B total frames 42>36

Luma weight decreased by 2 units

Jab angle 62/38>80/55
U-air damage 9/6>11/7
U-B super armor 4-10>3-10

F-smash no longer whifs up-close
U-smash hits now link together properly
U-B hits now link together properly
Jabs now link together properly
U-throw KBG 70>90
B-throw KBG 55>85
F-B KBG 65>100

Run speed 1.696>1.8
Walk speed 1.166>1.29
Air speed 0.97>1.08
Air acceleration 0.08>0.089
Still meme circlejerks, plus my region is super free so there's that
I'm probably just being anti-social, though. I'd just rather play randoms online than body some random kid offline
>someone spent their time writing this entire post
>your main
>your secondary
>your for fun characters
>one skin you want for your main
>one change you want for your main
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>Check out fighter records
>BAM! Boner
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>no Ganondorf buffs

Thats fair enough but it can be nice just to sit back and relax while playing a game you and everyone else love just as much as each other while chatting about random stuff.
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>Mario characters, rest of the roster
>Already got the one I want but I just use original colors now
>Luma can recover by himself if knocked offstage
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>Little Mac
>Doctor Mario
>Duck Hunt Duo
No changes in either category, he is perfect the way he is

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Anyone want to play a bit until I pass out?
>Falco buff
I know you're shitting with me but please Sakurai make this happen. All I really want is the first hit of up-smash to actually link into the second.
First player strikes one stage
Second player strikes two stages
First player strikes one stage again
Pick from the remaining stage(s). Or just gentleman to a stage.
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>Bowser, Little Mac and Female Corrin
>Paper Bowser
>A semi viable landing option
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>play defensively into grab combos: The Game
nice game famalamalam
hi is it too laggy cake or is it ok
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>Wants to report me
>Doesn't post for games
If I'd known better, I assume you have a hard-on for me sheep-anon
>zero plays weavile in pokken
idk i don't see any lag
>Pits, maybe Fox
>Super Smash Bros roster
>I never played any metroid games with ZSS plus green is already perfect
>down tilt with 5-7 less frames of end lag and a lower angle
I don't see a code
My bad
Have hoody and macfag been nerfed yet?
Depends. Have you offed yourself boyo?
>Kirby(been trying to main Yoshi/Palutena, but I get best results with Kirb)
>Yoshi, Palutena
>Everyone but Sonic, Sheik, Cloud, Corrin, Link and Mario(including the Miis)
>I'm good
>More mobility options would be nifty for Kirby.
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Trying to decide Lucas or Robin
see pic
>Skin you want
Pink and blue striped shirt Lucas, Robin is fine
>Change to make
Speed up Robin slightly or make the sweetspot of Lucas' upsmash be above him instead of next to him
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>Dat DDD
>often uses Sheik and Falcon
>never uses Pikachu or Ryu

i remember when I used to be a degenerate too. Melee was a long time ago.
Lucario, Greninja, and Jiggs were already guilty pleasures, Pikachu isn't even fun.
Will fully admit it's because I suck, Ryu is a great character that I can't use.

>Isabelle/KK Slider
>faster grab/faster lloid rocket/less endlag for axe
Yeah, I was coming back at the end, kinda sad I got hit by that UpB though.
It was exactly what I was expecting but I guess I dodged too late or something.
idk what happened??

tfw fall for g&w mindtricks
>a lot
>Green Charizard that doesn't look like ass
>Make him accelerate to max walk speed just a tad faster.
>connection error
GGs marc

Samus, Kirby, Bayo, ZSS, MK, D3, Mii Brawler, Link, Olimar/Solomar
Color picker/Good green back
Fair on shield into grab

i fall too much for that up air
thx 4 mr. g&w matchup though- i never seem to find a decent one.

you have patience

Main: Bayonetta
Secondary: Not sure.
For Fun: A lot of the cast honestly. Getting really into Mewtwo with the movement buff though. Dashy mewtwo is fun.
One skin: Proper Jeanne skin, not just colors.
Change: I'm not sure. I'm not entirely convinced she's as broken as everyone says, I think people aren't exploiting her lack of safe on shield options, high vulnerability on wiffs (increased landing lag regardless of wiff or hit) and lack of grab setups. Along with her garbage frame data.
So I guess no change until the meta settles a bit and we see where she really is. Then maybe small nerfs to keep her from running rampant on everyone?
Is it worth buying a Wii u just for smash 4
Nope. Smash 4 isn't even worth it.
Not if you're looking for matches at shit mountain. Do you have any friends that willll want to play with you?
Anyone want to play Sm4sh? I prefer WiiU but I'll do poverty smash too.

NNID: AkHaruBrinn
FC: 5301-0384-5878

Just post here which.
Fuck no
It is worth getting pokken though
Only if you know you will be playing a lot of Smash 4 and getting your moneys worth. Its fun if you have friends on top of the online access but if you are only going to be playing online opponents, I'd think hard about it.
It's p much guaranteed to hit out of dthrow at mid/high mid %s. It'll even combo into a KO.

Beyond a certain percent you can just jump out of dthrow and uair can't connect, at that point the only thing that'll hit is up b. Usually I just hope my opponent air dodges which gives me a chance at getting a ko, which is usually better than taking whatever little guaranteed damage up b does.

Anthers has a few decent g&w players, i'm sure you could find a few there if you need the mu practice. I haven't played much recently so I'm probably worse than them.
There's no game I would buy a console for, and Smash 4 certainly doesn't come close.
Now if you were also getting two other games with it then sure.
As a Wii U owner, I'd recommend
>Smash 4 (some glaring flaws I'm not about to mention because you probably already heard them)
>Splatoon (kinda dead lately but it's GOTY 2015)
>Hyrule Warriors (has a lot of bullshit in both gameplay and DLC)
>Mario Maker (many prefer Lunar Magic)
>Mario 3D World (basically a level pack for 3D Land, otherwise solid)
>Pikmin 3 (Entire trilogy is divisive, some will tell you this is the worst others will tell you it's the best)
>DKC Tropical Freeze (the only thing on this list without a glaring flaw)
Wow this library actually kinda blows if you're not willing to overlook this shit
I can play for a few on the 3DS. FC is 4184-2976-0132
Are you going to get really into the competitive scene?
If no, then no.
Wait until this game gets rereleased on the NX.
It says your FC is invalid?

I'll check it agian. Just updating my smash one sec, 3ds is unusable whilst it does that.Thought I'd updated.
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>F-smash no longer whifs up-close
That's how you know this is fake. This was literally just fixed in the surprise update.
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GGs bro, but shit's come up.
you play a great DDD
same, i haven't played so much either. fg once in a while, but that's it.

it's sad there's not too many wii u players now in the general

>still see a few old smashers
>danbi playing local
>salty never online
>other random smashers i added seem to be off and on with other ppl but never see them in the thread anymore
it still whiffs m8
Still maining him like I am currently.

>tfw Knuckles in a real Smash game never
RIP /ssbg/
I'll still keep playing here though
Are Zelda and Samus still the worst characters in smash4?
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Thanks, I was about to call it anyway, I didn't think the adrenaline or whatever gets you hyped up in a match would overpower my tiredness.
A lot of those came down to the wire, shit was intense.
You've got a great mac though, I'd be terrified of him if the macs in FG were even half that good.
Sleep for now though, thanks for the games.
and I promise to stop ledge attacking into an Usmash, christ I felt like a tool every time
I don't even see danbi on anthers anymore. Wish he'd be on so I could play him again.
Samus? Probably not.
Arguably it's still Zelda/Puff
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Knuckles fists a dead chicken.jpg
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As much as I love Knuckles I am fully aware he has no place in a real Smash game
Unless Sega made a crossover fighting game.
With blackjack
And hookers
And Jet Set Radio Characters
Really though if they had a non-retard design the roster it'd be glorious
Any luck anon?
It's great that my baby girl peach is finally getting buffed

Theupdate, she takes forever.

Almost done, then I'll be able to check. I coulda sworn that was correct though. I checked it twice. But give me a sec. Sorry for the delay.
No problem, just checking to see if you were still around.
>marth or ike
>sheik or zero suit samus
>luigi, ness, donkey kong

Yeah I wouldn't leave a bro hanging without saying something.
Let's imagine that Rayman gets into Smash5

Would this be a suitable Victory theme?

Alright. Re-checking friend code.5301-0384-5979

If it still says invalid just give me yours and I'll try to add. Or I'll post a picture of my 3ds screen or something.
>Jet Set Radio Characters
fucking when
same once in a while

2014-2015 ssbg despite the shitposting was great imo.
Its fine I got you there, that FC worked. Thanks for the consideration though. Would you like to host or will I?
Real talk, do you think stef is cute?

You'd better. My internet can be a bit polish. You're Pher?
Yeah thats me. Room up. I've set the stock to 2 but if you prefer 3 I can change it after.

2 is cool

Fuck off stef.
Please don't. I try not to shitpost here and only come to set up matches. People can also be super mean
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Stef is the only regular who isn't complete cancer and has scooped to Hoody's level.
Sheik mains BTFO
>tfw bro playing my pokken on my wii u

who wants to get their ass smashed

(if wifi is bad ummm we can just quit but i hope we dont resort to tht)
>Stef is the only regular who isn't complete cancer and has scooped to Hoody'
I wanna shake hands with Stef!
Let's play.
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Anyone want to 1v1?
okie will add

ill host

Sorry I'm so so bad at 3ds Smash. ILL KEEP PLAYING THOUGH I DONT CARE
You're fine, I can play you on Wii U tomorrow if you like, just cant get at it cause I'm in bed. My NNID is Koopa1989.

Keep that attitude

Sure. I'm happy to keep playing this now. I just only ever play like 3ds smash on for glory in bed as well so my reactions and shit are awful. But yeah. I'm happy to keep playing regardless. I'll write down your NNID though.
Would you two be up for some doubles with me and >>136033212
ehh im up for 1v1 but if tino's up for it then i might as well for the sake of it

also tino im on
Now is the time of 3ds players. Matches anyone?
Thats fine we can do doubles another time when you're more in the mood then.

I'm >>136033212

I'm down for doubles but I'm really bad on 3ds. YOU ARE WARNED.
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>a good link throws a boomerang offstage
>I jump over it and knock him far offstage
>i jump into the returning boomerang tornado and it pushes me far offstage as well
>dair him into the blastzone

Gosh, I love playing me some zoldo, no matter how shitty she is. Wish I could have record that but I was playing on the 3DS.

She's got buffed, but I can't seem to notice where. Apparently she has a 50/50 now?
Ggs Brinn. Cheers for playing on the 3DS. Again just drop me a FR and we can try to catch each other sometime later today for some Wii U games if you like. Nice to see a Pit/Mewtwo main mind. Thanks for the set.
I think Zelda always had a 50/50, it was talked about a few threads ago. Problem is a lot of people just trying her out are "discovering" new techniques which older Zelda mains knew about, including the 50/50 which supposedly isn't true.

Good games bro. Your bowser is pretty brutal. Getting shield + punished like crazy. Look forward to playing more, improving.

Also, I'm mostly a Bayo main. I'm a huge Bayo/CGG player so was campaigning for her before she got announced and shit. But I'm trying to get more into Mewtwo as well because he's fun as fuck. And I find Bayo awkward as fuck on 3ds. So, you'll probably see a bit more pick diversity on the Wii. Really look forward to it.
Sweet. Need a fair bit of Bayo MU experience too, it can be quite brutal for either side from punishes. Thats understandable though with Bayo on the 3DS.

You could probably catch me easier on Anthers Ladder as I normally flip in and out here. I am under the same name as my NNID, you should be able to find me on the 3DS rank list. Just drop me a PM after registering and I should be around later on this afternoon. Looking forward too and have a good night.

I added you but I'm kinda shit on 3ds. Lets do it.
FC? and I'll host

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peach huge tits.jpg
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Who is making these tit mods
A god among men/lesbians
sorry i gotta cut it short but i got an errand to run

but nice corrin and lucas. and sorry about the lag. tfw. but it wasn't so bad
Ggs, I'm sorry about it too.
Let's play again when we both have the time.
The only one that gives a result on google images is the zelda one
How do i get gud with Shulk? I do neutral and fairs and tend to neglect the arts unless i have plenty of space from ym opponent
>That face
Is smash 4 not a real smash game then?
>How do i get gud with Shulk?
Pick Cloud
But i can already play cloud.
try feeling it

Yeah that's enough of that. I'm playing terrible. GGs.
Go to the Shulk forums on Smashboards. We don't have any Shulk mains who come here too often so that would be your best bet.

He is currently seen as the type of character who you have to invest an enormous amount of time in for mediocre gain. That said if you do manage to get genuinely good with him he is surprisingly rewarding but it'll be a long road.
GG's. Not a bad connection for being in the UK.
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literally me.jpg
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who wants some games
>poverty smash 4 general
what the fuck is this cancer
Then drop shulk
Smash 4 is cancerous enough, and they're playing the worse version of it.
Hello /3DSsbg/ anyone for some matches?

Either 1v1/FFA/Dubs

I'm actually in Poland.
Who are the top tiers after the patch?
I'll play a few
no thanks im playing pokken

thank god we don't have you shitters clogging up /ptg/
I can play a few pame. Not sure if you still have me added but FC is 4184-2976-0132. Mind if I fight your Villager? Don't think I've battled it before.
No, it is
It's just that Knuckles (or any other second sega character for that matter) doesn't belong in Smash 4
Bayonetta is only okay because Ballot
Not yet you don't

Ok m8, let me add you

Wanna do dubs later?
When will people get good and win against Zero so we don't pay attention to this fat ugly fuck opinions anymore?
I'm up for dubs later sure but that may have to be in a fair few hours. Going to sleep after this set, pretty late as is.

Hosting Pher.
excuse me
Probably soon. Without Sheik he has to fall back on Bayo and Diddy. While both are still very strong they are hardly as domineering as pre-nerf Sheik.
great post you really contributed
I was merely pretending to recover
What's so bad about people playing the 3DS version? It's the same game.
Smash 4 is bad, and the 3DS controls make it worse
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>that cross slash on rollout
I nutted
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>using rollout ever
why tho
Itty bitty screen, less tourney stages, shit controls, no second stick, objectively laggier online, and the ssbg 3ds players in general are pretty cancerous (pame stef macfag hoody etc)
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Good games, Ty.
GGs Panchito
I need to git gudder
Pher gonna try wario just one match!
No problem. Switch it up if you like I just wanted to fight a few against your Villager initially.
literally who?
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Any 3ds dubs or 1v1s?
good gays even if I got memed on at the end

who up
i'll do some 1v1s
are these threads ssb4 only?

K, ill add you and host up when im done.
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but you don't have to buy a wii u for it

You have to buy a 3DS for it.
Void looking pretty fraud right now.
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Ggs Pame. Thanks for the set.
Ggs Pher, thanks for the lessons!

You're the best player I've ever played against, even better than danbi IMO.

Let's fight another time

Anyone. Wanna do dubs?
You can talk about the other Smash games but if you're looking to play, there are barely any Melee or P:M Netplay players here.
Wanna do dubs?
>not already having a 3ds
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I don't have 3DSmash but those are some characters that should have R34 but don't
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>entering 3rd week of FG Hell
>still there
Still kinda new. What's FG hell? is there some sort of hidden matchmaking for for glory?
Well I want stef to give me a boobjob. So yea pretty much.
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>playing FG
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If you get reported enough times, you are banned. You are then sent to an alternative server with other banned players with really long search times ranging from 15 minutes to simply not finding anyone full stop. That is FG hell.
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Can't sleep I wanna get some games in, 3DS here anyone down?


Bet, added
She's above average for sure

Last one for me Pablo, good games!
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>favorite title: omega ruby
>Lucas buff
So you want a character with an instant shield breaker?
Thanks man! You were running train on me for a bit there ggs lets play again soon
goddamn it, that match was going so hilarious until I fucked it up at the end
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good gays my dude
I enjoyed them immensely

Good games Zecht, fun stuff. Things got very intense during the set, especially towards the end of it. Play again sometime.
Not dead, just asleep.
completely dead inside (me)
to be perfectly honest, I want to be fucked in the ass
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Travel back in time to the game's release and become a Metroid fan then
> being mexican is a bad thing
I will not be voting for you in the election trump.
>tfw 10am here, but most users are asleep
I meant in my literal ass, by a penis, however.
Fly to Japan and approach Sakurai dressed as Lucina, you'll know what to do from there, bitchboi
Thank you for the suggestion
Everyone moved to the discord.

Shut down this place we don't need it anymore
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who wants to play some video games?
NNID TheListerMister
Mewtwo is so fucking stupid now.
go suck up to chazo again, like you always do in his discord
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gonna be around for another 20 minutes if anybody wants to play then
Well it is
Also Samus is an even more cuntish character now. This game just gets worse every patch.
>No Shulk buffs
You wasted a lot of time for nothing
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>The rest
>pic related
>He is okay but I would like Shulk to have less starting/ending lag on grounded moves and fair
Hey Lister, you up for five games on the 3ds?
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>right before i was about to sleep
better than nothing
What makes you guys post stuff like this?
Melee shitposters or you geniously don't like smash?
If the latter, then wtf are you doing here, holy shit.
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Ggs Lister. Thanks for the set.
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ggs, probably shouldn't fight fire with fire when sleeping but oh well
hey guys im a jigs main and i know every rest setup in the book and sometimes i find it fun to run down the timer. lately its been taking me a while to find games and usually it seems to be against campy cheesers but occasionally destroyers too. am i in purgatory? send help ive been here for 3 weeks
See >>136044171
which DLC characters are worth buying?

I already have Mewtwo

currently interested in Roy and Cloud
Cloud is far better than Roy if you're just going for performance. If you really like Roy, go for him but Cloud will take you further.
would you go to bed with ganondorf
Thanks for the advice man
Do you by any chance know what they cost on the eshop? I cant find anything online (on the train right now) and my Wii u isnt in reach
Each character should cost around $5.99
Veterans cost $4.99
jiggs, ganon
high framerate GandW
more launch on smash attacks, bacon is less random, no downthrow to side B, no/less damage on side B's 1.
who is your favourite smasher and why is it Qerb? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IsVX-3ZsFU
>two master swords
>one was left by Adult Link as a warning to wake up to, like a severed horse head
Well he did technically sleep with Zelda apparently.
Could someone post the link to the bloody discord?
Ganon isn't afraid of the master sword. I mean he has every reason to be and REALLY should be by now, but isn't for some reason.
She's cute like everyone else!
Just check the previous thread.
It's TP Ganondorf, so he's never been shanked by it before by the timeline.
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What does the Triforce of Power actually do for Ganon?
Lots of magic and strength. It makes him a wizard or whatever. Triforce of wisdom gives Zelda visions and not much else I guess - she's never been shown to be very wise outside of TP. Triforce of courage is either nothing, a representation of the strength of will Link already has, or the ability to use anything he gets like a trained master instantly because that's kind of weird, isn't it?
Oh so it actually does boost his strength. I was confused why it powered down in the ending of Twilight Princess. I assumed it was always active.
>Triforce of courage is either nothing
So the gamepad port?
How can I find good matches anymore? FG is quick matchmaking but I run into too many FG Links and Cloud tweens to get a decent matchup. Anther's Ladder now requires a 50-step sign up and validation method so I can't be bothered to sign up an account after 7 of my accounts got banned.
I think Triforce of Courage has some kind of influence on people you meet. Everyone wants Link to get involved in their business and give him presents. Not even just townsfolk, gerudo and pirates love him for wrecking their shit and stealing from them. Link will even wander into random caves containing amoral thieves in ALttP and be given hundreds of rupees for nothing. Fairies great and small all trip over themselves trying to earn his dick or something. Royalty always give him whatever magical critically-important jewel he asks for after one errand, even if it's literally the symbol and pride of their kingdom.
I report everyone that I match up against. I used to get bans for it early into FG's making but for a year or so, I haven't gotten banned for reporting people. I guess I'm just set to autofilter

I hope someone shits in your open mouth.
lol can't help if everyone of FG is a fucking retard. Report/Block and I'm on my way.

I hope they're mexican
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Anyone want to play?
Willing to play either console, but prefer 3DS
It's typically beaners with laggy internet or tauntspammers after they've managed to land Cloud's f-smash on you
Enjoy sucking chazos dick
I can play 3DS for a few. FC is 4184-2976-0132
Answer these three riddles.
>Still winning with Corrin
>Shitters still whining about air down a suicide with stock advantage and his down throw
>The air up a buff is wonderful

Feels good man
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>Ness/Little mac
>Luigi, shulk
>Lucas, captain falcon/Ganondorf, Duck hunt, mewtwo, DDD, pac-man
>Ninten/skins to represent the opponents from punch out be pretty cool
>pk magnet doing damage like in pm (same for lucas)/revert aerial side b recovery nerf (just why)
See if you have a local scene?
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