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Cause This Is THRILLER! Edition.

>Previous Thread

>Links to purchasables
FNAF FOR $5: http://store.steampowered.com/app/319510/
FNAF2 FOR $8: http://store.steampowered.com/app/319510/
FNAF3 FOR $8: http://store.steampowered.com/app/319510/
FNAF4 FOR $8: http://store.steampowered.com/app/319510/
FNAF BOOK: http://amzn.com/B019HC4EQ2
FNAF WORLD: http://gamejolt.com/games/fnaf-world/124921

>Official Sites:

>Other Links
Asset Rips: http://s.rtag.me/freddy/
Steam group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/fnafg/
New Steam group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/fivenightsatfreddysgeneral2/
IRC: #FNAF on Rizon
Fan Booru: http://5naf.booru.org
Flockdraw: http://flockmod.com/fnafg
Writing Archive: http://pastebin.com/fryFnrQ9
Voice Archive: http://pastebin.com/8mN8gJYP (Rummpus has left the building, someone needs to take over the archive)
List of Content Creators: http://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jwWC_R0jUW1c5k0BUTyStxd3bdP7XULeticRyDCYz2Q/edit?usp=sharing

>no one's going to save you from the beast about to strike
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>MMD shit
Good to see this thread is already fucking awful
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[joke about firewood].png
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>Cause This Is THRILLER! Edition
>that OP picture

I got those cringe goosebumps
I want FNAF fan music to be eradicated from the internet

Second holocaust now gas these fucking preteen edgelords
i'm in love with a chicken
I'm also in love with you!
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I'm saving plenty of money so I can, in thirty years or so, go to the nearest applied robotics store, and buy my very own RugratsBon
I'm in love with a rabbit
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Someone put a security hat on the bird
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Better than a picture having nothing to do with FNAF.
She is so pure. I could do no harm to her.
She pulls my heartstrings.
ooga booga?
nerd bon drinking piss :^)
Not really. I'd rather look at decent art with a passing relation to FNAF than Youtube crap.

>that latest living tombstone song where the lyrics are actually completely unintelligible
Fucking terrible
>you will never, ever, have a robot bunny waifu
brb killing myself
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Here's that Snaxbon bikini thing again
>latest living tombstone song where the lyrics are actually completely unintelligible
As opposed to a song with understandable lyrics that you'd shit on, anyway?

You're lumping all fan songs together, because of one single song that didn't please you greatly.
It's hardly likely that you've heard every single song the community has to offer, before making the assumption that all fan music is bad.

Face it: You hate all fan music only because of your bitter "chan culture" bandwagon.

Did I get a rise out of you? Or was I too obvious?
that's fine, but you're going to be the main course for dinner

you saw nothing
No, you did good, I actually bought it until the last paragraph
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I'm in love with a Fansmut
>tfw you'll never go to the beach and boardwalk with the snaxbon
Nah, you were trying way too hard. The only TLT song I like is "Die In A Fire".

I'll take the actual FNAF characters over cropped fanart porn of a fangame.
i like the last song, but yeah the voice singing is kinda gross
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space jam ceiling fan.jpg
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>20 years afterward:
>anon has died while his impish robot rabbit waifu still goes on, grieving.
>It's a rainy day and anon's few, if any, remaining friends and relatives are also present to mourn together as the coffin is lowered.
>As the reaches the bottom, there is a long, winding, farting sound as it squashes the whoopie cushion placed there nary a few minutes before the procession.
>The crowd is dead silent except for muffled laughter intermittently broken by sobbing.
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>even if I got a robot waifu, one day I'd die and leave her, alone and immortal
I've just reconsidered getting a bunnybot
I tried to find a picture of Scribble's avatar and failed. Double date never, I guess.
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I'm trying to make a map for a museum, any thoughts?

Fuck this phone and it's sideways bullshit.
Is both an option?
Go to bed bombay
See, that shit is exactly why I'm a faggot.
You have to make it in the shape of scott cawthon
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Like this?
>dat happy Toy Freddy

Only one of those Freddys is male, though
It's still a shame Scott never followed up on how awful it'd be to be stuck inside a suit for all eternity, slowly rotting away inside, and the likelihood that the Puppet and robots would do this to the guards simply out of spite.

He glanced over all that juicy psychological horror that pervaded the original game's atmosphere in favor of jump scares.
I think I just realized a longer reverse version of that is what SyGoldie is going through.
>sand would rek her joints
>salty ocean spray would rust her endoskeleton
>heat would fuck up her electronics
Because that's a subject that works much better as a film or novel, not as a video game. How would it work, you sit there selecting monolouge options that slowly grow more and more frenetic and crazed until the game ends?
dang it anon stop ruining my fantasies with logic
I mean, a newspaper clipping in FNAF3 mentioning a guard being found stuffed in a suit but still alive at the FNAF1 location would have been neat, but Scott kind of already handled that with Springtrap. He really should've gone for unsettling rather than jumpscares, though.
8 bit cutscenes. It's easy to convey through that.
>more people know Bastian and Sy for memes than for being writefags

It must be suffering
What Bastian-related memes are there?
Besides the fact that he's so entrenched in the skype circlejerk that people refer to him by his skype username rather than his pastebin name?
Fuck off, hateanon.
I honestly didn't know Bastian was a writefag. I just thought he was a namefag who talked sometimes.
He fluctuates. He streams with it, posts with it, and I think his pastebin mentions it.
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That's my actual name, though.
That's even worse
Crimebot Toy Freddy is a cutie.
>tfw robotics technology is increasing at such a rate that we're mere decades away from waifubots and husbandobots
but the robot won't really love you anon
Fuck off, robophobe
Robot love is the purest there'll ever be
their love is only mechanical!
Just as there can be no purer platonic love than that which is between a man and his dog, there can be no greater romantic love than that which is between a man and his robot or between a man and his dolphin.
We just have to hope none of us die in the meantime.
If people don't shut the fuck up about this "skype circlejerk" shit I'm going to have an autistic meltdown. Shut the fuck up jesus christ there is no secret society of circlejerkers who are conspiring to oppress the peasant anons
You could make a decent one right now. All we need is the ability to read certain stimuli as inputs (voice, touch, movement, etc.) and the ability to make a robot perform certain actions (change facial expressions, move certain body parts, move around the room, speak lines, pick things up, etc.) The logic to connect these two is easy to implement but there's no "one bot fits all" logic that would please enough people to just write Generic WaifuBot Software 1.0.

You could customize it yourself though. It's not unreasonable to take, say, 1000 lines of speech your robot could recognize (voice recognition is fantastic, look at Siri/Cortana/Google) and connect those lines with certain actions, so when you say "Bonnie, give me a hug" the robot can scan for a humanoid, walk to you and give you a big hug with the appropriately programmed amount of force. You could program it to respond in kind to certain lines so you could "talk" to it. That's just dependent on how much time you want to spend writing the conversation programming.

tl;dr The technology is here, you just need to build it yourself instead of waiting to buy one off the shelf.
I wonder how many people posting here have died since August 2014. I mean, statistically speaking there's got to be a few.
Speak for yourself I'm here to bump nuts with OCfags left and right and nothing else keep thinking the OCilluminati doesn't exist
>man and his dolphin.
anon no stop
I wonder if any OCfags have died since August 2014
Calm down Ghost, we don't need more paragraphs of autistic fury.
Stop falseflagging to bring attention to yourself, Ghost.
The former brought it on himself, the latter didn't even do anything.
Just shows that anyone can become a meme.
Dolphins don't feel love, all they feel is hate.
They're half hate, half insatiable lust.
And that's all I need.
Do I need to start posting links again?
anon NO
That's kind of sad anon.
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ooh here she comes.gif
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this was almost as cute as u
fuck off Sam humphries

Don't you have Star-Lord to ruin or something?
I fucking wish. Maybe then I wouldn't have had to deal with Kittenposting or CDF all these months.
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>those head feathers
>that bib
>those stomps (mostly) in sync with the music
>those thicc lines

I fucking love your style
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Toy Bonnie's the best animatronic.
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why is toy bonnie so flamboyant?
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I agree.
He was designed to be a faggot.
You know, considering Scott's status as a christian, married family man, his track record of feminine boys is a bit unexpected.
a good christian? I bet he's secretly a huge faggot
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>implying Toy Bonnie isn't a girl
Hey Imoutoanon, long time no see. Cute Toy Bonnie you've got there.
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I've got no redditfrogs smug enough, so I'll have to resort to benisposting.

Wait, why a museum?
Long time no see, anons.
How's the shitposting lately?
how you doin babe
Same as always, it hardly ever changes.
Hey look you got your sister out of the rape dungeon to draw for us
>there is porn of Cent Rollector's ToyBon

In my possibly not happening fangame that I'm making the setting is an exhibit in a museum covering Freddy Fazbear's history. From the Spring Suits at Fredbear's to the murders. Part of the goal is to make sure the animatronics don't slip out of the exhibit, because despite being nailed to the fucking stage they manage to roam around at night.
i don't know but i like it
I assume you play as Ben Stiller
ill fight you, you piece of shit, ill kill you

thanks, i love you

I should definitely reference that.
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What fags
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This right here is pretty great.
Alright, straight into the dumpster with you.
how do you think toy bonnie feels looking like such a homo
>>Still, if any of you fags want to give it a shot: start with comedy; it relies less on actual artistic/writing talent and when you improve enough you can then start with more dramatic stuff and not look silly.
Thing is, what funny ideas haven't already been done to death?

does he not understand you must love it!?
Have you been having an "up" day today anon?
every day is an up day with you love
How many of us are gay and how many are straight?
Is this general a sausage fest, a taco fiesta or what?
>Badge came back one night with art and false promises
>Drew some art and made things seem like old times again
>Asked for more requests; said they'd be right back with 'em
I'm still waiting Badge.I'll always be waiting.
y-you too
if you're going to make a dumb post like this, attach a poll or something, you huge nerd
I think theres a lot of gay/bi girls and boys here, I dont think theres a single strictly straight girl here and probably on a few guys
Pretty sure ParanoidTool is an ordinary straight girl. Not sure about it but I think she's got a boyfriend too
I meant to type ONLY a few guys, fuck phone keyboards
She's made maybe two posts in the last year, she doesn't count.
All of the OCfags are either bi or faggots. Basically every anon is a faggot whether they admit it or not.
talk shit get hit nerd, you wana take this outside?
>going through archives of threads back from april
>benis would get only 4 or 5 replies
>most people were fond of him
What went wrong?
I can tell you right now that's false. Benis got tons of replies from the get-go. His popularity was just a bizarre phenomena that can't be replicated.
Everyone else. Falseflagging, overexaggeration, obnoxious fans. It's humorous to me that amidst all of this stupid benis hate, it's not even benis who's really to blame.
Straight male. I'm not attracted to men.

The entire Benis debacle is weirdest fucking thing that's happened in this thread. No one knows exactly how it started or where the sudden explosion of popularity came from but people have been talking about it for over a year now. It seems like someone just flipped a switch and it began. So fucking strange.
I am a huge nerd.
I like piss in my face
My nigga.
>All of the OCfags are either bi or faggots.
But I'm neither of those things.
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a beacon of anonymity.png
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According to recent trends, you wouldn't know me anyways.
Bite of '87 story when, faggot?
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Bonnie no!
Hot, but still; no.
I don't remember saying I was going to do that. And honestly I don't see the point. I've done both a Purple story and a Funtime Foxy/Toy Foxy/Pre-Mangle/Uncooked Noodles story, both of which reveal how the Bite would have happened. So doing a story from Jeremy's perspective of him getting bit doesn't seem all that necessary. Especially since it'd be easy to see coming.

I swear to fucking god, you better not have more animatronics than FNAF 2
Have a stupid.
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we tumblr now
holy shit that ending
You can admit it, that was just an excuse to trigger the dogs with your screams again wasn't it.
Why would i do that, that's where the whiteboard is, silly.
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Nah, only the main four and maybe Spring Freddy or Marionette.
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You sure about that bro?
so, uh

like, you were taken apart and now you're spaghetti?
There's vomit on his sweater already.
He said Manglesexual not Manglegender.
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>The dark gods of Chaos
moms spaghetti
so he... he spaghetti's people?
He's at least partially to blame, considering this wouldn't be happening if he ever finished his fucking comic
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He is arguably the artist to first draw a comic with a continuing story in the thread.
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>tfw their last day together is Bonnie pushing Goldie away to avoid seeing the rabbot in its broken state
>tfw Goldie can't save his Bonnie
I don't feel any sexual attraction towards anything, for some reason.

If I absolutely had to choose though, I'd consider myself heterosexual dude
are you okay anon
so you're asexual
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You made it rain. It's raining now.

no, he isnt cabbage
Straight as an arrow
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I can relate to this one
Who could resist those mangoes anyway
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Straight as an arrow here.

But you'll never guess who
You're either a writefag, which means no one cares, a ded drawfag, which means no one cares, or an anon pretending to be an ocfag, which means no one cares.
Bisexual, leaning towards the fine women
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>Hulkster might actually build his own animatronic fast food chain
>115 million dollars
Holy shit.
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I'm honestly surprised it took this long. Everyone involved with Gawker turned out to be the biggest scumbags in the world the moment the trial started. I don't think anyone that they would win this.
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Hell yeah motherfucker.
You know what's great guys?

We've gone this far into the thread without any purplethirsting.:^)
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I want to indulge in some purple drank

Dispensed by Bonnie.
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>gawker had to sell assets to even afford the trial
>most they could afford to pay out without immediately going under was $100m
>have to pay $15m more than that
Good riddance. If we're lucky this will be the start of a new era of lack of clickbait
Thanks for jinxing it asshole
>tfw no decent Purple Gals
Why live
I just want to fuck some psycho woman's pussy and cum inside
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purple girl.jpg
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>sticky on /pol/ is playing real american
Not enough Vincent :^)

I will tolerate this for reasons.
We need all purple guys and gals.
All. Of. Them.
>$115 million is only in compensatory damages
>jury still discussing about punitive damages
>Gawker's insurance company already skipping town
>Florida law makes appealing impossible
I would rape her whore face
>tfw you'll never have purple guy rape and kill you
Reminder only reddit and tumblr natives like Purple Guy.
when did reddit become thirsty for the purple cock?
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Evening friends.

I have a gift for the Vincent thirsters here. Enjoy.

You know where to find it I assume?
jaysus PT
you faggot.
Ow, the edge.
Says the Vincent thirster
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wow you sure showed those purplethirsters!!
Nice to see you're still around PT.
i lol'd
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sit in my lap.png
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Not quite.

Yes, you need something?

Been watching a lot of 80s flicks lately. Blame that. Love me some edge.

You're absolutely right. If you ask me we need more benis purple. I'm actually not kidding.

Thank you. Trying to do more now due to recent events. Lots of ideas, but still not a lot of time. Gonna try at least.

Glad someone had a giggle.
That's hot...
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sexy Hoxton.png
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hot purple.jpg
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now that's something i can dig
ah the days of weird mangle sub-type waifus
As long as you stay away from my neck.
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he was built for this.png
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I kind of miss them.

Too late anon.
this is kinda hot
i laughed hard at this and i'm not entirely sure why, but thanks
Here's a different one that might appeal to you more.
>lurkanon hasn't posted since September of last year
lurkanon showed up at a drawing skill level higher than some of the ocfags had after drawing for a year and then just disappeared
I miss his art
he's back to where he belongs anon, lurking for life
Hopefully he's happy, where ever he is.
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babby mangle.png
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The guy knew what he liked and how to make it. I'm sure he's off drawing niche fetish shit for somebody, somewhere. Godspeed.
are you having a nice friday night anonymous
Yes I'm having a wonderful Freddy evening.
>tfw fortnights fag is very likely, actually dead
we all gotta die sometime
[citation needed]
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sleep tight, pizza.jpg
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may he rest in pepperonis
guy took down the videos too

when he didn't show up in september I was the only one to notice.
>game was supposed to be released September 2015
>no word from him for months
>YouTube channel deleted
>guy seems to have vanished off the face of the internet
He ded
Who is this fag you speak of?
>yfw he and all the inactive ocfags are conscripted into a secret development team for FNAF 5 by Scott
>benis could die one day, we'd never know
>gmf could die one day, we'd never know
>ghost could die one day, we'd never know
>there are people who've posted and created content for this place who may be long dead

Kind of reminds you how fleeting life is. You disappear from the world and it seldom acknowledges your passing.
Maybe it's time to acknowledge it while it's still here then?
has anyone seen crisis today!?
>your favorite OCfag could be dead right now
Why do you have to make feel this way
So this is what you guys do on Friday nights huh?
Besides fapping at speeds unknown to man and binge eating, yes.
Eating at speeds unknown to man and binge fapping? Yeah, sounds about right.
How do I into drawing?
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 214

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