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/acg/ - Armored Core General: Lonesome Path Edition
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You are currently reading a thread in /vg/ - Video Game Generals

Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 169
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For all newcomers, Armored Core and all JP mecha discussion here. You are welcome to shill western stuff with JP influence.

AC pastebin:
Read that if you have any questions. If the pastebin doesn't answer whatever question you may have feel free to ask us in the thread.

/acg/'s partially approved recommendation list:
(updated february 13th)


Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/armoredcorevg

/acg/ PLAYS

>Merely ask to play and someone will get on with you

>usually every Sunday.

>Needs to be scheduled, make a fuss about it if no one listens.

Official Strategy guide PDFs for 2, 3, and Nexus :

Best pilot needs a spot in the OP
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>last thread died LITERALLY as soon as I posted
To continue

My argument wasn't that there weren't plenty of games that didn't have saving. You said that you had to beat games in one sitting back when, I said that wasn't necessarily true. Get off your high horse gramps.
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Fuck /vg/ has been going fast today, we need to be on high alert
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>armored core tag on danbooru
>no porn whatsoever
AC truly is the purest videogame franchise.
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It's this purity that keeps us going
but its also why we're on page 10
Can't screw up dessert without the thread dying.
I think he means that you should start with the original, then play Project Phantasma, then play MoA since they flow into each other.
>some rulings by the GM that allowed multiple attacks (1 for each arm
I actually found Duke on /tg/ a few weeks ago and he told me that this is how it's supposed to work. You can attack with each available weapon on your utility phase.
>and secondary arms count, so they got 4)
Ooh, didn't think of that. That's pretty neat.
>Also, I had been considering that on 3 wounds taking 1 damage would be a loss of limb, but GM says no it needs to be 1/3 or 2/5 total wounds for half damage or less
So if I'm reading this right, he's rounding down? I agree with him, that's how I'm handling odd numbers of wounds. Assuming we're on the same train of thought, the idea is that your arms and legs don't incur penalties until they've passed the halfway mark and you won't pass 1.5/3 until you get to 2.
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wake up
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>I actually found Duke on /tg/ a few weeks ago and he told me that this is how it's supposed to work. You can attack with each available weapon on your utility phase.

That I already assumed when it comes to weapons, though the wording for melee is weird and makes it sound like you can only do one attack (with the prereq being having at least an arm or two legs).

Many little errors like that throughout. For example, turn flow has a problem since RAW the DR move bonus is only counted for the current turn, so whoever goes first in initiative gets to hit everyone like they were standing still. I'm sure this isn't how it's supposed to work, and your move bonus lasts until your next movement phase.

Another thing I spotted is that if a targets' DR is high enough that it can only be hit with critical hits, then you should make every shot a called shot - your hit chances aren't going to get any worse, after all. I'm pretty sure this is unintended behavior... I'll have to think of a solution for it to suggest to my GM eventually.

But the one thing where rules really fall apart is with the Mortar. How the hell is it supposed to work?
>For example, turn flow has a problem since RAW the DR move bonus is only counted for the current turn, so whoever goes first in initiative gets to hit everyone like they were standing still. I'm sure this isn't how it's supposed to work, and your move bonus lasts until your next movement phase.
Yeah, that's the assumption I run with, but I can see how the RAW version makes sense to those who've played enough D&D and Pathfinder.
>But the one thing where rules really fall apart is with the Mortar. How the hell is it supposed to work?
Ah geez, now you're making me worried that I don't have it right.
So, as far as I understand, you choose a target square within 60 range. If it's at least 20 squares away, you roll the 2d6+2+Control to see if it hits.
And at this point I think I see what you mean. You're wondering what the attack roll is checked against, right?
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Actually, initially my assumption is that it'd roll against the targets DR like any other weapon, and if it missed it'd scatter, but then... if the scatter hits someone, do you roll attack checks for those too? Or do you compare your initial roll to their DR? Surely it can't be auto-hit.

But... if it's the second case and you just check DR against everyone under the template, if there are adjacent targets why not shoot at the one with lower DR to ensure no scatter? Or wait, why not aim at the ground instead of a target, and then there won't be scatter at all!

Wait, what...?
if you want lewd you have to look n pixiv for crappy fan art of the pilots.
Here's my initial thought.
You choose a square then you make a check against a flat number to see if the shell lands there. Since it's 2d6+2, maybe make that number 6 or 7. 6 sounds better to me so that it's doable within range 20, but 7 might work as a way to severely disincentivize close range use.
Anyway, if the check succeeds, the shell lands in the square. If not, it lands 1d6 squares away in a direction of the GM's choice. It explodes in its 3x3 square and everything within the blast zone makes an armor save. If there's anything in the center square, make a shoulder weapon attack roll against it. If you beat the DR, it has to make an armor save against the AP2 explosion. If you don't beat the DR, then the shell isn't a direct hit and the occupant of that square gets to make the armor save against AP0. Then everything else makes their armor saves at AP0.

Now that I've finished typing that out, it seems a little cumbersome for what's supposed to be a hotfix.
that too.
Gelbooru won't give any more lewd than danbooru.
>Now that I've finished typing that out, it seems a little cumbersome for what's supposed to be a hotfix.


The other template weapon, Incendiary Missiles, seems really simple: roll missile AR and check against the DR of everything in the designated 3x3 area.

This also made me think of artillery. If a howitzer shot deviates from target, do you still roll spotter AR for the hits on the new grid square? I'm guessing yes since there's no alternative presented.
it does.
I'm talking in the AC department.
it does.

Want me to post all the lewd pics I can find?
yes. with kurasawas covering the naughty bits
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loli bump
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Great loli i am seeing.

Still gonna kill her.
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I get the names out of the tags.
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okay bb but fight me before you kill her.

Leeeeewwwwwd but like.

Anyways a bump before booze session.
Dual Gear looks neat. I hope 2017 comes soon, I'd like to play the full game, and not feel ripped off like I did with Project Nimbus.
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Oh most persistent almost dead general of /vg/.

Has there been any indication of a new armored core title whatsoever? Even as a distant thought or inkling a sega/from employee has sneezed on during an interview?

Any words whatsoever?
the president of From said he would like to make other games besides Souls games.
>would like to
>means there's no way in hell they're going to stop making profits
Today is a sad day...
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When are ya'll going to make a Disqord. mfw I still talk to people who I met through AC4A
If we made a discord the general would be dead for sure
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Every day until I get a setup like this working myself

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>the one pure general has resorted to lewdness to stay alive
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Blame anon. >>135003512 I just obey.
>brown may greenfield

How did this pic elude me until now? Sorry Ahab this one is mine.
This picture is not AC related no matter what anyone says
If I remember correctly that girl is moefied version of Neo Nidus NEXT Gachirin

See the emblems.
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Last one.
The parts making up that blue AC don't exist.

>the president of From said he would like to make other games besides Souls games.
Yeah, like Blood Borne, and Dark Blood, and Dark Borne, and Dark Soles (a shoe store simulator set in the Souls universe), and so on.

Don't worry, "technically" they're not souls games.
Well if you remember Namco also tried to kill ACVD. Who the hell releases a game a week after GTAV?
There will never be another Armored Core unless Bandai Namco deems it worthy.

If From makes a new mech game it will be a new IP

I know being cynical makes it easier to cope, but do it to the people who deserve it.
I think being a new IP would actually help the game more than hurt it especially if it was single player focused.
I agree, but if it will happen, it won't be for years and years to come.
I say retire the Armored Core IP. It'd be hard, but From can make a good game without Nineball and Aaliyah and Karasawa. What matters is that the gameplay is good.

Sticking to IPs and franchises only hurts the industry, when From could branch out and try new things, without Bamco down their throats.

And if you don't believe me, tell me that Chromehounds isn't a masterpiece, or that Metal Wolf Chaos, Frame Gride, and many other mech games by them weren't at least above average in quality.
Chromehounds isn't a masterpiece

Okay, thank you for telling me that, like I asked. But is it true? It's a pretty damn good game.

Think of it like demons Souls and King's Field. One is a spiritual successor to the other, but they share little in terms of names, right? That's the power of a spiritual successor.
I don't know if your reasoning is sound but I just said that because I only discovered it after the servers were shut down.
Knock yourself out, boyo.
I agree on the artillery. It sounds sensible to me.
Ask and you shall recieve

Playstation/console platform isnt ideal for any multiplayer games that aims higher than simple deathmatch or fightan games.

ACVD have good multiplayer objective, hubdered by the region lock and bastardly designed UI for operators that simply only can work on PC.

ACVD on pc when?
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Time to fap before sleeping, then.
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>does AC ever use real world locations?

That's a stupid question, it takes place on EARTH ffs
MT? Normal?

>new IP

The new name better keep "Armored" or "Core" somewhere, and retain the merc aspect of the games.
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Hey d-roy i'm letting you know that i made Raging Torrent V and i also made Providence, Painkiller, and Tyrant
Raven's raven
a raven for ravens
near death experience
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i feel my memories fading
the blinding light of the sawa...
the discharge heat of the moonlight...
did i really fight all those wars
was it just a kid's dream?
either way, the end is here
Dead thread
Dead game
time to die, comrades
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Favorite ACFA mission?

Mine is Destroy Cradle 03
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Everyone ready for SNFA?
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My body is ready.

Aw, that's tonight? How was I supposed to know?
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I'll take that smugness and raise you this.

Its on the OP bb, read it carefully.
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that's what this thread needs
literally poetry
i liked the long mission with those 2 big things at the end that have a million HP and the tunnel and stuff
something about that mission is extremely comfy. i love blowing up large amount of normals
defend sphere is pretty cool too, taking out all those bombers on the way there and landing in a tokyo drift turning around firing machine guns... that mission's the man
Destroy unidentified AC + No Count. a 1v3 was never so fun.
I'm just here to bump the thread
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I'm on FA right now if anyone wants to play early.
Lets have some fun xez.
bump bump snfa
Just a reminder, SNFA is on right now.

Nope. This is America. Reading is for Democrats.
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puchi bump
This thread needs shitposters, then it wouldn't die
But who will be the one bringing our end?
We are ravens
Death comes to all of us
Living as we please
But we always survive
Once a comrade, now a enemy
Fighting for our survival
Yet wishing the sweet release of death
and when the dust settle
All said and done
only the strongest one of us will remain
Little need for words at that point
The Last Raven will be the only one to remember
Our ascension and Fall.


I like that mission too. Is just so brutal in many ways.

Perhaps but can you live with /acg/ being run by shitposters?
If it keeps the thread alive, sure
maybe, it will happen if the name of FROM itself manage to draw players to the next AC or spiritual succesor game (if ever comes), I just we can avoid tryhards.
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Well i'm salty as shit now with that grenade death.
You're always salty because you never win.
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I don't know man, you three looked pretty dead when i played Commando.
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Well that's one SNFA ruined. Maybe it'll get better for the next one.
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I'm guessing SNFA is over?
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Cheer up xez, here's a korean idol.

these games suck
Or until Sony offers to publish one.
>funding a series as financially stagnant as AC
How high were you when you posted that?
How would you feel if Michael Bay made an Armored Core movie?
If Transformers was any indication, he'll blow the entire budget on partial models for the mechs, and explosives to try and kill Megan Fox with, and use the remaining $10 to pay some hobo to write the script.

I'd give it a solid 8/10.
even something as simple as a pistol will cause huge explosion, little mecha and more human pilots on the screen, cheap hollywood romance and some humor from time to time.
Me too considering we'll be going to see it anyways because of brand loyalty.
Now the real question is how would David Lynch direct an AC movie about the introspection of Nineball A.I.
all was a dream....by a AI
I would pretend that my favorite videogame franchise never existed.
could you? when the movie is a hit? you see it everywhere, everyone talking about it, memes in all the internet, and knowing how wrong they are.
I could, because I never go outside, I don't talk to people, and the movie would be a flat bust because it's armored core and nobody cares about that. The only Transformers movie that got descent reviews was the first.
How could an A.I dream?

Err what can I say other than watch more michael bay movies.
Heck, I'd watch that. Sounds kinda fun.
Jeck you fag stop being that
Watch our videos
Why the fuck would I ever do that?

Because sometimes you feel like you have too many braincells, and you just wanna sit back and be stupid.

In which case I recommend all of Micheal Bay's work.
I'd rather watch good movies that don't require me to think, like The Iron Giant.
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You know >>135140078 is right, you should watch more and burn those brain cells.

Good games tonight Ahab, sorry about that dc for Sat-II.
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Please bump with on-topic subject matter.
Alright I'll look into my AC folder for more pictures.
Well actually I don't care, I was just angry because I kept losing online and came here to see some stupid moeblobs being borderline spammed.
Am I on /tv/?


Jack Snyder on the director seat.
Acfa setting
Morgan freeman for the OMER/League. (Who the fuck hates him)
Pass me that leonardo for emcee

Frequency gets to make the soundtrack, no hans zimmer shit pls
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>a main character in an action blockbuster
Would you like to talk about what happen, it might help a little.

I'll pass on leo.
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>Would you like to talk about what happen, it might help a little.
No? I was fighting scrubs in a videogame, not in some sort of breakup, what am I in fucking therapy?
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Nope just take it easy buddy.
bump mecha

We're all in therapy.
some more than others.
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JUNK IS BACK AND WHACK and having a hard time against helicopters
>moe blob

Junk is the purest form of moe
also apparently the answer for those attack choppers was shotguns
>Quick lock FCS has worse Lock Computation than long range one
Junk pls
is what junk does.
Man fuck chapter 5 and these 2v1 AC missions, Junk want made for this
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too close?
how can you not believe in good?
vanishing the world in the clouds?
that song is ending material.
do you mean
End Of Armored Cores?

though, it's not even Thinker
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Leave that chopper aloooone.jpg
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>Swarm of hellkites while being sniped by an AC
>Hellkites are all weak against CE and just tanky enough to resist gatlings and pulse MGs
>No junk heat MGs, battle rifles are too slow
They are one type of MT that I like their design.
Fighting a huge swarm of Rocket Golems bunched togehter so you cant kick them without them wrecking your shit and then moving o tho those hellkites with missle support all while being sniped by fucking charis is a nightmare
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Okay so Im standing at spawn and charis is taking potshots at me and hasnt missed a single one, I'm just gonna chill till he runs out of ammo
Do a sniper duel
The junk Sniper cannon barely was able to hit the golems half way there much less this guy lmao
thing shots 3 shots at once and not a single one is on target
also can enemy AC's even run out of ammo? I've been sitting here a while
I don't know on VD. I rememeber that on 3 gen and on 4 they could.
Well its been a little over 12 minuites now and he's still going so I'm going to assume no
Knowing is half the battle
You could try to approach and avoid him, take out the mooks first and the go for the AC.
That sniper does like 1/5 of my fucking health
is there junk shields?
Nope, and you were right best option is to approach him and get him out of sniping
is that the motherwill?

What's left of it anyway.
This is dreadfully boring but I figure it'
s better than a hollow bump
also forgot to turn my music off
behold the JUNK!
It's really stupid how they had to buff most of the ACs in FA because they were all overweight.
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Interesting music there anon
Mission accomplished /acg/ I have sent Ranker a copy of acfa. Now that is done on my side, all Ranker needs to do is sell his body for his friend's ps3.
>sending him a copy when he doesn't even have a ps3
Boy you better not mean DiCaprio.
Or feet.
Cripes, man. Want a hand?
Does anyone still play vd? I sort of want to play but it seems pretty dead. Is it better for Japanese versions of the game?
I'll play with you. I'm on PC version.
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Well maybe instead of green texting you should sell your body for Ranker's ps3.
admit it wasn't the smartest decision
Goofy music is the source of my junk powers
Wish there were more games like this
favorite OW and why
I just love the animations for the Giga missle, it's so good
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>Jeck you fag stop being that
it wasn't me!!
grind blade, self explanitory.
in case that needs clarification: six flaming chainsaws
That sounds out of WH40K.
I am the MSPaint master.
Resized twice due to filesize limit.
unbelievable, are you guys painting trains?
i used to have an addiction to painting trains
Nope, Cadillacs sticking out of the ground.
does anyone have that picture with the backs of like 5 different antagonists or something

i'm pretty sure it was ibis, nineball, nwgix, and some others
right guy git some bitchin ef/fa/y jacket

I am jealous of you guys right now. I wish we had cars sticking out of the ground.
thanks guy

the fuck is i-cfff-serre about? did they just call it IBIS in the english release?
I think it's an alternate name for him.
Makes a couple assumptions about it.
>those clothes
My goodness you couple of spergs.
IBIS was the easiest final boss in the series
I haven't played every game but I imagine that statement is almost true
Klein under the right circumstances.
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>AC2 gets no representation
>ACV gets two reps
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When are you faggots gonna come to cali so chel and I can call you guys faggots irl.
When are you and Chelonian going to road trip through Utah so Larco can call y'all faggots and into Texas so I can tell you Miki a not best girl
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did they really consider centaur legs? I guess they could work in a spin-off game with a fantasy seting.
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I'm glad they didn't. They looked pretty gay.
like I said, they could only work on fantasy setting.
Because those states suck why would we ever go there.
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True that.
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Got cheated out of a county fair that I was gonna go to. It sucks. How was your day, guys?
>AC with a fantasy setting

I want to see how that will work.
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They have a steampunk design and run on steam or magic crystals and the knights that pilot the behemoths are called ravens.

They must duke it out in a jousting contest against a strong opponent in order to get into the guild known as raven's nest.
I didn't have to go to a county fair so it was pretty great. Also I just started EDF and I played it for ten hours straight.
the coorporations will be big families that rule over the lands.

IA are spirits that posses the AC.
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Slow day is slow.
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I'm going to make this design right now.
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Post it later.
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/acg/ is death right now apparently.

>10 hours

Sounds like quite a keeper.
we are the ded
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survival bump
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Im assuming the purple one is Ahab because of that pic you sent once, time to do some lifting turbo faggot
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Friendly reminder this general and game


If you ever use that against me I will disown you Xez.

>From Software is on the list.

Armored Core VR anyone?

You mean Virtual Souls, right? Or, since it'll be a Sony only title, given the PSVR, it'll probably be something closer to VirtualBlood, or some dumb name like that.

Why would anyone want a VR AC? Since it's VR, it'll be forced into a 1st-person perspective, because immersion, or some dumb reason. I don't know about anyone else, but I tried AC in 1st-person. It wasn't good.
Steel Battalion 3.
Fork over a few thousand bucks and I'll gon on the university's summer trip to Lima where we can find out.
Lack of earthquakes.
Best Department of Transportation in the country means our roads suck less than all the others.
If they do VR mech game, it would be a sony published game, so it can't be AC. So it will probably be some first-person Chromehounds/Mechwarrior clone.
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