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Previous Thread: >>129409440

/hbg/ Wiki: http://homebrew-general.wikia.com

3DS: 9.2 (10.3 downgrade, 10.4 userland only, eShop NVer 28 and up)
Wii U: 5.4 Loadiine (5.5.1 IOSU exploit coming soon™)
Vita: 3.51 (Userland)
PS4: 1.76 (Webkit)

EmuNAND 10.4
O3DS: No abnormalities to report
N3DS: Cakes/Rei/Gateway supported; rxTools ≤ 9.5 only

3DS: http://pastebin.com/TQwDsWh9
DS: http://homebrew-general.wikia.com/wiki/Nintendo_DS
Vita: http://pastebin.com/zwBhCPtd

-Nintendo released system update 10.4.0-29. It fixed memchunkhax2, the ARM11 kernel exploit necessary to downgrade.
-Menuhax and Browserhax still work, but that's it. Downgrading now risks being forced to update should you ever soft-brick.
-Home Menu 10.4 now checks whether IronFall is up to date, effectively killing Ironhax.
-NTR has been updated to work on N3DS emuNAND 10.4 https://github.com/shadowtrance/BootNTR/releases

>Is downgrading safe?
Not really. If you try, you only have one shot. If it fails, you'll be forced to update to 10.4. You might want to wait on 10.3 without updating, even though at the moment it doesn't seem there is going to be a safer way.

>Wii U
-5.4 Loadiine v2 out now http://wiiubrew.net/540/
-Hykem generously shared some keys, seems to be in good spirits.
-Yellows8's .mp4 exploit has not been patched in 5.5.1

-Cobra Black Fin was announced. http://wololo.net/2015/12/07/cobra-black-fin-an-upcoming-dongle-to-play-ps-vita-isos/
-A Vita update got released, you might not
Do I have to do something else before installing a cia from another region using RxTools?
Any other PS3 CFW users around here?
¿US Paper Jam CIA cuándo?
anyone ordered from nds-card.com?
Im currently looking for an r4i 3ds gold card and all the 'local' shops are shady enough that im willing to deal directly with commies.
p soon familia

Do you know if it is safe to access PSN on 4.76.1 Rebug?
If I want my 3DS to boot into the CTR automatically does it matter if I boot into the Homebrew Launcher from CTR or can it be done in the emunand
Depends on what you're doing
there's been a recent update so no.
Still waiting for that ORAS Lewd CIA, this might make me want to play pokemon again... if only for a while since all my friends are fucking casuals.
>reggie's manly man hands holding baby tier model
this image alone should convince people not to buy the non XL version. just look at how tiny that shit looks? you literally have smartphones with bigger screens.
>tn panels

I just want to download something from the Playstation Store
It's legit. That's where I got my r4i 3ds from.
Would oot3dhax work on a 9.9 new 3ds XL?
>he doesn't have girly fingers
What a fag
How do I put custom themes on emunand
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>having witch fingers
sacrifice a goat to the 3ds god
Yes as long as you already have a primary way of getting into HBL somehow so you can run the installer.
When you get to the part that asks you for a firmware, put in the firmware of the 3DS you wanna use it on.
Make sure you wipe the save data by holding the face buttons on boot before injecting the payload into the cart.
That was a promo from 2010, retard.
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>O3DS that i got as a gift fully hacked and 32GB SD loaded with games
>r4i gold in the mail at this very moment, microsd already filled with games in anticipation
>spent a grand sum of $20 on all of it
I'm feeling it
that's how it's meant to be
xl version is for people with monster hands
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>liking manly hands fondling your junk
What does a bad downgrade consist of ? Not being able to play CIA games ? What exactly would be wrong ? And I don't mean bricking the console. I'm just curious.

where's the pastebin with fantasy life dlc? there's nothing on OP
Fire Emblem Norh cia please?
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The regular model is better built and will last longer than any other model. Everything after it was budget made to make up for the abysmal launch. And they used le bigger blown up screens to bait everyone.
The main symptom is NATIVE_FIRM not downgrading, AKA CFW and pretty much anything that uses Firmlaunchhax or outdated kernel exploits being incapable of running.
>Hyrule Warriors is shit
>FF Explorers is shit
>nothing else on the horizon

What the fuck is the point of this useless handheld
Stealing old games.
that's literally my fetish and big feet
blame SF
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i downloaded the alphasapphire cia, and the 1.4 update.cia. what should i do with the 1.4update cia?
Dragon Quest
Check /feg/ pastebin. They have all the stuff you want.

If you're talking about downgrading to a "fake" 9.2, then this guy explains it
Zero Escape 3
The vita version will be better, just like VLR.
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>this comfy as fuck image
sometimes I wish anime was real
Update via e-shop?
but the n3ds teeny tiny edition is actually comfortable as fuck, I have friends with hands almost the size of reggies and they can play fine for hours on end.

are you literally retarded? install the game, then install the update, you mong
Post holding your 3DS to prove you don't have baby hands
I have a 2DS running rxTools 2.7.
If I wanted to switch over to 3.0 is it as simple as replacing the CFW files or is there more to it?
SMT IV Final
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>CIA installs keep hanging
I'm just tempted to back my stuff up and reformat my microSD because that shit is getting out of hand. I can't even install anything anymore.
How do I disable the parental controls nag when playing an out of region game on rxtools without disabling it off completely? I don't have the software rating enabled but I still get it
Thats great to hear.
Do they accept paypal for flashcards?
Because last time i checked paypal was cracking down on flashcard resellers.
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turn off parental controls you underaged queer
can anyone tell me the difference between the auto exit and the other version of NTR?

which one should I use?
I forgot there was /feg/, thanks!
What hax does every one use??
I'm downgrading from N3DS 10.3 to 9.2 (please spare me the warnings)

I have SafeSysUpdater.cia and SafeSysUpdater.3dsx files

Do I just put this in the system updater file?
Mario is a bitch ass faggot
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>FFEX taking an incredibly long time to install
you niggas better play with me online
It's not out yet, is it?
SF is the reason I love huge thighs
there can't be "better" versions of a VN, anon
don't be retarded
What is it? monster hunter: final fantasy edition?
I hope so.
So I've been out of it for a bit. I actually downgraded a about 2 weeks ago and have been updating my games via the eshop. Does this new update mean I can't do this anymore? I am on 10.3 Emunand on a 3DS.
Get auto exit. The other version means you have to press home then X every time, there is literally no point. No idea why it's still there honestly.

leaked I think, people were saying that online works with friends only in last thread since servers arn't up

Of course there can be, they can improve the graphics.
>people were saying that online works with friends only in last thread since servers arn't up
Gotcha. Hopefully my fucking microSD wants to install it.
What are the chances of the Fire Emblem Fates N3DS coming with 10.4? Thwy should have started manufacturing before 10.4 was even a thing.
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Reposting this. A godsend in a 145kb file
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>this chick is like 4'11 because japanese
>baby size hands that would make even the smallest of cocks like huge if she gripped it
>3ds looks like a tiger electronic it's so tiny
just imagine how small this thing would look if a normal size guy was holding it
Very low
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>Having access to all the library for 3ds
>only play the original tetris.
i'm not even that good at this game.
I also want to know this, all my games are asking for updates, can i just update normally? Or do i need a cia file to update?
Very low chances. Not that it matters since you can't exploit the browser on a non-updated console.

You don't even need it. Opening another game directly won't kick you out of emunand either.
get tetris ultimate and I'll teach you, brother
I'm a year off from being good enough to take the grand master challenge.
I want to play 100% legal backups of 3DS games without buying a card. Is it significantly harder to do this on a New 3DS than an original one that hasnt been updated in months?
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>tfw 5'0 and I find the 2DS the comfiest
So, even if it comes with 10.3, emunand is kill?
You could always buy a Powersaves and inject an Oot3dhax save into an OoT3D cartridge.
>still spamming about his fat hands

We get it, your fat gets in the way of the screens, now shut the fuck up about it.

I don't understand your logic. Browserhax is kill on a 3DS 9.9+ unless you're on the latest FW, and downgrading is kill on latest FW.

There are other exploits like >>129441314 and ninjahax
I want to stick my penis in her rear end
Actually, since it's a N3DS, you can technically still exploit Browserhax by just going faster than the update nag can, effectively outrunning it.
This is a real thing.
Any reason to update the emunand to 10.4 on an original 3ds? I ain't using no eshop.
Paypal just werks.
To be fair, the only real problem the 2DS has is how low the screen is compared to your hands. The console fits so well, especially the L and R buttons. Definitively the best way to play Kid Icarus Uprising.
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The Plant.gif
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I just bought a N3DS running 9.6 and am attempting to downgrade, but neither pasta nor minipasta boot - pasta gives a black screen and minipasta reloads homebrew (which I don't think is supposed to happen?), as opposed to loading back into the home menu.

any ideas?
>FFEX has like 4 faces
also, general when?
You're not supposed to use either of those to downgrade.
What the fuck is wrong with FF Explorers?
3D? What's that?
Circle Pad Pro support? What's that?
Is safe to play online or update games with eshop or should I search for updates cias?
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in case anyone wanted to know what lewd pokemon v2 added
yeah stereoscopic 3d not implemented is shitty
Please respond
Update to 10.4 and kill yourself
>nude flannery

Ok now I am interested.

Are all/most characters nude yet? Or is it just these 3?

Are there any other changes or is it just lewd changes?
I don't know about 2.7 in particular, but that's generally the case with CFW.
Wonderful, just placed my order!
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>still partially clothed
flannery and roxanne's mugshot is just the start
it's difficult to make a model edit of characters with a lot of clothing without messing things up so roxanne's model will have to wait,
there are no other changes implemented because i'm trying to keep the mod cosmetic for now
Have ass cracks been implemented yet?
Are you uploading this anywhere or just here?
where's the cias my man, on the op?
Does the mod work with the cowtits cia?
He already did upload it in the last thread.
I meant if he had a blog or something where I can keep checking for updates rather than sitting through infinite questions of "How to downgrade? How to free game?"
How big should the clusters be for the SD, again? I forgot.
>infinite questions
We're slowing down though.
i love kyary so much
Updating a game naturally should be fine as long as the game is the same region as your 3DS.
Instead of going into the eshop, when the game tells you there's an update, launch it and press Y and choose download now. The game updates on the spot and you won't be thrown into the eshop.
building up that much speed would probably take me 12 hours, though
Not him, but I get an error every time I need to access somewhere using my NNID. Any idea on how to fix it?
>Exploit return: failure

What did I do wrong?
link for cia pls senpai
Sorry I don't know
How big is Sm4sh?
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i posted the layeredfs + plugin for v2 last thread,
cia anon is still uploading i think
it won't combine them but technically yes
i don't have one, see above
not yet but i'm somewhat looking for a solution to do just that, if you have an idea i'm listening, i'd rather a chat service rather than a blog so i can have live feedback
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Has EU Pokemon Rumble World retail been dumped? Would be nice to play without dealing with all the gem save editing.
those memes trigger me, stop please
>Would be nice to play without dealing with all the gem save editing
You have to deal with it once and then you're golden. Bite the bullet, it's much more convenient than having to install a CIA.
You could open an IRC channel. Takes 5 minutes to do.
This theme entertained me more than it probably should have.
It's the little things.
Not yet, no clue why those scene fags are so slow as of late.
I was installing Cakes and had to use the latest nightly to get it to work, but I can't use NTR with it because it's not compatible with 10.4 native firm that it uses. Can I just install the previous nightly that used the 10.2 native firm that is supported without any issues? Or is there a newer version of NTR that does support 10.4 native firm?
You can install custom themes in sysNAND?
Yeah. Just make sure to put the files in the Menuhax folder so you can install the custom theme for it.
Easiest would be twitter, you could post updates and respond to messages.

Buy and dump it yourself, then upload it. Be the change you want to see in the world, anon!
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has anyone tried overclocking their new3dsxl?

have you seen improvements across older titles?
is it safe?
You can't overclock the N3DS, you can just have O3DS titles use the extra processing power of the N3DS.
oh, so I just start CHMM through menuhax?
anyone have the link to the update 1.1 ff explorers?

Why do you want US? the regular works even without NTR
Anyone has the update link or something for Bravely Default for the Sequel (jap ver)?
Can't find it anywhere
Why do you care about the US one specifically? Just get the EU CIA, dude.

No, you launch the Menuhax installer and install the theme from there.
It doesn't really overclock, it just stops the 3DS underclocking in older games so it should generally be safe.
It helps with games that have occassional framerate dips become more smooth, but it doesn't 100% fix some badly optimized games.
So who wants to play FF Explorer? Of course FC is required for friend plays. Game is not TOO bad.
I overclocked my 3DS for Pokemon Meme Sapphire nd my 3DS battery began leaking mustard gas.
My antivirus is kicking up a storm over 3dsiso today for seemingly no reason.
How safe is playing online with games such as HW or MHX? Doesn't it show up as what you're playing when online?
I got a ding on it too, one of the .js files apparently
Just download the NA version. Online doesn't work yet because the servers aren't public yet but you can play online with friendlist.

Also 1.1 is for JPN ver
oh, ok then. i just wanted it for luigis mansion. shit is gorgeous when you hit those 60 fps.
updated my emunand to 10.4 on n3ds cakes but now everything is dark, what do i look for or type in google to get a new firmware

My emuNAND won't fucking boot now, what the fuck is going on

I get to the rx screen then it goes black and nothing happens anymore

I literally just turned it off and left it charging and now this happens

What can I do?
I was too lazy to search for there link where I got it from, so I uploaded it. Here:


Link is on the git.
It works fine for Luigi's Mansion. Same for Pokémon, it's not perfect but Mega Evolutions and triple battles don't kill the framerate anymore.
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Hey, that's my role here, don't just steal it!

I like your style, though.
Probably updated to 10.4 and bricked the Emunand until rxTools sort their shit out.
Thanks a lot bro. I luv you
Have you tried turning it off and on again? I'm serious. Boot rate isn't 100%.
There should be a gender swapped version of Brendan in sapphire too. Just change his model to have tits.
I'm in favor of always more tits
It's after a few reboots that I'm posting here

It was working just fine and I've rebooted multiple times before, even on 10.4
It's only just now that it stays on a black screen

Already switched the microsd adapter to test, but it doesn't make a difference
This is why you always have your wifi on off unless you need it
Just updated emuNAND to 10.4 on Cakes.
Now Menuhax isn't working/I can't boot into CFW through Cakes using browserhax. What do?

Do I have to delete menuhax or what?
consider the following
>/poke/ board in a certain elsewhere
couldn't find an irc node that doesn't hate porn
any other ideas/vote?
Not him but I updated my emunand to 10.4 RX-E(?) With files and sysupdater and I haven't encounter a problem like his. Probably his didn't boot right.

In any case, >>129445219 if shit still presist after 5 tries, just reinject your emunand backup. You DID made a nand backup, right?
>couldn't find an irc node that doesn't hate porn
Make a channel on Rizon, there's plenty of porn posted there.
I don't even use wifi, it was always off, only updated to 10.4 and left it off
Just do twitter, by far the easiest.
Bravely Default uncensored cia? Please
has a nice effect when scrolling aswell!
is there any other way to do that than HANS? Wish there was a cia for that because i dont want to use the HBL since you have to reset the console to get back tothe home menu.
Fuck this is by far the most comfy theme I have found


3dsiso will have it
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I'm a bit retarded, can someone please post it or link it
get the rerelease from japan. It's in english.
I don't have a 10.3/10.4 backup, can't I just remakes emunand from my 9.2 sysnand then update normally?
What about my NNID? Is it gone?

Still getting the black screen and nothing for more than 10 boots
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>Had it working.
>Was living in the promised land of 9.2
>Needed to bump up to 9.5 for cryptofix reasons. Seems easy enough.

>Follow GBATemp guide. Everything going swimmingly.

>Update through sysupdater cia. Done. Easy.
>Console reboots with a home menu updating thingy. That's normal.

>Black screen.

>Death loop of home menu and a black screen. Can't get to emunand home screen.

>Try to re-inject emunand as per instructions

Nothing can be done, I guess..

I knew my luck wouldn't hold. I wish this shit bricked before so I wouldn't be so fucking mad that this thing died on me.

If only someone made this but for GBA/DSi shit then that would be a godsend
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I have 10.3 still and homebrew, can I still downgrade? I want to pirate paper jam and hyrule warriors.
what would you suggest instead?
browserhax just gives me a red screen.

What gives?
Does it say preparing home screen or something like that? If so, go to your emuNAND exdata folder and delete the 00000cd (cc/ce for different regions) folder.
Read the OP.
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Is it possible to make a .cia from a .3dsx file?

The faggot making PHBank says he won't make a .cia for it.

It's this: https://github.com/gocario/PHBank
If it's a vanilla Alpha Sapphire you just install the update from eshop if you're on 10.4, install the cia update if on 10.3 If it's a romhack of Alpha sapphire, don't update or you'll fuck the romhack up.
Updating your emuNAND shouldn't have even touched your menuhax on sysNAND at all.
I updated on Cakes via system update from the settings, and several others, and it works just fine.

Are you sure that you haven't updated your sysNAND?
Yes because I can still go to homebrew through browserhax and I double checked. Sysnand is still 9.2
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Someone knows how to compile the homebrew launcher cia? I want to change the ugly icon and banner for pic related. The banner and icons are in the right size if a based anon want to do it.
So after getting emuNAND to work on my o3DS, the GBA ambassador games no longer work as expected. However there is a way to get them back, righ?
How buttmad is Gateway that most used their Launcher.dat to make emunand and gave them $0?
I. I don't know what to say. Maybe the 9.2 emuand backup will work and update it from there. NNID should be fine.

Also, is sysnand still in 9.2? Are both nands unlinked?
all of the other suggestions are better
If you can go into homebrew, why don't you simply reinstall your menuhax?
You can also start Cakes from homebrew as well.
Someone got a SaveDataFiler.cia download?
necessary evil..?
Sysnand is still on 9.2 and I can still run hbl instead of rx when booting, so I can just go straight to emunand9

They're unlinked and sysnand is clean and has no NNID attached to it
Can I just then recreate emunand and re-link my NNID on it? Won't that give the error of "a NNID is already linked to this system"?
So hbg, I've had a cfw 3ds for a while now about two weeks during and was wondering, is there something similar to what happened to the 3ds on the wii u?

Or is the vwii the only thing that can be messed with?
Yes, the OP.
That's what Im trying right now. Booting Cakes through homebrew via browserhax. And alright, gonna try after reinstalling menuhax
Cause fuck the way EU spells specific words, that's why :^)
I'm pretty sure they don't care. They could have prevented us from doing it if they wanted to.
Oh, you're a retard, I get it now.
Working on it you fuckface
You might need to be runnIng NTR on top of rx, but probably not.
that's basically what I meant by necessary evil.
So...this is...the power of autism


You're not even going to be looking at the damn for the majority of the 3ds use, the icon is fine and so is the banner
read OP you faggot

>because fuck the way the language was made, I want it my way!

this is what burgers actually believe

not him but i love you, do you know of a guide to do this for any homebrew? I want a .cia of PHBank
Not him but the actual icon and banner look like shit.
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I actually feel a little bad for GW. They're the only ones coming out with these exploits in the first place and we hijack them for free. They're just trying to make a buck in their shitty country.

But the brick code bullshit makes me feel a little less bad.
How is it necessary though? As in they feared not having these tools would get more people interested in pirating (lol) GW's locked software?
thanks anon
Oh sorry, I'm an actuall retard, promise to always check the pastebin first.
>5.4 got loadiine already

>So...this is...the power of autism
What the fuck is that? Is english you're 5th language or some shit? Those "..." don't even make sense for dramatic effect, you sound like you have a speech impediment

Also, I don't see how improving the look of an app is a problem in anyway.
>do you know of a guide to do this for any homebrew?
i'll write it for you

usually only the first time:
>read what you need to compile it
>install it

after that:

Normally, I'd say yes, but PHBank relies on being injected into the game (the whole "select a target" thing appearing in the Homebrew Launcher), which is a *hax-only feature. It's the same reason there's no .cia of svdt or similar.
5.5.1 when :)
>no posts from steveice10 in days

He's working on a 10.4 exploit...right? Memchunkhax3??
more like they saw that they had an exploit, and because of the community getting bigger and more knowledgeable, assumed people would flock to the software. Gateway was the door for awhile. Once free exploits were found, they knew there would be less usage, but still usage. That's why they still support it. Same with how DSTWO was on the NDS and into the early part of the 3ds's life. It was still supported.
would you mind to give a proper critique of it?
Heh, they still made a lot of money.

Anon. It's not that easy. It's not happening.
nintendo got to him
Yeah, reinstalled Menuhax but still getting black screen. Guessing emuNAND is bricked?
>which is a *hax-only feature

Didn't know this, thanks for the info. I take back the faggot remark PHBank dev, i love you really

They probably assassinated him like the sneaky chinks that they are
I'm talking about the actual one, not the one posted on the thread.

There's no difference between 5.5 and 5.5.1. Not sure why Nintendo even bothered.
Can I delete 0004000000055d00 folder on my 3ds folder? It's the last stretch I need to be able to fit a game.
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Say bye to Pokemon X.
If you don't mind losing your digital copy of Pokemon X, sure, because that's what that is.

You can move it out for the installation, install the .cia, remove the .cia and put it back later if you want though.
>There's no difference between 5.5 and 5.5.1. Not sure why Nintendo even bothered.
Thank god, I thought I screwed myself over by downloading the update. At least its confirmed something is coming soon(tm).
But reading the gbatemp threads, hykem is either a "muh morals" and will delay piracy/homebrew or hes a troll. Dunno which one is worse.
The uncentered top screen triggers me
Not a fan of the top screen.
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>spent days downgrading and putting a cfw to my 3DS to play FF Explorer before everyone
>game is complete garbage
Better be fucking animated.
Not him but is there a database that can tell me what every encrypted filename means?
has potential if the bottom is animated with little flipper sounds. top screen could be better though.
Hold on a moment.

I don't have digital Pokémon X, I have it retail.

Also, turns out PCHex has a lot of files named Main + some numbers, I'm assuming savefiles. You think this'll break anything?
Holy shit, Final Fantasy Explorers is awful.

It's literally a cheap Monster Hunter clone with FF names.
Play Taiko or Project Mirai DX instead like a real man
if they all follow titleid's.... 3dsdb.com
that piracy prevention shit is going to be broken in hours. don't even worry about that shit. why the fuck would he release an exploit and expect people not to pirate with it?
my emuNand is bricked. How do I restore from a backup?
>playing Taiko on a 3DS or any portable for that matter
gba temp is going to be assblasted btfo after piracy is added (^:
Yeah I'm not to happy with it either, any suggestions on what I should do with it? I thought about using the Superb image
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Im on 9.6.0 with a new3ds.

The broweserhax just ends up on a red screen. Really cant comprehend what exactly I am doing wrong here. I can find nothing online

anybody have a clue?
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Thank you, just set up 10.4 emunand and installing tomadachi life, remind me to never set a CFW ever again
emunand tool 1.0.3.
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I can tell you what I know fuck:
Anything can be built as a .cia, but .3dsx bullshit like PHBank relies on Homebrew Launcher/Ninjhax features, just as >>129448118 said
If you REALLY DESPERATELY wanted a .cia of it, you would be able to check out the source for Ninjhax 2.5 and the Homebrew Launcher to port the whole thing, if that's even possible, considering how the whole thing relies on crashing to work.
I definitely agree though, homebrew relying on Ninjhax is shitty and #3dsdev's inherent stranglehold is doubly-so shitty. At least there's the L+R+Down+B shortcut.
Sorry, dependency hell involving precisely the part you want changed is making it a pain, so I'm giving it up. My toolchain does NOT want to work with these dependencies for some reason.
Got it, thanks
I doubt it.
Try re-enabling Cakes again.
Put all 108 with the correct firmware (MD5 (Cakes 108/firmware.bin) = 0371e33842a8c3c30b26f2868025d0c7) on your SD.
And don't forget to held L on launch to set the patches again.
im downgraded to 9.2 and everything works great

is there any point in upgrading further if I dont give a shit about eshop/online play?
Center it
>All that CP you get in FFE
/b/ would be proud.
Can I buy a Wii u and be able to play downloaded games? Or is the wii u not there yet
uh that sucks, thanks anyway
>like a real man
>he hasn't played Taiko on a 3DS with 2 stylus

It's like you hate fun

Yes, game compatibility. There is no reason not to upgrade your emuNAND. Back up up before you do and even if somethign somehow went wrong, you can just inject it again.

see OP you faggot
I'm on 10.1 with an O3DS. Browser wont open unless I upgrade to 10.4. Am I fucked in terms of getting homebrew/downgrading?
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