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Etrian Odyssey General
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Thread replies: 255
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>EO Information, Music, Artbooks, etc.

>Future Releases
http://sq-atlus.jp/sq5/ (EO5)

>EO2U Grimoire Collection

>EO2U Recipe + Advertisement

Previous thread:
No, Ricky.
kill ricky
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Ricky is tiny and almost sure that is underage. Is the Highlander a pedophile?
She's 101X. If anything she's the pedophile.
I want Ricky to molest me.
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Wow, that's what I get for not knowing squat about Princess Crown. A fucking direct reference to it right in front of me and I miss it completely for ages.
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milf loli.jpg
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Old lolis are the best.
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My order finally came.
>only boys
The US box art is pretty disappointing.
Are they new?
What does Dormouse mean?
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They were wrapped and the buyers description said that they were new. It looks fine to me.
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It's weird considering that the later ones all had girls.
Ricky>Everyone else
If say, I have a Landy subbed as Bushi and already have maxed Power Break in the main tree, can I put points into the same passive in the sub tree? Or they don't stack that way?
probably, yes

Wake up, don't play dead.
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Who's playing?
Ricky was tired so I told her to rest on a big rock. When she went to sit down she got hurt because the rock was covered in tiny coral. Simon then "inspected" the wound. Why is this allowed?
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Damn I thought I was done for, I guess his final phase is just totally random?

Thankfully it was the most benign dance with lunacy ever
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I recently finished SMT: Strange Journey and I heard this series is very similar, so I've been wanting to get into it but I'm not sure what order to play the games in. Should I go with 3 > 4 > U1 > U2 or U1 > U2 > 3 > 4? Or something else? Thanks in advance.
What is force/boost?
First one seems better.

Depends on the game.
Just start with 3, it has the best atmosphere.
Alright, thanks. Two more questions:
Is there any reason to play EO1 and 2 if I have access to Untold?
Any advice for beginners/things I should keep in mind about the series?
Status effects are very useful in EO games
le millenom girl
Lemon girl.
>tfw le millenom girl meme is what got me into EO
Thanks [s4s]
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Like >>128620259 said, EO actually wants you to use status aliments. Make sure to read the monster info entries once you've beaten them because they sometimes have clues about how to get certain drops and also to find out about weaknesses.

Considering you played Strange Journey, you have more than enough experience with bullshit dungeons, so you're ahead of the game.

Finally, trust squirrels. They're your friends.
Yes, 1 and 2 are different games. Even in classic mode, Untold has very different map designs and systems.
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ur bf is + qt
"sample" on Pixiv was changed to "master1200".
nop, the master1200 is when you open a picture with multiple images.
check it out yourself.
Is kind of funny to see mediocre artists trying so hard to avoid their talent to be "stolen"

Like really, every time you see someone using a fucking giant watermark in the middle of their pic, you already know the image will be shit.

Every damn time
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>100% EMD
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good night explorers
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>squirrels are your friends

How could you say that to him with a straight face...you monster.
Up you go.
It's a shame they over complicated Ronins in EOU2. They could have been really fun to use.
Good job, anon.
The game is EOU2.
How good would the damage of Delayed Charge->Cross Charge be on a Beast or reclassed STR based class like landy on protector? I just want to spice up the tanks and delayed attack moves seem like the best thing to do and still be able to tank. Survivalist will assist with scapegoat on the turns that he's indisposed.
And while we're at it who has the better STR/VIT gains? Beast or Landy?
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Everyday until it happens.
Page 8? Wake the fuck up, its not time to game over yet.
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No fuck you wake up.
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How do you get Amber Flake
Pray to RNGesus to bless you.
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How the fuck do these threads survive? So many dangerous dips into page 10. I can't let you go EO...
we need to send someone out to assassinate some of the popular threads that cycle once every two hours
dauntless order
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>tfw no qt princess to keep you from dying
That explains it, probably backed by some Aegis too.
How do you think Teach is doing these days?
getting younger
she's in one of those NASA centrifuges for her trip to the moon
Did EO 1, 2, and 3 have special edition like the others?
Nothing for EO 1 and 2 in North America
EO3 came with a 40 page artbook and poster.
I'll buy them all someday when I'm rich.
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No, that's what you get when you save the sample instead of clicking the arrows for the original picture, you dumbass.
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Sin título.jpg
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Sorry anon, you are wrong. Pixiv changed their filenames months ago.
You can see the image of Hexer is at full resolution, and the filename is still master1200.

And you can even see a image I saved twice, one before the change of the filename and the other after.

And you should know you can't save an image from the preview anymore, you need to click them in order to save them.

Imb4 no english.
>get EO untold 1
>you guy tell me to play classic to avoid story spoilers
>game tells me to play story mode first

ye im confused now
whats the difference between the two
Way more content in Story.
should i play classic then story?
or the other way around
>you guy tell me to play classic to avoid story spoilers
>in a game were the plot is almost irrelevant
The other way around.
The story is deliberately vague in classic, leaving clues for you to figure out. In the original, there was no reason to destroy Primevil/Core, while story mode constructs a plot around it. Try story first, as it makes the plot make sense and locks you out of using any non-story characters, which can be used in classic after beating story anyway.
Does anyone have the cheese strategy for the Ur-Devil with Fafnir?
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You guys have been playing so long you've forgotten Tokyo and the future setting is meant to be a surprise in the old game.
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Thanks anon. Now to farm some grimoires...
Delete this.
The demo for Fafnir came out today for Eurobros, how we all liking it so far?
war revive
The demo says "up to nine slots" with a SD card. Is that some weird marketing thing where the temp save is the ninth, or did they throw in an extra slot?
I think the demo save is ported straight into the first slot. Or that is what I would assume at the very least.
Does the temp save even work? I don't think they ever fixed it for NA.
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Nope, it was never fixed. There are voice clips for the story characters I didn't even know existed until I looked in the voices album. Just stuff like see you later, etc. for the suspend saves.
I didn't play the demo, and just played in the cartridge itself.

I can use the Suspend save without trouble, the first time I was going to use it, I remember about anons talking that it didn't work; but it saved anyway without trouble.
It disables at a certain point of the game.
just got eo 2 remake

story or classic?
whats more fun ?
EOU2's story party is extremely shitty, so classic is way more fun. You don't get locked out of anything on classic too, so you can start right away from here.
Something you gotta pick yourself. Story has a lot of the character interactions between the cast that Etrian Odyssey dosent usually have at the price of choosing them but generally its pretty fun. The good thing about this game is that it has save files so you are welcome to do both
I just finished the Story Mode and I still don't see the problem.

This said, I don't have any DLC either the 3DS is old, and I set it in my own country, so nothing in the E-Shop, at all, not even free DLC, just update patches.
Maybe the "additional data" is the trouble, dunno.
8 save slots
It's full resolution because the image resolution was low enough that it didn't require resizing, but it's still a sample that's been recompressed from the original. Notice how the filesize is 161KB for the sample of that hexer picture and 132KB for the original image.

And you can save an image from the preview when it's part of a collection, which is the mistake >>128628525 made. See the arrows at the top left of the image there? Click them for the original.
muh bind cheese
Oh, you are right, now I have to fix around 14k images.
Its fairly efficient. Its good enough to beat Ur-Child on expert so I don't think there's anything its really gonna have trouble with.
But that's not fun. Seriously, killing things in two turns is boring. I wanted a good challenge while also not being able to completely destroy everything in the first couple turns. A party Highlander, Beast, Medic→War Magus, Gunner and Hexer was able to achieve that and I had the most fun in an EO game since my first experience with the series. I was also able to kill Ur-Child with it so it wasn't a bad or handicapped team either.

The story party is still shit, and in order to make better use to it you had to heavily abuse the grimoire system, that, or reclass.
But you need to change Flavio to a gunner or you can't kill Ur-Child.
Also Flavio is extremely shitty against the Dragons.

Unlike the first Untold, you can't 100% the game unless you reclass.
Well I agree that Flavio is an issue, but realistically you can still beat it with him.
So as someone who digs EO a lot, how disappointed in 7th Dragon would I be?

Or is talking about non-EO dungeon crawlers still verboten?
7thD is pretty great, we certainly discussed the hell out of it back when the TL patch came out.
If you like EO style party building and skill point allotments, 7thD is of the exact same flavor. The rest of the game is a regular 3rd person RPG.
It's pretty mediocre. It's more like DQ with ideas from EO thrown in.
The party building/skill point allotment is one of the main draws for me, I might go for it.
Real shame the sequels didn't get a patch
the party works fine, it's just support heavy
You're really not missing much.
What did you guys think of the story in EOU2? Not the party or gameplay, just the story.
It was cool, but I hated everything about Arianna.
But she's cute
I think the first one is better. Flavio and Chloe are just there in your party. The first one just blow you every night at the inn, while the second one is just there to eat meat.
I hate YOU anon.
No but really her English voice lost a lot for her. But she still manages to be cute, clearly pampered but not a cunt about it
Better than the first one, but still nothing outstanding. I wouldn't play the game on the story's merits alone.
everyone besides ricky is just there in eou
Are there any more official papercrafts other than the tree rat, Landy, and the EOU2 diorama?
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Guess not.

Anyway>>128677337, which party members should I reclass for the DHs? I think Flavio goes troubadour right? Anyone?
The bara guy (forgot his name) and Chloe are Dark Hunters, Flavio is a Troubadour and the other two remain the same.
you don't have to reclass anyone
Thanks anon
I can't find a story party cheese strategy
So I've never played an Etrian game before but I'm digging in the Untold 2 demo ( UK here) should I maybe pick up Untold 1 first or can I start with Untold 2 when it comes out in February? Cheers guys
Why not try the U1 demo?
>just found out EO5 is in final stages of development
>still no console announced
>still another 2 or so years before it makes it to america
In this age doesn't really matter since we can pirate it and remove the region lock. You have to know Japanese though, and I doubt there is enough interest in people for someone to translate the game like they did for Fire Emblem Fates.
play 4 first then untold 1
both of those have a demo that you can transfer into the full game
Assuming the game is on the 3DS, or we somehow have piracy for the NX/whatever by the time it's out, I'd totally be willing to translate it. I don't know a single fucking thing about hacking it, but that could probably be dealt with easily by someone experienced.

Otherwise, and I was already planning on doing this, I'd make a few reference pages with translated monster names, items, skills, etc, everything I can find, for anyone who'd be playing without any knowledge of Japanese.
So I never really used the demos to the full potential, but seeing as how I adore Etrian games, is there anything I should be farming in the demo like money or items? We got about a month till EOU2 is even out so I have lots of time.
don't ruin it for yourself by overgrinding
You can't level above 10, but I see no real reason not to grab some EN and some of the accessible conditional drops.
Etrian games are a bit on the difficult side.
They use words that only college class Japanese vocabulary would know, so have fun.
you can try and farm some level 10 grimoires if you're feeling autistic enough
How do you go about doing that? Just dumb luck
Which EO lets me build a balanced team of old men? New to the series
>Which EO lets me build a balanced team of old men? New to the series
This always gets a kek out of me
I saw a picture of some old monk, are there more people like him?
Yes, there is like 1-2 old men per game
You can't make a team with more than maybe two classes in any title I believe, but you can make basically any party work given good planning.
If you use the term "old men" kinda loosely, EO3 does it.

Black Arbalist (He can be old since some black people don't age much)
Old Monk
Redhead Buccaneer (I said loosely)
Farmer or Male Prince 1 (Benjamin Button shit)
>>128650210 That ninja and since you can't see his face, pretend he's an old man.

Later reclass the Farmer or Prince to a Shogun since there's an old guy there. Just say he fucked the wrong girl and gave him an STD that absorbed his youth.
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Is it just me, or does the Cloudy Stronghold music sound like Indiana Jones?
wassat say?
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Wait...what? Are they blurring vomit or is that supposed to be something else?
She's sucking Highlander's dick to get rid of the bad taste of Raquna's cooking.
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good night thread
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>Are the pitfalls for Chimaera or the bats

poor anon
I can't wait to fuck your deep one in EOU3 Gertrude :^>
how should I build a shark in eou2
You don't
Is not that hard
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If you aren't building a party around chasers, go for Hurricane (or whichever skill disables your skills on the next turn) and your passives for regular attacks to use on Hurricane's off-turns.

Got a little busy, but I'm still working on. Had to learn a lot more about scanlating to make the pages actually look nice and not obviously scanned from recycled paper. The art book comics were digital rips, so I never needed to learn any of that. I think I have things down pat now, though, so I'm going to keep working at it this weekend.
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>order EO4 on sale
>picture has special edition case shown
>receive regular edition
>won't have them aligned up like this
Thinking about returning it.
>tfw bought Untold 1 from e shop when it was on sale
Feels bad.
You first.
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>help the flute bandit guy or leave him to die

what do
Help him for more ental
Be a hero anon.
That's a perfectly fine reason to return something.
Source on image?

clever solution
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You should invest in those mirrors that don't fog up after a shower, Medic
So then which class is the best for pure physical damage?
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vee smiley face.gif
2 MB, 500x500
What this anon said >>128738813
>Raquna sticking her tongue out
You cheeky bastards.
Being 10 that early on is going to make the first stratum unnecessarily easy
"Help" him, collect the higher reward, and rub it in his face.
Shame I forgot to save the thief dialogues on miiverse.
The guy was full on the edge
I just realized if EOU3 gets made the bimbo from the pub...her voice actress is going to have some difficulty not making her sound cringey. IS THIS WHY YOU'RE TAKING FOREVER ATLUS?
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the edgy bandit is my favorite
This thread isn't gonna make it guys...Game over.
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>a pack of lunatics and their 'justice'
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Hang in there, thread.
>Hello, my name is Sarashi Ronin. You stole my underwear. Prepare to die.
Just gotta hold out until spring...
anyone have tips for charting maps?i usually face the wall and strafe left or right till i hit an end so i dont miss hidden passages
I stay close to the walls and map all of them first, then start filling the empty space. It doesn't work for every game though, because, for example, EO4 is very linear and doesn't actually give you that much room for exploration, so you can just finish your map while advancing through the floor.
Note that by empty space I mean empty space on my map, not on the floor.
playing eo2:u

how do i skill my ronin?
pump all my points onto one stance and ignore the rest?

whats the best stance for pure dps?
Yep, hump all the walls carefully. But make sure to face forward every now and then, so you don't sidestep into a FOE.
>hfw you leveled her up to 47 but didn't give her a single skill for activating stances
What does BRS mean in EO4? I got a Rapier with 3 of those but dunno what it does.
It charges the Burst gauge a little faster for every action that involves the weapon IIRC.
BuRSt gauge fills faster
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fucking fish festival.jpg
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>Go through floor
>See part that seems suspiciously empty
>Check those walls later
Just do it normally you shlub
>her voice actress is going to have some difficulty not making her sound cringey.
Japanese VAs won't have a problem with that, so no.
And all Atlus dub VAs sound cringey as fuck anyway.
I've never played one of these. Should I start with the 3DS version or the 1st one on the DS?
3DS remake if you're a babby, 1st one if you're not, both are good,
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i want to lick that forehead
eov when
Check the magazines tomorrow.
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D-does /eog/ like the Gunner theme I made?
now do one with Kimono Ronin
Does it have music?
top image is good, the bottom one not that much
I'm still using that other gunner theme that one anon made
Yeah, I couldn't find anything else that really fit the bottom.
Wanna show me the one you mentioned? I'll use it too if it's good.
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Who would win in a headbutting match; Ren or Arte?
I want one with a map on the bottom screen, and an orange fuzzball staring me down on the top.
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Come to think of it, a map on the bottom screen probably WOULD look a lot better than the image I used.
I'll give that a shot.
Problem is, half the thread will refuse to even look at it depending on how you colored under the doors.
Ren has that fat scar on her forehead. She looks to be more experienced with headbutting matches.
I'll put my money on her.
>coloring under the doors
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>not coloring under the doors
Easy shortcut to lower floors, where's the issue?
>Going Down
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War Revive.

You can't use war revive, you dumb fluff.
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Fluff you.
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Is there an argument against just using the normal green?
It's not a question of color, but of painting vs. not painting.
Better than untold 1 but god damn, I hate Arianna.

God I love the Princess class.
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Main party.png
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Post you main party

Don't die, /eog/ !
Is that a front row Alchemist? How did the fist wizardy work out for you?
He is on the Front row for Bloody offense but after that he returns to the Back row.
Ah, never mind then. I was hoping to include one with the Palm skills in my Classic party, but on paper they didn't look all that exciting.
I've been using a front row Palm alch for the first time and like it. Very TP efficient and the secondary palm is nice with to add elemental dmg to non-elemental target-all attacks, and i gave her buff and heal grimoires so she has something to do on turns when she isn't damaging.

I have no idea, however, how much better she is than a formula or compression alchemist since I never used one my first time playing.
>No Bikini Armour

I think that's dependent on the difficulty. I haven't played yet, but if you are playing on highest difficulty, it should be the same challenge as original EO2, right?

(Then again, the skill progression has changed since then, so the old formula of 2 1/2 levels times your current floor may no longer apply...)

That Yandere-chan-esque stare...
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>lvl 58 now
>I still don't use her skill for activating stances.
I don't need them anymore
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 189

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