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Flowey Fan Club Edition

Previous Thread: >>127175058

Spoilers ahead, proceed at your own Frisk.

-The Game

-The Game's Demo


-Recommended Games


-Steam Group


>Channel: Undertale

-Shimeji Directory
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Reminder to keep your mommy well loved, in all the following: physically, mentally and orgasmically~
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>Sexualise Gyftrot
>Do not sexualise Gyftrot
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Yannie and Woshua team up.png
31 KB, 754x544
These threads are twice as filthy as they used to be. We need to take drastic against, against kids like you. Time to call in reinforcements.
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chara stuck.png
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nth for CUTE
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chara and flowey 2.png
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nth for chara and flowey smoochin!
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burgers and dreams
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Asgore (130).jpg
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Moms are trash, dads are way better
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Aged Sins.png
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I did this shit
I'm growing attracted to Flowey in a really weird way. How do I stop these feelings?
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Fuck You Sans.png
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So I just beat my first genocide run. What do I do with my life now?
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little pile of joy.png
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Nobody ever said any of those things because nobody remembers Gyftrot.

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Nth for green fire.
Mutilate every flower you come across from now on
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Ah, but there can be no mom without dad, and no dad without mom. It is a flawless symbiosis that creates a MILF/DILF pair.
oh hey it's that janitor guy from dexters lab. Ahh memories.
Reset and give them their happy ending you monster.
remember that flowey is really a 12 year old boy trapped in that form.
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Why would you want to stop them?
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i wanna protect this flower
Reminder that Asgore:
>1) Let his adopted and his biological child die under his watch
>2) Brainwashed the young and impressionable Undyne into her unconditional and dangerous hatred for humans, which resulted in her death in countless timelines
>3) Never got to know Frisk, never showed them mercy of his own accord, was only stopped by Toriel's intervention
>4) Asriel openly favored Toriel as his parent and said as much
Asgore is a bad dad
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Good shit anon, good shit.
IDK how I feel about booby but the other thickfags will go wild
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I want to cuddle the goat in such descriptive ways that greentext comfy and fics, even writing them, cannot sustain my body's demand

I am willing to debase myself, do unspeakable horrors, so that I can fulfil the fantasy and live the reality

Fuck you for ruining me, Toby.
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Fishbones writefag is back again! I wrote something.
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362 B, 19x29
xth for Chara's exposed midriff
Yannie is a world-class janitor, you address him more respectfully.
erase the save file completely from your computer, otherwise its not a good ending

also i found this

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I want more conservative (older) Asriel giving into his urges and/or lustfully begging for Friscock...
Keyhole sweater


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Post more Alphy pls
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fuck you.gif
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pic related, just like flowey does in his fight
again, saving and reseting just like flowey does
I second this.
Can I get a true pacifist ending directly after a genocide run or do I have to do a neutral first?
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I finally finished that anon's suggestion: Flowey telling Asriel how much of a queer edgegoat is. Pls don't bully ;-;
Not a fan of thick, but the ring is a nice touch.
i'm okay with that also
i am interested, this.
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You made me squint anon
you motherfucker
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2015-12-29 20.05.26.jpg
1 MB, 1883x1060
Welcome to the doodle club
Welcome back!
It's cute, Metta-kun
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i love it
But what is the point of a keyhole sweater if there is no oppai?
Charafag more like Cancerfag
We get it, you want to be yummy in Chara's tummy or whatever
Please take it to your fetish site of choice
I remember another Anon suggested because the stripe on her shirt was the same color of her skin it would be a keyhole sweater. Wives without booby are a rarity. Maybe she'll mature over time

Chara's my wife!
wait where was 4 implied?

I know he wore toriel's outfit and never attacked her.
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Remember that Flowey had lived for dozens, if not hundreds of years through many, many resets and is no longer a 12 year old child, mentally.
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So, odd question, but who found themselves wanting to grow some flowers once they were done with the game. I want to grow dwarf sunflowers, but what's more close to what flowey would be?
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Don't get horny.
guess I'm the one who fucked your wife in the last thread.
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King Dad.png
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So I finally replayed the game after having beat it months ago, made it back to New Home and I simply want to die.
Thanks, man. I have a masterpost of pastebin stuff that I can dump here if anyone's curious.
So what's been going on in the threads today? I've been mostly preoccupied the last few hours and I keep peeking in and seeing complaining.
I want more conservative (older) Asriel giving into his urges to fight sickass demons using the power of prayer and holy objects.
Different strokes for different folks, I guess.
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659 B, 596x168
Re-enforcing Don't get horny
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is this better
>you want to be yummy in Chara's tummy or whatever

don't remind me anon
why can't she be real?
>just like flowey does
weird did you crop out the big "SAVE" and "LOAD" that pops up on screen like in flowey fights?????????????????
are you sure that's not just him using his teleportation and matter manipulation? we see sans teleport off-screen in snowdin the same way as you see in the gif and it probably isn't unheard of that he could shift your position in space in weird ways too
So, how would you define the difference between your wife and your waifu?
His speech in Genocide. After waking up as Flowey in the garden he mentions sticking around Asgore for a while before running away to try and find Toriel, saying that he thought if anyone could make him feel happy and complete it'd be her, and seeming genuinely sad and regretful that she couldn't. Whereas he just showed anger at 'that stupid king'.
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Damn dud, you should draw more Toriel

She's pretty qt
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Yay, doodles!
Can't wait till I'm half as good as all the nice drawfriends. And can draw my own fetish stuff. Just like Charanon! :P

What next?

my arguement is rendered invalid...

isnt chara gender neutral like frisk?
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There's a Chara for everyone
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Many polls and edgegotes I guess?
New Home touches on something I hope none of us ever experience. I really pray nobody who has lost a child played this game. I feel like it would break them on a level none of us would ever understand.
>weird did you crop out the big "SAVE" and "LOAD" that pops up on screen like in flowey fights?????????????????
yeah just like frisk and the player does everytime they saves and resets

>Asriel becomes Van Helsing

Yes plz.
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I got a few cacti in my house now. I named all of them. They're very cute.
Asriel Belmont WHEN?
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It isn't unheard of him teleporting you, he does this when you go to Grillby's with him AND the restaraunt. He takes you to the side then teleports to to where he wants to go.
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Asgore (68).jpg
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Same could be said of toriel
Humans are incredibly dangerous to monsters and Asgore as a solder who fought in the war first hand would know this and thus teach his people so they don't forget the danger. Reminder that because of this Undyne is one of the two monsters in the underground who actually posse a threat to a genocide player
Cares more about his people then his own morals. Sounbds like a good king and a great role model as a dad!
>not having shit taste
kid wore a dress and became a do not steal OC monster that shoot rainbows and stars at people, Asgore probably tried to get him to man up and thats' why Asriel liked Toriel more

Jokes aside, young kids being closer to their mothers is common as fuck dude and doesn't really mean much
So what's your fetish, then?
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why am i still awake.
Draw Mettaton in a nice suit
i want to feel chara's pantyhose legs against my face
Both Chara and Frisk are canonically non-binary. He's just shitposting.
Goodnight /utg/, I love you.

Thanks for being my friends
Thats because its not necessary to be clear whats happening

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1 MB, 2287x1985
I drew some earlier if this tickles your fancy
just hope you guys know i love all of you, despite your flaws

i'll cya later
Not terribly sure

Good luck MTT. You'll always have someone who likes your work. Stay determined

The middle stripe is the same color as her skin
Go to bed, Anon. We'll be here when you wake up.

Goodnight and sweet dreams.
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/utg/ please vote on and discuss this very important poll


I will accept donations in the form of (you)s.
We aren't your friends.
Stop lying to yourself.
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>No belly button

fuck you
G'night Anon. Dream of goats.
No im not that much of a monster, I would be bummed out about not getting the chance though
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One of the scenes in Tactily's fic some anon requested yesterday oh boy.

Taking drawing requests
>furry frisk
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I'd rather merge the realities.
I can't destroy this one, all my stuff is here!
Oh. Guess I'll spend some time posting skells then. I think they've been lacking today.
get drunk and croon about the goat with me, anon
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Good night friend.
sweet dream of spiders.
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You can get true pacifist ending, go for it!
i wouldnt destroy our reality because i love this world's history too much, besides i can still see undertale porn here.
I think you need to get a neutral ending first. If you don't kill anybody and befriend Papyrus and Undyne, you can reload your save after the neutral ending and do the rest of pacifist without replaying the whole game.
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goat penis
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I have many. Growth, for one. A fetish with little good art and no representation in Nipland.
I'll get on it tomorrow, it's kind of late and I want to be awake when the mailman delivers my Yugioh stuff.
Once I'm confident enough I'll do straight requests instead of just asking for ideas.
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1 wait what.png
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i don't know how to make this any clearer
hanging out in the underground makes human furries.
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Something on your mind, Anon? Or insomnia?
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I want to get some kind of small potted plant with vines and make Omega Flowey head/mouth/arms to add on to it. It has to be real so I can water and take care of him.
Fuck, I laughed

No worries, just keep drawing. It's what I do

>Friends are at Snowdin
>Sans threaten them
This gon' be good
Fuck you I'm crateboy's friend
I meant I was looking for edits
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I've got a bit of a backlog of skeleton art anyway. Haven't collected any recently because life has been shit, but I'll probably get more tonight.
Growth? Like macro or aging?
love you too, anon
We're not talking about Toriel's failings as a parent, we're talking about Asgore's. Toriel could have been a drunk abusive mother who beat her children every minute she was conscious, it wouldn't make Asgore a better parent.

Asgore declaring war on humanity was an impulse-decision he made because he was angry. He didn't declare war because humans were dangerous, he declared war because he was upset. And like I said, his tantrum is what lead to him brainwashing children like Undyne and making them feel like they have to attack these potentially incredibly dangerous, potentially innocent people to make him happy.

Was never Frisk's father or father-figure. Frisk is not required to forgive or befriend him at all, unlike any of the other main six characters in the true pacifist ending. Someone who puts love and compassion after duty may be a good leader (not that Asgore was even that) but they are a terrible husband and parent.

Toriel had what Asgore didn't: A spine. She was the one who was able to put her foot down, she was the brains, Asgore was just an accommodating pushover. Even when she was the only one to scold Asriel for fucking up, such as with the buttercups, he still liked her best. She's flawed, but she has more substance than he ever did.

Some kids favor their mothers more, but I certainly didn't. I know what a good Dad is like, and while Asgore is sweet he really doesn't cut the mustard.
How does Toriel react to my flirting if I don't ask if I can call her mom beforehand?
To add to this, yes, you can do genocide before neutral if you want.
eat shit
I'm feeling really terrible right now, and I'm not even a parent (just an uncle). I can't imagine the pain of losing a child, especially when they've died so young.
ok, we understand, i personally dont give a shit this is what i give a shit about.

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I'm working on it; I'm going to buy drinks right now actually

Who knows, I may get drunk and write my first lewd. It's a new year, maybe I should break the no lewd promise
Crateanon's friendship means NOTHING. He tells literally everyone that he loves them.
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throw some requests here and I'll attempt to draw some once I'm done with my nanna's birthday lunch
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I'll be your Omega Flowey.
Can you draw Undyne petting a temmie?
Growth? We talking about giant/giantess stuff, or hyper cocks, or what?
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Sorry to hear that. Hope things get better. Here have a skele
Papyrus the paladin.
but I do love you guys
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too much spaghetti
Asgore "If You Act Real Nice, He'll Hug You Thrice" Dreemurr did nothing wrong.
v nice
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unique biology.png
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>"son why did you run away from our home in hotlands all the way to snowdin forest?"
>snowdrake, completely melted down, collected in the bathtub, still readjusting to his home
>"among other things, i am made of snow"
Yesss, it's gonna be a fun night. Even if it's just comfy.

What kinda lewd are you thinking of?
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815 KB, 1280x1629
Thanks, I will appreciate this skeleton.
>tfw i will never be tiny
>tfw i will never snuggle floweys face
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i removed the bottom part of the shirt so now it's even more suggestive

i can't believe this is actually how i'm spending my time
As in of body parts (breasts, ass, cock) or height, to a lesser extent. My max size limit varies, but usually sticks to huge but not room sized. I also like hypno. It's really fun, but only if you completely trust your partner, because otherwise things can go very, very wrong.
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Will you let me smooch your screen-face and tell you about my day while watering you?
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We skeleton posting?
No you don't.
And there's no way to prove otherwise.
"Oh dear, I'm sure you can do better then a silly old lady like me!"

something like that
What is with Asgorefags and being thin-skinned? JFC
There's shitloads of content in here about Sans being a creepy loser and Papyrus being a dumb autist and Alphys being a smelly weeb and Toriel being a bitter bitch and none of them feel the need to constantly white-knight and try and cover up every little flaw of their character of choice.
You're getting as bad as the Charafags.
Sexualize the ghosts?
When I visit my grandma's burial plot, on the way there is a massive headstone for a six year old. My grandmother passed in 2003, the child a few years earlier. I visit her sporadically, but no matter when I go there is always fresh flowers on that grave. I'm glad I never come when whoever's doing that visits. I don't think I could handle it.
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Y'all know what time it is
The more you say it, the cheaper and less genuine it feels! Your love is so indiscriminate that it has lost all value!
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I'M IN YOUR AREA. I'M IN. YOUR AREA. (I know the first 3 numbers.)
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>Monster Frisk

Shouldn't they just be a pile of goo anyway?
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That sounds like a good time to me!
I want some candy too though!
i would like the full image of that, please.
Is 2016 over yet?
Ah, so it's the same as when you ask if you can call her mom, except with one line fewer.
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I'll join you in your crusade.
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We have to go lewder than that.
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Heck yeah. Those are some cute babybones.
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Just not feeling tired but I have socialising scheduled at noon and the longer I stay up the more I fear I'll oversleep.
Is it just me or is that gif fucked?
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Quiet! They'll hear you!
Frisk was changed physically, so he only looks like a monster. He's still made of solid stuff, not magic.

Even if it did make him monster enough to be better at magic. Oh well.

I can't claim to know how an Edgegoat's transformative sex-magic works.
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2 MB, 1614x1077
I feel like the mindbreak erping from some days ago actually messed up with my mind, I've spent my days craving for cock and wanting to be anon's adorable little plaything
I was straight before this, what the hell
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Just you
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here we go
the fishbones haters? Whatever. Fight me.
more than 12 years, that's really tragic.
if I did do lewd I was thinking tongue and lewd magic antics but thats a little further into Tacitly's territory than I'd like to go
Hah, gay!
What a FAGGOT!

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Can't set an alarm?

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SAdgore (1).png
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Pretty sure no one really believes the did nothing wrong line, its just something you say to piss other people off.
pic related and

You probably just have a fetish anon
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Just learning that this band has more than 2 good songs.
I guess not, and I don't know everyone individually, but I do love /utg/. Posting with you guys everyday makes me really happy.

S-Sorry, I didn't mean for it to feel like that. I just get excited and want to tell you guys how happy you make me.
>tongue antics
Please, Anon
Is that you Josh?
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I could preserve the memories and past since i'm a history buff. a worthy sacrifice.
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Would you wear a maid's outfit anon?
Would you wear a cute dress?
I really need to know these things if I'm going to consider your application as my pet.
As a non-Asgorefag:

1. Sansfags and Torielfags are just as bad. But you are right, no one is as bad as Charafags.
2. Asgore gets shit on pretty much constantly for multiple things (cuck, child killer, ineffectual leader) in every thread, nonstop. Whenever an Asgore image gets posted, there's a good chance some dumb faggot is going to post "le ebin fall on flowers in da showers xD" meme garbage soon after in reply. This happens way more to Asgore posters than any other character posters. Even Chara is ignores more.
3. Everyone shits on him in-game, too. It makes people who like him desire to protect him even more.
>ctrl f "Mutilator"
>no results
Gotta do everything myself, huh?
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Sorry to hear that Anon, I don't know what timezone you're in but if you can fit in a nap maybe you can aim for a time to fall asleep so you get a full sleep cycle and still wake up in time?

Literally who
>Toriel will never do that to you
>i want a qt anon plaything
Do you want me to make a list of all of the words that don't appear in it?

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I wouldn't do it. Sans wouldn't approve and I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing so.
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Of course! I've got Dumdums, marshmallows, and chocolate covered sunflower seeds. Which do you want?
This doens't fit.
thank you, i knew that this fandom would make futas eventually
I volunteer!
You looking for a Pardopost fic?
I got one in reserve. Fresh from about 9 hours ago.
Have any of you guys had traumatic experiences with friends playing Undertale?

My friend started playing it, really loved the characters. Mostly Sans, unsurprisingly. But she:
A) spoiled herself badly while still playing through
B) was really, really, really shit at the game
C) was a really, really, really bad sport
As in she got stuck on Muffet all day, got mad about that and said she was 'done' and not playing any more. A couple of hours later I got a Steam alert she was playing again.
After that she had a lot of trouble beating Asgore. When she finally did, she threw a tantrum about getting OF as her end-boss because due to spoiling herself she'd wanted to do a True Pacifist run first, and knew that Asriel's shit OC was the ticket.
She had a shitload of trouble beating Omega fucking Flowey, told me she was quitting forever and the fight was broken. I had to explain to her how he got easier each time you reloaded, she must have died like 8 times judging by the steam alerts.
After that it was pretty smooth sailing at least, but she acted like I'd suggested she disembowel her cats and wear their guts as a necklace when I asked if she was going to do a true reset, went on and on about not ruining their happy ending.

After all this I asked her what the fuck she'd had equipped.
It was the Temmie Armor.
I could be your plaything...
make me your pet anon!
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chunky monstrosity is cute.
Can I be part of your harem?
The Travis retribution one? Seen it.
Guess I'll repost the nice art my friend did too while I'm at it.
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Mettaton is my robot husband!
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It's fucked for me too.

More skeleton posting.
>was really, really, really shit at the game

considering how one of the most common complaints of the gameplay is some variation of "it's too easy", wow.
she's melting
God she sounds like Jerry
Due to complicated circumstances after exiting the Underground, ISIS has held Frisk and every living monster hostage in an indeterminate location in Syria. They demand a ransom for a ludicrous sum of money and will brutally torture, rape and kill each of the hostages in no particular order if their demand is not met in 72 hours.

Only the gallant members of /utg/ are able to answer the call. As a militia/makeshift paramilitary group, we must airdrop ourselves outside of an ISIS stronghold, break in with lethal force, and save all of the characters whom we adore so much.

Assume that money is no object, and all man-portable weapons are allowed. Who here has enough skill with to lead the charge? How many of us would die before our mission is completed? Could we save each of the monsters and Frisk without any collateral damage? Could we save them at all?
Can someone explain to me why the fuck does this game not support Steam Cloud for your save files (meaning if you play on a desktop PC and then wanna continue on a laptop, you have to transfer the files there manually between your Windows files) BUT it does use Steam Cloud to mark you forever that you did a Genocide run?
jesus, i died once fighting omega flowey, asgore was much harder
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>and chocolate covered sunflower seeds.
That sounds wonderful!
I'll be there in an hour!
yes I would, that's what I'm talking about, suddenly I want to be all cute and girly, this is weird
My friend was slightly B and C.
She ragequit a bit, but got back on like 3 seconds after.
She didn't spoil anything, though. She likes the game a lot.
Why do woman get seemingly more angry than men?
Not much demand for that kind of stuff these days. We're a minority, you and I.
>assume that money is no object
Pay the ransom :^)
>everyone shits on him in-game

The only character who does that is Toriel. Literally every monster but Toriel loves and respects their king.
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Fine by me
good on her for at least completing the game, I guess
It's only weird if you don't cuddle.
I try not to think about it. Hell, I don't even know who's bringing them.
anon this is america. we don't negotiate with terrorists.
Torigore amalgamate /when/
sick wallpaper bro
>there are artist who give mettaton a masculine face and a vagina
whats the fucking point
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W-what? I thought it was obvious I was one of those fags

and that's one of the more vanilla of my fetishes. You're not getting anything else until the alcohol has made me shameless
i want that entire up my asshole to be honest
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This reminds me that uneven growth is a actual fetish people have.
I think what he means is no one calls Toriel out on it so you the player are suppose to agree with what shes saying.
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>tfw I put on tem armor first time even though I wasn't having any trouble because I was hoping silly shit would happen with it on
>all that grinding for gold only to find out it was just OP and nothing else

God damn it, Toby. Even having the armor insult me would have been fine.
Adrenaline is one hell of a drug.
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