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We are discussing emulators like cultured gentlemen.
That shader looks like shit pickles.
something something RetroArch something something
the command for stand alone is this:
mame64.exe pc9821 -ide:0 hdd -hard roms\nightslave.chd
If SP owned a restaurant, would you eat there?
Everyday until you liked it
actually you can just use 'mame64.exe pc9821', load it, press scroll lock, then tab, open file manager, select hdd slot, search for the chd, load it and then reset. Still just get dumped in the bios. I'm guessing it's probably something wrong with the chd
you need these two bios roms for it to work with the latest mame
Command line loading in libretro (with boot from CLI core option enabled) worked for me like this
>retroarch -L ".\cores\mame_libretro.dll" "mslug -rp D:\Games\Arcade"

So just do like that except put "pc9821 -ide:0 hdd -hard roms\nightslave.chd" in the last part and it probably should work.
I know the rule is not to trust Emuparadise for PSX ISOs, but what about their set of PSX-on-PSP eboots? They seem pretty convenient. And PSP games are so small, I'm shocked.
the machine will run with:

>retroarch -L cores\mame_libretro.dll "pc9821 -ide:0 hdd"

but it won't load the chd even if I do it manually or through the command line. Just says file not found.
also it won't load with just "pc9821" even though stand alone will

Add "-rp fullpath\to\MESS_ROMs" and also pass the full path to the CHD and see if that works
now I get:

E:\Downloads\retroarch>retroarch -L cores\mame_libretro.dll "pc9821 -ide:0 hdd -
rp e:\downloads\retroarch\roms\ e:\downloads\retroarch\roms\nightslave.chd"

"e:\downloads\retroarch\roms\nightslave.chd" approximately matches the following

supported software items (best match first):
It does for me if I do this

>C:\RetroArch>retroarch -L ".\cores\mame_libretro.dll" "pc9821 -rp D:\Games\MESS"

I put the those bios roms in the MESS folder. I don't have any chds to load right now though.
You wouldn't eat. First everyone would tell you that eating anywhere else is bad. Then when you finally go you notice the restaurant looks like it was decorated by a 3rd grader trying to emulate chuckecheese. The waiter squirts lemon juice in your eye so everything is now blurry as hell but its "how the chef intended for the food to be seen". You are told you have go to the kitchen to cook your own food because the food made today has bugs in it but that's ok for some people, they don't mind the bugs. By now you just say fuck it and go through the drive through at that burger place. Yeah they only serve burgers but at least you know what your getting and not buggy shit that looks like a pretentious 3rd grader made it.
You sure seem a little upset about something..
If you aren't mad you aren't emulating correctly.
fuck your closed source burger joint.
um yeah I'll take a medium emulator plz

-eye roll- We don't have "medium emulators" we serve "grande CORES" here

I don't understand why people always shit on RA. I've literally never had a problem with it, and it wasn't difficult to set up at all

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What the fuck is this horseshit, square-enix?
The way the developers intended.
why can I not find a proper digimon world to emulate reee
Because you're a tard.
Couldn't get it to load either. For some reason it is not passing the path to the hard drive chd correctly or something.
Who isn't 2016 yet?
Just use POPStation to create the eboots yourself from redump rips.

That or get the official ones from the PSN thread on pspiso.

I think no-intro catalogs those too actually.
>mednafen-handy doesn't support header-less ROMs

Fucking why
>not using G-Sync or FreeSync for emulation

That should be a standard feature in new monitors.
It's a real CRT.
you'd prefer Soylent?
Happy new year you crazy kids
I wish retroarch has better MAME input support in the future.

If it did and if netplay ended up being good, you could update FightCade or make another client that uses it and it would get rid of a few problems some of the games have because they are running on old FBA with some hacked netplay shit that is never updated

Its literally just one emudev (probably a mamedev, maybe the putin dicksucker in ukraineland) having sour grapes and constantly samefagging and shitstirring here.
Excluding Games running at 55 hz or whatever (like MK) when something is really close to 60hz (like 59.43598347hz) why not just advance a single emulation frame based on the closest vsync of the local monitor?

So if the game runs at 59.9834 hz, you'd use a 60hz frame rate... the game would run almost imperceptably faster but who cares
>now now, I cannot go unpunished you know either. I after-all insult people randomly every full moon or something, whiles other moments being completely rational and sane. I am also responsible for code crimes, which are far far worse than Mooch's dealings.

muddy, you should ask mooglyguy to hook you up with his BDSM master since last time I heard he was on the M side as well
Yeah, that actually kind of annoyed me with the video but I didn't bother saying anything. He should have been clear that rate control was a thing and that it's a perfectly fine solution for games very near your monitor's refresh rate instead of trying to sensational it like that.
>I've literally never had a problem with it
Well its stupid to think just because you've never had a problem with it that no one else has

People have had lots of complaints and criticism in general about retroarch and I think some of the general problems and attitudes RA had much earlier on have kind of stuck with it reputation wise.

RA has always been ugly as shit and before you didn't even have any options gui wise. Even ancient emulators like ZSNES had better guis (supported mice etc) and most people have come to expect that when you double click a windows exe you're not going to get something like RGUI

RA devs (probably SP, I don't know all of their names and shit) were sort of single track zealots. They dismissed the gui criticisms and were fanatic about things like copyleft and related licensing stuff. For awhile they literally had a manifesto on the libretro website that talked a whole lot of crazy shit regarding this. It made them come off as bitter and arrogant assholes that were very difficult to work with.

If you read the libretro forums today you'll see that some of the RA people (like Radius) still tend to be dickhats but in a much less intense capacity. In my opinion the general hard line assholery of early era RA has pretty much eroded (or is no longer visible)

So why does RA get all the hate? I think its because it was an ugly and hostile project earlier on and peoples experiences with it have kind of made them cynical about it.

Also there's the community. Today if you bring up any kind of problem or criticism of RA there's always a handful of asshats that will flip out and go to war with you. They don't act like any other normal software project would respond to criticisms or problems (just look through some emug threads for examples of this)

So poor history + dickbag community is why RA gets a hate.

I hope my issues with it both from a technical standpoint community standpoint will eventually go away.
If you had to choose between ONLY stand alones (any ones though) or ONLY Retroarch (meaning no PS2/GCN/Wii/etc emulation) for emulation for the rest of your life, which would you pick?

It's not like those systems are impossible to do in libretro.
I guess RA because dolphin-libretro soon™ and PCSX2 is shit anyway and that way I could still play shit on my phone which is borderline impossible without RA.
harhar. very funny.
Personally I'd go with standalones

>maximum individual device support
>all options, debug versions, proper functionality for each standalone project as intended
>probably a much nicer ui for emulator functionality

>muh latency
>support for additional target platforms including weird shit like ps3 or wii ie wherever retroarch is ported to [not entirely true because the cores have to be ported too and this only works if they don't have any non-trivially resolvable platform deps]
>shaders (personally I could care less but for the autists out there)
>netplay (all cores not supported, but still very very cool)
What cores don't work with netplay? I never knew about this.
Hey mudlord what IRC client do you use?
someone told me mame doesn't work with netplay because p2 inputs get fucked

then i read this

really it seems like mame in general is not that great on RA
hacked copy of monochrome.
Do you think it would be possible for libretro devs to port MPV player (or libMPV) to retroarch?

Ok might try it. I was using Hexchat but it crashes on windows if you use high DPI scaling.
you wouldnt like my copy of monochrome, its hacked to block certain channels and berate me if i ever attempt to join then. i used it when i was avoiding all emulation places for that week or more.
>You're a bit more retarded for running it in mednafen instead of an emulator that can actually improve it.

Those 240p backgrounds are not going anywhere. If Square kept the assets and released a true HD version of the game, then you'd have a point. No matter how HD you make the battles, the field version is still going to have 240p backgrounds. Shaders do a nice job improving that.
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Can the same number of lines be replicated in a shader?
>outlining every single pixel with a black border
>nice job
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desu senpai this looks better
>just one emudev

I've seen other people than myself criticizing RA so there are definitively more than one but keep beind delusional if that makes you feel better, SP loverboy.

>probably a mamedev
Nope. Try again.
Let's vote for 2016 emu-related best projects.

My #1 choice: https://github.com/MoochMcGee/romswap

It's a nice way to scale low resolution images for higher resolution by creating an optical illusion. The black lines vanish.

I don't think any shader can match a true shadow mask though. dem lines are super fine.
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Maybe I'm out of the loop, but this caught me by surprise. Apparently some Jap has put together a much-improved version of Yabause.


On my machine (2500k @ 4.0GHz, GTX 970), I was able to get 60fps in every 2D game I tried, and 40-50fps in the 3D games I tried in software mode. If I switch to OpenGL, I get 60fps in everything, but there are graphical bugs, and there's no way to increase the size of the window without increasing the internal rendering resolution.

If someone is interested, could you try this emulator out and tell us what sort of performance you're getting? This seems really promising.


He released source! Yabause is saved!
Damn what's with all the new sega console emulators.
Next you're gonna tell me the GGPX guy is putting in 32x support because the WiiU finally is gonna have good homebrew capability.
Is PCSXR the only PS1 emu that can over clock? I remember that MGS webm that was really impressive. Can it do 60fps?
>32x support
would it use Picodrive considering Steve Snake's Fusion is closed source?
Gonna give it a try.
retroarch on android is almost impossible to use

some minor fixes lately but thousands of people are paying 5 fucking dollars for a gameboy emulator, along with many more paid emulators like the 6 buck DS emulator.

>Inb4 hurrr durrr gaming on mobile hahah

the only difference is that it has a touchscreen and network card, its still a powerful computer dipshit.
>android input lag isn't a thing
>its still a powerful computer dipshit.
>P4 tier performance clock to clock
>powerful computer
One of these things is not like the other.
I can't get it to load a game. It always kicks me to the BIOS screen. I'm probably missing something. Does it accept disc images in only specific formats?

It loaded every bin/cue I threw at it, but it wouldn't load the one .iso image I had. That's all I know.
What bios file did you load into it?

It worked without a BIOS, actually. I loaded the US 1.00 BIOS just to see if anything would be different, and the only difference was it played the Saturn start-up animation.
Well, with or without one it does not load for me. I even tried mounting to virtual drive and it won't change a thing.

What file format are your games? Where did you get them from?
Multiple formats, mainly bin/cue and mdf/mds, all from emuparadise.
They work in MAME so even if they're shit dumps at least one should boot up.

Strange. Did you change any other settings away from default?
OK, a few games work if I set the number of threads to 4. It's weird since I have an i7 with 4 physical 8 logical cores.

Is there a Saturn redump set?
It's what the marked asked for. Normies won't ever notice the backgrounds.
Yeah, I see posts about it occasionally, but I'm not interested in Saturn emulation so I don't want to get it.

Anyway, I tried Panzer Dragoon. It runs at 20-30 FPS (as reported by Fraps), but the frameskip is very good so it's still playable like that.
Game music seemed to not loop correctly. Also I doubt the horizon is supposed to be seen through the water like that.
I have an i7 860 (first generation, so not really representative of the emulator's performance) at 2.8GHz, R9 270X 4GB and 8GB of RAM. Win 7.

I'll see what other games I can get to work.
I think it's part of the DisplayPort 1.3 standard

>It runs at 20-30 FPS

Your screenshot says otherwise.
Probably VPS vs actual FPS
That was a very informative video. Thank you senpai.
Whoops, I was running in Software mode there.
In OGL mode I get a much better framerate, 50+, average close to 55, there's no horizon bug, but the game is covered in vertical lines. They appear even in 640x480.
That's with frameskip.
There's one guy working on a lightweight netplay solution that could work for big cores that PPSSPP and MAME.
the license bullshit was brought up by gnutards that reported retroarch away from the app stores because ra was bundling the "non-free" cores with the main program. the radevs didn't give a shit about licensing until then.
Other games I tried, I'll make comparisons with MAME because that's the other Saturn emulator I've tested:
Sexy Parodius - doesn't start. On MAME it starts but an allegedly known problem with sprites make it crash after a while.
Wipeout - doesn't start on either emulator.
Pandemonium - crash shortly after hitting new game, on MAME it works well, bad framerate.
Fighting Vipers - works fine, great framerate, no sound, no faces, This had the same exact problems on MAME, so either it's a shit dump, or those issues are shared.
Yakyuken Special Konya Ha 12 Kaisen (don't judge, it was the most downloaded rom, I swear) - bad screen tearing on movies, which also skip and have audio sync problems. On MAME movies play flawlessly, some sprites are garbage.

The perfmormance on a game that's action-intensive like Panzer Dragoon is looking promising, but overall even MAME seems better than this for now when it comes to reliability.
Can devs start indicating what is VPS vs actual FPS please?
VPS is vertical interrupt per second (I think), it's pretty much always 60 for NTSC and 50 for PAL and it just means the games runs just as fast as it did on the original hardware, actual FPS is what the game internally runs at, some emulator do show you that info, some other need a 3rd party tool like fraps to tell you that, some othe won't tell you at all.
>it just means the games runs just as fast as it did on the original hardware
*provided the emulator is somewhat accurate of course (ZSNES, PCSXR and older version of Dolphin run faster than the actual console at 60VPS)

PCSX2 has that weird thing where if the thing causing slowdown on the real hardware was the GS it won't actually cause slowdown during emulation provided the bottleneck doesn't also come fro the EE on real hardware, so it behaves kinda like a PS2 with a stock EE but a GS with unlimited power.
Yes, but this is the problem. Too many show VPS which only shows you if your PC is shit or not.
They technically all show VPS by default, only exception I can think of is RPCS3 that seems to just report actual FPS.
Dolphin reports both. I once had my VPS at 60 and ingame FPS was showing as something like 11-15. I still don't believe BG: Dark Alliance runs that bad on real hardware.
Single digit FPS dips were somewhat common on 6th gen, mostly PS2 though.
Would be interesting to see how those games fare in vanilla Yabause. Thanks for taking time to debunk it though. Saturn emulation's new magic bullet my ass.

>Yakyuken Special
We've all been there.
Any specific functionality from mpv that is missing in the ffmpeg libretro core?
>good homebrew capability

I would not have too much hope if I were you, gbatemp guy. 3DS homebrew did not really started until ctrulib got mature enough, which was long after first exploits were released.

Maybe in 2017.
Does PCSX2 have per game configs for the keybinds?
No seriously, I don't want to have another install just for playing MGS2/3.
Backup your lilypad .ini file.


The fuck are you talking about? It runs everything significantly faster than regular Yabause.

Which isn't much.

What the fuck is your problem? Progress was made with an emulator, and we're discussing it. Nobody "debunked" anything. Are you some sort of SSF shill or something?

Yes, I am a Japanese open-source hating cretin in full solidarity with my Ukrainainfag open-source hating brothers who are forced to suck Putin dick.

what is this

The name is rather explicit.
Motion interpolation, nice upscaling filters, better colors, debanding, more customization, etc.

But I know most users don't care about MPV in retroarch or have any need demand for a libretto port. But it would be nice to use MPV with android.
Retroarch really needs to bring back their old android interface from 1.0.1. Glui still doesn't feel as nice to use compared to the old android menu driver.
>openemu shills are so desperate they're using bots for marketing
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Libretro ffmpeg has at least a motion interpolation core option.

Regarding 'upscaling filters', 'better colors', 'debanding', I think all of that is probably frontend shader territory, no? RA should provide more customization there than other programs.
Is MGS2 and 3 playable yet
Why doesn't retroarch have a nice gui like openemu?
>implying squarepusher isnt quite a nice gui
Because it's made by people who think CLIs are still a viable HI type.
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zarch is great and works beautifully with both the gamepad and the mouse but it's incomplete.

When it's more stable they should make it the default menu driver.
Did you guys ask hrydgard for permission or did you just take it since there's no law against stealing GPL software?
Who cares
Code wasn't stolen, it's a recreation. It even has the zsnes snowflakes.
mudlord working on another fantastic project but puts it down with his humble "negative" attitude.
Are there about 4 settings in that settings menu? My guess is 7 at most

Nobody has to ask permission for shit dude when no code is even being lifted. It's not like you can patent a bunch of colors and some UI palettes and shit.

You want to patent blue, darkblue and white or some shit dude? Go fuck off and die please. You remind me of patent trolls.
So, is there a way to save the system date in reicast-libretro so it doesn't ask me every single time?

Not yet.
Bruh, I just made that so I could byteswap roms for cen64.
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>mfw somone added snow to zarch menu
The question is: is it usable?
He's just making fun of how this is the only emu project of yours that works senpai
It functional but the settings menu is empty and you can't switch core.

SP's busy with Reicast right now.
retroarch is a one man army?
That dickbag community thing is mainly a 4chan phenomenon, like most dickbag communities. Everyone on 4chan is obsessed with proving their superiority over others with obsessive arguments.

There's not really much of that outside of 4chan.
>but the settings menu is empty and you can't switch core.
So basically it's worthless
Are you kidding? Do you come from Parallel Happy Internet of Love and Fun? That's almost every website I've seen. The comments in news websites or facebook or Gamefaqs or wherever.

The shitposters over on /vr/ are stomping around in a blind rage over RA once again
What a terrible fucking board
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Is the anon that tried to help me yesterday getting this to run here?

I saw this thread http://forums.bannister.org/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=103415#Post103415

Apparently this dude managed to get it to run, but how? Did he boot the .hdi file directly?

also, what's a softlist?
Just got a decent stick, time for some mame.
Should stick with Retroarch in order to use shaders and keep input lag to a minimum, or does standalone mame support things like hard gpu sync?

There's a guy on there who goes around accusing RPi, Mednafen, RetroArch, higan, or anything that's newish that's not part of the "old guard" of emulation of shilling. He's a well known psychopath around there at this point. Just report and ignore, because he'll never, ever stop.

I just gave OP the solution to his problem and then just got out of there.
I'm talking about the "RA dickbag community". They only seem to occur on 4chan threads, all other forums don't have them like that.
He's the only full-time dev. There's other ones that are part time but they seem to be focused on things other than that.
RetroArch and MAME are about the same latency wise. RetroArch maybe less if you use frame delay, but GroovyMAME has that as well.

RetroArch has better shaders though. MAME has the HLSL CRT thing but I find it to be too blurry. I think you can put MAME into OpenGL mode now and use SDLMAME GLSL shaders, which CRT-Lottes or CRT-Geom are ported to its format, but I don't think it has anything like CRT-Royale.
I can try and see if I get it to work on MAME.
I'd stick with RA for now if it wasn't for somewhat tricky input setup, thanks so much for the info though, I'll give it a go and see how it turns out, CRT-Geom wasn't too bad last time I played with it.
Would you use a CRT shader on a PS3 game?
I need a link to the game though. It seems PC98 games are hella hard to find.
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CRT shaders only serve to make things like this look "good"

PS3 outputs at HD quality so everything is mostly sharp already and not blocky at all. However, a real CRT running at 720p would still look better than an LCD running at 720p (native) unless it's some kind of OLED screen
Only on an 8K screen.
Otherwise I'd just use Jinc or Super xBR for upscaling
Nevermind, finally a Chinese site had it. I think this is the right one.
The game is in .hdi format. You can use chdman that comes with MAME to convert it to .chd using the createhd command.

It's just a nice way to upscale. A 720p image upscaled with a crt shader to 2160p or higher would be interesting.

HD content on CRTs are pretty interesting. The image is super sharp, but there's these little black grid like a screendoor on it that is noticeable if you get close.
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Reminder that we could have had thin "CRTs"
Is the X432R fork of Desmume useable? or is it one of those snake oil forks.
I wouldn't get your hopes up too much because it sounds like it isn't emulated very well.
What do you mean? At the cost of HD? Somehow I think HD is superior.
I know but now I want to know how to boot this thing for the future

I am literally using an HD CRT as I type this.
Hires rendering is in upstream now.
Where can I get a 1080p CRT?

Um, craigslist? I'm not really sure what you're asking.

You don't want it. It has 480 as lowest resolution. And they weigh a lot, and use enough power to run a whole house.
You mean you're using one of those 1080i TVs or just that you're using PC CRT displaying 1080p or more?
What is a hdi anyway? I inserted it into the CDROM slot and it didn't whine about it, but I don't really know how to see if it's loaded or start it up.
Load " just makes the system do nothing, but that should be reading from floppy, not CD.
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Supports higher resolutions, too, at the cost of refresh rate.
What would be cheaper on a mass scale, that or LCDs?
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I'm lookin to buy a cheapish but good enough arcade stick to use with mame and maybe some fightan from amazon uk and I found this mayflash one for 50 pounds. Anyone have any experience with it? Amazon reviews say it's good enough. The only other arcade stick available for my budget was called a universal fighting for 30 pounds but I'm afraid of the quality.

I don't know if I should post this here or on /fgg/, anyway if I get no replies I'll post there as well.
hdi is a Hard Disk Image. All PC98 games come in this format, I believe. MAME support compressed hard disc images (chd)
So, since you seem to already know all that, what's the problem you're having?
I have that thing, it's putrid garbage. Only buy it as a base for modding with a real arcade stick and buttons.
With retroarch if I load the chd after converting retroarch simply crashes
With standlaone MAME it takes me to the PC98 bios

That guy in that forum got it to run but i have no idea how. I don't have an account and I'm waiting for the admin to make my account live so I can't ask him.
>retroarch simply crashes
This is a very common theme with RA since it has very little in the way of diagnostic troubleshooting messages
Even if we take retroarch out of the equation I can't get it to work on MAME either

Then what the fuck do I buy man?
The better arcade sticks are expensive as hell.
I'm not looking to spend more than 50 pounds on it, I just want a cheap stick.
>RA since it has very little in the way of diagnostic troubleshooting messages

retroarch --menu --verbose >> log.txt 2>&1

That will usually catch most of the errors.
MAME outputs its errors to the log.
Yeah, I got where you are now. Still, there's gotta be a way to run a file somehow, but finding info about this computer is almost impossible.
There's also the problem that it crashes half the times I start or reboot the machine, so it's major being a pain in the ass.
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You can try to use the nightslv.zip which is a compilation of fdi images but I just get dumped here.
That didn't create any log file
Nevermind, I had to cd to the directory first. Anyway, it only outputs the information in the debug windows when you boot retroarch_debug, nothing more.
>Anyway, it only outputs the information in the debug windows when you boot retroarch_debug, nothing more.

Most of the time that's all that's needed, since MAME outputs errors to log. That line also outputs stderr so it might catch some errors that don't come through stdin.

Pls help if you're still here.
Those hdi and fdi dumps are retarded, they're basically already preinstalled games with an autorun file
PC98 is easily the worst preserved platform ever because at the time nobody ever bothered just making clean untouched dumps of the floppies
They were mostly jap hikikomori neets that had the 3 PC98 computers there were ever sold that played this. It makes sense that games are so rare/badly preserved.
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Sorry man, I give up. I have no idea what the commands of NEC BASIC are and can't find them.
I've tried a bunch of stuff I know from other systems and the furthest I got was a "Bad file name" when typing
which leads me to believe I was on the right track. However I have no way to know the file name, I've looked at the hard drive with a hex editor and couldn't spot any in plain text. It would all be so easy if I could only figure out how to cat. Or dir. Or ls.
Do you by any means know how to get this to run on MAME/Retroarch?
The keyboard mapping issue can be worked around.


Though unmapping the RetroPad bindings from keyboard means that you will need to use a joypad or mouse to navigate RA's menu.
RA hotkeys can still be triggered under this setup by holding scroll lock. This will remove all conflicts with MAME's keybinds.
That's literally just an extremely convoluted way of reproducing the look of an OLED screen.
use cli you shitter
dude get the shenmue undub in .gdi format lol
there's a thread at /vr/ with links yo
>I could care less

I was able to get to the PC98 BIOS by using boot to CLI core option but could not load the hard disk chd, it always says file not found.
Did you manage to get any hdi/chd to run at all? I tried another one out of curiosity and got the same problem.
I'm wondering if this isn't maybe a regression and that guy who got it to work was using an older version.

because reading subtitles is fun, right?
same here(+ mitsu 2070sb which is even better for emulation)
have you tried any standalone emus to get 1:1 video output? I'm particularly interested in pcsx2 SW mode and ppsspp. Do these emus even support exclusive fullscreen?

Unrelated question:
How should I emulate DC - 240p or 480p?
how can you stand that awful dub?
More fun than shitty dubs.
Didn't try anything. The thing is the every .chd is accompanied by a .zip in the rom folder according to this http://wiki.mamedev.org/index.php/FAQ:Setting_Up

So it goes like this:
- game.zip
- game\
- - game.chd

Night Slave is just a lonely chd. Maybe there's something else that's needed to do?

>How should I emulate DC - 240p or 480p?

Almost every DC game supported 480p natively. Only a handful of Capcom arcade ports supported 240p.
I think that's just for games that are runnable directly through MAME, not for files that you manually load into a system.
It shouldn't need anything else.
Oh. I have no idea how to load the file to the system
How? I have boot to cli option enabled and retroarch just closes
>le epic dub meme

Then why are they bringing the same voices back to Shenmue 3?

>We have received many requests for the original cast to return and understand how important their connection is to the Shenmue community.



Obviously, replace hard paths with whatever you use.
did you not see that has FUCKING SNOW?!?!?
it was a late christma present
I only ever used neko project and anex, try those first. If it doesn't boot automatically right after mounting in those, it means the image is not bootable (aka has just the game files, no DOS). You need to boot into DOS first and then run the game from the command line.
>Then why are they bringing the same voices back to Shenmue 3?

For the same reason why people like the original English SotN dubs - Nostalgia-faggotry
What? In the menu, with the file manager. How have you been doing it so far, with the CLI? That's the same thing.
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793 KB, 2670x2000
Ah, got it running.
I thought you were saying I had to load the image to the PC-9821 system using the basic command line of the system
File: Mameui64 2016-01-01 22-10-42-80.png (2 MB, 1388x1042) Image search: [Google]
Mameui64 2016-01-01 22-10-42-80.png
2 MB, 1388x1042
Ah no, I meant virtually physically inserting the device.
Anyway, I tried running a floppy game and it boots up correctly. I'm really thinking that there's something preventing MAME from booting up from the HD.

Look at that amazing resolution. How did Japan go from this back to 320x240?
Hey /emugen/, I got me a copy of Threat, an oldass DOS game and am running it on dosbox. It's great, but it would be so much better with a mouse for turning. In game it supports a Joystick, but can I somehow use my mouse as a joystick?
>Look at that amazing resolution. How did Japan go from this back to 320x240?

It's a desktop computer. It can handle it.

The only reason they did 320x240 is to save on processing power. And CRTs can only do 640x480 max anyways.
CRT's will do whatever resolution the people making it want it to. Obviously a higher res is more expensive, but newer computers that came with a CRT were often made to run at 800x600 or 1024x768
>CRT's will do whatever resolution the people making it want it to.

Bullshit nigga. Standard SD CRTs are 640x480 machines. CRT monitors are much higher resolution. LCDs and onwards are when standard TVs got higher resolution.
>And CRTs can only do 640x480 max anyways.
That's 640x400 though. And it's a 16-bit system running a 10 year old OS, while the PSX was 32-bit.
I can understand the PSX having 320x240 for 3D games, but couldn't they have made it so it could also output full SD for 2D games?
There's a huge difference between CRT TVs and CRT monitors. Consoles were made for TVs, and nobody used an expensive computer monitors as a TV.
you never said "SD"

also SD is 640x480i, and devs that make pixelart would never ever use an interlaced mode
im a somewhat okay c++ dev

what would I have to do to get netplay working with mame through retroarch?
Implement serialization of savestates in the libretro layer.

That's probably not trivial with MAME, though I could be wrong. It will probably be driver dependent.

Also, rollback netplay needs determinism to ensure that the two instances of a core don't go out of sync because they suddenly diverged randomly. I don't know how deterministic MAME is, it might be driver dependent too.
>Implement serialization of savestates in the libretro layer
What do save states have to do with netplay?

>Also, rollback netplay needs determinism to ensure that the two instances of a core don't go out of sync because they suddenly diverged randomly. I don't know how deterministic MAME is
Alright I'll investigate that
Savestates need to be serialized so it can save a savestate for each frame, which allows for synchronization between two separate instances over the network or internet by rolling back when needed. It will appear less laggy than other methods, but it will need good CPU power (much like per-frame rewind).

Streaming netplay where inputs, audio, and raw framebuffer are streamed over the network might be an alternative that's more compatible, but will be more affected by network lag and bandwidth.
>Legacy of Kain collection on steam for 5 bucks
>but not the fucking FIRST game of course
I want to play these games but since they're all emulatable I'm not sure if it's worth it since it's missing a game?

Emulate the first one and if you like it maybe buy the collection during the next sale? It's not like it's going anywhere...
Well, it's supposed to be way different than the later games, BO1 is an arpg, the rest are platformers with rpg elements.
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43 KB, 640x400
I can get this working but not nightslave. Somebody use this zip with fdi images and make it work.

>getting tired of manually downloading games for mame
>find a torrent on emuparadise which I assume has all the games in it
>it's fucking 50 gb

It's also downloading slow as fuck for some reason despite a lot of seeds. Anyway, it's worth it. It will be done by the time my arcade stick arrives. Boy I can't wait.
What's the shader?

Stop. That set is probably old as shit and is unlikely to work with your version of MAME. Download the most recent set from archive.org and install the appropriate version of MAME.

a mame shader setting at non-integer resolution
480p isn't SD?
480p is "enhanced definition", not "standard definition"

when 480p TV's first happened, it was like HD

It's for a few versions prior to mine.
But it has packs to update it for latest version so it's fine.
I'm getting conflicting reports of MAME and netplay. Some people say it connects fine but its just the inputs that are screwed up
HLSL is the name of the directx shader language...

I assume you mean mame HLSL?
>Boot whatever game that boots
>Exit to DOS immediately
>Swap disk to the other one that doesn't boot by itself
>Run whatever exe is on the disk
>Run whatever exe is on the disk
That's the problem. What's the command to run a file, or more importantly to view the contents of a drive? The system doesn't run MSDOS, it has NEC BASIC, so you can't just call an exe and run it.
After some experimenting I found that run"C: seems to be the right command, but I'm still missing whatever should come after that.
>Swap disk to the other one
the ones that work are on floppies, while the ones that don't autoboot are on hard drive images.
Tried exiting the BASIC editor? Find a different game that boots and exits to DOS.
And those few titles that supported 240p are better off emulated through FBA. Unless you want any console-exclusive extras, I suppose.

> You need to install/hot-swap* DOS 6.22, then use hdinst.exe inside Night Slave disk 1. If somebody wants to do a full tutorial about how to install stuff on pc98xx be my guest.

> * Hot-swapping: run MS-DOS disk 1, wait until it prompts you to install DOS on a disk, press ESC in FULL keyboard mode then ENTER at はい for はい / いいえ (Yes/No).
(now at pc98xx prompt): change disk A into <select_your_game_running_only_on_dos> disk A, "dir *.exe" or "dir *.bat" for a list of executable commands. For Night Slave, hdinst.exe is the installer, nsg.exe is likely raw executable but it fails if not from HDD apparently.

Well this sounds extremely complicated
Where did you find this? planetemu doesn't have it
pleasuredome mame software list roms
I read a post on reddit where some guy proclaimed MAME was better than RA and has a similar AIO thing going on.

So why didn't the libretro devs just use that instead of making their own project?
> free emails don't work

Well, fuck my ass then...
>but will be more affected by network lag and bandwidth.

Could you explain why? I would have thought network lag would be more noticeable if you are transfering 200 kB of savestate data on each frame rather than just one or two bytes with only input data.

I can understand why exchanging whole emulation state solves synchronization issues caused by netplay but lag?
When I exit a game it tells me
>MAC.EXE removed
>disk wo nuite, reset shite kudasai
I don't know what "nuite" means, but the jist of it is "there's no disk, please reset".
>Tried exiting the BASIC editor
Don't know how. exit doesn't work.

I think that the system doesn't come with DOS installed.

Looking into this.
Is it a software list for 0.169?

Archive.org has one for 0.161 but doesn't include nightslv


LOL, because it doesnt.

Anybody with eyes to see and ears to hear can tell that.

MAMEdev doesnt, then again these are dumb village idiots that thouht at MAME 0.78 being slower than currentday MAME was an 'urban myth'.

It is simply a joke project now ran by stupid people. Stupid people in fact who keep the good stuff tp themselves apparently in closed source codebases (like Elsemi with Model 2 and Demul guy with DEmul, Makaron too). And MAMEdev just takes it up the ass apparently and accepts whatever scraps they get given by these DC emu faggots.
I meant more like instead of starting RA, why not just use the MAME code base back then and port things to MAME instead?

It makes no difference is some devs kept their shit closed source; people are already asking about closed source RA cores.


did you ever try compiling MAME?

It is crappy amateur code that nobody should ever want to touch with a ten foot pole. Id rather set myself on fire than to suffer through that garbage.
Is there a guide on how to set up retroarch paths? Like I just want everything to be in one directory and I dont want RA to create a bunch of random directories all over my computer
Since you seem to be knowledgable and I am currently learning emu programming, could you link to something you consider to be good non-amateur code? Thanx
Alright, the only DOS I managed to dig up is 3.3D, but that shouldn't matter too much. I managed to essentially get where he wanted me to get and have access to a proper DOS prompt. However, when I try to open the hard drive it just tells me it isn't there.
Now I'm apparently trying to install DOS on that hard drive. It won't help if I do, but at least that will tell me that MAME does see and can work on the disk.

Not MAME, that is for sure.
Backend wise it is MAME, can't do with it, can't do without it, so it's a necessary evil. Arcade wise of course it is the only game in town.

Frontend-wise, pure garbage. It is almost offensively bad even, and it just keeps getting worse each year. I don't think you'll find anybody applauding that particular aspect of the program. Even the build system is appalingly bad. It just oozes badness from A to Z.

Game console-wise, well, rather a waste of time. A Commodore 64 requires a Core i5, SNES is still not at the level of bsnes and has heavier system requirements still, any 3D-based game console of course will be a total joke as long as there are no 3D rendering codepaths.

Maybe for certain neglected platforms like Jaguar or Saturn it might fill a niche since the alternative standalone emus are that bad, but on average, standalone console emulators are nearly always better than whatever MAME provides.
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