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Cyka Edition
/swgg/ is not your personal tech/customer support forum. Google search before posting.

>For General SWTOR info and finding people to play with:
http://pastebin.com/Cp37vLab (embed)

Referral system is broken, ask politely in thread if you need a link.

>How do I setup Battlefront II?
http://pastebin.com/fsYU4BUC (embed)
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>ywn romance Satele
Can I dye Thexan's armor white like Arcann's?
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it hurts
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>tfw you'll never travel in time and seduce satele when she was young impressionable padawan
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>yfw Rey's last name is revealed to be Shan.
She looks like a hag, and you'd have to deal with Ghost Marr being there, everytime you fug, and Theron sticking laxatives in your food
>had her memory and connection the force blocked
>starts remembering things and the force
>the force awakens in her
>just like revan

She does seem like a Satele clone.
Why being Sith is so much fun? I can't stop the flow of my evil impulses while listening Bad from MJ.
Why would it even matter when Revan and Bastila have been dead for over 4000 years?
I know the feeling.

Because, the Dark Side of the force is literally 'do what you want, give into what makes you you' while the Jedi way is 'Be as unnaturally unattached as possible'.

I love being Dark Side force user.
>introduce kotor into official canon
>introduce another powerful force lineage that is just as important as the skywalker lineage

I mean it wouldn't particularly matter but it would still be neat.
Reminder that Beniko is an anagram of Kenobi
Reminder that you're Obi-Wan's ancestor
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Man my Exile looks so fucking cool, even my gun matches my armor. I dont play SWTOR but does it have cool Mandalorian armor like this?
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>using guns in KotoR
SWTOR has literally every armor you can think of
playing dress up is what sustains the game
What SWGemu server should I play on
Will my Inquisitor ever get a new pair of pants?
I don't want to wear a skirt
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>not using guns in KOTOR 2
It's the only one with enough people
Man that looks so much better than the abominations 1 had for armor
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>not reconnecting with the force
>playing a male exile


Any SWTOR players in Aus/NZ?

What servers are you on? How is the ping?
Does anyone else play KOTOR1 as a duelist single saber build, when saber staff / dual wielding is objectively better?

I've just started Kotor 2 for the first time playing duelist single saber.

I know that its objectively worse but apparently the game is easy anyway
>download SWTOR
>open inventory
>click "Collections"
>filter by armor
>jizz everywhere

>Not having 2 fully decked out Mandalorian Disintegrators
>Not sniping sith shitlords with critical rolls on a 5

wew lad


SWTOR has Cassus Fett's armor, which is just the standard mandalorian armors of KoTOR 1/2 with a little scarf thing.
yeah, i mean the damage difference is only like 15% hardly enough to matter when you one or 2 shot 90% of enemies.
>not being calm as Jedi and free as Sith
Ashara disapproves

With Flurry, Master Speed and Juyo form you can get 5 attacks per round even with a single saber, which is the cap.

It really isn't that much worse than DW, since Dualsaber is the best and it only gets one set of crystals like a 1h anyway.
Nope. Take any pants you like and put in cosmetic slot.
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>caring about Canon when all EU content non Canon now anyway
>not blasting jedi scrubs and sith shitters
>not rebuilding and enacting the will of mandalore
Can someone explain to me how the outfit designer works?
Does it log pieces of gear that I've collected? Does it allow me to put the style of that gear on over the current gear that I have? Or does it just spawn a version of that gear to replace the gear you use to level with?
you throw items in there, and it creates a look that overlays whatever you're currently wearing. It basically imprints them, so it doesn't copy them or store them in the designers, just stores the look.

So if you use a hat it saves the look of the hat and you can ditch the hat completely but then if you remove the hat from the designer and decide you want it back you'll need to get that hat again.
EU was always non-canon in the eyes of the filmmakers, its been like that since the first book came out

The EU is no less canon now than it was before (except post RotJ stuff). It's just called "Legends" now.
Ooooh, I see now.

Damn, that's neat.
>ywn get back all the credits you spent changing your look back in the day
yep best new feature in a while.

The only restrictions are level, class and valor.

So obviously you cant throw in level 61 armor into your outfit as a level 46. Or valor gear you don't have the valor level for, or bounty hunter specific gear as a sith inquisitor.

But you can have a heavy armor outfit as a jedi shadow.
So, if I sell the item I used to stam my currently equipped item with, It will stay in my outfits tab until I replace it.

That is quite handy.
>So obviously you cant throw in level 61 armor into your outfit as a level 46.
Which is shit.
im just thankful they removed the armor type restrictions
>beat Sith Warrior and start playing Agent
>oh cool I can use force choke with him if I activate Heroic Moment, I wonder what Agent will unlock?
>Finish Agent, get Killsat
Well that's pretty fucking sweet, though I'm not sure where it came from considering I never had a Killsat skill with him
>never had a killsat skill
>what is Orbital Strike
Anon pls
>want to play SWTOR
>log in through origin to my original account
>go to play
>realise the SWTOR side is still linked to my old, inaccessible email
>go through every support page
>only phone or in-game services, NO EMAIL

What the FUCK kind of company/game/anything does not have an email contact for support?

Am I missing something?
Orbital Strike is Sniper only now, he was probably an Operative.
I'm an Operative if that makes any sort of difference, it sure ain't in my list of skills
>Finish smuggler story
>You can now kick people in the dick really hard
Did snoke remind anyone else a lot of gwynevere from dark souls?
>romanced Lana in SoR
>KoTFE doesn't really seem to acknowledge that at all
That's a bummer
romances are bugged to hell and back right now. multiple threads about it, including one 50+ pager on the bug forums.
Well that's kind of shitty.
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>Wanna buy the Thexan set from the GTN but don't have the money because I'm not 65 yet
>Get to 65 mega fast and grind up the credits via the weeklies
>The boxes had been selling for 4m all week
>No boxes on and some faggot has put the robe itself up for 7m and now everybody thinks it's worth that
Can't wake up
the worst was seeing people selling the zakuul knight set for 12mil.
What server?
I bought two sets of that garbage for 1.2 mil and sold both for 7 mil each a month later

goddamn I love being white
I think Jews are counted as their own race
What's the best sub/coin package going atm?

Are there any good looking helmets for bounty hunter at lower levels? I seem to remember all BH armour looking like complete shit until ~level 40
Oy GEVALT its a galactic shoah
goy pls

Red Eclipse, EU.
There's a shitton of hunter-looking helmets from packs, check the GTN.
What is best looking shirt, and why is it Thermal Targeter?
Can I buy an Offhand 208 Saber and take the mods out for my Shadow's 2h Saber?
Yeah, but the higher rated ones won't let you do that.

So I heard, was just making sure it was ok for the 208 ones, since I've just hit 65 and REALLY need a weapon.

It turned my 2h into an Offhand only weapon.

Right lads

Thankfully I just got an email saying my SWTOR account has been automatically updated to my actual currently EA login. I can start playing again

I've activated the free trial of whatever the fuck the new thing is so that I can make a l60 character.

Can you guys give me the current rundown of these classes (pve/pvp) please:

Bounty Hunter
Jedi Knight

Huh. It didn't do that to my mainhand saber.
>Bounty Hunter
I'veo nly played merc, arsenal is a pretty fucking powerful monster all around. Heat management is pretty much zero and you've got a shit ton of damage at your disposal.

>Jedi Knight
I've played DPS guardian for a while, one of the tightest dps rotations i've ever played. Feels really satisfying. Don't have much pvp experience since I mainly pvp on my assassin.

Noice. I've always played BH since pre-cu swg. Just love the role and love the star wars style of them.

Is there much to do in the game for 2 people cooperatively? For example if I and my gf were both BHs

She loves the hutts/underworld from the films so I just know the only thing that will convince her to go dark side instead of smuggler would be that
>sorc has 500 additional mana
>I barely can use more the 50 at time despite all my attempts for non-stop casting
Why they even added this thing? With such rapid regen you will never think about it anyway.
guys..i have some level 50's in SWTOR but then i stopped playing. I recently got interested again with the new Knights of the Fallen Empire. Some questions:

1. Can I used my old lvl 50 character for the new content?

2. If so, do the choices I made in my class quests matter? What about for expac content like Rise of the Hutt Cartel or whatever?

3. If I do the instant 60, will it let me choose what choices of previous class quests he made?
You won't be able to enter instanced story areas since you're both BHs. If you or her were an Agent then you could both start on the same tutorial planet and follow each other around, even into instanced story areas.
>Is there much to do in the game for 2 people cooperatively? For example if I and my gf were both BHs

Unfortunatly class stories are basically non coop since you'd either have to do the quest once for your once for her, or each do it separately at the same time. I'd suggest you both pick different classes and tag along on each others class quest, you can see the dialogue taking place but not participate.

All other quests and fine for 2 players, but considering how it's a 200% xp event and the game is already basically built around you only doing class quests and heroic missions to level up I think it'd be over kill.

The game is a really fun coop RPG though.
>tfw leveling too fast
>tfw won't have nearly enough Pvp commendations at 65 to fully gear out
>1. Can I used my old lvl 50 character for the new content?
If you sub then yes.

>2. If so, do the choices I made in my class quests matter? What about for expac content like Rise of the Hutt Cartel or whatever?
Not unless you already played through them.

>3. If I do the instant 60, will it let me choose what choices of previous class quests he made?
Nope. It doesnt even give you the class quest titles. It is kind of bullshit.
1. Yes.
2. Minor changes in dialogue is about all that you get.
3. No, the insta-60s are locked out of class stories and are assumed to be veterans of the war.

Sweet, sounds good. Thanks for the info guys. I'll see if I can convince her to go Agent
speaking of Ghost Marr, why the fuck does he exist? The whole point of Force Ghosts is that it's light-side only
>The whole point of Force Ghosts is that it's light-side only
So all those sith spirits and the inquisitor's force ghost squad are what?
Show me a canon source that proves darksiders can't go ghost.
Force "apparitions" ergo "they're a ghost but obviously not the type of ghost we already established since we fucked ourselves over by making them alignment specific."
Sith become ghosts, Jedi become "one with the force"
where are my galaxy of heroes homies

Marr standing up to Valk was the equivalent of Vader turning on the Emperor.

Really, no one knows. For all we know, Marr could have force bonded with Satele at some point or something.
Does Dromund Kaas have a "planet story" quest chain?
I can't seem to find it.
Oh he bonded alright, just ask Theron. He probably felt it.
oh they "bonded" alright

by bonded I mean boned
Not really, it was more of a "area quest chain" for each sub-area you went to while doing your class story.
Starts at the Wall.
Trapped in one place
marr is trapped in satele's pussy though
>pussy so good you trapped even in death

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Post certified pure maidens
I'm going to marry Lana!
>a maiden

>Implying she and Theron were shagging like mad until the Rishi spat.

Nariel Pridence is purest everything.
>not being able to seduce her away from the Jedi and into your crew
If I sub now, do I get the free l60 character with the expansion that was stated at its launch?
You should

I just want to protect her naive heart from the big bad Sith.
What's your name? I'll hop on and add you. I'm looking to play a Creature Handler/Bounty Hunter but the grind is boring by myself
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The purest.
>Lost her purity to some random she then murdered
She was just pretending to have lost her purity.
when do we get access to new lana's hair
after we get access to her old hair
I thought we had that, though, it looks as much like playdough as the rest of lana
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>SCORPIO is movie canon now
I extremely the cantina scene. In the beginning we got to see all these new creatures and practical effects that were charming, then they hit the cantina and they started doing some sort of blur shot around the cantina and I couldn't see shit. Might have been because my retard friend bought 3D tickets so maybe my eyes weren't focusing properly but either was I was disappointed.
Just finished SW storyline. Any recommendations on which to go for next?
Go for a less satisfying one like consular/trooper/BH so you don't do all the good ones first
Any mods I should get for KOTOR1? I haven't played it in like five years
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Did anyone here play Empire at War?
Does anyone remember the tactical differences between lasers, turbolasers, concussion missiles, and proton torpedos?
>they kill your waifu

You forgot JK in your list
I think concussion missiles are primarily used to disable shields?
Blaster/Energy/Laser/Ion weapons does not go through shields. Ion deals double damage to shields and disables stuff

Missiles and railguns go through shields

At least that's what I remember from Empire at War
I thought she was just a good friend. Obiwan had a different waifu(s) in the EU
Is there any difference between the missile/laser systems? Like is there anything different between lasers and turbolaers?
She's canon his waifu
>TFW no Sith GF to serve as a bodyguard for
Fuck off back to your fanfiction website scrub.
I have that outfit. The ass flaps clip through the pants

I am still mad about it.
This thread you're posting in is full of Star Wars fanfiction games discussion. You have no power here, you should be the one to fuck off.
Maybe turbolaser have accuracy penalties against small craft
and regular lasers have damage penalties against large ships

Missiles are for small craft
Torpedos are for ship sections or bases
what are the pieces called?
There's a difference between enjoying fanfic games and crying that there's a canon waifu for the best Jedi m8, I'm sorry I triggered you.
relaxed vestments
thank you amigo
will senya make love to my character if I get her to 50 influence
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I'm a part of the guild and I can't use guild chat.

They have it switched off for your rank.
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Is Aruzan still around?

No Doy. I'm wondering if I can ever stop be in this limbo state and be either a real member or just gone.
Any guild that doesn't want new members to have a voice is shit tier, and not worth your time.

I joined the guild when it didn't put me out.

This is <Travel to Hoth> -- did they suddenly get good in rank or something?
What are the good and bad ones? I thought SW was okay, but really dragged on for chapter 1 with all the chores you do for tubs.
why is kotor 2 dark side so hard to play

nah it was a stupid joke that i forgot to fix

can fix it in a minute
fixed it, all ranks can talk now

you don't need to stay anyways, i think everyone has quit by now
>sith with bodyguards
Daily reminder that such type of sith tend to die horribly.
>Tfw no busty sith gf that shocks you when you don't pleasure her tits enough
haven't played since 2011, leveling a new char, what gear should i get? i'm 20something and still using shit from the beginning of the game pretty much. general advice also appreciated
when you can, just do the heroics on whatever planet you are on

they give rewards scaled to your level upon completion
Every 5 or so levels do some heroics to get gear boxes.
TFA was pretty fucking good, though I'm not sure if Kylo was supposed to look like an incredibly pathetic dweeb

I think he was. He's an edgy faggot who literally punches himself in his own wounds to amp himself up.

It doesn't help that he gives off massive rapey vibes in the scenes where he has Poe and later Rey captive. Vader and Tarkin were much more clinical and detached from their torturees.
he was
But thats a good sign that he's so much more emotional and passionate, thats what dark side users are supposed to be.

Kind of, it also makes him and Hux interesting contrasts to Vader and Tarkin. Vader is the black knight, a glacier who crushes everything in his path. Tarkin is the evil minister, a calculating presence who likes to sit in chairs and steeple his fingers.

Kylo Ren is a frothing lunatic with severe emotional issues who takes his rage out on inanimate objects (Vader just murders folks and calls it a day). Hux is an enthusiast and a demagogue.
Sith are supposed to use their emotions, not be ruled by them. Anakin was an emotional guy and became a great Sith because he channeled his emotions. Vader didn't tantrum, he choked out a disrespectful faggot who basically said "Your space magic that I have witnessed isn't real." and killed one guy who fucked up massively.

Kylo is a petulant child who is clearly conflicted, and isn't in control of himself.

People always cite Vader as a menacing if not downright scary character but even at age 5 I didn't fear him. Kylo, on the other hand, had me a little on edge at nearly 30.
I miss the prequels. They at least felt like Star wars. And by god, they managed to have a villain and actor worse thanHayden anakin. Kylo is a joke and utterly pathetic as is his motivations.
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Fuck off, dipshit.
The real problem with Kylo is that he's really fucking ugly
No, you fuck off with your shit bait.
There's no bait here, anon, just you posting a shitty maymay rather than actually trying to have any sort of discussion. If you just want to circlejerk over how good the disney cock is, fuck off to /tv/.
The movie isn't perfect but to compare it to the prequels unfavorably you have to be baiting.
No you fuck off to /tv/ you worthless faggot.

You miss the fucking prequels? Really? Kill yourself.
If you actually believe that then you have legit problems. If you actually cannot accept others opinions, kill yourself.

Again, if you just want a circlejerk about TFA, fuck off. I like the prequels, a fuck ton more than that shitty remake of ANH. The fact you actually think Kylo is tolerable is the real bait.
End yourself immediately.
Must pain you that you can't thumbs down opinions you don't approve of.
You have your fucking instructions you cunt.

Do it. Now.
Stay upset, disney shill
My name is Kylo Ren, the Han Solo killer. Has a pretty nice ring to it, dontcha think?
Prequels and the EU > Disney Star Wars

You can't place an offhand hilt into your mainhand saber. Well, you can, but you'll turn it into an offhand weapon.
I don't know
Yeh huh
you have shit taste and will be wrong forever

goodbye loser
I just started playing a few days ago and I bought a couple of strategic alliance packs for the hell of it.

Out of those I got three pieces of Outland Observer's armor (eyepatch, belt, bracers), a Zakulian Sniper Rifle, a Dart Frog mount, and a Desta Colossus mount.

I don't know much about item availability in this game. Are these items likely to see a significant increase in price once the edition 9 packs come out? I dunno if I should hold onto them or just use the ones I like/sell the rest now.
Yes, it is. The EU had good shit, disney wars has focus group shit for non-star wars fans who just want to see a movie. Prequels and EU tried new shit, disney wars is incredibly safe to the point they won't even make an original movie, just a remake of ANH

Atleast people remember the prequels. No one will remember TFA in 5 years because nothing note worthy really happens except Han dying.
>Atleast people remember the prequels
Yep. I'll forever remember how completely shit they are and always will be.

That's so great.
No matter how powerful you are, it's always an asset to have someone watching your back.
No you have the shit taste and you will be wrong forever.
Goodbye loser
When will the edgy contrarianism end?

TFA was a solid 7 or 8 out of 10. It was a good Star Wars movie; a space opera/action-adventure without boring politics and pointless lore.


Disney Star Wars a shit
You are a pleb
Yup. Can't wait for the next one.

Enjoy your further disappointment
Fuck off already.
They're mediocre. Just like the OT was. Star wars was never a cinematic masterpiece.

I'd take Jar jar over Maray Sue

or else?
No you fuck off
>further disappointment
I haven't been disappointed since the prequels.

>I'd take Jar jar over Maray Sue
Then something is terribly wrong with you and you are beyond help.
When will the group think meme hate of the prequels end?
It's not 2002 anymore, you don't have to hate them to fit in anymore, friend.

Also I can accept someone likes TFA, meanwhile you literally cannot handle the idea someone prefers the prequels and have to go to mental gymnastics to invalidate or delegitimatize the opinion by calling it "contrarianism" as if that some how is an argument against anything.
Go somewhere else then. TFA isn't even related to TOR, and your childish demands of group think are obnoxious and add nothing.

>Enjoying a Mary sue character
>TFA isn't even related to TOR
You retarded bitch
>Khem disapproves of my love of surprises and pirates
Fuck you too, man, I should be able to shock you for every time you said the words Tulak Hord
I don't mind the prequels, their okay movies and work as Star Wars movies. They're just the worst of the bunch.

This overly vocal admiration for the prequels has only popped up since VII came out. Before that there was only a quiet minority that praised them.

Also the contrarianism refers to all the hate for VII when the vast majority of people find it to be a great movie.

This is Star Wars games general, not TOR general
There is apprentices for that. They know how to watch your back as well as how to put knife in it in case you become too weak. Would you trust random pleb to kill you?
Yeah I love all those TFA games, anon.

People who dislike the prequels are memers anyway, anon. If you wish to illegitimatize others opinions because you demand everyone conform to yours, then I can do the same. People only hate the prequels to fit in.
>>Also the contrarianism refers to all the hate for VII when the vast majority of people find it to be a great movie.
It's full of holes, is a total remake of ANH that is devoid of creativity, feels overly safe, has terrible pacing, has terrible terrible characterization, has a Mary sue, etc. I can accept TFA is an okay movie but to act it's anything special is just laughable to me. If I wanted to watch ANH I would.
Fucking retards cannot even do math properly.
But, I don't like the prequels.
I just don't care for them.
And I haven't seen TFA yet.
So you are passing judgement that TFA is better than the prequels and saying others are trolls/non-genuine and you have not seen TFA?
I think you mean "the three good ideas I loved from the ocean of shit that was the EU" > the foundation of the new Star Wars house.

TFA is clearly Disney saying "Hey, we get it, the prequels were terrible. Remember motherfucking Star Wars? We do, so relax and let us rebuild."
I'm not passing any judgement on TFA.
I'm just saying I don't like the prequels.
Different guy who wanted to put his two cents in.

On an unrelated note, what is a simple way to get on track to crafting Saber Color Crystals in SWTOR?
He promised to devour me if I won't remove Zash. Can't wait to see it.
When have I ever demanded that people conform their opinion, and when did this ever become prequels v. VII?

And I never said I couldn't handle why someone prefers the prequels. I stated why I like VII more.

You're bringing up statements out of thin air.

>People only hate the prequels to fit in.
Except on this site people seemingly hate VII to fit in.

Any other order is trying to get a rise out of people by calling the prequels good and/or is a prequelbabby whose first Star Wars movie had Jar Jar in it.
I want to see Vaylin naked
You legitimately do not see what is wrong in trying to use "well you're just a contrarian" as an argument against legitimate opinions? You do not get why this makes you come across as an asswipe?
Go to bed Senya.
Why is everyone so angry?
>anyone who doesn't agree with me is trolling
Nice narcissism.

You just validated my post bro.
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Because people get upset when they have to defend an opinion they thought was universal.

Your post was pure retardation, basically stating your opinion to be objectively true.
good lord
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>Because people get upset when they have to defend an opinion they thought was universal.
Why? It's just anons.

You people confuse me.
I find 4 boring. Mainly because I know the story, and origin stories have always been boring as fuck to me on retelling. Same reason I hate super hero movies that are just origins. I know how Batman became fucking Batman, get on with the shit.
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Who /5kd/ in a dead game?
Because "THE PREQUELS ARE WORSE THAN THE HOLOCAUST" was spouted in pop culture for like 15 years. Youngins bought it as something everyone on Earth actually agreed with rather than just a vocal group. So now when they grop up and discover the unity of hate against the prequels was a lie, they get very shaken and defensive.
Perhaps that's why your blasted ass rates 7 so low, it's a soft reboot that is basically Disney giving the finger to the prequels and reassuring longtime fans they're not getting Jar Jar again.
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>I find 4 boring
The vast majority of people enjoy the movie.
Not nearly as large of a proportion of this site is stating enjoyment towards the movie.

This level of disconnect can probably be explained by a certain degree of contrarianism, which this site is well known for if you've been around.

And yet another thing I did not say. Nobody presented any sort of argument to which I replied "you're just a contrarian".

And nice personal attack at the end, really adds to the strength of your argument.
Funny, because I think long time fans are exactly the opposite of the type of people who enjoy TFA.

Instead we get...boredom.

That's no reason to get mad. Who cares, dude. You're all nobodies. Your opinions are worthless.

Only people you know in real life who mean something to you are worth getting upset with. Not anons.
>people actually giving that much of a shit about fucking movies

they're movies

you fucking watch them once and you're done

it if entertained you enough to the point where you didn't just turn it off and go off to do something else then it's good enough

this is some next level autism
The beginning is pretty fucking boring though, it only starts getting good after Luke's home is destroyed
Appeal to authority/majority is a falacy. You are arguing not on merits of the film itself but solely on the idea others like it thus, their opinion must be rigjt.

>I never replied you're a contrarian
Then you jumped in an argument that was between me and someone else, try not to do that.

>crying about personal attacks when you basically personally attacked everyone who didn't like TFA by calling them contrarian
>because I think long time fans are exactly the opposite of the type of people who enjoy TFA
I've been a fan of Star Wars for nearly 25 years. I loved TFA.

I also like aspects of the prequels, too.
I agree, but you don't understand the insane meme hatred of the prequels.
>Senya would've sang for the party is Koth didn't ruin the mood
First you interrupt my makeout session, now this, one more strike and you're out
>meme hatred
Just stop. You kids and your whole "Everything is a Meme" bullshit has gotten out of hand.
The majority likes the film. I'm not saying that makes it a good film. I'm saying some people are taking the position that it isn't just because the majority thinks it is.

>Then you jumped in an argument that was between me and someone else, try not to do that.
I made the original post that you replied to

>you basically personally attacked everyone who didn't like TFA by calling them contrarian
I never said everyone who didn't like TFA was contrarian, and being called contrarian is hardly a personal attack.
People who don't hate the prequels started with the prequels, or only peripherally watched Star Wars before they came out.

I don't think you cunts understand how much of a cultural phenomenon Star Wars is. Shit, I worked in an office for three years where I had nothing in common with anyone, and I wear a TIE Fighter necktie one day and suddenly I've got four buddies at work who hang out watching sci-fi movies together, two of whom are like twenty years my senior. For all of us, the original trilogy was a defining aspect of our childhood, and once the "OH MY GOD LOOK AT THE EFFECTS" wore off after Phantom Menace it was like Lucas slapped us in the fucking face.
In this ITT thread: Treason
ITT: faggotry based on arguing about tastes
it's treason... then
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>Playing battlefront
So... why the fuck is conquest not in this game?
It's the core game mode of the previous two games. It is heavily based off of the game mode of the same name present in fucking DICE's battlefield series. It also eliminates the issue of shit spawns, since you choose where you want to spawn.

Why the hell did they remove it? Walker assault is neat and all, and the jakkuu exclusive one is literally just a slightly altered rush, but why remove the game mode that defined battlefront 1 and 2?

Also, whoever came up with vehicles / equipment as pick ups, non repairable vehicles, arcadey flight vehicles, no class system, fucking perks etc. should be shot. EAfront 2 would be better off just being an HD clone of Battlefront 2. Hell, it'd be better off being a clone of Battlefield with a star wars skin. At least then it would be a bit closer to classic battlefront.
>oh muh gawd prequels so bad
>srsly guize fuck jarjar omg
I AM the Senate
What did you mean by this?
they are bad though regardless of annoying people
>I am Desenet
He was saying his real name. Going by canon rules, the films are ranked higher than anything else, so "Sheev" is not canon. Desenet is his real name. Desenet Palpatine
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