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Previous >>124283965

>[Fate/GUDAGUDA Honnouji event]
November 25 19:00 to December 11 13:59 JST
- Nobunaga is a free 4* event servant
- Ascension items are skulls from the shop (Check stock!)
- Milestone ladder awards extra Nobunaga copies:
- Use promo servants (see link) to gain more points
- The first Nobu copy you get is temporary, at 100k points it BECOMES PERMAMENT and keeps the exp you gave her
- Copies after that are for NP upgrade

>Farming guide
- 10 AP until you get all you want from that, basically skull and 5* CE
- Then 20 AP until you get skull, 5* CE and all ascensions mats you want
- Then 30 AP if you don't have medusa ce or/and need bowls (gives a mix of bowls and spiders)
- Or 40 AP if you have medusa ce
- 30 AP on average gives 2k hp, 40 AP on average gives around 3k hp

>[Honnouji limited event gatcha]
- Rate up in the Event gatcha for:
- 5* Okita souji (will be gone after event)
- 4* Emiya
- 3* Medusa, Lancer cu and Mephistopheles
- 5* Gudaguda poster girl
- 4* Launch order!
- 3* Fate gudaguda order

>News and Reminders
- Latest changes
- Comptiq's interview with Higashide and Sakurai (about London)
- Regular Maintenance: Every Wed from 14:00 to 16:00 JST


>FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

>Mega Pastebin

>Data Spreadsheet
Toaster version:

>Friendlist Spreadsheet

>early thread
>will contain nothing but shitposting
for what purpose
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Reminder that God Hand makes Herakles immune to concepts.
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>inb4 retarded jetfags ruining the thread

Guess we're safe now
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>trying to falseflag against herkeks
Fuck off jetfag
Keep your autism in last thread
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>I can handle Lancelot and Herakles by myself
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I'm gonna marry this clown.
>This is your date tonight
If he's so UNRIVALED why do people feel the need to argue about his strength? There's a reason why he's called that
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Every thread until Astolfo
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He handled Firelord, a guy that can blow the solar system.
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Herc can beat ORT because he gains resistance to ORT attacks. No, actually, ORT doesn't have a NP so he can't get past God Hand to begin with.

What does that expression tries to convey?
Why remove the counter?
Fucking herkeks are the worst.
Just because they can't handle based unrivalled.
Skill is everything
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DW apologist fuck off
I feel like we've lost the plot on what Unrivaled originally meant. He's got unrivaled arms mastership, which is to say no one was as proficient in the use of weapons as he was in his era. Nowhere does this imply that he was not eclipsed by warriors from other eras, nor does it imply he was truly better than his fellow knights at anything but skill of arms. For all we know, Gawain was quite literally better than him in every way excluding their skill in swordsmanship, and that skill is the only thing that kept Lancelot alive long enough for the sun to set.
Thanks OP, you fucking stupid cunt, now this thread will be shit too. Never make a thread again.
Threads ruined by jetfags: 19
Threads ruined by herkeks: 7
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>I don't know how inb4 works

Stop newfag. We all know it's you.

Also posting best Knight and King.
He's called that because in his own era, his skills were said to be the best. Not even that his power was the greatest, but his skill with a weapon was the best out of the knights.

Eventually it became such a meme that people forgot what it meant, and starting spamming it thinking he was unrivaled in all eras and the strongest thing in creation.

That's not the case, all it means is his skill was the best of his era. No one knows what it means anymore, its just a meme.

It means nothing in regards to people of other eras.
Better make that 20
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I think I got something good...
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xth for gentleman archer.
Is Kaleido good on Okita or should I use Gaduo?
You'd better thank Cu for saving that ten roll from being total shit.
>jetfag this mad that herakles would gain resistance against lancelots physical attacks
Better get the gears for Waver, he is going to be a beast
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Posting actual best King
You keep trying huh.

I guess we can just hide and report? Honestly this is just too much, Jetfags are ruining every thread with their shitposting and falseflagging.
Just like how he would gain resistance to ORT and Arc attacks :^)

Not even a jetfag, you Herkeks are just retarded.
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>That jetfag that thought Lancelot having A-rank strength meant that his D-Rank NPs wouldn't be nullified by God Hand
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Change thst to a 20
>I haven't read Apocrypha or am baiting, most likely the second one or both.
App cleared that up years ago. NP rank /= striking rank.
Firelord was weakened and pretty much everyone jobs to anyone at one point in comics.

He won't really have much of anything to kill Herc although he'd be smart enough to encase him in concrete or some usual bullshit crap the writers pull out of their ass.

Lancelot would wreck him in combat but that's not really how Spidey works anyways.
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>Lancelot would wreck him in combat
I don't usually take part in these powerlevel wankfests but I legitimately want to know. How in the hell would Lancelot beat Spider-Man?
Or "8". This is also ignoring the Berserker wars from the first month. Hercfags would have like 40+.
Its only last 25 or so threads.
Make that 8.
Lancelot being unrivaled doesn't make any sense when we know that Galahad exists in nasuverse and in every legend he appeared he's more skilled than Lancelot
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As a representative of Delight Works Inc., I believe it is not quite fair to prey upon some of the few shortcomings we have, since we are constantly making an effort to improve Fate Grand Order for the enjoyment of our users. We are a small and relatively new company so please bear with us.
Galahad was a better knight, I'm guessing is the explanation. Lancelot was better at swinging a sword around but Galahad was stronger, more noble, more virtuous, yadda yadda. To put it in /tg/ terms Galahad's player roleplayed and Lancelot's was a munchkin murderhobo.
I mean, Doc Ock, Rhino and his various other rogues would take down Spudey, mainly to build a false sense of tension.

Spidey needs spider sense to be able to preemptively didge bullets. Lancelot catches NP's launched from GoB without Eotm.

Spidey would just have Mobility and intelligence as his advantage which mean he'd know not to go near lancelot and just web him up.
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Xth for Euryale cutest sister!
>Firelord was weakened

Because Spidey weakened him during the entirety of the chapter?
Does this include leaking everything and releasing 1-2 servants a month when most mobages release 6-8 new units a month?
For what reason
He was unrivaled before Galahad was born, duh.
Anti-jet shitposter is cancer, wasn't that obvious?
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because all sides of the shitposting war are obnoxious cunts
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Is caster master's CE good?

I got it and I don't have anything else to use the exp cards from the event(my inventory is almost full and don't have quartz to spare)
Galahad is best knight, not necessarily for skill. He is superior to Lancelot, but not necessarily in skill.

Arthuria is stated to be superior to Lancelot as well, but his skill is greater.

Lancelot doesn't have the most power, the best items, greatest buffs, greatest defense, ability to shoot fire, or the best mind in the round table, but he has skill with weapons.
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Reminder that details on the Christmas event have already been leaked and DW expects to make everything luck based
You're kind of overselling Lancelot there, you make it sound like he was keeping up with GoB in spite of his lack of EotM, but it was his KoH and EAM skills combined, in addition to the Mad Enhancement that let him pull that off. Besides that, you do realize Spider-Man's strength is easily on par with a Servant's, right? Lancelot would cap out around 50 times a human's strength, right? Spider-Man can hold buildings up. His speed's nothing to laugh at either. I'm honestly doubting you when you say he couldn't go blow for blow with Lancelot without the latter pulling out Arondight, and even in that scenario Spidey's webbing would be the absolute bane of a Servant that relies on speedrushing like Lancelot does.

And of course all of this is assuming that Peter doesn't even bring any of his Spider-Armors, or vehicles, or his impact webbing, etc.
>and DW expects to make everything luck based
So like every other mobage out there including this one?
So Lancelot can pretty much stab people while the others can do everything else AND stab people.
>inb4 you have to buy those presents with cash
Anything in the files about who's leading it?
>have to grind presents for A CHANCE at getting something
Lets hope 10 apples is enough
I hope it doesn't involve more bullshit with having certain Servants in your team again, with the 5* giving a retarded amount.
At least you could buy what you needed in these events while here you'll have to roll in the special gatcha and hope you get what you want
Oh gods this is going to be worse than dangos isn't it?
>Implying there won't be a 5* Saint Nicholas in an event gacha that gives 200% more presents when set as party leader
Unrivaled just means he didn't have any rivals.

I don't have any rivals either, does that mean I can beat demigod heroes?
>dango event had event drops where you could pick what you wanted to buy
>Christmas event will have event drops where you spend them in the gatcha hoping you get what you want
There better be some good 4*s and 5* in there and be like how Granblue does these types of events
It's resistance to debuffs, it's pretty useless. it gives a decent amount of hp, but that's about it, not worth the cost unless you already have a full party with good CEs on them.
>implying you won't be able to roll him in the present gacha
>implying there won't be a separate gacha for event Servants
Whatever you say, I don't really care. I said combat, not battle and Spidey's "way of the spider" is some BS martial arts comic guys invent to wank a character, sorta like whatever Superman's martial arts was which he rarely uses.

You're saying like he casually has the strength to hold up a building when most of the time we see the opposite. Yes yes he was "holding back" but we all know it was power creep as before he could barely be considered B strength.

The problem with comics is that when people defend a character they use single page feats rather than the whole or general picture.

I'm gonna end this as I know spideyfags are worse than batfags when they defend how strong spidey.
This is the event gatcha mate. Just instead of using quartz you use presents

Happy hunting
As long as it's easy to clear it out, I don't see any problem.

Only people who have any reason to complain are casuals who plan to cruise by and only do the bare minimum required to get what they want.
I know. I'm saying there's going to be the shitty item gacha and another separate gacha for the Servants.
>Talking about how writers wank a character

Is this a joke?
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What in the fuck are you babbling about? I didn't even mention that martial arts bullshit. Why are you putting words in my mouth and then getting mad at me over them?
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>dat caster
They're probably going to put the event servants in this one along with the items and craft essences

Boy this is going to be a disaster
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I can't wait for people to call other people entitled for expecting a good event.
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>Doesn't mention way of the spider, gets mad at him over way of the spider
>Pointing to the absolute peak of Lancelot's feats is okay in showing his strength, but doing it for Spider-Man is now wanking
No way they are gonna let us roll the normal gacha with event items. We're going to have two event gachas. The usual quartz gacha and the Christmas gift gacha where you can get some minor prizes.
On one hand we can expect 1 5* and 2 4*s with nothing else in the pool of 4* and 5* servants to dilute it

On the other hand good fucking luck rolling for them
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The CEs have always been luck-based, and for half the events so far, the CEs were the most important reward.

Hell, we don't know if the prizes in this will include everything in the event or if it's a minor side thing that you can do for fun after getting the most important rewards.

It's fine to be prepared for the worst, but don't get outraged based on assumptions.
I really doubt they'd just make a gatcha without servants/craft essence to entice people. Gotta have something to push people to spend those apples and quartz
>have to farm for presents
>presents only have a chance at getting whatever shit is in the event
Please god, I don't have fucking time for that kind of bullshit.

No, they really are that delusional. Sad, really, that they'll never get the help they so obviously need.
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What if there's a chance that the presents have nothing at all in them?
How soon would you quit this game?
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And disgusting, do not sexualize the fluffy or Euryale.
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Poor Benkei. He just keeps getting raped.
He is getting deleted from the database soon enough
Wait, this could still be great.
What if they make a especial 10 roll gatcha with only 4* stuff or above in there?
Or, what if they make an gatcha with all unreleased servants with in-game data and give you a chance to roll for them with the present boxes?
Or, what if they make guarantee 5* for the 10-roll including Gold, Gil and Tamamo into gatca along with the other five star they are gonna release?
The possibilities are endless.

Of cousrse non of this will happen and they will make you farm for boxes to roll in an only CEs gatcha with 10 new shitty CEs.
Double standards and hypocrisy is fun isn't it?
Now fuck off jetfag
I'm guessing 10 rolls in this gatcha will probably guarantee 1 gold item or servant/CE but maybe the drop rates are absurdly good so you may actually be able to get the advertised 5*
>event gacha
>having the advertised 5*
Come on now, we both know any advertised Servant(s) will be quartz only. There is no need to lie to ourselves.
>everyone does a 10 roll expecting a talon or heart
>instead it's a monument with 9 void refuses
I'm going to love this beautiful event
>censored image
ebin. is this the same janitor who gets triggered by historic sculptures?
Lancelot can beat andersen

It wasn't censored?
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How close are you /fgog/?
What part of it wasn't censored?
alt is at 1.3 million
main is at 1.1 mil
gained around 500k points since monday
The part where i didn't even have to click on it to see it.
Perhaps you should try clicking on it and see that it's censored mate
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Currently farming the Archer EXP daily, but I've hit the number of apples I'm wiling to spend before Christmas
guys monsters dropping presents and then we opening them in a random gacha is literally the same shit as monsters dropping random mats

Did Atram do anything wrong? Could he have won the 5th war if he participated instead of kuzuki?
>Bullshit martial arts
What is Li Shuwen's QI Sphere skill that makes him ONE WITH THE WORLDDDDDDD so that no one can even detect him?

Or Li punching Magic Circuits?

Nasu has bullshit martial arts too its just that is barely touched
Wait, so is Nobu permanent just by having 100k points, or do you have to buy the 100k Nobu in the shop and upgrade her with the "temporary?"
Read the OP stupid.
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He did everything wrong
>Medea says she has a better method to gather mana so stop killing girls you fuck
>I am the Age of Gods Mage here so I should have command. Because they are a Mage+Mage duo she has the better sense of tactics since you know Argonauts as well

He immediately goes SHUTTTT UPPP WHOREEEE and goes to Kotomine to get her killed
Read the fucking OP.
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We got to choose what we wanted to get. Here it looks like it's all decided by RNG which as you know is horrible
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You reach 100k and you have permanent Nobu. The most important thing is getting her ascension items, you won't die if you don't get 5/5 NP.
>Nasu literally used UBW anime to make Caster into a dindu
She was already as dindu as one could get
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Every thread until Astolfo.
Too slow pal
She still lived up to her title of " Witch of Treachery" when it came to her original master
Not really. Look at how she proceeds into the War. Caster is sadistic for no reason than sheer laughs and amusement
Heck there's an ending in which if she was a dindu would not happen. Basically she Turns Shirou into a Living Wand
Yeah but the anime made her just pathetic. She's supposed to be evil.
About 850k. Tomorrow is probably the day.
Nasu doesn't really do good and evil

Everyone has their reasons for shit, and you get to understand them if you play it. Sure you may have to come into conflict with that person if your reasons conflict with each other, but its not "Guh, so fucking evil whore bitch evil" like you want. Its never black and white; people always think they're the good guy typically, they are generally trying to do things for the right reasons even if they're misplaced.

It was already made clear in the original novel that Caster's original master was abusive and kind of a monster, this isn't really a new thing.

Even evil people aren't really that evil in Type Moon. The most evil you could normally be, is someone who is committed to just being a dick, without any chance of seeing evil within your own actions, and having no will to repent because "Fuck everyone else".

Even Zouken, with all he did, still found some small repentance in the end. It didn't make up for everything, but he regained his humanity in that moment, and in that sense he died as a human.

Meanwhile Shinji is the other type, who despite doing less evil than Zouken, was the type who would find no forgiveness or repentance, because he didn't want it and didn't accept it the dozen times when someone tried to bail his ass out. Whenever the world gave him a chance to realize "Okay, I really fucked up here, I've gotta change" instead he just doubles down harder and decides to be a far worse dick for the hell of it, and recommits to the exact same action that just fucked him up.

Shinji as well could find repentance, but only if he learned from his actions, and sought a new path, or at least corrected himself within his old path. He just needs to realize his own sins.

He was given a lot of chances in each route to do this.

If even Zouken can find some humanity, then Shinji really should have been able.
What does the opening mean that my Nobu is temporary? I have her in my inventory like all the others. Sakura Saber is the one who is temporary in the friendlist.
Guys refresh my memory, which assassin was the one who's master got killed off screen? I remember reading an interview where Nasu spoke of that.
>She's supposed to be evil.

You're taking that purely from the alignment I take it?

That's really more of a meme; alignments don't mean what people think.

If you're taking it from the myth, she wasn't really evil there either.
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She's evil though.
The guy who was slated to summon Hassan in the FHGW was killed by Medea before he could become a Maser.
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Caster is kawaii as all hell.
She can't be evil.

Yeah him, do you have the interview where nasu said that?
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My daughteru!
Evil only exists due to majority rule as good and evil are just too hard to define as each individual views it differently.
Therefore evil in this discussion refers to societies general beliefs on the matter and caster in this case is downright fucking evil. Having reasons behind being evil doesn't make you any less evil within the eyes of society.

Anyhow pls don't talk about nasus alignments as they don't make sense within his own context even when not discussing dnd terms.
Saber Sasaki Kojiro can kill hercules 12 times

Refute this statement.
(You) can kill herk 12 times
What's with people who constantly change their lead? Have they not gotten the memo that their moneymaker can stay in the first party slot at all times?
Being mindfucked to be evil doesn't excuse yourself from being evil. In mythology, medea is downright fucking evil (e.g. Her brother or her kids)
most people don't give a shit m8

What do you guys think this guy was like? Do we have any info on him at all? What would zouken have done if this guy survived and summoned true assassin?
Reasons do matter a lot, and change things. Otherwise people wouldn't be all "Fucking making this character sympathetic, we're supposed to hate them". If it didn't change anything, people wouldn't complain there either, because it is indeed making the character more understandable and sympathetic in their actions as you see how they reached that point and how their actions did make sense in context, rather than the nothing that you were basing it on before that point to judge it from.

>Being mindfucked to be evil doesn't excuse yourself from being evil. In mythology

Kind of does, since it wasn't her own will or actions that created that situation. She was just being pulled around for the ride, and things spun out of control

Same situation for Heracles basically, when Hera made him go insane and kill his family, because she was angry one day.

It wasn't his will that caused that to happen, he was just controlled.
I don't have a moneymaker in this event.
I literally get 0FP with anybody
Nope, probably just your standard association magus. Zouken seemingly only summoned True Assassin because Kojirou provided a means with him being a glitch in the system, so he probably wouldn't have cared that much and stayed back to let the shadow do more on its own.

Why would medea even kill or give a shit about him, what does she gain?
>2 heart left to buy
>Didn't start on the gears and babies
>Abandoned page farming for the time being
>Just broke the 800k hp mark
I'll make it /fgog/
What's the best way to level masters now?
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I want to take Diarmuid out for a romantic date at an Italian restaurant. He would look absolutely divine slurping spaghetti! Afterwards we would go for a walk, and Diarmuid would look beautiful while he solos Lancelot.
i cant find this in the pastebin, how many mana prism do u get per 3 rank exp u burn?

Also when does the limit on how many summon ticket reset?

Which has higher chance of jeanne? event gacha or regular gacha?
Because its Medea. She gets her jollies from fucking Soichiro who most likely just lays there and being a fucking Sadist towards everyone else. Just look at how she treats Sasaki
Freed up Master spot to summon Assassin on her own.

Considering nasu said he could win the 4th war with hit and run tactics, he probably could solo him.
Playing the game
Did you even read the legend?
Bitch god of sex (aprohdite if it wasn't obvious) only gave medea a push. In the end it was medea herself who chose her actions.
Making a girl fall in love with someone doesn't automatically turn you into a mass murdering psychobitch.
In the end theres always a choice, she may have been forced to love the asshole jason but it was her choice how she went about this love.

Not that dude you were replying to but I don't think sympathy changes the definition of evil. You can feel sympathy and empathy for someone evil but that doesn't make them any less evil
I'm low level (40) right now but this event is levelling me every time I do one 40AP.
You guys understand you're both just making fools of your favorite characters, right? Like an annoying mascot character in an anime or something.
Just drop this tedious debate you nonces.
Yeah, but he's UNRIVALED at stabbing people. With style.
Tsubame Gaeshi has no rank, can it even break through God Hand?
>Which has higher chance of jeanne? event gacha or regular gacha?
Considering no rate up, regular gatcha

>She gets her jollies from fucking Soichiro who most likely just lays there

Doujin when?


But sasaki is a false assassin, would that even matter? That's like saying EMIYA can't be summoned cause Gilgamesh is still alive.
>roll a single
>get a Smug Man
Fuck you DW
Assassin has not one way of hurting him, which is why it's so impressive he was able to push back Berserker even with Caster's help.
being sympathetic to evil doesn't change the fact that its evil
just because evil has a reason doesn't change it from being evil
this is outright proven in fate/extra which is within the same context as twice pierce are noted for having good reasons (which is already better than medea) but his actions are still irreputably evil
>"Do you want it rough or gentle?"
>After that he made love to her without waiting for her answer

it's like these fuckers never read the god damn book, OH WAIT
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Generally the rule for guns being NP is its fucking hard, for several reasons. An NP needs to be "The one and only" rather than anything mass produced or otherwise. It should be something that only that one guy can wield, and only he can do with it what no one else can. He can do something with it that others can't do even with all the training in the world. Also guns have a harder time getting in because people see them as technology, rather than ancient mythical items, like swords or whatever.

However once you know all the rules for why it would be harder, you can start to figure out how the exceptions to the rules would work.

A gun from the wild west era for example wouldn't be mass produced, it would be the one and only for sure. This was back before making guns that were all factory standard was possible, so all of them were hand crafted and made to be personal.

That is an exception to the rule, because nothing in the rule is broken, rather it slid right by the rule.
GADUO or Kaleido on Okita?
System can only support 7 Servants being summoned. Sasaki is still the Assassin class Servant. It's just that Sasaki himself is a glitch. Zouken somehow overwrites that glitch using Sasaki's body (Probably the Assassin class container itself).
fuck off

In the end of UBW Shinji apparently becomes a better person. Being a giant lump of meat scared him straight, it seems.

Also, characters having motivations and desires and the like doesn't stop them from being evil. Team Cool from Zero were unashamedly so
Also Black Barrel
Or his gun isn't a NP and it's instead some other feat.
Having reasons behind being evil doesn't change the fact you are evil.
Kill yourself shitposter
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I've only changed because of the event. Nobody is going to use Gil to deal with the Lancer quest.
Just saying, if it does happen, it wouldn't be a contradiction like people might think.
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Would pic related qualify since his gun is "the one and only"?
But it hasn't happened yet. The closest thing we have is the "action of three thousand muskets being fired."
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It's Medea time?
Post Medea
I have like 100k FP just laying there because it's more of a bother to roll all of it and then get rid of all the shit 1*CE and exp.
I'm at about 830k
5 GUDAO, but I can't equip the last one because my master level is too low.
All 4 skulls, one ascension away from maxing my Nobu, who is currently level 67.
I think I'll make it all things considered.
Man Emiya must feel really weird on a Stay Night team
All those people whom he once fought to near death and they all more or less get along
Maybe if you're a whale with no need for 3* Servants or crap CEs for meager experience.
2 CEs, all Fou, all skulls, halfway through horseshoes and talons, and 890K points.
Only whales don't care about fp gacha.
For the rest of us, its the only way to get ce exp (outside events like this which are rare) and 3*s at a decent rate.
I'd say there's three main qualifications for something to be an NP.

It needs to be a weapon with a legend behind it of some regard, or some knowledge. It needs to be the only one, that can basically only be used by its owner. It helps if the weapon has a soul, or develops a soul. I forget the other classification, but I probably said it earlier.

Dunno how "One and only" that gun really is though. Also since he's an assassin, his gun might not be well known enough to have meaning, or developed a soul.

Nobunaga's NP is due to an anecdote about him taking down a great cavalry using guns or something.

That's war for you

Cu says it in F/SN, he's pretty used to drinking with someone all night and then trying to kill them the next day, only to drink with them again later. Mythology is just full of people like that.

Though for Shirou, its probably more awkward than normal.
So is there a lastwave cheat APK that doesn't make you do 100x damage? what is the point of that? doesn't it just make it easier to get caught?
Would White Death with his Mosin 60974 "Pystykorva" qualify?
Battle Continuation B, anti-army NP, second NP is his forest.
is there another monument quest coming?
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SoL anime of FSN team living together when?
pic related is what EMIYA dreams every night
Damage data does not get sent to the DW servers. Reason why it's so easy to make the cheatapk in the first place
I went for Gears and Pages first because there is no way to farm them outside of an event. I've gotten 18 gears and I think 6 pages so far, but I'm gonna need those homo babies soon for my pirate sluts.
No-one who uses the last wave cheat apk even cares about getting caught.

Also right off the bat that gun doesn't sound like the one and only anything.
Would he have E rank everything like Mata Hari?
How do they even know you are cheating then? has there been anyone who has been banned using it yet?
Wouldn't that be something like Kiritsugu's Contender? I can't think of any firearm famous enough as a single weapon to fit those prerequisites.
>A gun from the wild west era for example wouldn't be mass produced
I don't think this is really applicable. They may not have been made on the scale of wartime production, but plenty were manufactured.

That being said, the guns themselves are a symbol of the Wild West, but not something Billy has ownership over. In the end, they're just tools for him. I think his primary weapon of choice was the Winchester repeating rifle, and not the Peacemaker.
They don't and no
Not unless you're at the chinese level
Only bans has been due to dupe glitch abuse
lastwave is the only thing which is potentially detectable with what is currently sent back to the servers
I'm interested to see if they'll get a Double Summon for the Gunner class at all.
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I'd say so, it's his signature gun and most of his feats couldn't be preformed without it. (Pic related has him bouning a bullet off pool water to headshot a target for example)
That isn't a real class is it? It sounds like something Jinako would make up.
>I can't think of any firearm famous enough as a single weapon to fit those prerequisites.

Exactly, its meant to be uphill, but not impossible of course. Most guns you think of will only be mass produced things. Like if I were to ask you about swords you'd say mass produced types like Schmitar, Katana, etc; which are not NPs in itself.

Swords that are legends exist, Guns that are legends exist, but they're both rare. You're thinking about it backwards. Instead of thinking about all guns, instead think about a famous gunman, and then try to remember if he had a signature or very custom sort of handmade gun.

Black Barrel for instance perhaps

Not Kiritsugu's gun though, since he doesn't really have a legend, and I'm not so sure its that custom "one and only, only he can use it" sort of gun.

I think Ciel has that holy scripture which is sort of gun-like, which only she can use.
It's mentioned in Apo material, which has a lot of GO references like Achilles qualifying for Shielder.

EMIYA mentions it in EXTRA
>Team Cool from Zero were unashamedly
Those two were just unrealistically edgy.
Really, even the what the hamburger meant to Kerry is more understandable, meanwhile, those two were just edgy for the sake of being edgy. They were shallower than many Sunday morning cartoon villains, by far the worst part of Zero. Using them as an argument to show how evil characters are is useless because of that.
You know what, I totally forgot that heart were farmable, oh well it doesn't matter I should have enough spider drop to get almost all gear and babies the only thing that worries me are the page but even then it's not that pressing of a problem for me yet.
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Yes but the whole reason why he likes the M16 is BECAUSE it's so mass-produced and easy to work with.

Now if it was solid gold, that would be different.
Archer made it up in CCC.

Other classes made up in CCC; Butler, Idol, Gilgamesh, Launcher, etc.
On the topic of guns I think you could find many Chinese generals etc who wielded unique weaponry.

For example Qian Yuanguan had a special unit with unique silver flamethrowers before their time.
It's pretty sad that the mid-tier event currency is more annoying to farm than the high-tier. No one wants to run the 20 AP quest, it's a waste of time most of the time.
So, HA adaptation?
Nobu's NP is how she shot the Takeda Calvary down and during those times the Takeda Calvary was a pretty big thing
Seeing her Curbstomp then flat like that was a thing of legend and thus why it became what it is. Originally its just an Anti-Rider projectile but Nobunaga combines it with her Anti Divine NP to make a Divine Killing Barrage
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Every thread until Christmas
>these characters are evil
>so you can't use them as an example of evil characters

Sure thing, bub.
I wonder if we'll get Beast-class Servants or if it'll just remain a ??? thing for the Solomon demons.
When talking about Kiritsugu I was only talking about the contender fitting the prerequisites. He obviously isn't an heroic spirit to begin with. The Contender is made for firing Origin Bullets, and if I remember correctly it would be impossible for others to use them. Also, wasn't the nickname of Mage Killer actually meant to be the Contender's? That would kind of establish a legent for it.

Point being, while Kiritsugu is not an Heroic spirit, wouldn't the Contender fit the prerequisites for being a NP?
There are plenty of unique guns in history held by notable figures.

>Henry VIII's Walking Staff, a 3 barrelled pistol and morning star. The king would carry it while walking through the city at night to check up on the constables
Looking forward to the mass amount of rage at how the currency is being done

Also are there any dataminers here?
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>A extra CCC remake with Sakura Ego Servants Route would be amazing really

If you can read in Japanese and like Meltlilith, try reading this:

It's a normal EXTRA and EXTRA CCC remake, but with Meltlilith as the main Servant.
In Kiritsugu's case, I think his Origin Bullet would better classify as a Noble Phantasm than the gun. I'm reading the LN, and it says the Contender was modified to fire magical bullets, but it goes on to describe how the gun itself is a perfect fit for his mystic code. It hammers down the point of it being an extension of his body, but that's nothing new man-made tools.
if i see one more person shilling this stupid thing i'm going to scream
>mfw trying to watch the UBW dub
It's like acid in my ears. Why the fuck does every VA sound so bored? Even in the fucking fight scenes they sound like they're about to fall asleep.
> Vincent Valentine dual summon as Berserker (Chaos) and Gunner when
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Threads ruined by Gawain: 0
More like, "they are so unrealistically evil they don't even make sense as characters".
Well, Gilles is not so bad because of all the Jeanne shit he went through, but Ryunosuke has no reason for being evil other than Urobuchi or Nasu running out ideas, only saying "he is a psychopath, don't think about it" is cheap excuse because not even real psychopaths are like that. The guy is just too much to be taken seriously. Even things like Precure, which is show for little girls, have better "evil" characters than him.
I wish this number was higher
At least Gawain shitposters didn't take themselves as seriously
Sugoi Feito Meltoutaaa is SUGOI KAWAII DESU
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forgot my face
there's your problem
That's a dub for you, you're a faggot for watching it and should feel bad about it.
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I don't know how you can stand to listen to nasuspeak in english. Seriously, how can you hear the phrase Noble Phantasm outloud and not laugh
>Hurr, no reason

Some people are just born warped. Rather than it not having a reason, that in itself is already a reason. Just look at Kotomine really to see an example of this.

Uryuu was never normal mentally, but he doesn't have some edgy backstory where his parents were raped, and that's why he's the way he is here.

Rather, this is just who he is, he was just born warped. Its honestly more realistic this way rather than giving him some rape backstory to justify something.

Sociopaths exist
>Whore of Babylon

Please go.
I love this place.
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Gawain shitposters are obviously just shitposting, it doesn't mean much.

Jetfags take it seriously, which is why it spreads harder and hits harder.
I am the BONE of my sword.
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Reminder that 9^9 is the strongest being in Type-Moon.
We should make Gawain shitposting a thing. Support the rivalry and hate between him and Lancelot.
I'm pretty sure that honor still goes to ORT.
Thread replies: 255
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