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Thread replies: 255
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Explosive Affix is Warhammer Tier. RIP AND TEAR edition

>Fallout 4 items, map, power armor, companions and bobble heads guide

>Fallout 4 comprehensive map

>Fallout 4 system requirements

>Fallout 4 spoken player names list

>Collectible Checklist and Interactive Map

>Character Builders

>Fallout 3/NV

Previous: >>123263332
Post muscle milfs and battle hardened waifus
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>not even 100 hours in
>ran out of stuff to do
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Sanctuary is really pretty. I can see why people lived here.
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No, post reporter waifu instead.
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Fuck you Todd.
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stopped playing at like 93 and its done, 400 hours my ass.
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>Decide to do some quest from LE RADIANT QUEST NIGGER
>While wiping settler ass, she tells me about ghoul problem harassing their farm
>Well, fine
>Look at map
>WTF, its impossible that they would even go such a long way (pic related)
>check location name
You could at least told me you want to loot this market thing
But just to make sure, i left some ghoul leftovers, activated protectron and mined the shit out of place :^)
you know I would feel more for the minutemen if they gave more personal quests with the people you save off the bat, fucking Marcy and Jun stay pathetic the whole game, why not have a quest to avenge the raiders who murdered their child? We don't know jackshit about Sturges. Mama Murphy psyker shit would be interesting.

But the minutemen are just so goddamn vanilla with literally "clear this shit out" every single quest. Even on the main story quests.
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I live in one of the most secluded places on earth. On my very own farm, with a tonne of guns.

If anything happens, I'll be fine. I'm so far away from civilization, not even radiation would touch me.
Continuing the convo from the previous thread.

I just feel like an internal collapse is something you can make more interesting in a game context and is, in general, more interesting than LOLNUKEITAGAIN. Join the plot in media res. Help / suppress different factions in the game world. Maybe even have alternate starts (recently joined private in NCR military, gun runner merc, chem-maker or guard for blades, good-natured follower of apoc). This is way too RPG for what the series has morphed into though.
That's what the corners are for. You can just use tcl too if you don't want to use corners.
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Just picked this up. Time to suppress it and mod it.
Get fucked turkey, get fucked by Russia. you go shoot down a fucking plane when we are dealing with terrorists. Fucking retards.
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ignore the shit everything, I have a potato
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Post Skellingtons
Going for a chem build

gunslinger or command?

What I can't see is why it was completely abandoned 200 years later.

>On an island, easily secured
>No serious monsters nearby
>Loads of land and loot
>A distance from the fighting in Boston, but not so far away reaching Diamond City isn't impossible

Shit should have been someone's.
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thanks for letting me to roleplay as Ocelot to its fullest, Todd
is there any fun luck builds in fo4?
I'm almost level fifty and can hardly find heavy power armor. what gives?
>103h in and still enjoying it as much as day one

why don't you speedrun skyrim or something.
Spit on it
Nat is mai waifu.
Very important question for my town building.

Do townsfolk use ammo for the guns I give them?

Because I don't think so but I cannot be sure.
Making dynamic shadows on muzzle flashes/projectiles.

This shit looks awesome.
Does leveling in this not work like it did in previous titles? I haven't seen any ways of picking your stats

Also how2spec4unarmed
>8 rads
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coc PreWarSanctuaryEXT01

It's really buggy. And nothing can be destroyed. People can't even be killed.

Super pretty though. I hope someone releases a mod to get Sanctuary Retextured to this.
I think Operation: Anchorage would be more fun now that the game feels like an actual FPS. Maybe a mod could do a port or reimagining of it. It could feel like an actual battle.
With a powerful enough PC we will get dynamic lighting on every light source. How demanding is it?
Not sure, but I'm working on that as well for a mod.
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They seriously need to add some sort of default settlement shit or something, having to build SO MUCH in each playthrought kills me.
Also, any tips on how to deploy arty? should I put some in hangman alley?
the corner piece without the floor attached is only facing one direction and cant be reversed. it pisses me off to no end that placing walls at a 90 degree angle can be so goddamn difficult.
Everything is perks now, there are no skills.

While awkward, it basically does the same thing except you're no longer cripplingly incompetent at using weapons you haven't put ranks into.

Just find the perk that gives you unarmed bonuses and put ranks into it as fast as you can, though the game makes minmaxing impossible by putting level requirements on higher perk ranks, so you can't level one thing to max right away and need to spread out more.
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what are you spending that time doing? I do enjoy the game but i'm just out of quests and stuff to actually do, building settlements is gay.
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I sucked down some Rad Away and was fine
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Noice, my NASA PC is ready for this.
Any stealthy-looking hats that give +1 or +2 to END? I want it to go with my black combat armour
Damn does Zeta really just explain Fallout's lore in full with aliens? I think I might intentionally avoid it on my playthrough of 3 then

If you give them a single piece of ammo they can fire any gun you give them that uses it. No, they don't run out of it.

I really wish the same was true of companions.
so suspenders for cait is the best uniform no contest
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Well this is awkward. Sole Survivor confirmed for synth. Vault is a lie.

Yeah, I don't understand. You should have been clearing that place of bandits instead of Concord with power armour. Then get Power Armour when and ONLY when you join the Brotherhood, or buy a Frame for several thousand.
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I wish I had worked on the other factions quests more before I went to the institute, all these synths not giving a shit if I dismember them or kill other synths in front of them makes it pretty dull.
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Can I ever truly make Covenant mine?
All these doors are still locked, all these items are still marked as owned...
i gave her the home run bat and a baseball outfit
>you will never clog Piper's pipes
for about 40 hours alone I have been walking through Boston with Danse and cleared roads and buildings of vermin, without any quests at all.

It's fun just doing that

Troy is allowed because he's modding
Buffscale is allowed because he's the thread bitch
look at her stupid fuckign face

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Does anyone ever deal with the covenant settlement? i helped the professor with the test, found out that the caravan bitch was a synth. i got in the secret base through my persuasion attempt, that way i dont have to steal the items in covenant, i can freely take them. i minimized casualties to only that Dan faggot. but still, the turrets dont count for defense and i really dont feel like being responsible for defending the town on my own behalf.
it's kinda hard to believe people actually waifu her.
And what are you gonna do if he doesn't remove his trip?
Repost that video some more?
Cry more?
lmao what a bitch boy
>write down that code in the webm
>go to an empty settlement
>build a lot of turrets
>be level 25
>heavy metal armor
>spawn 5
>one grabs me instantly
>turrets get torn up one by one
>run away into a house
>watch the show
>turrets won
>all shit loot
>VATS weapons
>leather armor
>"my thread" syndrome
should I be arming my townspeople?
>MORE 50s!
Which is a bad thing?
Does anything in Fallout 3 have grey morality ever beyond the Pitt?
The idea that the ayy lmaos started the Great War is a stupid meme that isn't explicitly stated anywhere, and having Alien tech inspire Lazer weaponry doesn't trespass beyond all the stupid shit made canon in Fallout lore in the past. Even with all this, it isn't told to you like a child.
>Ayy lmao pew pew XDDD
The contradictory aesthetic of modernist sincerity of 50s Americana and the horribleness of post-apocalyptic life that defines Fallout's tone fits Zeta's silly-looking classical scifi Aliens alongside all the terrible things that they do.

There are problems with Zeta, but you're just regurgitating memes.
is there any way to place the safe on a wall?
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>tfw piper doesn't comment on you turning up to her interview in wacky clothes

tbf it's still a retarded choice for preston and co

There's a fucking functional vault right up the hill with the ability to freeze food and be locked down
More believable than Cait, at least. Radiation and Irish genes have not been kind to that one.
the turrets still attack raiders
but the whole settlement part is probably bugged and probably needs a patch
I guess there are two Mai people.
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she was my waifu for a bit but she got B O R I N G
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Friendly reminder; No smoking allowed.

if you dont kill anyone and get into their secret little base, you HAVE to use the persuasion option to get in to talk to the professor and accept her deal. dan will then attack you for accepting her offer, you just kill him real quick and youre good to go. the only item i noticed that was still marked as stolen was the wild mutfruit plant, so i just scrapped it.

>mayor of town said he would be proud to fly the minutemen flag

i really want to build this place up. fuck you bethesda.
I really wish that highlight shit only worked on hostile npcs.
The Minutemen suck. They're an embarrassment as a faction. Everyone outside of Sturges is useless and incapable of contributing anything to the commonwealth. They should be purged.
I really don't like how early you get power armor
Nothing is really going to be fixed is it. I mean everyone waited for mods to fix Skyrim's shitty UI and the best we got was skyUI, which, while better, was still pretty fucking garbage.

There won't really be any top down RTS style settlement building mods will there? No one will actually try and add additional dialog options/SPECIAL checks, voiced or no, will they?

I am sad guys.
I've not once managed to get the floorless corner piece to go in the right direction
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Thanks for the heads up, now I can give my guards proper gear and finally have a use for all those excess weapons I've been collecting.
All these Mass Fusion dumping grounds with clearly Fissile waste annoy me, are they supposed to be In-universe fraud about the source of Mass Fusion's power?

The worthless stinking Kebab shot down a russian jet as a favor to ISIS, and they're still a NATO member, and alongside the filthy pedo Saudis and the vindictive anti-assad idiots in Israel they're still US "Allies."
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I'll catch cancer!
SkyUI was perfectly fine m80
because Piper is literally the canon romance for the male SS. News reporter, tenacious in looking for the truth, headstrong as fuck. all of these totally reminds him of Nora. doesn't help that she looks so similar to Nora too
Finally got a corrupt save in fo4 and all of my old saves lead to corruption eventually. Abandoning the game for a couple of years and definitely am pretty pissed about it. Posting here so everyone can enjoy my frustration.
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Why is it that whenever I edit anything in any face texture, character goes full blackface? I'm trying to lower the specular maps, so that you don't look like a sweaty pig at all times.
with all this obvious shit, Piper should've been a synth spy
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You can totally skip that section brah but yeah I get what you mean

The BoS airship intro even assumes that you don't have access to power armour yet
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Will the sex mod makers ever make a cuddling mod? I want to cuddle with Piper.

Destroy and not preserve?

I don't understand this.
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Its times like this I wish I knew how to create webms.
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I thought I was taking the G.O.A.T., but it was actually the Voight-Kampff test.
The Vault Lift is a slow and dangerous chokepoint.

Though using the Vault as a "Root Cellar" to preserve food could be a good idea.
To be fair, you can fix the biggest problems with the settlement building system by just turning on noclip in the console and flying around to place things where you want.

I don't exactly like the settlement building system as it is, and it seems like they threw it in at the last minute with zero support, but I don't personally see why everyone is crying about how unimaginably horrible the interface is, it's mildly annoying but it's never been a problem for me.
same, i never use it. ill post some shots of what my sanctuary wall looks like. its kinda shitty imo.

but remember guys,

I wanted to see all the endings.

needless to say, I was happy that my first choice was the Institute.
Nah, maintaining the power armour is kind of central to the game's aesthetic and tone and I feel like it's supposed to be what's keeping your pre-war character sane, having something akin to a car to work on.

What I don't get is why they try to drive it home that you're getting a "fixer-upper" set of power armour and gradually improving it throughout the game, but there's full suits of leveled power armour all over the place and power armoured enemies are stupidly common, and you start with a full suit of t-45. Even the suit in the intro is a mix of t-45, t-51 and t-60, with one or two pieces (idr which) missing.

Cores should deplete about twice as fast (the same speed as vanilla once you have all the nuclear physicist perks), and the suit you get in concord should just be a frame and a t-45 gauntlet with the rest being rusted scrap that falls apart when you put it on, and power armour in general should be harder to come by, so it's actually like you're fixing up the suit and not just grabbing it from a vertibird wreck and slapping some mods on it that will last you the whole game.
Power armor not needing training is stupid. I know that's not how it was in the original games but still it really helped reinforce it being for elite soldiers and not something you could throw any dumbass into and suddenly they're a deathmachine.
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Jesus fucking christ


Artillery gran is a bitch but seems reasonably competent.
>everyone who was accused of being a synth is a synth
>your settlers are synths
>Preston is a synth
>SS is a synth
>Nat is a synth
>Piper should be a synth too
Fuck that. We need at least some humans in the Commonwealth.

I went through a loading screen, and when I came through, I had no facial hair. I reloaded it, and now it's back, but it's all patchy. And anytime I try to change my hairstyle, it crashes.

>Cores should deplete about twice as fast
Yeah because you totally couldn't surround it with turrets and guard posts like you do with sanctuary bridge
>You can totally skip that section brah
Shit really?
Well, it was some people trying to manipulate the GOAT *INTO* a Voight-Kampff test.
She's competent and quit because she saw the faction turn to shit before her eyes. She only joins up after you whip them into shape. She'd shit on Preston's grave if given the chance.
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>speech checks

seem so fucking random compared to the previous games
what happens when I use a flare gun or call the minutemen to attack the castle?
should I be giving random settlers better guns and 1 bullet for that gun etc. etc.?

>You will never grab Cait and snuggle her when she goes "Aww, and I thought- "
I would love to see how Legion society evolved since the death of Caesar, the turmoil of all of a sudden losing the core of what defined the Legion, with nationalist-types like Ulysses (except with less autism) inspired by how Caesar united the disparate tribes into a single nation-state or nostalgics for a tribal past, large Spartacusesque slave rebellions, and how Legion military officers reacted to the political vaccuum with their infighting.
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Do I get it right that if I don't take Paul Pembroke with me to the chem deal ambush I DON'T have to give him a damn thing afterwards?
i feel for you. after finding out about cosignor and covenant, im really turned off from playing. not to mention how shitty the game runs for me. i got a decent gpu and an i5, low settings, still stutters like a fucking brain damaged whore.
Yeah just walk off and leave preston whining or don't go via the town

Once you get to diamond city piper skips you ahead in the main quest to Nick's rescue
The male character was a vet, so he was trained before he got frozen. The only problem on that front is the female's background.
I'm guessing the PC's past as a soldier mitigates the need for training.
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>M249 foregrip and stock
>BAR style magazine
>carry handle
>Uses 5.56
>"assault rifle"
>game files call it machine gun
>cut content for Chinese assault rifle
It's like they didn't even try, for a game that was ready to be released why cut a weapon that should have been in to begin with?
Thats because it is completely randomized. it is like FO3 where it is just RNG and you have to savescum if you want to pass anything
I have wanted a Morrowind UI since, well, Morrowind. I don't know what's wrong with a grid based inventory where you can see everything you have at a glance instead of a ginormous list.

I guess I'd just like it to be a little more well done. Especially the clipping issues. I don't know why the only thing that can noclip through shit is the foundations. Why is Todd afraid that I'm going to cheat during settlement building when he just spawns enemies in the fucking center anyway.
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The Minutemen are hands down the most powerful faction if you take the time to invest in them.

Their numbers, logistics and artillery support gives them uncontested control of the Commonwealth and they're entirely capable of destroying the BoS and Institute if you desire.

Besides the Minutemen are a lot bigger than that one little group once you begin recruiting, literally every settlement you build is a Minuteman outpost and once you rebuild them you start seeing Minuteman patrols fighting monsters and helping settlements.

Minutemen are like every good thing about the NCR but without the bureaucracy and crippling arrogance.
I like most of these ideas except for the faster core depletion. Power Armor really feels like something you should work towards over the whole game, not jump into within an hour of gameplay and be able to fuck shit up hardcore. It's like Skyrim and the shouts -- too easy, too early. Bethesda's trends towards making you the Unstoppable Figure of Destiny within the first couple hours of gameplay have gotten annoying
Is it already possible somehow to mod in a weapon with unique stats? I'd know how to do it with the GECK, but not without.
Why are companions so fucking bad at fighting?
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It's CHA then a LUK modified random chance if you don't hit it
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>Power armor at the third mission.
>Start wearing power armor non-stop at lvl 15 because insane supply of fusion cores.
>Get full X-01 power armor at lvl 30 with Gauss rifle as if it's nothing.
>Just blast my way through everything like it's nothing.
>Immersion is kill.

It's like that time in Skyrim were i would make oneshot weapons using enchantment and blacksmithing.

It feels like it was way harder to obtain OP shit in F3 since you had to do all sorts of questlines, but maybe that are just my nostalgia goggles.
You can put your companions in power armor too, if you have enough charisma you can force a random NPC to get into power armor. I think power armor just straight up doesn't require training to use anymore. Which is a shame since I really liked how they made the NCR have their own form of salvaged power armor.
You can order any companion into it and, if attacked, random settlers will get inside any power armor that has a fusion core in it.

So no, they just decided lol no more training. Along with lolno no more mini nuke reactors powering the armor for centuries.
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Sexlab in Skyrim kinda had cuddling.

But usually always involved the woman grabbing and stroking a massive SoS penis.
They last two hours with no nuclear physicist perks if you don't use AP. Unless you're sprinting everywhere, constantly holding your breath when sniping and/or using the jetpack they should last a long time. And you get so many of them that it's pretty much impossible to run out, even if you jetpack everywhere. You'd actually have to worry about not having cores at some point if you doubled their decay rate, and nuclear physicist would actually be good for something other than boosting radiation damage.
>dismiss Piper
>she goes where you want her to go
But what about Nat?
How does Curie's perk anyway? I'm adventuring with her right now and I plan on making her happy and shit.
At one point the game refers to the female being married to a veteran as military experience
im not saying im a weapons expert, but i own a shit ton of firearms.

this kind of thing bugs the everloving fuck outta me.

>Bethesda's trends towards making you the Unstoppable Figure of Destiny within the first couple hours of gameplay have gotten annoying
Is this your first fucking Bethesda game? They've literally always been like this. Exploitable as fuck, because they are a sandbox.
why does BoS make me kill cool characters? it's like they don't want me to join.

guess i'll have to join the Railroad or Minutemen now.
Is the first one supposed to last next to nothing?
post ideas for cool mods so I can charge you guys for it
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once Nat yelled "Piper!" and ran out of diamond city and stopped here at the ruins of CIT

What if.

What if everyone in the Commonwealth was a synth except for you, and this was all one HUGE fucking Institute experiment?
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Did I fuck up?
IIRC you could get Boone into brotherhood power armor in NV, but it's been a while.
>Their numbers, logistics and artillery support gives them uncontested control of the Commonwealth and they're entirely capable of destroying the BoS and Institute if you desire.
No, YOU are capable if destroying these things.

Now lets say, just for a hot second, that you aren't there but you rebuilt the minutemen completely. What are they going to do against say, Liberty Prime? Shell it? With what shells? Will they do a better job than THE ENCLAVE with all their soldiers, power armor, training, and advanced weaponry?

The minute men are the only decent faction but they're decent because they're dependent on you.
games with item weights restricting inventory capacity need a windirstat visual display so you can see what's eating your shit up
how do you rebuild them and start seeing patrols?
all my guys still have pipe pistols :(
>cogsworth is bad at fighting
I think the first one you get is almost depleted when you get it, it should last just about long enough to kill the raiders and deathclaw and get back to sanctuary (so about ten minutes). I don't remember for sure but that's how long it lasted me, and every one since then has lasted for fucking ever.
What if the institute scientists are synths as well and it's all just a forgotten experiment from Big MT?
The changes to the lore of Power Armor are what upsets me the most. It's why I modded my Fusion Cores to never deplete because having to repair the armor is a big enough issue for me already to limit use to only when needed.

I also hate how all the lore and even loading screens still claim the T-51 is the best prewar power armor, but now the T-60 is better in every measurable way.

It really pisses me off that Bethesda put a barely redesigned version of their iconic armor as the much more common, easily acquired and more powerful alternative to the most classic and iconic personal gear in the entire series, and contradicted decades of lore just so their iconic armor could be the most popular.
Fallout 4 companions:
>brown woman
>a potato nigger
>an actual nigger
>a synthetic nigger
>a ghoul
>two brown guys
>3 robots, one of them turn into a brown woman
>a super mutant (aka nigger of the fallout universe)

What the fuck, Bethesda?
Nat is a ho
give them better weapons, or get the perk that upgrades their skill in combat
umad white boi?
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>FO3 straight up doesn't run on my computer
>Have to install windows live just to not have it crash at launcher
>Have to download .dll file to make it not crash on clicking new game
>Even after all that game runes at 15 frames per second despite handling NV fine

What if you're the synth.

Think about it. They have the ability to create and imprint memories. You don't NEED to eat or sleep to survive. Shaun declares that you are his succsessor shortly after meeting you.

It's all an elaborate ploy to create someone who would carry on his polices into the next generation.
Did you jack up the cost to repair cause.. it's cheap. And fusion cores basically deplete every 30-45 minutes unless you sprint.
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>games with item weights restricting inventory capacity need a windirstat visual display so you can see what's eating your shit up

My brain must be hurting because I don't really understand what you just said. Pretty sure it would be easy to make a grid based system that could have the weight of the item on it and let you sort by weight.
Are you trying to be Lemmy?
Anyone got a corrupted compass with the new patch?
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Just use TTW, faggot.
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I hate how stealth up close is nearly impossible until the exact moment you get the third perk in it, and how after that you're undetectable
play slower you faggot. i have 30 fusion cores, never use my power armor. i just got my first assault rifle last night. enjoy the little things instead of being a psychotic quester.
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God fucking dammit, follower can't shoot for shit and they are fucking blind.

I was shooting at some raider for a good 20 sec and she haven't detected them yet.
>I also hate how all the lore and even loading screens still claim the T-51 is the best prewar power armor, but now the T-60 is better in every measurable way.
T-60 was the latest model produced
It's just that T-51 was more important overall because they had more of them
It's like saying the T34 was the best WW2 tank just because there was like a million of them
Now that you mention it, it really does look like it.
Was going for a biker/tough guy melee build so I guess it kinda fits.
Have you actually done the minutemen quests? They get artilleries that launch barrages of mini-nukes that destroy everything in a general vicinity, and building them up means one of those in every settlement and 100% ground coverage with mininuke strikes that theoretically any minuteman could call with a smoke grenade (which in practice they likely don't do because it would make the flare gun overpowered and come with a high risk of dumb AI killing the player with FF). The fact that it isn't deployed from space is irrelevant, that would destroy the shit out of Liberty Prime.

Build up affinity with Nick too, he tells you a nice little story about why an organisation like the Minutemen hasn't united the Commonwealth and formed a stable government yet. It has nothing to do with this weird notion that a republican militia is nothing without a single person arbitrarily called "leader" because they were brave enough to put on a suit of power armour and shove a minigun down a deathclaw's throat, and if you side with the Minutemen you ensure it will never happen again in the course of the story.
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The balanced her being the cutest waifu with kind of a lame perk. Maybe it's just because I never get below 10% this late in the game.
The other waifu's perks are even worse.

>cute brown girl with french accent
I'd be okay with this.
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They started showing up for me after I had a dozen or so settlements and retook The Castle. Not random townsfolk mind you but sometimes three or four Minuteman NPCs with better combat gear and the standard Minuteman coats would show up in towns, or I'd run into them on the road patrolling trade routes.

No shit, the Minutemen only become powerful after you invest in rebuilding them.

If you take the time to rebuild them properly and put the effort into them, they have dozens of settlements and hundreds of people working for them, well armed and armored town guards with turret emplacements, reliable trade routes and a network of artillery support.

You may be directly responsible for destroying the Institute but if you go against the BoS it's the Minutemen as a whole who obliterate the Brotherhood with artillery fire and shoot the Prydwen out of the sky.

Considering you're the leader of the Minutemen, your feats are their accomplishments too, and if you decide that your equipment should also be theirs, then they have a significant amount of power armor and advanced weapons to boot.
And how traps are meaningless if you decide to put anything into sneak
>It's like saying the T34 was the best WW2 tank just because there was like a million of them
But that's the Sherman.
What if it was all a dream
I made curie brown to better reflect her supposed European-ness

I don't even know how it works though, I just read something about combat medic.

I'm assuming the only way for her perk to work is if she tags along with you?
Molotov shadows added.
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>want to buy ultimate edition of NV since it's cheaper than buying all the DLCs separately
>explicitly says it won't give me an extra gift copy of the base game

Fuck you valve I was gonna give that shit to a friend, why the fuck wouldn't you just give someone an extra copy if they buy a package that includes a game they already own.
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What if it's just a videogame
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>Reading the articles in the boston bugle building
Oh man this is a surprising set of lore thrown at me at once and I am getting outrageously hard
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The lore has always been pretty explicit in saying that the T-51 was the pinnacle of prewar power armor and the most advanced, powerful suit ever built before the Enclave came around.

Now it's only second best and you even find a ton more of it in the game because it's the Brotherhood's main armor.

Rather than, say, Advanced Power Armor, which is actually the best, and would even make sense considering that the Columbia Brotherhood should be sitting on a pretty war chest of Enclave tech after winning their war.
So did the Enclave my man. They had everything the minutemen had plus you know, vertibirds, weaponized death claws, ungodly powerful weapons and power armor.

Didn't help much.

The minutemen have the same thing the BoS had in FO3.

Plot armor.
>not having the galil or ak-47 even though they are cannon.
its just todd not wanting to pay the company's of original manufacturer copyright loans.
he has to afford his beach house somehow.
you obviously know why they wouldn't

it's not like they work it on a case-by-case basis
>grandpa mai will never buy you a CERN supercomputer

Sexy. Loving molotovs in this game, tossing one at a car and having it explode instantly is always handy in firefights and the way fire lingers on wood is nice.
Nah, companion perks are permanent, you don't need to have them with you.
Her perk restores your HP by 100 when it goes below 10% once a day.

She does, however, sometimes also give you stims as gifts.
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>been hoarding lazer pistols and rifles since the start of the game
>finally get scrapper rank 2
>go to scrap them all

>they don't break down into fibre optics
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>mfw coming back after looting a place and seeing all the unseen mines I didn't trip
What is the best settlement and why is it starlight dine in?
he can afford 10 beach houses. who would he owe money? he already has the rights to make a fallout game, how is it he doesnt have the right to put in canon weapons?
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Almost every three-bit gangster is a ghoul
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Hahaha I've never thought about how much of a beta Shaun would be if his mother does this to him.
Doesn't it work if you just click "buy as gift -> add to inventory" then add it to your library from the steam inventory?
Literally just jewery, which should be illegal, because when you think about it, you're paying for the licenses and they have included the license for that game in the package. If you own two licenses for a game you own two copies.
>Her perk restores your HP by 100 when it goes below 10% once a day.

That's actually pretty handy when I'm fumbling to stimpack myself and I'm on fire or getting shot at.
they randomize
And the Enclave also destroyed Liberty Prime.

The BoS in FO4 have something the BoS in FO3 didn't, their entire command and possibly their entire chapter aboard an ill-conceived zeppelin that is just prime to be shot out of the air with an artillery nuke or, you know, taken down by the Sole Survivor.
Pirate the dlc dumb fuck
>switch to a non-sneak character
>have developed a habit of not checking for traps
>keep dying to mines
send help
She quit before preston was even out of diapers.
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>mfw I'll be in Fort Wayne all weekend
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>you obviously know why they wouldn't

No? I'm pretty why they wouldn't.
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post happy /ss/

it would be FMS Northern Star if bethesda gave a fuck
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It would make sense because they could be from before the war, keeping their old style and personality.

Or because they're immersing themselves in a new look and feel because they need to assert control over their lives after their transformation.
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That's how I play too.
Don't go changin' for nobody.
>mfw tripping a bunch of mines, dying, reloading a quicksave right before I stepped into proximity and all the mines I triggered are gone
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That looks really cool, does your mod also add shadows to areas that should have shadows? No one in most interiors have shadows, especially the Institute.

My PC probably couldn't handle that unless I upgraded, but gives a lot of incentive to do so.
>find holotapes/keys/weightless misc items
>go back after a few days to the same spot
>find the same misc item

i have 3 runaway holotapes. why do the fucking unique items respawn? its so stupid.
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You can cause Nat running away from Piper?

I feel like such an idiot for going moralfag all the time.

Literally how much of a savage does the game allow you to become?
>problem with the compass since the new AMD Crimson update

Anyone else? Anyone know how to fix it?
I usually set out to do a quest but end up just wandering around Boston shooting things
>And the Enclave also destroyed Liberty Prime.
Yeah, wondered about that, didn't get the robot get rekt at some point in FO3?
Pretty sure it got blown up or something when you assaulted an Enclave outpost
to call it an "ak-47" and have a gun that looks exactly like an ak varient, one has to find the patent holder and ask permission to display it and use its design.
in earlyer games they were not as big of a company and noone gave a shit, it was seen the same as some guy drawing an ak in a fantasy sketch, but now bethesda are huge and someone would probably sue them.

even the tommy gun has been modified to not look like a thompson completely.

the "chinese" rifle is a fucked up AK varient but far enough away from an actual AK-47 or AK-M
>Ever letting the Burned Man back in

Lanius would beat him to death with his own spine for showing his face.
Its assumed they were very fond of the robit and like the first game, they rebuilt it.
yeah.... the problem is if i hand in the quests that i completed to fucking Preston he immediately comes up with another one, and if i dont help the settlement they just fuck it up and they wont produce anything and i have to repair things with shit...
Yeah, don't buy by shitty bargain, off-brand components.


Also it's pretty funny watching settlers collapse repeatedly next to that radioactive pool for a while.
>to death
He'd certainly try.
Sorry for shitposting so much.
What's the best scope that doesn't turn the screen into a dark mess? Should I just stick with iron sights?
Don't forget, Lewis Gun air-cooling jacket with the barrel moved to the bottom and the jacket capped over like a fucking Maxim Water-cooled heavy machinegun.

Clearly Boston had their heads up their asses when making weapons.
>nick can pick to the lock to kellogs house (master)
>can't pick locks in-game

come back cait
What are the best radiant quests to choose to grind companion affection? Do all of them even have a faction that they like you doing radiant quests for?
>Cait - BOS?
>Codsworth - RR/MM? (Seems to like you helping people.)
>Curie - RR?
>Danse - BOS (especially clearing locations as sometimes there's a "Danse loved that" once an area with supermutents or whatever is [CLEARED].)
>Deacon - RR
>Dogmeat - N/A
>Hancock - ??
>MacCready - ?? (Whoever, providing you ask for money?)
>Valentine - MM/RR? (As Codsworth.)
>Piper - MM/RR? (As Codsworth.)
>Preston Garvey - MM
>Strong - ??
>X6-88 - Institute
Gonna do that after I get weapon stuff out.
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The Chines Assault Rifle was actually pretty cool in my opinion because every bit of it was taken from a different AK clone or derivative and Frankensteined together.

Felt like it could really be a futuristic descendant of the original design family.
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Started a stealth, no armor run. Dogmeat only. Pretty fun so far. Feelin' like a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. today.
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>have ghoulish rank 2
>radiation still works as usual
Old version ahs his eyes deeper in the socket and looks more intelligent. New version is just a fucking wop with greasy hair, no elegant wave.

Lanius is probably dead.

But even so yeah, it's very difficult seeing Joshua being able to make a comeback, even if he wanted to.
codsworth by just modding weapons
It's supposed to heal you, but not remove rads. So you'll be affected by rads as normal. Whatever healing rate it gives you doesn't keep pace with the radiation damage. It's pretty useless.
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Reflex sights exist, y'know. Plus you're already spending the nuclear material on literally mid-2000s scoping.
Considering how many unlicensed AK clones are produced, I doubt whoever holds the fucking patent ist going to care if the gun is used in a fucking game.
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>mfw the BOS gets their asses kicked by the NCR repeatedly in the backstory of New Vegas.
>mfw when the BOS's tech is no match for raw numbers and popular support.
>not turning the minutemen from a small group into a massive army spanning all areas of the map
>not annexing the railroad soldiers into your ranks and having them as your intelligence agency
>not oblitering BoS nazi scum, wiping raider savages off the map, arresting crazy mad Institute scientists, freeing synth slaves, and generally protecting the citizens of the commonwealth
>not fighting for good of the people instead over petty political squabbles and "muh technology"
So it's pretty much the same thing as drinking water?
Does anyone know where the enemies spawn on Spectacle? I want to trap them in some sort of execution room.
i dont think a russian weapon manufacturer cares that someone puts an AK in a game. AK's are everywhere in the world and in nearly every fps. the tommy gun is also pretty damn close to the real thing. well, what about the deliverer? thats a walther ppk, did they get permission from walther? hell no.

point being this: the chinese assault rifle = ak but not by name and exact design so theres no copyright infringement or patent violation. ffs its a alternate history vidya. dafuq bethesdaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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Now that you have shown me that: A run without those leg/chest/arm pieces might be really interesting.
The only sights I use are reflex scopes. All of the other scopes are trash.
Nah, it's clearly some kind fo bug since it triggered at total random for me.

I thought it was the first stage of the "Mayor's gone haywire" event, but it was just a bug.

It basically ONLY works with Mysterious Serum
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