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Ded General Edition

>Endless Legend User Manual

>Endless Legend wikis

>Free Civ

>/civ4xg/ Steam group

>Civilization V CIVILOPEDIA Online:
>A couple other Civ resources:

>Civilization V Analyst, with all the specifics of mechanics you'll ever need

>Civilization V Roulette

>Civilization V Drafter

>CivFanatics' Strategy and Tips forum, good guides and information.
http://forums.civfanatics.com/forumdisplay.php?f=391 -

>Civ V Giant Multiplayer Robot, lets you play Civ V's hot seat mode like an e-mail game

>Civ V Modding Wiki

>Civ V Mod databases
http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse?appid=8930 (requires legit version)
http://forums.civfanatics.com/forumdisplay.php?f=393 (does not)

>SMAC & SMAX official short stories

>Age of wonders 3 wiki

>age of wonders 3 beginners guide

>age of wonders 3 Data base (more useful than wiki)

>age of wonders 3 city tech tree

>age of wonders 3 dwelling tech tree

What's going on in your game, /civ4xg/?
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First for CBP Sweden
RIP /civ4xg/
He died as he lived, devoid of meaningful or amusing content
>Haven't been on /civ4x/ for half a year
>Decide to stop by again
>Every edition is still /civ4x/ edition


new 4x games plox. Maybe stellaris won't be shit and too 4x for /gsg/ to accept it?
>Every edition is still '/civ4x/ is ded' edition

Forgot the joke... I should go to bed
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>What's going on in your game, /civ4xg/?
Trying out the new CBP version now that they fixed that annoying CTD bug. Currently wonderwhoring like a motherfucker as Bootyca because of a god-tier start, plan to do a cultural victory once I've run out of early wonders.
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A dying general just before a game-changing update - ominous sign.
>leave in august
>come back
>dedder than when I left
So is EL shit now or something?
I thought it was the messiah here to save this ded general
It saved the 4x genre, but there is only so much memeing we can handle before getting bored.
gonna start up an into the renaissance game, who should I play as?
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Fuck, Augustus made a beeline for Steel while I was busy wonderwhoring.

I've got a pikeman that I received from a ruin earlier, hopefully he might be able to turn back the roman tide.
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Welp, I thought I had a fighting chance until I discovered Rome has fucking samurai. Seriously, that's some grade-A bullshit right there.

Reload or reroll, decisions decisions.
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Can somebody here make a test with Steam Civ 5? Download ANY JFD's custom civ, install it and see if it works inside the game?

I can't get them to work at all. Every other mod works just perfectly but custom civilisations do not show up in the selectable list or in any other place. This is driving me fucking crazy.
Btw, turns out only "naturally" born GGs count for UA, so no faith-purchases for the constant healing.
Works for me. Normandy is a fun powerhouse if I may say so.
I don't understand why - steam and civ 5 are both installed on c:\ but I run Win10. I have all the dlc as well. This drives me crazy.
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Does this map look good /civ4xg/
>pre ice age north africa
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Seems fine here.

Also, German royal rumble coming right up.
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>no Bayern

>No Schwyz

>not on custom TSL Central Europe
Are you on Win10? I have thought it might be because of file permissions but I'm really clueless why. Some other people complain about the same on some other forums but nobody really says anything for solution. I want my clash of the titans - Hitler vs Gandhi.
I was intended on adding Bavaria but Steam has decided to stop connecting. Bit of a meme Bundesland anyway.

Nah, 7.
What do you mean mate
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People are complaining here - http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=552222

Maybe I'll try something cuhrazee
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Holy shit is this general dead.

Anyway anyone have an idea how I could stop farms from being built on desert tiles with no access to fresh water in civ5?
Don't automate your workers.

I mean from a modding perspective, like what would I do to disable this bullshit.
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I have no idea what it could be. On a laptop if it makes any difference, not sure why it would though.
How do you play with so few mods.
Look at tundra tiles, there should be a section which prevents you from building farms on tiles without fresh water. You can probably duplicate it for desert tiles.

Thankyou, my plan is to make a mod where farms can't be built on waterless desert tiles and can be built on hills while also only allowing mines to be built on actual resources. Might need to buff mines production boost though.

Only on actual resources*
Remember that waterless desert wheat exists, so make sure you can still build a farm on those tiles.

I never play randomly generated maps so it wouldnt be a problem. But I'll just stop it from spawning on desert alltogether.
Bit of a shitter who likes playing MP, makes the dive into the serious balancing and enhancing mods a bit pointless.

Been meaning to try some though. How's that Communitas overhaul one?
How the fuck do you culture victory in deity.
I tried like 3 times but these niggers always force me to switch to science victory because they just generate such a kekload of culture and my tourism cant keep up at all
Why would you want desert to have even fewer food tiles? Also, desert wheat will undoubtedly appear on some custom maps.
Another issue that comes to mind, is that your change will potentially make Petra even more unbalanced. It would make flat desert plains that you can't build farms on, but you can get a 3F 3P tile on every hill tile you have.
Is EL worth buying? I played lots of Civ III/IV and SMAC/Planetfall but I'm not a big fan of the direction that Civ V and BE went.
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Amazing though I only got it yesterday and have not been able to delve to deeply into it. The full XML version does not work well with certains must have mods that I use and I have been going through hell on Earth to get it to run without crashing.

To force AI who are in deserts to expand along the coast+rivers and not found millions of shitty desert cities and turn the Sahara into a disgusting buggy mess of green farms. I also have a seperate mod that disalows cities to be founded on waterless desert tiles.

I modded wonders out of the game and all custom maps I play on are edited or made by myself to work with my mods.
do you just hate fun?

That won't stop the ai from settling shitty desert cities, it would just make them more shitty.
Personally, I think the wonder system needs to be reworked. It's retarded that two civs completely separated can block each other from building a wonder.

If you're beat to a wonder, you should get a lesser version or something, not a shitty gold boost. Could someone mod such a thing?
building wonders is generally a waste anyway

They won't be able to found cities on desert tiles unless it is on the coast or on a river or next to a lake/oasis.
>It's retarded that two civs completely separated can block each other from building a wonder
the only way it really makes sense is forced teams, where say atilla is building the statue of liberty, you dont want to step on your partners toes and build a bigger better faster one
but even then
get a load of this tough-guy
gave him a turn to retreat then he fortified
funny you should say that since there actually is a second smaller statue of liberty in Paris
Is that the statue that the statue of liberty is based off of?
No, its based off of the 3rd one in Vegas
You have to kill the culture/tourism leaders
culture is awful because its really just a lazy domination
just conquer whoever's better than you and culturally dominate the rest
And diplomatic is awful because it's really just a lazy science victory. Why does this happen?
I miss culture turning cities
ded thred
It can't be helped, it's midnight in the Americas.
hello from America, civ friend :3
>that Brazilian religion
I haven't seen that one before, which mod is that from?
ur mums, lol
It's the "Neoplatonism" religion from Historical Religions Complete
JFD released several packs of his civs so you don't have to flood your mods list and folder
Looks good, Morocco is going to win by sheer virtue of being being separated the most from players
When I subscribe to a mod, is it already downloaded or do I have to start the game so it can download it? If yes, where the fuck are these mods desu
it should download right then
then theoretically when it doesn't download it should when you launch civ
then when it fails to do that, it should download when you go to your mods ingame
then when it fails to do that, you go to steam workshop downloader and manually install the thing because steam is piss
I subscribed to a bunch of mods and it showed on the downsloads section of steam that i had downloaded like 400mb of workshop content, but now i dont have internet. Where are these files?
if its downloaded civ5 in mygames
wtf is this image from
Looks like Crusader Kings II map
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Has the waterpark expansion fixed CivBE?
It's a lot better now but I wouldn't say it was fixed. It'll probably take another expansion to reach that state.

It also broke a lot of sponsor mods and I'm still waiting for the Railgun mod to be updated.
I cannot believe it takes 7 cities before Poland settles a city with a name that's just chalk full of consonants.
Pedro and Sejong both seem weirdly cool with you conquering a few of their cities, provided they weren't their capitals
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>AI is actually pulling off a naval invasion in the ancient era and fucking up Russia's shit
>Try to play Caveman2Cosmos again
>Literally Bloat: the Mod

fucking damnation why does this always happen
If you ask me I think the bloat is what makes the mod so great.

Check out Rocks2Rockets if it still bothers you, it's a modmod that's basically a trimmed version of C2C
Man I'd like the bloat if it didn't slow the game down to a crawl, but then again I think it's more of an issue with my shitbox than the game itself desu
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What a pleasant feeling
Play Fall from Heaven 2 modmods instead.
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>get damn good start position
>run into Montezuma on turn 4
Oh boy I love salt. Polders sure are nice. Ghandi has nukes, how hilarious! Curses, I've spawned next to Shaka who has somehow destroyed 3 other civilizations by turn 36! Beyond Earth is pretty bad! Here are some screenshots from a non-civ 4x game!
Is it time for Endless Space 2 yet?
>try to be peaceful for a change
>AI steals spots where I wanted to place cities
>research bronze working
>fuckton of iron at a pretty fucking good spot for a city
So much for being peaceful.
Endless Legend just got a half GB patch.
>On Sisters of Mercy Justicere: +30% Attack, +40% Life
>Added Heal to the "Blessing" capacity of Sisters of Mercy unit

Oh baby, Justiceres are actually useful now?
God damn that's an ugly game.
Imma gonna need an EL version of this
>Most hyped for the new music

Don't get me wrong EL is great but its sound track is GOAT tier
music pretty much only thing holding the games together beyond a single playthrough desu
Wow, Babbylon sure is for BABIES UH!
Look at those Venice players, much jews, very nukeable.
It's from CK2 with all province IDs
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Nigga, I got it working - The Quality of Life DLC shit messes up the custom civilizations. Now everything works as intended. Finally I can be the Fuhrer.
What mods are you using?
I play Civ V on emperor, so I'm a scrub but I know how to play 4x games generally, what is the best way to get into Endless Leg-ends? What factions are the most straightforward to a Civ junkie?
First of all, start with Vaulters or Wild Walkers. Vaulters are science focused and are less affected by winter than other factions, while Wild Walkers are industry focused and start with one of the best units in the game.

Secondly, expand early and often, a good guideline is settling a new city each time you set a new Empire Plan (every 20 turns). Remember to research and build approval-boosting buildings unless you want your yields to plummet from expansion disapproval.
so approval>happiness, dust>gold, food>food, I'm trying to wrap my head around the minor civs and what I do with them, and how the, I guess they're provinces, work
le canal city
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>Justiceres are actually useful now
Praise the Emprah, uh I mean the Endless!
Isn't Endless Legend just indie civ with stale hex graphics and building queues. Nothing is actually improving with the game. I tried it for 45 minutes and then removed from my computer.

I rather play Civ 3, that's the best one of them.
You settle in a region.
This region is now yours only.
Every region has 1-3 minor faction villages (always one faction for a region, you cant have mixed ones).
You can buy them out, fuck them up, or do a quest for them.
You need to buy each village individually, or raze each village individually THEN reconstruct it if you want to use the minor faction.
The quest will pacify every village of the region, and you will be able to produce the minor faction unit immediately.
You can assimilate one or more minor faction into your empire, giving you Empire wide bonuses depending of the minor faction.

I probably forget some shit
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In honour of the new patch I'll be dumping EL related materials.
You need to assimilate a minor faction in order to build their units, but otherwise that's perfectly accurate.
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>approval>happiness, dust>gold, food>food

Nope. Dust is love, dust is life. He who controls the Dust controls the universe! The Dust must flow!
Mid to end-game you will completely abandon Industry and just instantbuy everything, unless you're playing the mad fairies and their absurd Industry bonuses.
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>A free software named TILED is now compatible with Endless Legend, which will allow you to create your own maps.
Endless Earth maps when? Endless Middle Earth? Endless Warhammer?
how 2 assimilate? I end up just doing the quest and then nothing happens?
so like playing Venice, gotcha
Go to your empire management menu, and you should see "assimilation slot" or something in the bottom left.
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Depends on race if Dust is the one resource to rule them all.
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>Endless Legend
>About to build the Difference Engine
>Think it'll instantly score me a science victory
>It doesn't!
You should read up on victory conditions anon.

I know, it's my fault.. but I was so excited for it, building a primitive computer like that, so cool man
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Difference Engines are pretty low tech compared to some of the other stuff you build.
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Don't post pictures like that, I'm trying not to play with the Vaulters everytime I boot the game.

>Decide to give the Wood Elves a try
>Expect intro being about some retarded pride or blatant racism towards other races
>It starts with their King saying that something is coming and he knows that they must change ASAP
I love it that the elves said fuck it to the hippie bullshit and went full on industrialism with the shamans and other tree huggers being considered dangerous primitives.
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Why is this allowed?
I don't get it.
I think he's talking about the inland sea for Venice.
But he's not Venice so why does he care?
Ya, Venice is landlocked.
>he builds the strongest navy
OK guys I did the tutorial for endless leg-ends so I'm gonna try the faggy steampunk elves, tl;dr of faggy elf strat?
You have good production, so you build lots of things. They say the elves are good for wonder victory, so you can try for that whenever you win.
It's important to have a lot of initiative on your bowmen, otherwise the enemy will run up to you and kill you.
Rise of Mankind: A New Dawn
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>tl;dr of faggy elf strat?
Follow main quest. Enslave some meatshield minor faction.
Settle on forests (obviously).
Focus on developing the industry so you can build mostly everything in a turn or two.
Switch the default crossbow on Dekari Rangers to longbows.
Dekari Rangers are debatably the best damn unit in the game, don't hesitate to cover them in the best equipment you can give them (resources permitting, remember that iron gear is better than no gear). The increased costs from extra equipment should be balanced out by your massive industry output, at least later on in the game.
Your units get a bonus to damage (Or is it attack?) if they're standing in forests, ideally your archers should be standing in forested hexes that's blocked off from the rest of the enemy by the cliffs. If you're fighting on relatively flat terrain, try to kite the enemy with your fuckhueg range.
Follow your main quest then build the wonder building in a mere three turns.

what map?
hello reddit
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I've been trying to like Civ 5 for few hours now and it just doesn't click with me. I used to love Civ1 and 2 but after that haven't played much 4x at all, except Master of Orion.

Is Civ 4 or 3 any better? Is there a definitive mod list for Civ 5 anywhere? Any total graphic overhauls for Civ 5, I hate the art deco ui so much.
Civ IV sounds much more up your alley, Civ V made a lot of deviations from the standard formula compared to previous civ games.
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Huge indeed.
>The AI's faction will now heavily influence what terms they will tend to offer
Yeah this lacks certain feeling - I want to feel more strategic and tactical not like I'm playing a board game.
If you liked Civ II, there's always Alpha Centauri. Easily my favorite 4X game of all time, and I didn't even get to play it until a few years back.
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>playing community patch
>decide to be peaceful because I'm still trying things out
>bluetooth is my neighborn
>well I guess it can still happ-
>shaka and england are also here
>well just fucking dow me already
>fine, maybe i can set them up against each other
>on turn 40 bluetooth pops a damn city 4 tiles outside my capital
>bluetooth I don want no trabble but stay the fuck away from my lawn
>lolno I'm a stronk indipendet barbarian I settle where I like, here's a second city
>burn the two eyesores down and peace out
>finally peace is back near my borders
>suddenly england is also starting to pop cities right outside my capitol and massing troops
>remove her from the map
>apparently I'm a warmongering manace to the world now
>and bluetooth is still being a smartass and settles another city in the same fucking spot as before
>I guess now I have to remove you too
>after a long, frustrating campaign because fucking BERSERKERS ruining my day peace is back
>well I've proven my mettle, surely this will earn me Shaka's respect and we can be fr-
>oh great, after the berserkers now I have to deal with impis
I just wanted to go for a peaceful diplo/culture victory, why must the AI be such a fucking pain in the ass.
I like to play ynaemp europe map, however morocco is always a bit isolated in africa, even with carthage and songhai, leaving a lot of space for city spamming. Is there any recommended mod of a civ that fits that northwest area?
I get the feeling that somehow, Civ 5 has a way of detecting when you're going to try and be peaceful and when it does that it will do anything in its power to make you want to to kill everyone, or at least all your neighbours
Remember that if you want to be peaceful, you have to pay other people to go to war for you.
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AI finally can build roads.
So is there a pack for all the new endless legend dlc? Or do I have to buy it all for 27 dollars or w/e
I played the shit out of AC when it first released. It would be nice to return to it after all these years. I have completely forgotten it existed.
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>scout passes by boudicca's city with worker unguarded
>declare war, capture it then delete it the next turn
>later see her moving a settler past athens with only a warrior guarding it
>declare war, kill the warrior and take the free worker
>forward settle her
>see her trying to slip a settler past my borders again
>buy up a tile so she's blocked in
this feeling, is it how the romans felt?
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Look at that, a faggot empire simulator. Do you like it in your ass, your highness? Is it a good game? Is the fantasy setting off putting?
Am I the only one who kinda feels sorry for the necrophage?
they're just bugs anon
Won't change shit though. The Roving Clans will still market ban EVERYONE the moment they meet them.
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Top wew. Is/was N Korea a vassal of China?
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AI is still picking the shittiest city spots possible.
>Not knowing how to Shaka
>Your civ pays civ to attack Shaka
>go to war against civ that is now in war with Shaka
>get resources back
>Shaka at war with your common enemy
>Shaka loyalty 8 now your BFF
>Never go to war again, Shaka willing to kill anyone for like 1 resource
>giant death robos roll Shaka's impis he never upgraded and win game
>he never upgraded
shakek zulel
give civ V tips, i'm ass at the game.

playing as the japanese mostly, are they shit or is it just me.
they're one of the worse civs but that shouldn't matter outside of multiplayer

your first social tree should be either tradition or liberty, if you're going for a tall strategy (which is probably the best way to learn the ins and outs of the game) a good start would be to research pottery->writing and build monument->worker->great library then build a few cities

a different approach would be to get a normal library and monument then start pumping out settlers to get the good land and build a library there asap, aim to have 4 cities and a national college by turn 120.

Unless your civ has unique units in the ancient/classical era I generally prefer to wait until medieval/renaissance to start going agressive because crossbowmen+knights are very strong. Try to first destroy the enemy civ's army away from his cities. Don't underestimate the power of frigates if you're going for a coastal city.

a lot of the time building wonders is kind of a waste

anyway what specifically are you struggling with?
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>tfw no one else plays galciv 3
>yfw no strong opinion either way
Customizing stuff is half the fun of this game if i may be so forthright, old chums.
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So Shaka destroyed everyone on the other continent and isn't big on wonders, Askia is getting destroyed by me, and Maria is doing nothing.

So all these great wonders that usually get scooped up immediately aren't even taken, and that's amazing
tfw my name is Shaka irl
so if someone wanted to get your attention they would say

you could say so
that song makes me feel good inside
>having fun in a video game
you better crank up the difficulty and drop those mods and play it like the developers intended
But I enjoy modless 'difficulty'
thank fucking god
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Their hero also can improve her buff.
>mfw she is a tank with the healing capability
Which has a better political/economical gameplay, Endless Legend or Civ V?
considering the community voted for literally the worse possible choices in every category, she doesn't seem all that terrible
makes me look forward to more minor heroes, since we have only (technically) two
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>Playing multiplayer on civ 5
>Random gives me the Iroquois
>mfw everyone else in the game cuts down their forests
I still lost because Iroquois are fucking garbage

I'm playing multiplayer and I always have issues with dosh or science-man issues.

What's one of the better civs?
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there is no reason to have forests around full stop anon.
>lumber mills are ass
>not even a good defensive bonus
>chopping them GIVES you production
>no building bonus like jungles +2 science

Is there ANY reason at all to keep forests around?
for iroqouis useless civ bonus :^)
other than the protag of the story, the plot ardent mage, and some of the heroes, they're pretty fucking mindless

you dont feel bad for the necrophage, you feel bad for their leader
breaking line of sight early in games
and because you dont want to chop them down YET
thats about it
To have production if there's no hills around.
Define political
If it's about managing the politics of your own realm, neither
If it's about managing diplomatics, Civ V wins hands down. The diplomacy in EL consists of war and market bans
Economy? EL is better in that. I'd say that the fact that you have to prepare for the winter and that the winter is a huge strain on your economy.
GalCiv 3 good yet?
Did anyone upload the patch files for Endless Legend yet?

I want to play my pirated copy with the new stuffs.
Does anyone know how to play the "Conquest of the New World" scenario with a historical map and not a random one?
>bought the nation map pack to play a Turkey-based map
>immediately realize my mistake when I play a standard-size map and only encounter Sweden (further inland) despite exploring the entire western coast
Just wait for the pirate mongers to release the updated torrent or something man.
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Dosh Lords get my sympathy but the bugs? Fuck them.
>considering the community voted for literally the worse possible choices in every category, she doesn't seem all that terrible
The Cravers hero for ES2 is also getting the worst options win. It's a miracle we got a cool faction like the Cultists with a community this bad.
But Dosh Lords are ex-humans! It's just a cultural difference!
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>Dosh Lords are ex-humans
oh boy, here we go again
In civ 5? actually happened in a game once. Was doing a warmonger run on a medium continental, Only japan was left with a few cities, Different ideologies, massive tourism disparity from all the great works and wonders I looted earlier. First time I saw an ai civ massively in the red in terms of unhappiness. One of his cities flipped. Got a notification for it at the start of turn, gained possesion of it unrest and all. Was not at war with at the time. Never seen it happen since.
Is Communitas AI and Tools any good?
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Make way, superior city design coming through.
Yeah, all those units sticking throught the buildings look REAL nice.
Dunno. For some reason every time I try to play with them the game crashes.
Anyone else using the gaming profile option for Logitech G? It is probably the same for the 40* and 50* models. I am trying to set up Next Unit and Previous Unit to the mouse buttons 4 and 5, but it is not working in game.
Too many masks.
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Speaking of masks, anyone found out the secret?
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Probably never judging by the complexity of making them.
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>even after a major update the general is still dead
Sic transit gloria mundi...
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There were times when this wasn't a dead thread.
might be cool
Pirating is not ethical.

I however pirated it because there was no demo. After playing for a while I deleted the game because I don't like the graphical style or the fantasy setting which is too.. random somehow.
Who gives a fuck about piracy being ethical or unethical?
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>or the fantasy setting which is too.. random somehow
It's actually sci-fi.
That's even worse. And then the indie level graphics. Too artsy and convoluted. Why these kind of games exist?
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>the indie level graphics
u wot m8? I'm playing on a toaster and it looks better than Civ5.
>indie level graphics
Holy shit, if you this clueless just don't even talk.
It doesn't look 'better' than Civ V, it just looks 'different'. I hate those cheap paintbrush like textures as if someone had taken those shitty concept paintings and turned them into 3d models.

When I was 13 years old, I already knew every NATO map symbol by heart.
>shitty concept paintings
You're digging in yourself deeper.
>When I was 13 years old, I already knew every NATO map symbol by heart.
What the hell is that even supposed to mean in this context?
It means he is shitposting.
GalCivIII 50% off on gog

worth it?
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Only if you like designing ships more than playing a 4X.
>even after a major update the general is still dead
what was the update?
Endless Legend had a big free update. With tons of AI upgrades at that.
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EL got a fuckhuge patch with mod support, extra content and tons of AI improvements.
not so much
I am looking forward to that space GSG by Paradox
>tons of AI upgrades
>tons of AI improvements
tell me more
that was part of the reason why I quit
you either had to resort to really limiting cheese tactics to keep up with the AIs massive bonuses or the game was too easy
You can't play it on a toaster, just the main menu uses 3gb of ram, and it only goes up from there.
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That looks to be shaping up nicely. And of course, Endless Space 2 in 2016.

And then there is this.




Feast your eyes.
The music DLC is worth every penny.


It means that I only play games which matter. Games from which you can learn REAL military tactics. Not some bullshit fantasy scifi mongrels.
That is a very poor bait.
>And of course, Endless Space 2 in 2016
They better make planet development more visually appealing. That's the one gripe I had with ES.

Also I wish Amplitude did gog releases so I don't have to resort to piracy anymore.
>Feast your eyes.
alright, redownloading EL right fucking now

I never actually played with the spy faction because I skipped that addon.
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>They better make planet development more visually appealing.
There was a great brainstorming thread about that on the official forums, hope they took note of the suggestions. Odds are high as they do seem to be going all out on ES2 being cinematic AND having visual variety.
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>I never actually played with the spy faction because I skipped that addon.
Contentwise it's weaker than Guardians and the Forgotten are just Vaulter split-offs which I don't much care for but the espionage/pillage mechanic is fantastic.


>the Forgotten are just Vaulter split-offs
really? No unique units?

Shame, guess I'll stick with muh mages then.
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>really? No unique units?
They DO have unique units and faction traits. Not like the Mezari reskin. It's just their lore and that they're edgy Vaulters.
Are The Mezari nothing more than a reskin? I have Frozen Fangs. Should I get Shadows? I have heard negative things about Guardians (basically being worthless), what do you guys think of it?
>It's just their lore and that they're edgy Vaulters.
just what I'm looking for
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>Are The Mezari nothing more than a reskin?
>Should I get Shadows?
It's worth it just for the espionage and pillage.
>I have heard negative things about Guardians (basically being worthless)
You must get the expansion, it has loads of content on top of the Guardians - and they're one man armies, hell latest patch had to nerf them some more.

Lost Tales DLC is just 23 quests but I think that's worth it. Echoes of Auriga DLC isn't worth it unless you simply like throwing money at Amplitude/their music guy.
>>Are The Mezari nothing more than a reskin?
Bah, mean to say the are a simple reskin, absolutely no difference in practice. Devs may make them something more in the future, the Sheredyn of Endless Space 1 started out as a simple reskin but were patched into a full faction later.
You have to buy content for a different game to get them, so I doubt. Except if they don't put them in another small expansion or something.
DotE is getting its own major update Nov 24. And it was hinted it may contain a ARG for ES2.
Also Guardians has went up to 90% approval, which seems very weird. It was red on steam last time I checked. Or maybe I am remember it wrong somehow.
>DotE is getting its own major update Nov 24.
fucking loved DotE, but couldn't bring myself to finish the game more than once
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There is no shame on playing on Too Easy till you learn the ropes. But fuck the Drill Pod mode, that's pure masochism and outright broken.
>ARG for ES2
Sounds like we'll be back in business.
I actually ended up finishing it on easy, but got bored after I managed once. Early game wasn't engaging enough for me and starting over got repetitive.
I actually like early game the most. its pretty fucking comfy to explore calmly until you get 10 waves every door.
Shit, that art looks nice
Yeah, GalCiv3 is solid improvement so far as the art is concerned.
I don't play games either
>look away for a few hours
>45 new replies
Is GalCiv 3 as good as 2 yet?
>page 10

That said, I am really fucking enjoying the spy faction in EL, should have come back to the game sooner.
Any tips on building Broken Lords? I have been trying to combine Stalwart and Bishop in 3:5 ratio but my army seem weak compare to AI. My ship in ES are always at least 3 times stronger than AI ships but I can even make a competent army in EL. Are there any stat or tech I should focus on?
honestly, the "fantasy, but secretly sci-fi" annoys me
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Maybe more bishops
One line of stalwarts should be enough
The rest should be Bishops
Broken Lord heroes work really well with BL armies.
You want to ignore shields for your heroes and Stalwarts
Get claymores for them, so that they can dish out damage
Get HP on your stalwarts. They are the frontline of course
Bishops should be full damage and ignore almost all forms of tankiness to get more damage

Also, unless he was nerfed in the previous update
Neros is the most OP Guardian, followed by Gios
Neros can instakill full armies solo. Just get the weapon that boosts his charge to do more damage and do AoE. With good planning one charge is enough to clean half the game map of enemies.
Gios lacks his crazy damage but makes up for it by being able to attack everyone
Endless Legend The Lost Tales PROPER-CODEX
Its only 2 dollar. Amplitude is the only decent dev we have
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there already is a space gsg by paradox
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>>honestly, the "fantasy, but secretly sci-fi" annoys me
That was fast.
I came to this general looking for some information on hopefully some good space opera 4X games. What I'm getting here is Civ and Civ-clones. What the fuck, why don't you just call it Civclone general?

Speaking of which, I can't fucking find a link to an Aurora download anywhere, I'm still looking through the forums. Help an anon out?
Thread replies: 255
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