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Benevolence edition

Previous thread: >>120067475

/eagg/ PC Games:

Latest Releases:

>Sengoku Basara 4 Sumeragi (PS4/PS3)
JP- July 23, 2015

>One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3 (PS4/PS3/Vita/PC)
NA- August 25, 2015
EU- August 28, 2015

>Nobunaga's Ambition Sphere of Influence (PS3/PS4/PC)
NA- September 1, 2015
EU- September 4, 2015

>Samurai Warriors 4-II (PS3/PS4/Vita/PC)
NA- September 29, 2015
EU- October 2, 2015

>Dragon Quest Heroes (PS4)
NA- October 13, 2015
EU- October 16, 2015

Upcoming Releases:

>Arslan: The Warriors of Legend (PS4/PS3)
JP- October 1, 2015
EU - February 12, 2016
NA - February 9, 2016

>Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIII (PS3/PS4/PC)
JP- December 10, 2015

>Samurai Warriors 4: Empires (PS4/PS3/Vita)
JP- September 17, 2015
EU - March 11, 2016
NA - March 11, 2016

>Kamen Rider: Battride War Genesis (PS3/PS4/Vita)
JP - 2016

>Toukiden 2 (PS3/PS4/Vita)
JP - 2016

>Ni-Oh (PS4)
JP - 2016

>Attack on Titan (PS3/PS4/Vita)
JP - Winter 2015
NA - 2016
EU - 2016
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Man, I'm so glad that they're making a new Samurai Warriors Empires game. I played SW 4 recently and that shit seems surprisingly deep gameplay wise compared to DW.

Tried playing SW2 on pcsx2 but it had an annoying bug that would crash the game during musou attacks.
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Is this a glitch?
Is that a dude or a girl? I'm playing through SW4 right now and I can't fucking decide. Too lazy to check on wikipedia.

Probably a dude.
Ranmaru is a dude. He's also Nobunaga's butt buddy.
>page 10
Give up /eagg/
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>Page 10

Dragon quest heroes vs hyrule warriors. Pros/cons?
He's whatever you want him to be.
Are there any things one should know as a new DW player that's not intuitive? Like enemies despawning if you kill their leader and run away
not really
the most that might require explanation in musou games is getting 4th weapons in some, and specifics about weapon stats/fusion in others. but those are always specific to a certain game in the series so until you pick one or find problems with it you don't understand there's not really any hidden knowledge to throw around.

iirc enemies running away when their unit leader(still a grunt, just with a different appearance. not the same as an officer, or a 'named' unit leader with the title floating above his head) dies was specific to SW2. don't recall it being in a DW game.

either way the games are straight forward so don't worry about it. you'll either learn everything through the in-game tutorial messages or levels(some have these), figure it out yourself by your second or third battle, or eventually find the button that lets you see what the stats on weapon screens do.
actually there is one thing that gets asked a lot here by new players.

the difficulty setting isn't meant to be static. it's more of a way to keep you from killing enemies and officers with one hit as your characters inevitably gain levels, more than it is to offer a different or much more difficult experience.
lately it's better to start on normal, then switch to hard around level 20-30. don't even bother with easy unless you just want to rush through levels with characters you don't like.

chaos/nightmare is a different beast though. officers will kill you in one combo or musou even at max level a lot of the time. so it's best just to go for that once you're confident in blocking/weapon switching/rolling/whatever the game you're playing gives you for dealing with officers.

Oh yeah I started at like Beginner or Easy, but then cranked it up to Chaos after playing through Lu Bu's campaign again and again. My friend always made it out to be harder than it is.
Pirate Warriors 3 or Dragon Quest Heroes?
I love both series' but I only have money for one game
>that gif

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How am i supposed to clear all the objectives in sw4-2? And what for?
Just play with every character relevant to the stage or specific objective(their face). If you didn't run across one when you completed the others, it might be one that only triggers on a failure of the ones you completed in the past.

For cheevos, obviously. And a line or two of dialogue if that's appealing to you.
Oh, and someone several threads ago mentioned that some don't show up unless you're at a specific part of the map. So just run around I guess, too.
I've been thinking about this, but what makes Ranmaru so special anyway? The only thing noteworthy about him is that he's Nobunaga's page, and probably die along with Nobunaga at Honnoji, but almost every work of fiction centering around Nobunaga always have to have Ranmaru in it, some even have Ran as a major character. How come?
Best OPPW3 song on best story stage
>and probably die along with Nobunaga at Honnoji,
Answered it yourself.
Noble retainer who stuck with his liege to the bitter end, in a betrayal no less(i.e. he could've probably lived, along with his brothers, if he just said "yeah, fuck nobunaga" too).

plus, qt fuckboi sidekick. who doesn't want one of those.

his other retainers aren't really remembered for being good retainers in the same sense. a lot of them are remembered for going on to do greater things.
and are also more historical.
ranmaru is basically only known for the legends centered around his service to nobunaga.
almost attached to nobunaga at the hip.
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People love the loyal fuccboi thing.
>Koei will never make a Lupin game
>More importantly, they will never cheese-rock Lupins music


I'd literally settle for a shitty DW mod where you can only play as Zenigata use a flail made out of handcuffs at endless Lupin clone soldiers.
Give him Yuanji's musous and replace knives with handcuffs, too.
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>page 10
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>21 minutes
>Page 10
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Then why isn't Sanada Daisuke Yukimasa more popular?

>Son of Yukimura
>Fought bravely along side his father at Osaka
>Killed at the age of 16 while trying to protect Hideyori while his father go charge into the Tokugawa's camp.
I have heard nothing about Dragon Quest warriors. How is it? Is it as good as OPPW3 or as shit as Hyrule Warriors?
Was he a demon kings fucktoy and had legends told of his forced debauchery?

Not sure, though. People usually find someone they like the most, then ignore others of similar achievements.

/vg/ is moving really fast tonight. Page 8 alright and the last post was only 14 minutes ago.
Who do you think deserves to be in the next samurai warriors?

I'd say Mori's 3 sons
So who did Nobunaga fuck more? Ranmaru or No?
>Was he a demon kings fucktoy and had legends told of his forced debauchery?
You got a point there.

One was with him all the time in his military campaigns, the other is a political marriage sitting at home, you tell me
About what I'd expect.
More cute girls
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>Page 10
Better than 4's design tbh
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All other designs of his look better than the thing we got in 4.
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Anyone is better than anything than in 4
Take that back you fucking faggot, Takatora looks perfect in SW.
Leave Asians alone
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Well technically his design is from 3 so it's automatically great

3's designs are the absolute best
Is Koei running out of ideas
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>officers commenting on his "glasses"

What kind of Katakura do you want fam?
Something like Basara Keiji. Pretty, but still manly looking enough.
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Isn't it sadly ironic that Basara who used to be the most fictional Sengoku got the best designs lately?
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Let's just hope SW4 fiasco is a one-time thing. It baffles me how Nene and Ranmaru are the only ones who look better than the previous design.

That said, I always like Basara design in general more than SW.
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Let's hope so ... hopefully buying the DLC helped.

How would a cross of Basara/Musou play /eagg/?
Absolutely crazy

Wonder why it hasn't happened
It would be fun watching Magoichi trying to seduce the other Magoichi. and obviously she's going to tell him to fuck off or kill himself
What a fag.
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Koei and Capcom need to make peace first
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>posting the ugliest No ever
You're not helping your case.
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shit nigga why is SW3 so delicious
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I don't like Noh but bump
>I don't like Noh
Nobunaga Oda, is that you?
Hair is too long. That would be a 10/10 with a bob cut.
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I dunno man her SW3 design hands down the best character design Koei has done

And yet they still won't make it DLC for 4, fucking hacks

Also long hair > short hair
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No this is thwack
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SW1 still has many best versions
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>no more free unlockable good alternate costumes

DLC was a mistake
>Page 8 alright and the last post was only 14 minutes ago
So why don't you just let it go? Occasional /v/ musou threads are quite crowdy.
I don't go to /v/ though
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That it was

>no more alternate routes for each character
>no more canon or the other rideable weapon which name I can't recall
>no more ramps and castle assaults
>no more official training

Hmm this could be a challenge
Anyone else played this?
You don't like old man Motonari?
Lu Meng never had a bad design in all his DW appearances.

Do you agree with that sentence?
Muh Guan Yu
Somewhat. Pre-DW6, I feel his is designs are pretty generic, not bad, just generic. It's a running gag between me and my friend back then that he was supposed to be a playable generic because of that.
Looks gay
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Long hair is shit. The only acceptable long hair is the messy/wavy one.
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I respectfully disagree
There are exceptions, of course. Motonari is definitely one of them because his sexy old man look, no homo.
Come on now, SB has some really good designs, but the designs in 4 are not some of those.
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>Old man
>just gives him white hair
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>Noriyoshi Ohrai died
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>It's true


Though he's already really old anyway so I guess it can't be help. Can't say I'm a fan, but I really like his Star Wars arts. Please RIP.
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>Page 10
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Wow I just bought Samurai Warriors 4- 2 and my god Naomasa is fun to play.

He is literally my favourite character right now, and the story isn't too bad either.
>page 10
Names and places in DW8 are not higllighted based on faction, but based on ally(Blue) or enemy(Red)

What a missed oppurtunity
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>Page 10
How to properly upgrade weapons in sw4-2?
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>Page 10
Select the one u want to upgrade, and then select the ones u want to USE to upgrade the weapon u selected it.
Why no more WW2 or Napoleonic strategy games?
Paradox jews really need competition.
>costant page 10
>Moonrunes13 is the only game coming up
How will we survive?
L'Empereur wasn't too good and Koei can't compete with real gs games.
That said, a new GK would be the coolest thing ever.
The same way we always survive. Two weeks of activity then back to battling page 10
Been out of the musou loop for a while. How did Arslan and 4-II turn out?
this reminds me.

is there a way to see the map in SoI in typical color mode?
zooming all the way out and judging borders is a bit of a pain since it still uses the terrain map and just has centralized squares in regions it looks like. maybe my eyes are shit but i can hardly make out the borders.

plus i'm a /gsg/ babby and like my painted maps. they make me feel good about myself.

the last few rotk games i played all had it in at least one map view mode so i feel like i'm just missing it or something.

assuming you don't mean "press X on the weapon you like, then press X on another weapon to feed it to the other", i don't think there's anything deep to it.
compatibility bonuses can happen if they're both the same element(no element counts as one, too), this raises the original weapons max level by one allowing more upgrades/higher stats. higher level weapons give slightly more exp when used as fodder.

be careful doing compatibility fusions on weapons you really like though. there's a chance the original weapon will get one of the fodder weapon's skills(things like death, attack speed, etc). this is nice but i think there's only 6 or 8 slots on a weapon for skills, so you might accidentally fill up a slot with something dumb like Riding. so you might want to focus on only using weapons with skills you possibly want to upgrade a good weapon, until all the skill slots are filled.

gold weapons guarantee a compatibility bonus and give a lot of exp. can't upgrade them on their own so they're pointless to use.

you could also just find the weapon guide on steam and get everyones personal weapon and avoid worrying about it all together. they're generally better than anything you can make, unless you're pissed it doesn't have a certain skill stacked on it. most of them are easy as hell to get even with a crappy weapon equipped.
There should be an Option to toggle in SoL that shows the route and influence area in colors. Check the menus, if its not in there the no.
Yeah he's great
4-II's combat is fun, but the rest still feels more like XL or an expansions, i.e. pretty shallow.
the stories are pretty weak and imo focus on mostly shitty characters so it's a bummer.
with only 5 battles per story mode, the fact that the majority of them cover the same exact 5 battles or offer very little variation disappointed me. i had to force myself to beat the last 4 or 5 stories to unlock women of war, a special hypothetical scenario. wasn't worth the boredom i put myself through though.

the extra mode stinks, too. chronicles would've at least offered some narrative and a sense of 'doing' something, but endless castle is just literally survival mode with like one or two lines of dialogue every 10 or 15 floors. even SW2's castle mode better at making you feel like you were working on something interesting since it gave you choices and a few interesting stories inside the missions themselves.

naomasa is over rated. he's just as fun as anyone else is when they're new, but he doesn't save the game. his story is completely forgettable.

interesting, thanks. i'll take another look, i don't remember seeing it. figured it would have been on the little buttons above the pointless minimap if anything.
Why is Guan Yu such a piece of shit? I'm glad his children died.
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For anyone who cares, Kamen Rider: Battride War Genesis is coming out February 25th, 2016.
Huh, never realize Drive already ended.

wow rude guan yu was the most considerate person in the entire three kingdoms, remember how he let the bumpkin lu meng kill him becuase he saw how upset he was?
Ghost already have 4 eps out.
That belt is so fucking shit.
Hey now, at least the Deadpool mask looks kinda cool.
Who is this fluid druid?
BasaraNaotora>Musou Naotora
Gotō Matabee>Musou Katakura
I did, it had limited combo options so it was shit
>20 minutes
>Page 10

Holy shit.
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Anyone played this piece of shit other than me?
I liked it
Too bad the chances of seeing a sequel is slim to none since the second game is a total mess.
DW6 got a sequel though
We're talking about mainline game vs licensed game anon. When a licensed game like KR2 flops there will be less incentive for Koei to risk making a sequel.
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Short hair Oichi was gr8 tho. And I much prefered her personality in the first game.
i didnt play SW1. what was her personality like?
judging by her design i'm guessing happy go lucky loli? with oniichan drama?
Spot on

Also Nagamasa
Bratty but determined, it's a lot better than her current tragic maiden personality.
Send help. PC PW3 keeps crashing on certain stages mid-battle, Google has been no help in this either.

I don't understand why he didn't give up the land to Wu. Fuck his own pride, in the end he hurt his own brother the most due to his actions.

I played it drunk at a friends house and kept losing to a boss
What story should I play through first for Dynasty Warriors 8 Xtreme legends?

Which story mode did you guys play first?
Wei -> Wu -> Shu -> Jin is probably the best order if I remember it right.
Start with any order you want, but save Jin for last.

Personally, I started with Shu first because they're my least favorite Kingdom and I wanted to get it out of the way first.
Concur with this anon.

At the very least, you should play Jin after Shu's and Wei's historical endings, otherwise the Sima family rightfully treating everyone else as retards won't make as much sense. Also, Jin's story is EZ mode compared to the others, since you can use noob friendly Yuanji for most stages.

Guan Yu's whole shtick was 'honorable BUT arrogant'; he was deified after overcoming his arrogance in the afterlife, or something to that effect. Of course, DW completely ignores all but the first five words of any character bio, so you're supposed to believe he's 100% honorable and completely awesome when he's not.

Alright guys since someone said Shu first and Wei first I'l start with Wu and leave Jin for last

Wouldn't Wu be the last considering they are the last to fall? Or is it due to the stages being in the timeline?
Late Wu isn't touched in DW, Shu is the one with the latest battle before Jin (which is actually just late Wei, but whatever).
What if DW9 Koei throws the whole everyone is good thing out of the window?
Just don't start with lu bu story. It was quite hard for me.
I always recommend Shu first, personally.
Well, since DW7 anyway. Shu's story is by far the weakest in my opinion. BENEVOLENCE isn't a leet maymay for no reason - their faction story is just outright annoying. I'd play it first just to get it out of the way, then go Wu->Wei->Jin and save Other as 'desert'.

I used to be completely fine with Shu when the games gave everyone(or most) their own storylines. Sure, Liu Bei and Jiang Wei were always righteous cheese incarnate, but ever since 7 I just can't stand any of it anymore.
Instead of getting the Shu idealism delivered in doses, every 2 or 3 battles/story expositions in a character's story in 5 for example, now it's like fitting everyone into a faction story just leads to an endless barrage of it.
Drives me nuts. Guan Yu's kids don't help any either. Koei thinks they're interesting but they're not at all.

Fa Zheng was a good step towards trying to balance it out, though, admittedly. Pang Tong needs to get a place in the spotlight back too.

Pang Tong dying was a mistake tbh I can't really remember an officer in Shu I actually like besides Pang Tong

so was Sun Ce

Anyhow just to cover my ass, I'm not saying Wei or Wu don't have their own repeated tone either. Shu's just grates on me more.

Anyone else feel like Wei's story has gotten pretty bad lately too? It almost feels like it went from a fairly rough "ends justify the means" portrayal to this weird, not at all fitting saturday morning cartoon lesson about friendship.
7 and more specifically 8 make me paranoid that one day Koei's going to turn Dun's rivalry with Guan Yu into.. well..
Toyohisa + Naomasa.

Yeah. His moveset was always fun too, even though I usually hated magic, fans or staff movesets. Sucks how short lived he was, since Koei is more interested in purely historical routes now. Can't do much with him that way unfortunately.
In the novels his chapters were such a breath of fresh air too. Guys just incredibly endearing.

I like Ce, but I've never hated Quan so I never really got upset about him dying when he does. The leadup and the death itself in the games have been done really well lately too, I think.

Sima Yi dying was a mistake though. Shi stinks. Zhao brings the good back in the end though.
They purposely raised the difficulty in Lu Bu's story. Other stories start you at Lv1, and scale you to the mid 20s by the last stage. Lu Bu's story starts you at Lv25, and scales you to the mid 40s.

I was going to disagree with you with Lu Bu's story being difficult (you ARE playing as Lu Bu, after all), but then I remembered Shouchun exists.
It was first musou for me and i played as anyone but Lu Bu.
Final mission in alternative route as Diachoan is most rememberable, i almost reached time limit(1 hour).
Chang'an is a big stage
>go back to 8XLCE after being underwhelmed with 4-II
>oddly find myself missing hyper attacks

they made 4-II piss easy but it practically replaced normal movement for me
everyone feels slow without it now

at least weapon switching/afinity breaks are still tons of fun.
and calling your horse while running doesn't make it go full retard.
Yeah, Chang'an is very drawn out. Even when I'm trying to rush the stage and clear it as quickly as possible, it still takes me 20 minutes with a strong character.
It's really great though

Best stage ever
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Hi /eagg/, anyone here got tips for a complete Nobunaga's ambition noob?

It seems a lot like ROTK XI, which I have some experience with, but is there anything I might miss?
Fire. Use fire. Fire works well, even 1400 years later
Just play the game and ask questions when you stumble on something that you find difficult or not sure of, it's kinda hard to list things "you might miss", you know?

Start with the Oda in any of the pre-1560 scenarios would be good, the questlines should show you how things work easily.
>Start with the Oda in any of the pre-1560 scenarios would be good, the questlines should show you how things work easily

That's good enough to start, thanks.
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>Page 10

Why is Lu Lingqi so god damn attractive
is One piece Pirate Warriors 3 good? I'm thinking of getting it during the Christmas steam sale
Overall good movesets, good OST, okay side mode, condensed as fuck story mode, really bad map designs.
then perhaps I'll wait for it to get cheaper

there are no fire attacks in SoI are there?
i didn't even realize that until now.

god, SoI combat fucking stinks. so bare bones.

you might already have gotten this, but it took me longer to understand and appreciate than it should have.
even if you outnumber the enemy by like 10 to 1, don't just let your unit kill a small enemy force on the world map if you're next to his castle.
it's tempting not to bother with it, but just play the battle. when you win you get to damage the castle's gates for free for a pretty large amount. you don't get the option if you just let your world map unit auto kill them.
really helps early on when castle defenses will generally make laying siege impossible due to the games castle hp + troop count thing.

literally the first castle i tried to conquer in Time of Heroes had castle defenses that upped it's hp to like 6000. since i could only field like 2000 soldiers max from all my territory combined, my only option was to keep baiting out small enemy units to defend the castle so i could knock it's health down.
>mfw it took me until the 3rd playthrough to take notice of that
>mfw I have no face
Eh, RtP and IT didn't have fire attack either. The combat definitely could use some more tweaks though.
Does anyone know what character gets the Indomitable spirit trait the fastest it's the last trait I'm missing.
I actually noticed that immediately, but at times when I have enough troops to siege the castle out anyway, I've specifically been choosing not to do that.

I have more issues with where to direct my finances than with troop count, so, where possible, I'm avoiding the costs of having to repair the castles I take. Is that the right move?
Shikanosuke Yamanaka, he can get it after gaining +16 LEA and +16 VAL.
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at least i'm not alone then.
i mean i knew you could do it, the tutorial shows you and the manual mentions it i think. but my mind kept telling me "3000 troops against 500 won't be any fun, just let it auto resolve itself". it just didn't click for the longest time.

two words.
diplomatic income.
800g per turn seems scary when you start a new game, but take the hit and try to get at least a few factions to 20 diplomatic score. money rolls in eventually, and it's really worth the 4-5 months it takes to get it to 20.

also focus on getting your rice more than money early on. you'll need it for long campaigns, and it's nice to start stockpiling early for when you need a TON of food for your eventual death stacks and full country mobilizations.
but rice also gives you money whenever you need it. obviously it's best to wait for the trader to give you a a good deal on selling it to him, generally during winter, but when you need to expand a city or repair immediately it's still an option. play it smart though, don't get yourself into a position where you won't be able to defend your land due to selling so much food that you can't march for longer than 2 months.

also if you see someone with a gold mine or port nearby, make them your first target.

as long as i'm in the positive and raking in tons of rice i really don't worry about my money. if i need to expand or repair or buy muskets, i can usually just stop a few diplomatic missions for a few turns or sell some rice and i'll have enough for whatever i need.
it's never worked against me, anyway.
Speaking of food, is there a way to resupply my armies out marching other than simply marching them by a friendly castle? If I'm besieging a castle fairly far away from my territory, I don't want to have to keep swapping out my armies.
I want to try out Nobunaga's Ambition because I'm interested in that period of japan; which game do I start with?
Raze the castle sieging is the only way, it lower the development of the castle though.

There really not much options out there. Lord of Darkness on the NES is too old and dated. Rise to Power and Iron Triangle are on PS2., RtP isn't very good though Sphere of Influence is the newest title, available on PS3, PS4 and PC and has the best IU, it depends whether the gameplay is better than IT though.

gone are the glorious wagon trains of rotkxi.
it's not like ration logistics were an important part of battle.

but in your case, the best bet would be to click your sieging unit, then click "raze".
this damages the towns development and i think might remove some improvements in the districts, but it also lowers order and gives your sieging units food.
the castles meter still wears down during this iirc, not sure if it's slower than if you're not razing though.

thats the only other way to get food out in the field. it's not a terrible system, but you have to effectively 'repair' the damage if you do end up taking the castle, by pouring time and money into developing the craft/crop/conscript levels back up.
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>gone are the glorious wagon trains of rotkxi.
>it's not like ration logistics were an important part of battle.

That's a shame, because those were what actually set ROTK XI apart for me. I describe that game to people as a warfare logistics simulator, and I think it's all the better for it.
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Official OST power ranking
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>Page 10

Cao Rui in DW9.
I never used that much of wagon supplies in RoTK XI somehow. Most of the time I'll just have the unit carried extra supplies that usually enough to last them for taking a well defended cities. The only instance I ever used wagon trains is on the prolonged defense of Chen Liu but it's not really a logistic chain when really near to a city. Well, I never goes into a big campaign though, maybe that's why.
yeah i agree. it made going to war feel a lot more important when you were constantly trying to keep your units in good enough shape to keep your options open.
the added stress of keeping them protected was nice too.
sending relief supplies and troops across the river only to have an S navy rank commander pop out of a port and sink your shit was devastating.

nevermind food and gold NOT being a global resource available everywhere just making your kingdom layout feel important, too.

yeah, their use depends on your playstyle.
i always preferred to send out a large chunk of my soldiers/officers in several units so i could use as many skills as possible during battle, and surround enemy units. that kind of stretches your resources thin, so wagons become essential to keeping your units strong against a 10,000 unit led by Lu Bu or something.
i always usually mobilized to take more than one base in a march, so losing troops would slow me down way too much and i didn't want to send crappier officers out while having to march my good officers back to refill. it's nice to have the option to just keep your position held, or to keep your good officers in the fight.
first part of >>120546075 was meant for you, whoops.

setting up provinces in XI and watching the AI manage supply/weapon/gold transferring was pretty comfy too. made the world feel a little more alive outside of war.
in SoI i feel like the worlds pretty much dead unless everyones marching armies around.
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Cao Rui.jpg
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How would Koei Portray Rui?
Ahdou mk.2
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>Portray Rui as incompetent
>Then portray Shuang as a heroic general who tries to stop the 'evil' sima's ambition

I can see it now
>Page 10
Yeah once war broke out, the world becomes too lively like this
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About the liveliness of the world map, this is what makes RoTK X feels so great to me. I just like to get out the city, wandering the world map, and listening to the music.
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I was going to make a post about something to spring up discussions, but I forgot what I was thinking of, so here's a Yukimura pic for a page 10 bump.
His SW1 alt costume was pretty sweet
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Epitome of Mediocrity playable when?
Poor Liao Hua, only remembered in history for his mediocrity compared to the Five Tiger Generals despite being a competent general.
>Page 10

Toukiden 2 new info when?
The thing that makes me mad is it's impossible for 4-II to be a standalone game for people who are new to the series. There is so much missing from before Honnoji because the game focuses on all the newer characters that are prominent after Nobunaga is dead (from what I see from what the Story mode seems to cover, not speaking historically or anything). I'd rather they had just made this an expansion to SW4 and not make it a separate game, because to play any other prominent battle other then Osaka and Sekigahara (which seems to be in everyone's story mode like you said), I have to load the original game now. And all the progress I made on character levels, etc from the first game was lost in exchange for some strategy tomes that I used in 10 seconds.

I still enjoyed the stories themselves because I enjoy the era and the history behind it, but it needed more for them to charge you for a new game.
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Wow. I feel like fucking shoot up a school thanks to this piece of shit.
>Taikou Risshiden fan translation never.

Feels bad, man.
Who is fun to play in Nobunagas ambition?

I've done Oda, Takeda, Hojo,Mori and Usuegi

Who else has quest lines ?
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Would you, /eagg/?
Yes, I would main him.
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You feel good?
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face of justice.jpg
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Try not to feel too bad
>No Hyrule Warriors 2
Wait for the NX announcement. HW was a success, so I'm pretty sure there will be a sequel.
I disagree, TK and N don't have a very good relationship. I doubt there is anything after Legends
Any word of the DLC being sold for WiiU?
Shimazu, Sanada, Date have stories.
So I had NA SoL when it first came out in Japan, I got the chink version for vita but didn't get any dlc because EU play station store and I'm a lazy fuck to change.

Is it worth to get the English version off steam now? I heard there's some new scenario

I played the vita version to death, like a few hundred hours so is it still worth it?
Does the Vita version you have include PUK? If not, then the steam version is worth it, as it includes PUK, so it has somewhat improved combat, more management and diplomatic options, new scenarios and events too. But if you already sunk hundered of hours into the Vita version before, then you'd be likely to get bored with it fast. I'd say wait for a sale or unless you want to support Koei.
love this shit
What does Romance of the three kingdoms say about Zhou Yu's death quote compared to his actual one ?

Again, for those who cares, new trailer for Kamen Rider Battleride: Genesis. Not a very impressive trailer, I must say.
What does smile face on the character selection screen mean? SW4-2.
His death quote in the novel:

>If Yu has already been born, why is Liang to be born?

Whereas in history, I don't remember the exact quote, but he said something along the line

>I'm ashamed for dying so early
>My lord (Sun Quan) should listen carefully to the retainers and act justly, specifically Zhang Zhao and Zhang Hong
>Be wary of Liu Bei
>In order to amass Wu's power to rival that of Cao Cao's, the land of Ba Shu is needed
>No mention whatsoever about Zhuge Liang

Take it with the grant of salt though, as I'm no history buff, just parroting something I remember reading long ago.
I did not have power up kit, I also wanted to see how the controls work on the PC. Is it similar to total war or SC2?
Can I ask what's the difference between Steam's version of Souzou (Chinese) and SoL (English), I can see there's more DLCs but what's the actual version and which one is best for value?
SoI (it's a fucking I for Christ's sake) is in English and it has all in one package (exapansion + free DLCs).
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>Page 10
Any chance SW4:E comes out on PC?
There's a small chance, I doubt they expect much sales from consoles anyway.
There is a Steam version of DW8:E as well as DW8XL. Since SW4-II is basically SW4XL, I guess SW4:E port is possible.
>page 10
shota to partner with himiko
probably a skateboard like weapon
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>Mitsuhide is older than Nobunaga
>Ujiyasu died before Kai was even born
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>Ranmaru died when he was just 17 years old
Life is unfair.
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>Page 10
>SW 4 recently and that shit seems surprisingly deep gameplay
>deep gameplay
oi you wot m8?
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>Page 10
Pokemon RotTK when?
>Yo-Kai Watch
Motherfucker, I said Pokemon.

I don't really like the monster designs of Yo-Kai Watch.
Now that I have a PS4, which musou game should I get?
I only played DW7 + extreme legends.
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I can't bump this again, is anyone else here?
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Yes. I'm just watching you bump the general. Keep up the good work.
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Oh well, apparently I can.
Wait, when was Hayakawa born anyways? Isn't way too old to be Kai's best friend?
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>Page 10

Extra dialog
Yes, i already googled myself. Kinda dissapointed.
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>Page 10
Can you share with us your collection?
i have about 180 i have saved one by one here
Talking about character select, is there any reward to doing every mission in story with every possible character other than the trophy?
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Sima Yi late how many days.jpg
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Sure, although I'm currently re-watching the first parts of the series as most of the early shit has gone missing, once I've got everything back I'll upload.
Thanks anon, if you're the one who have been doing this the lasts months, you're awesome

I saw until chapter 40, then started 8XLCE and now i forgot everything back at chapter 8
Don't think so


Why is there no alternate storyline in Samurai Warriors 4-II where you win Osaka as Hideyori and then conquer your way to Edo?
Because hypotheticals are spinoffs exclusive
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Thank god you've been keeping up on posting these. Lord knows I lost heart and felt like I was bugging people with it. Plus the resolutions on mine are all fucked up.
So there was actuallly 2 anons posting these screencaps? Thanks a lot you two, without people like you, this general would have gone off into the oblivion ages ago.

Don't stop
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In Nobunagas ambition is there any chance a ruler can have fictional sons?
Hell yeah, liking cute things ain't gay. Nobunaga wasn't gay, he's my role model


Another question should you build extended Tenshu instead of a 4 story ?

It seems better since its more expensive and takes more space. I don't see why you would ever go 4 story over it
Some bases don't have the option to build extended Tenshu, otherwise extended Tenshu is better imo.
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I'm surprised Naomasa haven't destroy that pussy 24/7
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They're japaneses, of course he did.
He knows his mother is a shit girl and only people with shit taste would tap her.
>page 10

Anyone of you have a guide to get all the 5 star weapons in 4-2?
Nene living for years without her husband.
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 251

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