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Hentai Games General /hgg/
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H-Games General #625

touch bunny tail edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of 2D/3D H-Games/ Eroge/ Nukige/ Hentai RPG/ Hentai Action Games. Some popular games like Corruption of Champions (CoC), Rance/Alicesoft, Monster Girl Quest, the Klub17 (search on /t/), and Artificial Academy 2 (/aa2g/) have their own generals already, so please post about them there instead!

Due to the demise of /vhg/, Violated Heroine is welcome to be discussed here.



Use web OCR to get kanji of error messages:

Please pay your respects to our matron saint, Julie d'Aubigny.

>If you have to ask, it's not translated.

>Please REPORT and IGNORE blatant shitposting


>Machine Translation Guide:

>Recommended Games:

>/hgg/ Nukige Catalog:

>/hgg/ Gotw Catalog:

>VH Pastebin:

Previous thread:
Games pending release:

>[Eternal] 剣聖機 アルファライド (Kenseki ALPHARIDE) - 2015/10/23

>[CLOCKUP] Maggot baits (マゴット ベイツ) - 2015/11/27

>[ninetail] GEARS of DRAGOON 2 ~黎明のフラグメンツ~ (GEARS of DRAGOON 2 -Reimei no Fragment-) - 2015/12/18

>[Softhouse Chara] その古城に勇者砲あり! (Sono kojō ni yūsha-hō ari!) - 2015/12/18

Games recently released:

>[KISS] カスタムメイド3D2 (Custom Maid 3D 2) - 2015/07/24
Download: www.anime-sharing.com/forum/torrents-47/5-386087/
Maid Database: http://no-info.no-ip.info/cm3d2/index.html
Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/beUHhu3i (embed)

>[ILLUSION] Sexyビーチ プレミアムリゾート (Sexy Beach Premium Resort) - 2015/09/11
Download: http://sukebei.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=1816809
Character Database: http://no-info.no-ip.info/sbpr/
Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/MPAQPSNy (embed)

>[Black Lilith] 対魔忍紅 (Taimanin Kurenai) - 2015/09/25
Download: http://sukebei.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=1826143
Tall mean busty girls the cutest
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Anora a cute.
Not your ones though
rude tbh
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The breast-weighing seems to be broken for the School Sailor Outfit (all colors) for me. Does anyone else get this?

That's just your typical KISS's quality breast pouch.
Honestly I think it's pretty bad that I couldn't tell which one was broken until you mentioned that it was the sailor one. They both kind of look like dookey.
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Works fine here.
fugg. Do you have any addons installed, Anon?
mother best
Only official addons and uncensored/translation patches.

Also, I'm not install Chu-B disk.
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>Granny tits
what update are you on?

If you are on v1.13, there was a hotfix added to the KISS update page.

I can't read moonstones I only use MT but I think the hotfix solves the sailor uniform bug.
the middle sister looks weird
its like her ribcage is elongated upwards
Also the office lady sister got a weird face, doesn't look like she does in manga
I might be remembering wrong though
Yeah 1.13 - but afaik the hotfix doesn't affect this outfit? Or does it?

Hmm alright, it might maybe be the ChuB disk, I'm gonna check.
Haven't tried uniform on my maid for a while, but did you already tried to "lift" your maid's breast so it doesn't get folded like that?
make sure you install the hotfix before doing anything else
I don't even know how you plan to uninstall the chu-b
Try update to 1.14 first.
I checked the update page. Looks like the hotfix got removed. They changed everything to v1.14... :<
So how is Maro 3 ? Is it still NTR ?
It'll be the last game from Elf since they will be disbanded soon so i hope they put a lot of animated scene. The best i've seen in a eroge.

I will miss them.
Sorry, I'm a thread immigrant. Is this Cusom Maid 3D 2, oooor?
Does that look like 3D to you?
It's not even 3d. It' Rune's Pharmqcy, an atelier clone made in rpgmaker. It comes out next month.
1.13.1 is a fix for school sailor clothes boob problem. So update if you want to fix that bug
>It comes out next month.
But I want to fap now.
The butt does, and the butt is all i looked at.
I've been trying to re-create Hayashimo of Kancolle on CM3D2, is it even possible? The only thing I can't match close enough is the outfit.

I think I saw a kancolle model many previous threads before...
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Thanks Anons! It works again!

Now if only KISS released some more personalities.
"Proud and unyielding" doesn't do her justice. We need some "goddamn I hate this job, please stop violating me" and "haha weak manager, I'm going to rape your brains out" type personalities.
Some JP create KanColle mod for CM3D2 yes, but in order to actually get it you must send him a message or something like that.
Aw, guess you really have to model the clothes yourself or message this person huh. Where do I contact him though?
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You don't want to let it cool anon, do you?
I think he's using twitter, don't know his name though.
Time to bring up my shitty japanese writing skill then. I'll try to find his twitter handle on hgg archive I guess

Oh god

This will never happen and he'll keep teasing until he dies, right?
the kancolle guy should be @18043n777
Oh hey, thank you very much anon.

He said he wanted to 'quickly complete'

I don't really know exactly what quickly means for him though
At this point, I'm not even looking forward to this animation anymore.
>Be 3d model designer
>Make Liru mod for cm3d2

Everyone's happy
>die the day before the release
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Missing Cards.png
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hopefully soon

Clown porn is out, I know some of you like that shit
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I hope someone will make a mod for her.
ganbatte anon, we're counting on you.
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I'm gonna have to wait for him to follow me back before I can ask him password via direct message, I guess.

Anyway, since I can't do modding, this is close enough to what I'm aiming for. I'm just gonna pretend she is her with slightly more maid-ish outfit.

I didn't know that trying to match a model in 3D SLG can be quite fun and annoying at same time.
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Just tweet at him baka.
Why is she wearing socks on her hair?
Think he's asleep now? I did that and no reply yet. It's 2AM over in Japan right now after all
It looks quite good considering what can you do ingame, there's a Naganami/Yuugumo/others presets in the nip database too, check them out.
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Because she's not as good as her sister.
They're there? Better check that site again then.
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>want boat mod but didn't have twitter account and can't speak japanese
>shigure hair lost on the vote
just kill me already
Just make your own.
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Hang on there teitoku, just fucking learn japanese already
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Just because Hayashimo is love http://cm3d2pre.ry-all.net/?tagged=%E8%89%A6%E3%81%93%E3%82%8C
Drown yourself in boats.
Most of pic related are mine tough, but I think everyone is on the nip db, I made them when the dbs didnt even exist
make twitter account, follow the guy and tweet in simple english or google japanese about the DL pass, ???, boats
Yeah I tried putting kankore on the tag search and got it. Problem is, all of those models need custom clothing, which is not mentioned on that site. Thanks for the link by the way.

I admit, of all DLC and patch mentioned in the CM3D2 pastebin, the only one I haven't installed yet is the "[Chu-B Lip Bonus] [Skill Disc]" I doubt that would have the custom clothing needed though.
Why is Goshujinsama such a manlet? One of my maids is as small as they get and he is still only slighty taller than her.
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Can you put diapers in your maids?
So, checking the HF patch. How much is actually translated?
Is there also a scat mod?
If so I might play it.
Haven't seen that yet
I don't remember seeing this on the pastebin (maybe wasn't paying attention), but thanks. And godspeed to whoever is on that task.
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hadn't checked cm3d2 twitter in a while

(source: @sdkfz_251)

Every single day this maid comes spouting some shit about rats with a stupid look on her face
I can't stand it anymore
Just check dongfire. All of that guy's mods are in that one huge clothes collection.
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>All of that guy's mods are in that one huge clothes collection.
damn, i'll go check it out.
you better not lying about this, anon.
This one?

Ah hongfire. I guess eventually I have to go there for 3D anime stuff huh.

Thanks anon, hopefully I can find it and not bother people again with stuff like this in this thread.
Why are guys so terrible at GOTWs
This fucking clown gave me PTSD. Goddamn she's insanely hard to beat in that game.

Thanks for the trigger, anon.
Ah-ha, I just check Maggotbaits site and found something interesting, this CG of the futa brown witch fuck a female pig while got her pussy licked by another pig.

Holy shit, whose idea is that Shigeo herself? that's pure gold ,lol.
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Maid Rat.jpg
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just give it up already.png
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Well, in bestiality titles you often see girls getting fucked by pigs
And futa girls sometimes fuck things instead of getting fucked
So in bestiality titles with futa girls it only makes sense they'd fuck a pig.

But I'll admit, while its a pretty obvious idea, I haven't seen it done before, neither have I thought of it myself
They did it in a Delta game once. One of the Monster Parks, I think.
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forced hate.png
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Yeah, just like you, I haven't seen it before so this one really got me, haha.

I'll check it.
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Don't tell me that's your fetish guys.
What, are you the fetish police or something?
Who are you to call out on another man's fetish?
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Why so much hate? She's cute as fuck, just give up on your restrains and embrace the love for ratmaido.
Trust me, life's easier that way.
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Well... Because it's fucking disgusting.
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I've seen far worse shit on /d/. And I don't mean disgusting, I mean genuinely nonsensical. Like with a disgusting fetish you can understand that the people who like it are just into it because it's disgusting, but I'm talking about the kind of stuff that just makes you go "Wait, what? Is.. Is that even a real thing? You're making this up."
It's a clown and NTR
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He's talking about the new elf nukige. As you can see he looks kinda like a clown.
More like Kabuki make-up to me.
tell this is JAV please
Last elf nukige. Better than the other two (though that's not really an accomplishment since the former weren't good at all).
No idea of the source though
Nah, it certainly not my fetish, I just find it funny because never imagine someone really put stuff like that into the game before.

Now, get chill, buddy.
pig sex is hot, futa is hot
both? Nah
But still, makes me wonder what kind of things we'll be seeing in nukiges by 2020
Or will humanity(japan) run out of ideas?

>pig sex is hot
>futa is hot
>both together is not hot

Pig sex is hot because it degrades the woman getting fucked by it. A futa fucking a pig doesn'tt have that.
Peanut butter on bread taste good.
Melted cheese on bread taste good.
Both together taste like shit.

what if the pig is fucking the futa
I-I gotta ask on /r/?
then it works
I don't know man, fucking a pig is pretty low. Just because she's in the dominant position doesn't mean its less degrading, she's having sex with a pig of all things
But for some reason it just doesn't work for me
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That's actually pretty cool.
What if it's a futa pig?
Good one m8
what if its a futa pig fucking a pig?
How does XX na kanojo no tsukurikata 2 play like?
Sound like a derp, but what's this game caqlled again?
Buttslut route. That's all that's important.
There's two different parts. In the morning of the day you choose a bunch of h positions till you run out of points which give points to love, pervert, anal and sm and as such level them up.In the evening you visit the town where you can bult and visit two locations which either increases your points or play an event.

So, Custom Maid mixed with Love Plus, kinda?
Well, not as deep as love plus really but yeah.
More or less.
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Wasn't even page 10 faggot
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Can someone list an essential list of h vns which both have an interesting story and nice h scenes? Preferably with futas or insects impregnating girls.
There's a recoommended vn list in the op. If you want insects though play https://vndb.org/v10294 and its sequels and such.
I don't suppose anyone has played Park Toucher MAKO? I'm stuck on the second star on the sandbox and swings, as well as the seesaw star.
Forgot to mention that it must be translated to eng, I'm a shitter who hasn't learned jp yet. Thanks anyway fam-o.
Pretty much nothing then.
Archive has a pastebin for it from what I heard.
Thanks much.
Are there more voice option for CM3D2? Having two maids with the same voice kind of throws me off.
Too bad. Is that machine translator I've read about in the pastebin actually good?
yeah it's JAV
pretty sure it's EKDV-367
MTs are good if the user knows a bit of jap, otherwise you wont make sense out of some sentences.
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Do aliens count?
I guess they do, but it's probably jp only right?
If you don't know basics then you're going to have a rough time, if you don't understand simple spoken Jap you might as well not bother.
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Are there really any that aren't JP? Anyway, not sure if 漂流艦獄クロノス is that great or not, but it definitely focuses on raping and impregnating human girls so they can squeal in pleasure and pain as they birth more evolved aliens to rape and impregnate the rest of the crew.
It's Butcha-U, of course it's good.
Nope, there isn't. For futa though you can try space pirate sara
Shame about all the guys on the crew. The aliens had no use for them and slaughtered them all. Not Samus was a questionable commander.
>I don't suppose anyone has played Park Toucher MAKO?
What? That thing was pretty big here.
any codec pack that works with this? I have CCCP but the video gets all garbled
Quite the opposite. You shouldn't need a codec pack for it to begin with. It can actually be that a codec pack of yours like cccp is conflicting with it.
I'm not an EOP, I know russian too.

What if I just want to fap but also trying to get a bit of context? I don't know why Otomaid@Cafe is translated but https://vndb.org/v8494 isn't. ;_;
>I don't know why Otomaid@Cafe is translated but https://vndb.org/v8494 isn't. ;_;
Because lvl1translation is pretty much dead right now.
If the screenshots are anything to go by, the dialog is baby-level JP.
why is shit like that even translated in the first place?
Someone wanted to translate it and did so. If people had your rhetoric nothing would be translated.
Otomaid cafe is awesome faggot
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Me again.

I cant find a pastebin in the archive, but I managed to get the three parts I'm stuck on in a picture.

It took me 20 minutes to figure out the first part of one said "The clitorus"

Can someone who can read give me a brief summary?
Sorry, I dont go to /vg/ too often.
I guess the person who was fluent in japanese enough to translate it was >meme insult.
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Fam you need to stop. They look like girls, they voiced by literal girls and they have dicks, there's nothing wrong with that. The fact that they're boys only makes it hotter on a psychological level. Also I'd never fuck a trap irl and have never fapped to them.
Pretty much, what get translated and what doesn't mostly always because of what the translator likes in the first place.

Unless it's a group aiming for e-peen.
Here's the one I've been using. It cuts off at the end. How do I get the final 2 stars?
Thanks much. Ill repost if I find out. Someone on /jp/ told me something about a slide trigger scene. Maybe thats it?
Or commissions.
I thought only Dark Translations/Sanity Ends did that.
I keep telling the story of how I translated stuff because I wanted to share the enjoyment, yet there wasn't much interest from anyone. orz
Commission work for translating VNs isn't worth the money or the effort to make such money. Especially since you'll probably need to split that money between an team since doing any sort of translation job for a visual novel that isn't a really short one will be a huge work load of translation, editing, and coding to some extent.
I'm pretty sure that the game that got us into this topic in the first place, Otomaid@Cafe, was actually a commissions.
It's a thankless job I guess. I plan to translate shit to see how far I progressed.
>It's a thankless job I guess.

It's not so much about being physically thanks but knowing that someone out there is atleast satisfied and that's good enough for me.
I really want a dedicated poser for CM3D2 to snap some pics of my meidos.
So, uh, long hair goes through the models in CM3D2.
Typical KISS. Nothing out of the ordinary.
KISS prefers tomboys
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Don't you just love how over half of those links are dead.
I have a question about the learning rate in CM3D2. Since it keeps dropping, does that mean I have to be careful in distributing skill points on my maids? I really don't want to play a min-max RPG.
Thanks for your translations.
What links?
nah, the only things of any real importance to do with it are: 1. at 50% or less she's considered trained and can become a free or personal maid as well as do more daytime tasks
2. at 0% she can no longer be tutored by your head maid
>spank brown maid's butt
>skin so dark it doesn't leave a mark
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I'm no where near done but this this is surprisingly less than I thought I downloaded.
I used to be in a similar position, then I said "NO MORE" and deleted it all. Now I'm slowly increasing at 50gb............ I guess you can't escape the hoarding. I'm even TRYING to be pickier about what gets to stay and what doesn't.
I have over 2 TB of JAV and im broke ass literally on welfare, h-games only at 150GB though

it's funny because my apartment is completely fucking empty. I don't have a couch, table, or desk. I don't even own a fucking chair
That just means you have to punish them harder.
What country?
I only did it because she got drunk and started masturbating out on in the open. I totally didn't derive any pleasure from it.
I know what your doing wrong, the way to punish brown girls is to forcibly creampie them.
>creampieing a brown girl

More like fufilling her life's purpose. Next you're going to tell me that delicious brown elves hate being impregnated against their will
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So I was disappointed with how long it was taking to unlock any interesting poses in CM3D2 so I broke down and unlocked everything on a single maid, and I'm still disapointed.

The first CustomMaid had group positions where you could select a second maid to join in, I was looking forward to this in this one, so much that I made a couple maid pairings specifically for it, but I can't seem to find them anywhere. Do they even exist?

"Swapping" positions don't seem to be anything but the normal positions, am I missing a button to "swap" or something? And the only group ones include two men, and there are only like three.

Please tell me I'm missing something here.
Cut the game some slack, the previous Custom Maid had so much content because it was released gradually in addon packs over the period of 5 years. You expect all of that to be included in the vanilla version?
FFM harem/yuri will probably be coming as either DLC or addon someday.
Swapping sorta suck because they use the same model for both goshujinsama and the customer and it's mostly in the maid dialogue.
>Grisaia no Kajitsu
Is it worth reading or only hyped "mainstream"?
Ask /vn/ about it.

And yes, it's an overhyped garbage.
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that's a lot of load.
You'll get more interested in the story than in the grills, and thats fairly bad considering its mostly moege.
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>GPU replaced
It's time to update this game...
you're meidfu a slut
That's fine.
Is this rat maid a meme or something, I keep seeing this posted here every single thread
Shit meme some autist trying to force.
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>Implying it's shit.
anon, all the meidos are sluts. Except secretary maid.
Not just a slut, she is my slut.
>secretary maid
Because that isn't even your maid. She is there because your old man said so. You can even see how regretful she is every morning.
CM3D2 it runs at solid 60 fps at 1920 + antialiased and shit.

gawd damn you AA2, looks like forced to run at 25 on my toaster
>all the meidos are sluts
if you give all your meidos to your customers, then yeah.
Hmm what are you trying too say? That the game runs better than aa2 on your rig?
CM3D2 doesn't really have AA. It uses deferred rendering. It's post process AA.

I don't care. it runs a lot better.
anyway I'm sure force real AA in Nvidia control panel is possible
Not possible.
What are the shit ton of Chu-B skills? They seem identical to the regular ones.
>anyway I'm sure force real AA in Nvidia control panel is possible
Don't. It looks like shit. Set in-game resolution to x4 your monitor resolution instead (eg 1920x1080 to 3840x2160) if you want something looks like SSAA.
sure thats a good idea? when i do that with AA2 my fps drops to 25 fps in everything besides the map an lowpoly char mode, doesn't it like make it even worse than that in CM3D2
Check the last two threads for your answer.
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please, do not bully the jane doe.
there's no configuration in my rig that makes AA2
to run at more than 30 fps in sex mode.

I'm already used to it.

I can't set more than 1980
My GPU isn't 4k compatible by the way
What graphics card and CPU you have?
>she just signed up the contract
>she's willing to get dicked by you or your customers
>this somehow is not a slut

phenom X4 955 BE 3.2GHZ
Nvidia Geforce GTX560 non TI 1gb
8GB ram

AA2 uses like 40% of GPU/CPU, no idea why
Your CPU is bottlenecking. You also get well under 60 FPS in the 3 girl dance scene in CM3D2, that also bottlenecks CPU.
She's got a cute figure.
lel i have an:
I5-3350P 3.10GHz Intel proccessor
Nvidia Geforce GTX550Ti
16GB ram
thats pretty shitty for todays standard but hell CM3D2 should run fine shouldn't it?
How exactly do you increase Stamina / Mind in CM3D2?

It doesn't seem to increase after every H session, as I have one maid with something like 40 H sessions / 180 stamina and another with 20 H sessions / 200 stamina
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I can make her happy.
Crossing Knightmare Deeps, when? 2 months left until 2015 ends. Can someone with good moonrune knowledge get some hints on the release date?
CM3D2 runs very well.
AA2 is another thing.

3 girl dancing on CM3D2 with no slowdown here.

also, I can set my CPU @ 3.66 GHZ and no difference.
995BE is a beast, is just like a 4core FX8350 a shit like 4 years newer

Fuck you AMD practically no improvement at processing power per core.

well if I can say bottlenecking, Metal gear V says "100% GPU"
if I set all options at very high at 1920. anyway I play that thing at 1360x720 and it runs
like a charm so I dont care.

but, AA2 didn't use more than 40% on anything. I blame it's game engine
Do you actually measure frame times? They might have patched it, but 3 girl dancing scene bottlenecks a much better processor than 955 BE.
>contract obliged that meidos are now "sluts"
>gokushinsama still call the shots if the meidos should be fed to customers/VIP.
>or gokushinsama should keep them all for himself. this somehow is a slut.
Took quite a while to understand how to use reipatcher and ModManager for this game.

Man, if this is what I have to go through to patch C3MD2, I don't even wanna imagine what I have to do to patch older 3D SLGs
>Fuck you AMD practically no improvement at processing power per core.
They don't have enough money and manpower for meaningful R&D and they barely survive nowadays. You can thank past higher-ups for running this company to the ground.
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She doesnt know you and you can give her the D on the day 1. How this isnt a slut? Just accept it already.
its goshujin-sama
fraps, MSI afterburner I believe, and another one that I can't remember

whatever I'm not using my Pc right now.

>3 girl dancing scene bottlenecks a much better processor than 955 BE.

what about V-sync. that shit make anything better or worst. random factor to me.
Shit I run an I3-3110 CPU @ 2.40 GHz with a Intel HD 4000 card. It runs well aside from the 3 maid dance.

Since that other anon is having problems with fps on AA2, I assume I have no chance of running it right?
V-Sync lowers performance.
You mean limit performance.
I'm pissed because even my laptop fujitsu T5010 runs AA2 at 20fps at 1280
its not sooo old but still.

Core 2 Duo P8600 2.4 or 2.6 GHz I dont remember
Intel HD 4000

Devil may cry 4 runs at 19 on that shit.
No, I mean lowers. It actually lowers performance. That's beside limiting it.
also , the real problem.

intel integrated video cards = Shit

vsync tries to set your framerate near to screen refresh. 60 in most cases. to avoid tearing
if you can reach 60, some time it acts like frameskip.
2015 冬 発売
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I'll stop. I can't deal calling my meido sluts.
no, they are innocents. they think the D is the vitamin D.

> namekuseijin-sama
why can't I talk to my meido anymore in the evening? I haven't made her a love slave or anything but she's pissed
That's not how vsync works. I don't have time to explain since I have to go, but it's way more complicated than that. It does lower perf.
>everyone has better stuff than me
Not sure where else to post this, but does anyone here play Newlife?

Does anyone have a MEGA to the Patreon version?
What games can you even play with that?
2D games
RPGMaker stuff

I can't play any 3D stuff or 'heavy' games like Dwarf Fortress.
Check the archive /hgg/ thread at Oct 7. It should be there. Making a MEGA account is too much of a hassle for me.
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This third game is pretty good. And Sakimi is absolutely delicious, both her everything and her personality. Unlike the first two games, she's finally craving the D, too.


God bless the artist.
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I know that feel, dude.

last year I had lo live in another city for a while, my only friend was my fucking
old toshiba Portege m200.

reviews says it can run Counter strike and quake 3 very well.

I finished katawa shoujo and vitamin quest on it.
Ah, thanks bb. I found it, but it was taken down.


If it's not too much of a pain, could you upload it?
Damn that sucks. I mean, having an intel hd 4000 card isn't that great either but I can't imagine not being able to play CM3D2.

Just give it a try, I suppose is going to work at 30fps
Oh yeah I've been playing it recently. It runs at 30-40 during sex and below 30 during the 3 maid dance scene. Now I'm going to see if aa2 runs at around the same fps.
>Now I'm going to see if aa2 runs at around the same fps.

It won't.
Well shit. I guess I'll wait until I can afford a better computer.
What's the sequel about now?
Sakimi trying to get her husband to stop being a limpdick, getting advice from the doctor in the meantime. I'm expecting the ending to be her working things out with her husband, but she's honestly better off with the doctor (of course).

Haven't gotten too far yet, saving it for the weekend. Sakimi along with her voice actor are miracles of the universe.
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phenom x4 955 BE @ 3.6ghz
nvidia GTX 650 non-TI @ default
8GB ram

game settinngs

AA: 4x
textures&shadows: high
bloom: max

well it not perfectly 60 most time 57, never below 53.
not even a CPU bottleneck. its GPU, maybe related to texture procesing.

>go to doctor in order to help husband's ED
>fuck the doctor

Japanese medical science.
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Well, if you played the second game, she's kind of all over the doctor's dick underneath after he saved her from two old men rapists, I guess.

At least, that's my assumption when you decide to rape her on the spot when she casually lets the doctor examine her body or when the doctor rapes her at the pool after she gets surrounded by dozens of dudes after losing her top.

Truly the apex of medical strides, Japan.
Sakimi's CV is one of my favourite CVs. She's been doing the voice of Sakura for awhile now. Shame she jumps aliases all the time. Makes it difficult to find out when she's doing a new role.
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