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Was pic related an underrated game?
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File: The_World_is_Yours.jpg (22 KB, 256x365) Image search: [Google]
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Was pic related an underrated game?
Hell yeah
Yeah. I love the crime management aspects of the game, and the feeling of owning and building an empire.
Anyone want to donate some sperm?

I totally forgot that was a feature in the game, that got me just enough money to buy stuff sometimes.
No, I think it was received fairly. It was a decent game, just a bit shallow and repetitive.
Every game that isn't AAA and is somewhat good is "underrated"
I remember the game gets harder the more coke you transport to Miami, I haven't beaten it b/c I had to return it to blockbuster

I'm a sucker for games that let you buy properties which generate income
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its a pain in the ass to play on pc thats why
these games were MADE for ps2 man

Also games that pick up from bad ends and you turn things completely around.
File: addioSI.jpg (40 KB, 180x300) Image search: [Google]
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In 2016, in Windows 7/8.1/10 you CAN'T play the PC version of this game.


Someone found a turn around on Windows 10, so you can torrent the game and play it, it's a very good game.

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