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Why does she only wear one stocking?
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Why does she only wear one stocking?
She knows how to sell herself to the right crowd
Because Nintendo is ahead of the curve with fetishes.

Asymmetry is awesome.
Because she doesn't need a second stocking, as one of her legs is only visible with her dress
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Because she's a goddess and does whatever she wants.
Because she's so fucking stupid she can't even dress herself, I mean she's wearing bedsheets
you mean the left crowd
I still can't believe the huge number of obscure-ish fetishes they mushed into a single package in Splatoon and made it work perfectly. Don't get me started on the number of attractive Nintendo chicks around either. How the hell do they do it?
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That is seriously some bad anatomy especially her lower half.
Our right, her left
Unless you have shit taste
The left (right) arm is easily the worst.
Because Pit stole the other one and jacks off in it every night.
it's stylistically designed to be that way and you can't undo that
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