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What gender is Sheik?
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What gender is Sheik?
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The one portraying Sheik is female, but the actual character, as in the persona Sheik is male.
Why hasn't Zelda showed any feats similar to Sheik?
Hm? You mean the stealth stuff? Well, you could say it was magic. Who knows.
In the game TLOZ:OOT, Sheik is Zelda, so female, but magically transformed into a 100% male body. Sheik is not just clothes.
Did you see Ganondorf caught her the moment she changed back? That must be some kind of magical detection, and there's no way a normal disguise could fool it.
The SSB versions of Sheik are different and probably do not change Zelda's body as much.
Now ponder the psychological torment of Zelda being fully female but forced to live through puberty as a boy with boy parts.
>but magically transformed into a 100% male body. Sheik is not just clothes
>People are still desperately trying to believe this despite it being debunked ages ago.
which gender takes dick like a champ?
that one.
why does it matter? rule 34 and rule 63 exists
so who would win a fight Sheik or Link?
Bill Trinen says female.
>why does it matter? rule 34 and rule 63 exists
Let the yaoifags have fun. Nothing wrong with Sheik having a dick and plowing Link in Death Mountain Crater.

But he is from the Manager of Nintendo of America
Sheik was always a girl.

Personally I always thought that if zelda was able to change so much about herself then she could also change her gender. But word of god has says that she was always a woman so she was always a woman.
Transdemigendered Autofauxsexual
that is definitely not a female's chest, and certainly not zelda's
but you gotta go with word of god here i guess
>but you gotta go with word of god here i guess
You don't have to. If you want, that's fine. But there's nothing saying you HAVE to follow what they said. Let the artists and smut doodlers have their fun.
male the game theoryis told me haha
Girl (Male)
Go away evil dogger.
Female, you spergs. I bet you more than anything that if you ripped or burned off her clothes you'd see a vagina. Zelda is a one hell of a good actor.
Male. Zelda literally uses magic to become a man, not like how modern medicine allows men to become "girls".

OoT manga is canon. Also Ruto is also canon so there you go.
Since it is Zelda and it is just Zelda with ninja clothes, female.
Unless Zelda is a tranny
no manga is canon you dumbass
Sheik is Zelda in disguise and Zelda is a girl
what's hard to understand about this
Sheik's gender in Ocarina of Time is never specified by Sheikself or by anyone else.
Sheik is literally designed so you can just come to your own conlusions.
depends on whether or not sheik should be a strong female character or a twink male for HOT YAOIZZ with link
fuck no. We all know it, were not gonna argue about it.
Yes. It's a disguise. A disguise so good she literally went from XX to XY
Guys let's see how long we can make this thread go before someone posts an image reply.
>100% male body.
Yet has Zelda's voice? Its zelda in drag, nothing more
i love you
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so when Zelda tranforms she gets a penis aswell
Neither. None. I don't remember anyone ever referring to "Sheik" in third person, since only link and navi ever encounter Sheik, so a gender was never specified. It was just assumed that since the model looked male, the player was intended to think it was a male, for plot purposes. But it turns out "Sheik" is actually Zelda in disguise, and Zelda is confirmed to be a female, so by today's standards, the SEX of "sheik," in ocarina of time, is female.
But here's where it gets tricky, but really simple at the same time. "Sheik" isn't a character or being in itself. "Sheik" is the name of the costume/disguise Zelda creates to wear to hide every aspect of her identity, including sex. So since a thing, such as a costume, can not have a "gender" the one known as "Sheik" is intended to be ambitious and gender neutral, in order to throw off Zelda's pursuers.

[TL;DR] "Sheik" is just a fucking costume, not a character, so it doesn't have a god damn gender. Zelda wearing the sheik costume would be a girl. Link wearing the sheik costume would be a boy. It doesn't even matter.
Fucking. Just pretend it's whichever one you are into and fap away.
You know what? I'm going to start pasting this stupid rant any time I see one of these dumb ass fucking bait threads. Shit, everyone should too. Maybe it will derail them and people will start to realize how retarded they are being.
Sheik is Zelda in a reverse trap costume.
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>Just pretend it's whichever one you are into and fap away.
Are you stupid?
Or do you just reply to random posts without reading them.
Just ask Tumblr. They'll give you a 2000 word essay + critical analysis.
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>what if zelda was a boy
>mfw she was all along
Hyrule Warriors oddly enough is the game where Sheik looks like a female (as it should be) OoT Sheik's art shows a completely different build from Zelda's.
Gender isn't a real word and her sex is female
>Hyrule Warriors
is that canon?
It isn't.
king lear gender
because they're simply two seperate characters nintendo decided to both call zelda. shieks face model, body model, and personality are different.
noun gen·der \ˈjen-dər\
Popularity: Top 1% of lookups
Definition of gender
a : a subclass within a grammatical class (as noun, pronoun, adjective, or verb) of a language that is partly arbitrary but also partly based on distinguishable characteristics (as shape, social rank, manner of existence, or sex) and that determines agreement with and selection of other words or grammatical forms
b : membership of a word or a grammatical form in such a subclass
c : an inflectional form showing membership in such a subclass

>This word doesn't exist because I said so
fuck off
Hi tumblr you seem to be on the wrong website. Please take your special snowflake made up words elsewhere. Sex is the correct term
I always assumed that Sheik was an entirely separate person/body that contained Zelda's spirit which swapped out for her when the Triforce was used.
ironic image
What do you mean "and?"
You point out that Bill said Sheik was female, but what do YOU think Sheik's gender is? Surely you have your own opinion?
A woman.
I think it's like Cranky Kong and the confusion on whether he's the father or grandfather of Donkey Kong. Sheik is a male or female depending on what we're talking about, Sheik seems to be designed as a male in OoT's artwork, Zelda couldn't have that muscle tone. The manga also seems to support it, but Hyrule Warriors and Brawl seem to portray Sheik as female. I think the original intention was to have Sheik male, but it was changed to female to avoid controversy.
What was Shiek born as? A girl. Even if there is a dick because magic, same chromosomes. Same gender.
That's a very reasonable statement. I don't really care what Sheik is, and I have more problems with the people who attack others for not accepting only one side of the coin.
Are you an expert on magic?
inb4 Wizard
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Literally Zelda in a costume. What's wrong with you autists? You've been pretending for years that this is some big mystery or that Zelda is magically changing sex or something. You all fucking know that she's just dressed up as a ninja. OOT was released in fucking 1998, move on
Zelda is female, but the undercover persona is male.
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Sheik's Melee model makes my penis confused.
Zelda magically altered her sex by transforming into Sheik but this was changed later on due to it being controversial.
If she did change her gender with magic, it does beg the question why she had to cover up her face though. Artists who imagine Sheik maskless and as a dude looks a lot different than Zelda.
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I will never understand the reason why they had to make this character literally Zelda in disguise. Why couldn't they be another lackey like Impa? It's not like the games are ever going to pull some multiple personality and incarnation bullshit. It's pointless.
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Girl with penis
official sources say it's just Zelda in a costume. fetishfags and tumblrites get out.
When one says an official source says something they must provide one of them to back up their statement. Not saying you're wrong but your statement isn't exactly credible on its own.
>"The definitive answer is that Sheik is a woman — simply Zelda in a different outfit." — Bill Trinen

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