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>yfw they sent in the Supers
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>yfw they sent in the Supers
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>It's a "Custom Server that allowed tons of Droidekas" episode
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>you will never be young and be having fun playing galactic conquest for the 1000th time again
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>mfw he didn't watch those wrist rockets
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>You'll never experience a fun battlefront game agan in yoir life
Oh wait...
If Disney tries to CaD this I'm fucking torching their nearest office building for making us live on a world where only EA can only make Star Wars games.
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why are they so badass
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They have wrist meme rockets? how will we ever beat them now?
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how fucking DARE you
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you piece of shit
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>tfw droids always get the short end of the stick
well they are the most cannon fodder of the star wars

this is literally the worst thing to happen all week
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how could you do this
put me in the screencap
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Who else played this shit out of the single player to unlock all the best gun versions?
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Line em up and knock em down
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But they don't have to be
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but they are, they have the weakest robot body to ever exist and they are supposed to be soldiers, they have retarded ai that you don't even need jedi mind powers on them, they have shit aim and shit.
Is that robot in the new shitty Rouge One a B2? It looks like it but with Disneys shitty anti prequel revisionism I doubt it.
First Paris, then the military coup, now this.
These were so good. Grievous being an actual villain was great
He's not a B2, but he is a CIS clone wars veteran. I think he's some sort of special commando model.
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>The Legendary Delta Squad will never destroy Super Battle Droids this efficiently
They may be shit, but ten million shit robots with lasers is still a threat
>tell some guys to come with me to flank the fucking rebels cum
>they agree
>leave me in 5 steps

that's because republic commando supers had like 999999999 HP
What a let down
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>flank the fucking rebels cum
>rebels cum

o-oh my anon
>play soldier so much Elite Rifle is unlocked permanently
>game is too easy
>make new save file

I have about 5 different saves on my PS2 because of this.
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You fucking cunt.

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>flanking rebel cum
W-what are the rebels doing, anon?
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HAHA! Take a look at this jokester.
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>have fun with battlefront 2
>try the online
>its literally veterans playing the rocket launcher class one-shotting everyone with missiles and mines

is Battlefront the best online FPS of it's era?

is Republic Commando the best squad FPS of it's era?

I wish I was devoted enough to make a game. I would make a 2D top down squad game (like Republic Commando) where you lose bros one by one and the new guys just can't fill their shoes.
In the end you are a depressed veteran with more sadness than reasons to live.
Am I the only one that preferred the phase 1 clone armor to phase 2? Phase 2's helmets just looked weird to me, though I realize that they were trying to have them look more like storm troopers.
>Republic Commando the best squad FPS of it's era?
It's the best ever. Literally no other game has as good sqaud AI while still presenting a credible threat. I'm going through mass effect 1 right now and dear god on Veteran my squad dies before I can even give them orders and I'm left doing everything myself.
No you're not. There are lots of BF2 mods that re-add them.
Phase 1 grew on me from TCW but Phase 2 is still my favorite. Airborn troops are godly
I wouldn't know since I only ever played Battlefront 1 and 2 on playstation 2
Remember when Battlwfront 1 and 2 did them justice by making them intimidating? No stupid fucking helium voice or cowardly, moronic behavior. Just killing machines that slowly shamble towards the target with that badass proccessed voice
>"All units report to the command post, intruders are attacking the command post"
Blared across the ship.
I dislike a lot of the designs for droids and aliens Disney has come up with.

The Shore Troopers look like a nice homage to Clone Troopers though.
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>you can't get down because they removed the prone feature in battlefront 2
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>retarded ai
That was the fucking jew Trade Federation's fault. they decided to give them full, but cheap, A.I. that had fucking useless and hindering emotions such as fucking fear...in fucking battle droids.

The point of battle droids was that they didn't give a shit about what was happening around them. They only have one simple job, and that is to eradicate the enemy, not to worry about dying or crack jokes in the middle of a battle.
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I honestly still think that the phase 2/imperial scout armor is the best. It looks sleek and not clunky while still appearing badass
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Literally go fuck yourself.
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>they agree
>they realize you said rebel cum
>they leave you
>No stupid fucking helium voice or cowardly, moronic behavior. Just killing machines that slowly shamble towards the target with that badass proccessed voice
That was how they behaved in Episode 1 in Naboo.
Then Lucas just HAD to fuck it up in Episode 3/Clone Wars by having them be the comic relief.
>you will never play a game where you play as a scout in a squadron hunting the savage wookies throughout Kashyyk engaging in guerrilla warfare and hunting tactics
>you will never play a imperial commando game where your squad wrecks the jedi temple and avenges Sev's death
Why live?
also the imperial scout troopers had the most lines if I remember correctly. Episode 6 on Endor.
That Coruscant Temple level in Battlefront 2 though was pretty good. Wrecking Jedi scum with the imperial commando felt great, and then came Anakin to rape and pillage younglings
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>trying to protect those library bookcases
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What I remember about the rise of the Empire is... is how quiet it was.
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>This faggot not useing your legendary meme rifle award to one shot the jedi.
Git gud
>hearing nothing but New order faggots instead of the 501st brother clones during combat
I liked the silence.
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Forgot the fucking image.
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>Fives trying to figure why his bud went bonkers
>Ends up deep in some conspiracy theory
>Gets shot

He didn't do anything wrong. Popo need to be eradicated
thank you janny
>go to key code site
>new battlefront is only €17
Someone stop me
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It's too late, the damage is done
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God you remind me that the Clone War's cartoon show was GOAT but got axed by Disney to make room for the fucking blue haired spic and misfits in Rebels. And just when the show was going into episode 3!
It bothers me how little BB8 makes sense, hows it supposed to get up stairs? R2 has rocket boosters, what is BB supposed to do, use those wires to grapple? It literally makes no sense and they make BB8 a huge thing.
what was it?

A guy interrupted the WATCH THOSE WRIST ROCKETS by saying "meme"
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in between the last and second to last post someone posted the word memes
What's >>345171420?

Very nice.
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"By the time we'd landed on Yavin, whatever shock wed felt at the destruction of the Death Star had been replaced by anger. For months we'd treated the Rebellion like a disobedient child, only to be repaid for out tolerance with treachery on an unimaginable scale."

"Frankly I don't remember much of the fighting, I guess we won."
lol based mods
Saw it in the archive. Mods = Gods.
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Thanks holmes.jpg
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Actually, Rebels is actually doing good. I'd give it a watch if I were you. Clone Wars is still super dope.
I consider BFII the best of all time. I still play it regularly to this day with loads of mods. Never gets stale for me.
>that mission where some guy reactivates a droid factory to make a new army

I would love to see that in the movies,where the First Order has to fight droids used by the republic
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I like them both equally, but I still hate what TCW did to phase one armor and the CIS.
>Rebels is actually doing good
No. Even if I didn't compare it to the masterpiece that is The Clone Wars series, it would still just be "alright" at best.
rebels has too much filler. And not like slow episodes that build character filler, actual "let's pause the plot and have an episode about monsters dwelling in caves" shit.

It's like they looked up every bad cliche cartoon episode and decided to put in the in show.

That being said when they get away from those dumb one off filler and special guest appearance episodes it's pretty good.
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wrong picture, fuck. Have some autism.
Because Lucas knows how to make and develop a soldier and his army, unlike Disney and their iTroopers.


The new show doesn't have George Lucas personally jerking off and spending millions of dollars on each season and episode.

What's funny is I remember plenty of people fucking hating The Clone Wars when it started, especially its introduction with the movie. But now here you are calling it a masterpiece, I wonder why?

You haven't given it the time, you austist.

thanks janitor
>the closest we got to Delta Squad being canon was a 5 minute cameo in TCW cartoon
>even then their canonical status is in limbo
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CIS are and always will be my favorite faction in SW. Really a shame that they get used so little, and when they do it's comic relief. Just look at that new Lego SW show. One of the main cast is a B1 named Roger that acts like your generic B1 from TCW. Pisses me the hell off.
Nah, so long as they appeared in TCW they're canon.

And canonically, Sev didn't die. Let that sink in for a moment.
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Agreed. Though I think I just liked them because it gave the clones a unified look.
can someone please explain why the the the clone wars had a fucking space vietnam arc
>You haven't given it the time, you austist.
Is waiting somehow going to magically turn these 2 seasons worth of episodes into something good? Because I've seen it and it's crap, with awful characters, awful villains and awful plots.

>What's funny is I remember plenty of people fucking hating The Clone Wars when it started, especially its introduction with the movie. But now here you are calling it a masterpiece, I wonder why?
The movie was legit garbage and I'm not defending that but I liked TCW even in season 1, it still had some great episodes then and it just got better as it went on. Rebels is just crap throughout.
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Speaking of battle droids, I remember how I made a mod for Battlefront to replace the Super battle droids with the normal ones in every planet minus Geonosis. I just like the look of the normal ones better than the bulky look of the supers.
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Because why the fuck not?
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That was such a good mission. Those rebels were animals.

And I slaughtered them like animals.
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Why are /v/ Star Wars threads so comfy?
Anyway, who wants to see an older build of that new Battlefront III remake? I found it from some now dead youtube video.
Republic Commando did supers right, by making them more than simple infantry. They're SUPER battle droids, they should be more menacing.
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Because the arcs focusing on the clones were GOAT, and space nam was rad.

Also it was just extra foreshadowing for the events of EP3, and ethics with clones.
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Not ruled by fear.gif
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Huh... Turkey today looked much worse than this webm. Makes me think..
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phantom menace.jpg
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>Tfw everyone hates TPM but you think it's a masterpiece
>Tfw people automatically throw away your opinion because of the notoriety this film has
>Tfw even most prequel fans say TPM was terrible

Am I alone in this?
it was great but holy fuck was it out of nowhere
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>tfw you will NEVER watch those wrist rockets
>tfw you will NEVER save some for the enemy
>tfw you will NEVER squash the scum
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>Always play CIS
>Brother always plays Republic
>mfw using the vacuum of space to flank the everloving piss out of him every time this came up in rotation
TPM did some things right. Jedi, Battle Droids, setup and decent execution for a large-scale battle. There are some things it could have done better, but I like what I saw. Maul was GOAT, even if he had so little screen time.
Dat podracing tho.
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Absolutely yes, and hopefully it will stay that way.
I rewatched the prequel trilogy a few years ago and found Jar-Jar was nowhere as annoying as I remembered/people made him out to be.
>Tfw even most prequel fans say TPM was terrible

I thought the second one was terrible (except the final battle with the clones appearing)

Feel sorry for the actor for Anakin though. He really fell to the dark side in real life.
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>Droids just fucking walk to the opposite end through space
Do you guys even play SWBF2 online anymore?

I host a server on GameRanger for it.
Was it a bug or were you meant to permanently get it when you maxed out the rank
Yeah, I feel the Supers should have been in the "Jedi Hero" category in the Battlefront games.

Like you said, seeing them as normal infantry just makes them lose their appeal and makes them boring as fuck.
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Would you like to see ground to space?
post mega link faggot
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>start new Star Wars movie
>"oh boy, I can't wait to see how this one-ups the OT!"
>first 30 minutes are trade negotiations
>immediately followed by the introduction of a comic relief character
>some bullshit happens
>45 minutes of helping a shithead kid win a race that had a mean camel in it
>some more bullshit happens
>marginally redeeming final boss

I'd rather watch a 2 hour reel of Episode 2 Anakin than watch Episode 1 again
>Battle Droids were sort of creepy in I but with bits of comic relief
>B1 were full comic relief in II and Super Battle Droids replaced them as the creepy ones
>B2 are also comic relief in III
>TCW had to make up the Commando Droids as the serious droids
Republic Commando also made them spoopy with that metallic thing in contrast with you shooting simple blasters at them. compared to movie droids looking like they're made of wood and constantly getting chopped by Jedi
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I've used up my monthly high speed like a pleb, fell into the scam that is ISP's. I'll try, considering it's not that big of a file, but it might take a couple hours with the shit I've got to put up with.
Sure, watching it recently it does seem like a huge mess, but back then watching it in theaters was pretty fun and entertaining.
>monthly high speed

jesus christ where the fuck do you live that this is a thing? This should be illegal.
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It should be, I live in a rural area, and the only people that I can get service from scam the living shit out of people. They don't even give you what they promise.
>constantly getting chopped by Jedi
Jedi chop up everything that isn't another jedi, that's part of why the droids appeared to be weak as fuck. If jedi didn't have the lightsabers or force powers (basically be clone soldiers), the droids wouldn't look so damned fragile. The Republic needed all those clones for a reason.
I would like it if they didnt move their heads so fucking much
>jedi clones
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I know EP1 was shit but I honestly think it was a really good representation of battle droids

They were kind of dumb, pretty shitty, and had some comedic moments, but there were still a shit-ton of them and they were a threat
RIP Star Wars
Disney was a mistake
Being coded with a self-preservation protocol helps to mitigate losses and keeps them in service longer, reducing resource drain.

It only seems bad because we've only seen them go up against incredibly skilled and competent fighters who know how to exploit this feature. Against those who don't know how to fight them, the guerilla tactics used by battle droids are deadly and terrifying.
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Oh shit
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>That episode where the rookie clones had their remote outpost attacked
>They had distinct personalities and relationships despite identical voices and appearances
>That last stand
>That guy who went back to detonate the explosives
>Getting medals on their chests for valor and markings on their helmets
>One of them became Commander Cody
>Being coded with a self-preservation protocol helps to mitigate losses and keeps them in service longer, reducing resource drain.
Giving them simple commands like "retreat if odds are against you" accomplishes the same thing.
Instead, the made them say shit like "Hey, is that a thermal detonator? Oh shit, RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!" and then run around like morons until they get blown up.
especially considering their fucking loadout just in regular battlefront
>blaster rifle, aimed impact grenades, and an infinite ammo shotgun
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reminder that rebels made B-wings have a death star laser added to them. it wasn't added by any mon calamari who created the thing, but by the special snowflake cast that literally just saw the thing for a few minutes
>Episode 3 or something called Rookies. That was my favorite episode and still is next to the Space Vietnam arc.
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God fucking damn it. Don't tell me they've brought back and kiddified Ventress to.o
One of them was already Commander Cody. He turned up to do an inspection of the place but was met by Assassin Droids who pretended to be Troopers, and then helped out the rookies to take back the base then blow it up, alerting everyone to the fact Kamino was about to be attacked.

Watched the episode like a week ago.
>One of them became Commander Cody
Cody was there during nearly the entire fucking episode. None of the recruits were made into Cody.
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[muffled screaming].gif
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Nope, that's an imperial inquisitor.
Well he was an ARC wasn't he? Those guys don't fuck around
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Well it IS Star Wars. Seeing pure emotionless robots after 30 years of R2 and C3PO wouldn't sit right with me.
Cody was already commander at that point
he and Rex was sent at the base to inspect the squad
though Echo and Fives became ARC troopers
Fives also almost uncovered the truth of order 66
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>tfw you play sniper so much u get award sniper on spawn
>its dogshit
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>mfw you get the elite assault rifle

I am death incarnate
The elite sniper is so criminally bad, it hurts.
I wish the supers were more scary in the other stuff like they were in Republic Commando
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>max out endurance, guardian, and war hero
>be driven mad by the constant noise of the powerups
If you get enough medals it's permanent
>30 years of R2 and C3PO
That's what's supposed to make R2 and Threepio unique though. They're droids with A.I. that comes very close to sentient intelligence, so much so that you forget they're droids.
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just don't zoom in and it's fine you fucking snrubs
barriss a best
Order 66 episodes were super fucking crazy.
>Talking with the Chancellor
>Fives already knows to fucking much
Why is the OT setting so shit, yet it gets shilled by every single person who knows dogshit about Star Wars? Seriously, the prequel era (Note: I said era, not movies.) is much better in terms of development and the events taking place.
>no scoping body-shots
Why did you even pick sniper in the first place?
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that Nera Nera loli twilek in TCW returned as a rebel in Rebels
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>yfw polis massa
>the insanity causes you to become even more of a killing machine
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Have the webm
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IIRC the only way its better is the pierce effect. its shittier than the regular sniper in almost every aspect
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check my FIVE

>implying I'm hitting the body
they became ARC troopers, actually. Cody was already with Obi-Wan, in fact he and Rex went down to the base in that episode.
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>God fucking damn it. Don't tell me they've brought back and kiddified Ventress to.o

She died in a novel after fucking the nigger jedi.
all this hype around the clone wars cartoon is getting me interested
is it worth it?
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Posting phat Clone Trooper A$$

It's just nostalgia, mostly. The prequels, I believe, will come back into vogue within ten years.
>you will never die like this

feels bad man
I wish conquest mode had a bit more depth, it was so fucking fun

No, you won't, because Ventress is dead after shacking up with the nigger jedi.
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>it's a jar jar episode
The good episodes are really quality stuff, everything else ranges from meh to bad.

Good episodes start to outnumber the bad around S3/4
Darth Maul saves the Jedi Order.webm
>battle robots should be goofy like service industry robots

Imagine if they let you customize your flagship or someshit
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>Not just settling down with any random clone while staying safe under the Empire's protection
>mfw she'll live like a rat, kill a bunch of innocent staff at one of our sites, get executed for treason and people will still take her side
I know. It just felt that it was an accident that they just ran with
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>aim for the head
>half the beam's duration misses
Aiming for the body is more reliable for beam weapons.

Didn't the Genndy Clone Wars do a Gungan episode and it was actually fucking amazing?
>Posting a webm that's mostly people talking on a board with no sound
I remember buying a Star Wars bundle a while back on Steam.
How's Republic Commando?
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you just KNOW she wanted to fuck Jango
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she fucked Mace Dindu?
he cried tho

Kind of like how Ventress ended up fucking the nigger jedi.
Jar Jar is GOAT.
That nigga knows exactly what he's doing at all times.
If he didn't, he'd be dead by now.
That ghetto fucking Jedi that worked with Obi trying to try Cad BANE?!
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Quinlan Vos, Double Agent.png
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Not that nigger jedi, this nigger jedi, with the dreadlocks and the hoodlum gang tattoo.
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time to leave.jpg
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it means brother
It's got some mouse issues and it launches in 800x600 at first but once you've fixed it the only time you'll run in to said mouse issue is when your selecting your user.
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Clones vs Grievous.webm
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>mfw Gennedy fanboys crying over that time gungans took down Grievous

lel fuck your invincible space wizard robots

ain't nobody surviving a squad of armed troops

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literally who

>mfw the EU is either really good or really bad

What are you talking about?

Almost as brutal as her later fucking the nigger jedi.
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Waxer didn't deserve that fuck Krell.
I can't remember anymore
did he only used one saber at that scene?
What annoyed me in BF2 was that the fleets tended to run into each other a lot, making you replay the space levels over and over.

He's canon, retard. Learn your non-canon nigger jedis from your canon nigger jedis.
Sounds good. Thanks, anon.
What mod is this? I used to have it, but new pc and forgot mod name.
Is this the one with zombie stormies?
Is it good?
Should I pick it up?

You DO know that you can turn only one end of the saberstaff on at once, right?
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>gets stabbed by lightsaber
>being held up by the blade of a lightsaber
>doesn't fall through and get bisected

fucking hate TCW
only good parts were the clone focused episodes, and the battles
screw the 'clanker' shit though

I can't believe anyone liked the cheesy fanfic fest
Spectacular, probably the best Star Wars FPS.
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z Death Troopers.jpg
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>Is this the one with zombie stormies?


>Is it good?

That depends entirely on whether or not you think zombies should be a thing in Star Wars. It's written well but your opinion on cross-genre EU material will play a factor.

Have a trailer and see if it's your thing, it's actually very well made.


>Should I pick it up?

Download it. Buy it if you're a loser.
GOOD. I'm not joking, one of my favorite bits of the EU.

Imagine if this broke out during the Clone Wars. CIS wouldn't have to worry about it because their troops are droids. Would be an amazing super weapon to use in their favor.
Anyone who complains about Grievous doesn't understand his character.

He's a once-unstoppable warrior way past his prime who still tries to fight despite the cracks in his armor.

even when he loses, he's badass.
How does BF2's online hold up? Going strong?
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>that fucking anime twilek on the helmet
is that the guy from planescape
Gameranger is pretty decently populated, but get ready to go against an entire team of faggots using the heavy class.

No, he's just the nigger jedi who fucked Ventress before she died.
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