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File: 1449654849341.jpg (207 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
207 KB, 1280x720

Looks like it's finally time to cave in and buy Fallout 4...
God that looks like shit
File: Todd.jpg (161 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
161 KB, 1280x720

Don't forget to buy Skyrim Remasteredâ„¢ too!
kill yourself
textures need work but at least the model looks good

guess it's time to re-install the CRACKED version
>no chainsword

Fuck you, the ripper is no an adequate substitute

Todd, pls.
Kill yourself in 1000 different ways.
Not enough warhammer shit yet
>not even a lewd mod
Why the fuck would anyone bother? Call me when we can finally fuck lolis.
the Japs have been slacking after the the shit they did with Skyrim
File: fmMjJhe(1).jpg (13 KB, 311x165) Image search: [Google]
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>falling for the Todd delusion
You see my fist? You can have it shoved right into your face repeatedly if you don't just FUCKING


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>Relying on the asians to make things for you.
This is why americans are so stupid
File: WH40k - Black Templar Wrath.jpg (672 KB, 1280x800) Image search: [Google]
WH40k - Black Templar Wrath.jpg
672 KB, 1280x800
Does it work with xone?
Thread replies: 17
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