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My Little Priestess Can't Be This Cute!
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Thread replies: 17
Thread images: 11
File: 1468386196742.png (320 KB, 600x870) Image search: [Google]
320 KB, 600x870
My Little Priestess Can't Be This Cute!
Nice uppercase letters
Lolo was the only character worth dating in Namco High tbqh
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Were the rest really that bad?
post more cute Lolo pictures
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Lolo and behold
I fucking hate the concept of pairings yet Klonoa X Lolo is my OTP.
She's cute . Pretty underrated design I think

Especially since 99.9% of Klonoa porn is focused on Klonoa himself
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Pretty dress
>Unironically looking up porn of Klonoa characters that aren't Joka
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Tell me about it anon, Klonoa threads are hell.
Sometimes I think things are really cute and I just don't know how to process that aside form rubbing my dick to it ok?
Do you rub it to Joka?
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>Not a kawaii boi
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File: Klonoa X Lolo.png (655 KB, 900x737) Image search: [Google]
Klonoa X Lolo.png
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Best moment in the webcomic.

If only it could continue ;_;
Thread replies: 17
Thread images: 11

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