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Who would you main in a horror movie fighting game?
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Who would you main in a horror movie fighting game?


Michael Myers easy. Invincible, can teleport, super strong. How can you go wrong? Also has a cool theme
Freddy obviously.

Both idiots, one is mortal and the other got beaten by Jason of all people.
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That creepy doll from puppetmaster
Leatherface and Freddy just based on what movies I enjoy.

Would be kinda cool to be have Freddy like powers.

Just invading the dreams of your worst enemies and turning them into living husks
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What type of horror movie? Slasher? Freddy. General? >>345091646
If The Thing was a playable character and it was a Kirby clone or like those Tekken/Soul Calibur characters that are basically "random character with better stats" I'd play the shit out of that.
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>chucky would be that small character that can only be hit low punches and kicks
Correction: make it like Twelve from SF3, but not absolute dogshit. Gotta keep the super that turns you into your opponent's character though.

Or hell, even some broken-ass shit like Shang Tsung where he could just turn into any character at will.
The ring girl

It's free. Google it. You're welcome.
>one is mortal
Do you really think they would keep the "immortals" immortal in such a game?
Well then it doesn't matter, does it?
>be maining Krueger
>playing online
>faggot chooses DLC Predator
>try to tell him only scrubs play predator because it's overpowered
>"lol gitgut fagalagga!"
>as soon as the round starts he shots me right in the face before i can do anything
>I try to phase out and appear somewhere else on the map
>right behind him
>fucker gets a notice when i'm near and dodges before i appear
>proceed to get my ass kicked
DLCs ruined vidya
jeepers creepers
Is there any horror movie with an evil loli that isn't the exorcist? That girl was gross. Loli should not vomit.
does The Orphan, count?
Fuck no. That girl was gross too at the end.

>Kick doll across room
>Stomp on it

Are fans of evil dolls/puppets braindead?

There is no menace to them, they are made of fragile materials.
I REALLY wish Netherrealm Studios would just fuck off and make a horror fighting game instead of hamfisting out of place characters, like Alien and Predator, and wasting precious slots. So many Kombatants that deserve a reboot as well.

The worst thing is, the MK fanbase is full of fucking casual normies (who would've thunk it?) so they eat that shit up and think it's "epic" and shit, so NRS keeps dishing them out. I'll take one obscure MK fighter over a plethora of special guest characters.
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Best Slasher ever too
>old man from Phantasm
Black Philip is the GOAT
>unlockable character
>carries an axe
>special move is summoning the ghosts from the Overlook
>start match: "I don't wanna hurt ya, I just wanna bash your brains in."
>taunt: "Heeere's Johnny."
>victory: "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."
Fuck off back to /tv/, memester.

/tv/ hates that meme movie.
It doesn't matter, they love "discussing" it.
I'd play the hardest difficulty, which would be Ghostface.

Literally anything you throw at him trips him up, doors stop him, basically he's easy as fuck to get away from. But when you get the kill, the BM is legendary.
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I played Jason and Predator in MKX.

If I had to pick one it'd probably be Predator (if you can count him as horror)

If Jason stayed a grappler I'd definitely keep him as a sub.
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