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What fantasy games do cities particularly well? Bad example:
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What fantasy games do cities particularly well?

Bad example: TES games
>all cities are small as fuck
>capital of the entire Empire houses probably 50-odd people
>simple street layouts (probably more to do with the size restriction than anything else)

Good example: The Witcher 3
>major city like Novigrad sprawls appropriately
>bustling streets, hundreds of people going about their business
>features one would expect in a city, e.g. multiple merchants' squares, back alleys/criminal hideouts, city gates, etc.

Is it basically just bigger=better?
Does it matter which witcher you start with or is the story chronological
It's chronological but 1 is probably too dated for most people at this point. If I were just getting into it I would read up some backstory and then start with 2
what he said, but witcher 1 is really cheap, like on sale for around 2 bucks canadian most of the time
Play them in order, or you can start with witcher 2 or even witcher 3.
It makes you care about the characters and story a bit more, but it's not necessary.
Witcher 1 is an either love or hate game.
Gothic 2
The Quest
Baldur's Gate 1/2
Witcher 1 isn't that dated unless you started playing video games in the mid 2010's

it's perfectly playable unlike shit like Fallout 1+2 and most CRPG's released 15 years ago
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>Fallout 1/2
>not perfectly playable
how old?
I started playing Witcher 3 without playing any of the previous games. The story does a pretty good job of introducing characters that are clearly in the previous games.
There are also lots of optional dialogues that you can use to patch together what happened in the previous games. Its actually pretty well done
i couldn't get into fallout 1 at all, got up to the part where I was in a vault filled with poison gas but I saved near a part where I was almost dead. Couldn't be bothered to start a new file desu

>can't handle the entry level CRPG
kys desu
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Nigga TW1 is dated as fuck. Everything in the game is clunky and unwieldy.

Still great, but you gotta put up with a lot of bullshit to get to the best parts.

Especially character models, holy shit they look like ass nowadays.
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Geralt's quite the looker himself
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>comparing a Next Gen only game to a last gen only game

Witcher 3 is literally the only modern AAA Fantasy open world game on current gen consoles. There is no other comparison when talking about technical limitations such as cities

I'll say one thing though, Witcher 3s cities are completely static and boring as fuck due to the zero interaction they represent.

Assassins Creed/GTA do cities much better but you asked for Fantasy cities so I can't comment.
I said any TES games, Skyrim doesn't do cities any better than Oblivion
No TES game has good cities. See >>344950584 for games with better cities
yeah I hate how I can't have inane conversations that consist of 3 or 4 repeated lines with each and every one of the 200+ NPC's that litter novigrad and its surrounding villages. WTF CDPR??????????????
This isn't exactly a fair comparison and is cherry picking. TES cities differ from Witcher 3/Assassin's Creed cities because you can enter every building, there's more interaction with most NPCs, every NPC has a residence, etc.

Novigrad is big but most of the building's and NPCs are just window dressing. Daggerfall handled big cities better than The Witcher 3.
I've noticed this too with TES games. The cities are terrible. Bethesda should stay away from including cities in their games if they cant get it right. Always immersion breaking.
These are good points but I'd say if given the choice I'd prefer the latter style of city where you can't necessarily go into every building if that means it can actually be big enough to feel like a city.
>Witcher 3
>biggest city in the world
>can walk from one end to the other in less than 50 seconds
>only 10 house can be entered

Yeah, it's as good as any Assassin's Creed game city
Hope you have some wolf pelts there.
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More like

>I hate how every NPC is a scripted over glorified prop that I can't interact with in the slightest

You can't claim Witcher 3 has the best cities when the life of the cities are literal props.
I'd rather have a microcosm of a real city than a "fully interactable" Bethesda style city with NPC's with dialogue as deep as a virgin jap girl's pussy. The trade off of the NPC's being mostly props is worth it. Nothing breaks my immersion more than when the capital city of a big empire/country is littered with no more than 20 NPC's and 6 housing structures.
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Of course you would rather a blind and lifeless, zero tech city over GTA V/AC Unity's cities that are full of life and fully immerse you in the world.

You are a Witchercuck after all.

Pro tip, don't make these shitty threads if you are just going to damage control whenever people debunk your shitty opinions.
you're comparing 2 games with cities inspired by or just copied from real world examples. Those entire games revolve around those cities, so they should be even more detailed than a game that is trying to create a microcosm of an entire region. GTA V's world is Los Santos, and as a city it is better than Novigrad, obviously. Also, just because you can run over NPC's and fist fight them doesn't mean they're not just as shallow as Bethesda NPC's. Get off your high horse cucklord.

He's comparing Witcher 3 to TES games

Why do you keep bringing up GTA and AC?
>he is comparing Witcher 3 to the lowest alternative! SEE HOW GOOD IT IS'!?

Witcher kids really only care about feeling superior
GTA IV's world was a lot better, I don't know if it's nostalgia, the physics the game used or what, but I remember enjoying it more. Loved pushing people when a train was coming.
comparing 2 open world RPG's =/= comparing 2 open world games

end your life before you embarrass yourself any further on an anonymous image board, cretin.

it's nostalgia. GTAV's city is way better than GTAIV's Liberty City. Maybe it's because GTA IV had more expansions and you got to spend more time in it whereas GTA V hasn't had any single player expansions? I don't know.
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Runescape, there's practically no wasted space in any city. This is true for the world itself, it's packed very densely with content everywhere.
Seems more like you suffer from a persecution complex and are lashing out like a sperg.
Maybe you're right, and little details I really enjoyed to mess around with.
OP never said it was limited to open world RPGs :^)

Learn to read kid

Doesn't change the fact that you guys can only compare it to TES games to make it look good
Put FO3, NV and FO4 in that list of bad games as well.

Holy shit Megaton, Vegas and Diamond City were so disappointing.

Also Gothic 2 do cities really well.

>you're comparing 2 games with cities inspired by or just copied from real world examples

Just as you're comparing a last gen game to a current gen game.
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Well why are you cucks comparing last gen games to current gen games?
He did say fantasy games though. So you're still a butthurt retarded faggot. Fuck off Thebull94 and quit spamming Witchershit.
1 , 2 , books, 3 for full experience.
OP used those 2 examples so it's pretty much implied that this would only apply to other RPG's and not other open world games. You may as well throw Just Cause 3 into the mix if we're gonna argue. Anyway I am gonna cease responding to you. You are the typical argumentative /v/irgin who wants to get the final word in before the thread 404's. I will end the discussion by telling you to commit suicide. Good bye.

I am comparing Fallout 4 to Witcher 3 cucklord.
Fallout 4 is a current gen game.
>AC Unity

Paris is boring as fuck and it's just like every other city in an AssCreed game.

And GTA do cities really well but it is not a fantasy game buddy
FO4 is current gen and it does cities worse than Skyrim.
Either you're so retarded you don't even remember what you wrote in the OP Thebull94, or you're so triggered you just started bitching. Either way kill yourself.
Fantasy is a broad genre, learn what words mean kid. It will help later in life or just kill yourself now since you do sound like a retard anyway.

Talk about butthurt. Should have just said you didn't have an argument instead of embarrassing yourself.
Megaton was fine, I'll give you the rest, especially Vegas, you could see it from the distance, all that time building up to it and it ends up being another (almost) empty place.
So does that mean the fable series isn't up for discussion simply because it's not an open world RPG?

Also I think a cutout of a large city is reasonable provided it's located on the edge of the map, even if the developer bullshits up a reason as to why you can't access the rest of it, if for nothing else then it gives them an excuse to pack it with filler NPCs with no assigned buildings for homes and shops as well as giving an in game reason as to why those guards and bandits keep coming back after being wiped for the umpteenth time.
Witcher fanboys really are easily triggered. Is this game the only thing you have in your pathetic life so you have to defend it no matter what?

It must suck being so obsessed over a game that does cities worse than any older isometric RPG.
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GTA and ACU aren't a part of that genre kid. Maybe you should read the OP before you out yourself as a retarded cuck next time :)
>Damage Control: The Post
Lurk more faggot. Tired of you retarded summerfags coming in here and start shitposting because reading is hard.
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>I was only pretending to be retarded!
Don't let a video game trigger you so bull.
>only compare it to Bethesda shit so the game can look good!

Are you guys this pathetic in real life too?

Says the kid posting images with random comparisons for no reason
God damnit. Bethesda games need a new engine, and need it now. They have the money now since they're a publisher. They should just switch to Unreal 4 for all new bethesda developed titles...

I'm tired of the Bethesda Engine's ancient run animations, pathing & AI.

The cities in all TES and Fallout games since 3 have sucked fucking balls. The engine was so shit even in NEW fucking VEGAS New Vegas strip itself was instanced into like 3 zones.

Absolutely awful.
Ejusdem generis you stupid cuck.
Asscreed is a fantasy setting though, and even if you argue that it's sci fi, there is a reason why those two genres get thrown into the same section as bookstores.
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Just stop posting.
>as bookstores

Goddamn it I meant in bookstores.

I dont get the praise over W3 cities.

Sure they're huge, but they feel lifeless to me

>inb4 "theyre literally full of life!"

Yeah if you think that then I suppose you also thought that the castle city in twilight princess was "full of live" just because it was crawling with NPCs. Theres absolutely nothing to do in the city, barely any DECENT merchants, because 90% of the merchants present only sell SHIT you dont even need, theres merchants who sell fucking JUNK, theres even one that sells EMPTY BOTTLES which are not used for ANYTHING in the game. And the alchemists/herbalists dont have any useful/rare herb in stock, you still have to visit the gnome in the outskirts to get any rare herbs.
You first.

But they are the same kind, they both are trash games with empty worlds praised by people that never touched real RPG like Arcanum.
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>easily triggered
>the one who started going on a crusade about Witcher was you even though it was mentioned just as an example of city done right

Go to bed Bull, you have school tomorrow.
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>Asscreed is a fantasy setting
And you sound more and more retarded with every post you make. Saged bull I'm not helping you get to 100 with your bait posts this time.
Is there anything /v/ can't jerk off about TW3?
Nigger are you fucking retarded? At most it's Science fiction or alternative history.
Literally nothing, even the people who complains about it think they are superior for not liking a video game.
next thing Final Fantasy 7 is not a fantasy setting or any game with technology isn't fantasy
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No seriously feel free to stop at any time. You've already outed yourself as a subhuman mongoloid, name dropping other RPGs isn't going to save you now.
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>Ass Creed and FF are the same thing
Again you continue to amaze with how fucking retarded you are.
>just pointed out that is easy to compare things to shit from Bethesd and make them look good

Yeah, nah. Don't start sperging and then accuse other people of doing it.

>maybe if I drop more insults it will look like I have an argument!

Seriously grow up. Not my fault if even Tarant was more full of life than any city in Witcher 3.

Vizima in Witcher 1 was way better too.
Is playing Gothic 1 necesarry to play Gothic 2? I really don't wanna play it unless it is.
>game with magic and ghosts is not fantasy

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Yharnam and Dunwall

Those two didn't have any "interactivity"(whatever you call those minigames bullshit from GTA V) but the scope and size of it really reflected how those two cities were important in their respective game worlds and settings
GTA also has a Ghost and bigfoot in it. Should we consider it fantasy now? kys. You fucking know what is meant when people talk about fantasy.
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>He literally can't grasp the difference between sci-fiction and fantasy
>He thinks AC has magic and ghosts
My fucking sides
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Bethesda is a video game company making RPGs
CDPR is also a video game company making RPGs

Of course people are going to compare them when these two companies are aiming for the same market, they are competitors mate.

Yet comparing it to Fallout 4 is fine, didn't know Fallout became a fantasy game. Let's hear the convenient bullshit explanation for it now.

And AC did have ghosts.
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>Yeah, nah. Don't start sperging and then accuse other people of doing it.
>That complete lack of self-awareness
You don't deserve this (You)
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>Its a pole starts TES vs Witcher episode
>its a rerun
why is the witcher fanbase so insecure? they always bring up TES and Dark Souls for no reason at all
They are aestheticly pleasing and work well as levels but a city is actually more then a nice looking place, filled with houses and shit to kill. It is a living space for community(s) and should feel like that.

Dunwall manages that perfectly, Yharnam not at all.
Look you fucking retard. People only called you out because you were throwing a fucking tantrum, and then said OP never said to only compare open world RPGs. It was then pointed out that the label of fantasy still disqualified GTA and AC. You then tried to asspull that somehow AC was fantasy and only succeeded in making yourself look completely retarded.
Eh, I'd say Yharnam has the excuse of being a distorted eldritch nightmare, you could see how some districts of the town made sense at first but would be completely wrong in some form or another once you had a closer look or explored it fully.
Witcher fags have essentially the best written fantasy story in any game under their hood but won't accept it is trapped under mediocre everything else.
No one here brought up Dark Souls before you, so who exactly is insecure again? Feeling persecuted?

And the whole topic is fantasy cities so it's kinda of fucking relevant to compare the two.
But the OP specifically states why he's comparing the two?

Stop replying to easy baits and giving them free (You)s
It isn't bait for me, I am agreeing with him (to some extend).
>got BTFO so hard he can only ignore my argument

Top fucking kek, if "only fantasy games count!!!" then why Fallout 4?

You faggots spent a thread calling me a retard for bringing up other games because "they are not fantasy wahhh!!" then used Fallout in your comparisons.

Just kill yourself witcherfags, you are fucking retarded. Now proceed to ignore the post since there is no counterargument to it.
>Feeling persecuted?
oh I never played any DS games, just stating something everyone has noticed

and even then its based on a well established book series
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I'l admit, I only brought Witcher 3 so I could play Blood and Wine.

Beauclair so fucking pretty.
Outside of MMOs I can't really think of any good fantasy cities. I would add the cities from the Fable series to the bad category though. Some of them look nice, but they are almost always functionally useless. If you can replace all the buildings and NPCs of an area with trees and rocks and it not change the gameplay at all then the cities are useless and shit.
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>Begging for replies
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Pic related is (You)
Witcher 2 had great scenes setup to provide the illusion of this grandness of scale, too.
The battle at Vizima at the very start, the views over the siege camps later on,
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>I am comparing Fallout 4 to Witcher 3 cucklord.

OP was specifically comparing Elder Scrolls to Witcher 3.

Deflecting to a post apocalyptic setting is just that, deflection.

Assassins Creed/GTA do cities much better than Witcher 3. Stay mad
Yes. Get the system pack
>Is it basically just bigger=better?

Size is good, but detail is important too. A great city in a video game will be three things: large, varied, and populated. Assassin's Creed is a pretty good series for this. Unity and Syndicate in particular demonstrate how to make a city that's appropriately huge, has multiple distinct sections, and has a large concentration of people around who aren't just standing there to make the place look better. Of course, those cities make up the entire setting of their games, whereas Novigrad and Whiterun are only small parts of theirs. I imagine it'd be difficult to find any game that includes a believable, highly interactive city while still having a lot of content outside of it.
bigger is not better because its fucking annoying

best is the illusion/believability of its size, like witcher 3
You make a good point. Honestly, a lot of recent games forget that it takes more than technical excellence to make an impression. Games are a form of fiction, and just like movies, plays, or theme parks, they have to create an illusion of being more than they are. Otherwise it's far too easy to reduce them to their component parts and walk away unimpressed.
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if you visited bethesda forums you would find out what kind of cancer the fanbase is made out of.

they literally would take cities with 3 inhabitants over cities with hundreds of NPC's being generic nameless commoners sprinkled with special talkable and questable NPC's.

its a shame, really
>its a shame, really
no its not, not everything has to pander to you, I'd rather have bethesda style settlements then a large pile of nothing that Novigrad and especially Oxenfurt were
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>i think that every single person living in a medieval city had quests for adventurers and every single one of them had some sort of mythical backstory

literal cancer. go back to your forums bethcuck
>had quests for adventurers and every single one of them had some sort of mythical backstory
but they dont in bethsda games, there are plenty of NPC's that are just filler, the only difference is that they still have names and houses and such. But whats the point of talking to a tard who can only spew
>cuck, cuck
Well, that's an odd thing to expect. Even in reality there's a lot of people in the average city you don't have the chance to just walk up to and strike up a conversation with. People are busy. Personally, I prefer the AC Unity approach- make a city swarming with people, have them all somewhat active but only give some of them unique dialogue, and put in a bunch of random events that can happen with any nameless NPC to keep things interesting.

I haven't actually played The Witcher 3 yet. How does it handle generic NPCs? Fully non-functional set dressing, basic "wander randomly and run away when attacked" AI, or do they actually perform tasks as they walk around and fight back when you hurt them?
>Fully non-functional set dressing
this, they walk around, but they disappear around the corner
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>implying that generic NPC's can't have schedules and houses

this just goes to prove how much do the bethcucks know about programming.
I as a novice programmer would be able to program that without breaking any sweat. It is that easy to make.

Evey NPC holds a reference to its home. Homes that somehow lose the reference to an NPC(NPC gets killed) will be put on a timer(to let that house sit empty for a while). after the timer finishes spawn a new NPC somewhere out of view from the player.

then make a schedule for the NPC. see what kind of house the moved into. if its a service building, they begin servincing it. if its a commoner house the algorithm scours the list of professions for the city. then assigns the NPC to a random vacancy.

then the algorithm looks up at what hours the NPC is gonna have to work. then it adds sleep time to schedule to be closest to the night. remaining schedule time will be randomly divided between being at home, walking around the city and chilling at inn.

concrats, you now have a generic NPC with a house, a job and a schedule
yes its easy to make, yet only bethesda does that, CDPR must be really incompetent if they cant do something that trivial
Well, what about attacking them? Any effect?
Baldur's Gate 2: Athkatla. I spent about 15-20 hours in Athkatla before even leaving it.

The Witcher 3: Novigrad. Just felt huge upon first entering it and exploring it. Was also pleasantly surprised by how many buildings you can enter that aren't plot integral, even if they are a bit copy-paste-ish.

>Bad example: TES games

Wrong motherfucker. The Imperial City is underwhelming but Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim's cities are all maximum comfy.

>all cities are small as fuck

Because of platform/hardware constraints. It doesn't make them bad per se. Fucking autist.

>the only difference is that they still have names and houses and such.

Not the guy you replied to but why is this such an important thing for you?

I'd much rather they put those resources towards more important things, like combat, quests, environments etc.

I don't really give a fuck if random NPC #42 has a house and name i guess.
you also completely missed the point both times you responded dumb cuckposter, its not just about schedules, or the NPC's having names and houses, its about the fact that everything in a city in TES feels more authentic, you can enter any house, any object you see there you can take, or move about, or just throw a fireball and send it all flying

you cant attack them at all, Geralt just makes a dumb gesture and people scream a bit and then move on
>then make a schedule for the NPC. see what kind of house the moved into. if its a service building, they begin servincing it. if its a commoner house the algorithm scours the list of professions for the city. then assigns the NPC to a random vacancy.

Do you understand the first thing about optimization, or integrating scripts into the rest of the game in a neat way? This would cause all sorts of friction with other existing scripts and gameplay elements that would need to be ironed out, that's where the majority of dev time actually goes. The creation of the concept itself is usually easy, yes. But what follows isn't.

I actually prefer the TES approach. Yeah, there's not many NPCs but they all at least have some baseline level of characterization (the Breton merchant in Whiterun for example).
Characterization is part of an overall sliding scale that adds to immersion. It helps create a better RP environment too.
i don't see how TES houses are authentic
NPC's barely interact with any objects in there. and you can have all the clutter you can imagine in generic NPC city aswell. non-important NPC's being generated procedurally doesn't mean that houses can't be made by hand.

yet another classic bethcuck moment
I agree with you but have to recognize that Bethesda should move their ass because their town are smaller and smaller in their game. They give name to all the NPC but what's the point when you can actually speak to half of them ?

It's not even the cities even the map of TW3 is more well desing (even if it's purpose is to offer the background to the story while Bethesda is more focused on exploration and dungeon) while it's their first open world
>best is the illusion/believability of its size, like witcher 3

Yeah, this is the distinction between a sense of scale and actual size.

Morrowind conveyed scale by simply making you a lot slower and adding a stamina bar for example.
It's not about the houses themselves being authentic (although there are some nice touches that add to characterization in certain places), it's about every NPC having a "home".
Do you understand the first thing about optimization, or integrating scripts into the rest of the game in a neat way? This would cause all sorts of friction with other existing scripts and gameplay elements that would need to be ironed out, that's where the majority of dev time actually goes. The creation of the concept itself is usually easy, yes. But what follows isn't.

Why would you need to integrate the script anywhere? It is a 50 line program that takes a fraction of a second to execute and is only needed on special occations(when house owning NPC dies for some reason).
i need to link you to my previous post
Honestly, I find that TES's approach makes the world feel smaller, and not just in the literal sense. Having a lot of people around whose names and stories you don't know keeps you aware of the size of things, it reminds you constantly that the world goes beyond your own travels and interactions. I don't have much experience with Elder Scrolls games, but one of my biggest complaints about Skyrim is that nothing seems to happen without the direct involvement of the Dragonborn.

As >>344963520 said, it's about building an illusion.
The script itself is contingent upon a bunch of other systems you yourself have described, you fucking moron.
>i don't see how TES houses are authentic
they at least attempt to be

you keep talking about possibilities>>344967783
>doesn't mean that houses can't be made by hand.
but noone actually does any of those things, there isnt a single game out there and witcher sure as fuck doesn't do it. If its a choice between witcher 3 style settlements or Bethesda style settlements in an OPEN WORLD RPG, I'll pick Bethesda style every time

witcher 3 wasn't a bad game, but it was lousy attempt at open world, witcher2 hub based design was far superior

>bethcuck moment
are you 12? is cuck your new favorite word? what a fucking retard, kill yourself

>even the map of TW3 is more well desined
not its not its Ubisoft style point of interest garbage
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Bowerstone in Fable > Novigrad in Witcher
some people like to interact with the things they see
modern gamers want "cinematic experience" and things just to look pretty instead of being able to do anything in it
>Having a lot of people around whose names and stories you don't know keeps you aware of the size of things

I can understand where you're coming from I guess, but I don't feel that way with regards to The Witcher and AC, I just feel like the nameless characters aren't distinguishable enough (not just visually but otherwise) to actually make much of a difference. They just feel like fodder. The best realized fantasy RPG city I ever experienced was Athkatla, and that had a similarly toned down number of NPCs, it had a lot of randoms too, but they at least had a couple of unique lines of dialogue most of the time.

>but one of my biggest complaints about Skyrim is that nothing seems to happen without the direct involvement of the Dragonborn.

How is this any different to most other RPGs? At least in Skyrim the world carries on ticking over, people doing their jobs and going to their local inns etc, regardless of what you do.
Does the Fable series actually have a decent plot?

I can remember playing Fable 3 for a few hours and feeling it was very comfy.
Fable I had a very good plot. The start was goofy, but by the end it got real fucking dark.

Fable II had a nice heroic quest/journey plot. Some say the ending sucked because no Final Boss, but plot wise I thought it was good.

Fable III's story was mild and lightweight, sort of like the II, but it worked well enough.
It's a common thing in RPGs, definitely, but Skyrim draws attention to it by having virtually every character incapable of completing tasks, no matter how menial, without the Dragonborn's help. That makes it stand out more than the usual "we need PLAYER NAME HERE to save the world because they're the chosen one and no one else can" story.
not a fantasy game but Red Dead Redemption did a lot more towards making it's world authentic with the inclusion of minigames that let you interact with the NPCs beyond a generic "hello", petty theft, or out right murder/assault, while all TES gives you is props that you can move.
what the fuck are you sperging about? you are making a big deal out of the most imaginably trivial programming shit

what? they can store, display and modify thousands of vertexes, edges and faces on the fly, but can't handle a few variables?

>i don't see how TES houses are authentic
>they at least attempt to be
and while having generic NPC's they can still attempt to be. What's your point.

>but noone actually does any of those things
So? How does it make my stance wrong?

>If its a choice between witcher 3 style settlements or Bethesda style settlements in an OPEN WORLD RPG, I'll pick Bethesda style every time

why are you responding to my posts with it, then. where did I mention Witcher.

>bethcuck moment
>are you 12? is cuck your new favorite word? what a fucking retard, kill yourself

another bethcuck moment
>Red Dead Redemption
never played it so cant comment on it

>TES gives you is props that you can move.
which is still better then witcher3
What are you guys favorite memes?

I like:

- Bethcuck.
- Le buy my game le man. Love that one. Saw it on /r/pcmasterrace.
Vivec, Balmora and Sedrith Mora are some of the best and most comfy towns in vidya history.
>A great city in a video game will be three things: large, varied, and populated. Assassin's Creed is a pretty good series for this.
The cities themselves look good - in fact, in terms of buildings and topology, hardly any game game can compete. However, the cities in Assassin's Creed feel entirely lifeless because they're populated by generic, mindless zombies who all look and act the same. All you can do is bump into them, otherwise there are no means of interaction.

Compare that for example to Khorinis in Gothic 2. The city is relatively small (quite believable for a medieval city, but still small even by those days standards). However, it is populated by unique NPCs whom you can interact with and whom you can see do their jobs. e.g. the carpenter is shown sawing things, the blacksmith forges swords, the priest preaches to people, ... in the evening they go to the local pub, later go to bed in their own unique houses.

This makes the city believable and full of life.
>Le buy my game le man
it was funny at first, but after endless spamming it became really annoying

agreed on Balmora and Sadrith Mora, vanilla Vivec is a pain for any non-magic character, it gets much better with mods that add gondoliers and such to it
Have any of you good fellows played Divinity: Original Sin?

Is it worth playing?

Are the quests/writing actually interesting? Are the NPCs interesting? Is the plot any good?

When I post le buy le game man I feel as though I am sticking it to "the man".
>Is it worth playing?
yes it has a good and fun combat system, but I found the humor a bit tiring and the writing/world frankly lame

its still fun though
Congratulations, you now have a city simulator. Good luck combining it with anything else.

You know how games like Cities: Skyline or Dwarf Fortress start to tank in frame rate once you get a decent sized settlement? Your idea might be fast for one npc, but cities will have hundreds of them. They each need to take up as little processing power as possible or else your game will run like shit. Sims are all about realism, so they're willing to run like shot if it means some more detail but in an action game you want to simulate as little as possible.
2>3>1 is the best order actually, 1 has the worst gameplay, and 2 you start with amnesia so playing when you have no clue what is happening is the most immersing option, and after you are done with 3 you will want to play something, and 1 has a lot of cool characters that were cut-out from the other games.
Start with 2. 3 takes place after 2 and heavily bases itself on it, but ignores 1 completely
No each game is like one unique adventure with references from previous game but nothing that would making the story harder to understand.

It's also mostly based on the book and you don't need to read them but it's adding additionnal lore.
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>no results found


Probably one of the best cities in an MMO I've ever seen.
I was pretty much blown away by the size of Calpheon in Black Desert. It was just so huge, well designed and lively, that it took me several hours just to explore the area.
Witcher 3 is the best game I have played in years and it has legitimately fucked up my gaming experiences by revitalizing my standards that had been ded for at least 5 years, making me actually expect good games and keep on being frustrated
Is Black Desert worth playing?
Or is just an install and play once for the grafix and then forget about it for six months and repeat?

It is, plenty to do, but everything is a grind.
>but everything is a grind.
Like fetch quests/ farm endless mob grinds?

I come from RS so i'm fine with grinding, I just want to know what I'll be getting into.
>The Quest

When the fuck is a native Android version coming out. Who the hell still develops for iphone?
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Look at that game I posted. It only runs on a single core. It is from Oblivion times and it can simulate hundreds of AI dudes simultaneously. Its main selling point is that every AI dudes in the game are simulated all the time every time. They don't even have schedules, they are wholly independent actors. Whole gameplay is like a multiplayer EVE simulated in single player.

How can this game pull it off while Beth can't?

Besides you are making a slippery slope out of my cities argument. It is reasonable to expect from them to make 100 people cities instead of 10 people cities.
you only get exp from grinding mobs, quests reward "contribution exp" which is used to buy nodes, which you send AI workers to get resources, you can farm resources yourself, then there's fishing which is almost a game in of itself, and horse breeding, which is also a massive timesink.

Again, loads to do, and you can grind to runescape levels of autismo.
neat, thanks m8.
witcher npcs are gta-like moving props while skyrim npcs are have full AI. Thats the reason it cant handle bigger cities.
>bethesda cant pull this off
well tough luck pal, it seems neither CDPR can pull this off considering their NPCs are fake.
Or look at this game - Scrapland

See how many fucking NPC's there are just flying around minding their own bussiness? Without them the gameworld would just feel empty as fuck.
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>but muh CDPR
yea mention CDPR when it wasn't even about CDPR. can't handle the bantz so you try to derail? is that it?

another bethcuck moment
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Okey, so you are playing morrowind/witcher/skyrim/RPG-game, and you sneak into a house, what are people/Npc's doing when they are idle at home?

Just stare into a wall?

>NPC houses should be knock on door basis to let in
>NPC's should get mad when you are in their house for too long
>Some areas of the NPC are not permitted to enter, and you are asked to go leave that perticular room, if not, they get more angry before eventually calling guards

You guys act like you are experts, but what would you do, if you were the game developer?
It aged so poorly, I remember playing it like 2 months after it came out and had blast with it.
Finished reading the books now and wanted to start over with tw 1, but damn, that combat system is just so shit
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