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Thread replies: 24
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File: ClaraLille.jpg (256 KB, 976x1080) Image search: [Google]
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Vidya characters catered to your tastes.

Pic related: it's that unique look, and no-bullshit attitude that gets me.
she looks like sindel on heroin.

also I just broke up with a chick who looks like this. She was a mess, it was a nightmare for two years
A girl who had her face wanted to fuck me once but I went crazy while drunk and we never talked again.

File: claraiscute.gif (1 MB, 245x275) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 245x275
How about you girls actually contribute instead of sperging out
She reminded me of that chick from that one czech gangbang video, who looks like skrillex.
she is garbage, probably worth a fuck if you can stand the fact that she has probably fucked almost a thousand people and used like a shared sex-toy on black neighborhoods, but thats it.
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You make this thread every month or so, but I'll play along, OP.
>Sweden snuck in the corner

I admit it. I chuckled.
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File: 4k dollar hack.jpg (635 KB, 1181x1500) Image search: [Google]
4k dollar hack.jpg
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>no bullshit
>father treasured hunted in caves in FRANCE
What part was no bullshit?
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Absolutely god-tier
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>lip piercing
>cheek piercings

Instant trash
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File: Ivy_Valentine.jpg (938 KB, 2800x4520) Image search: [Google]
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A tall, powerful, dominant older woman who can probably brew up all kinds of intense aphrodisiacs and sexual enhancers, and who needs an obedient boy who doesn't mind her taking the lead.
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A succubus who really does love you and just wants to make you happy.
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323 KB, 475x482
Thread replies: 24
Thread images: 16

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