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Broken dreams
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So tell make /v/ what are your broken video game dreams?
I just want them to give it a chance...that's all ...just one more chance!!!!
Do they not like it? Whatever, Arin doesn't really seem to like 3D games a lot of the time and he's kind of a douche.

Battle for Bikini Bottom is probably my favorite Banjo clone out there, but a lot of that comes from nostalgia and love of the source material, probably harder to like if you don't have either of those.
I miss Jon Grumps.

Arin just stumbles his way through games and talks utter nonsense whilst Danny is a boring yes man. Jon used to actually keep Arin in check and they would argue and be competitive which rarely happens these days.
I'm pretty sure Arin went into the game expecting it to be shit considering it's a licensed game. Once he says he doesn't like a game he usually doesn't turn back on his word even if the game turns out good.
It really triggered me how he kept skipping the dialogue
Pretty sure Arin legitimately doesn't care about any game that isn't Megaman X
Holy shit this pissed me off so hard

I don't even watch these faggots since Jon era but i expected a full LP from this.
I makes it even worse is that Danny seemed to like the game (or at least wanted to give it a fair chance) but then arin kept shooting Dan's positivity down...just like my dreams
I just want the MGSV that I believed existed at E3 2013
im still hoping dan and ross do another sierra game cause those two seem to be the only ones who try and have fun with what they play
I feel the same way about the fallout 4 that I believed existed at E3 2015...
Why does it still hurt
Huh, good point. Never thought I might've stopped watching because of this years ago.
I've noticed sometimes Danny will even try and say something and have a different opinion then Arin but Arin will just scream "NO" or some shit like that.

I just want Danny and Ross to play some more point and click games like King's Quest, those are the best.
Ross seems to be pretty passionate about animation and games. Even though his taste is pretty shit, but I like when Ross snaps at Arin

>"OH! Arin hates something popular?!"
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The fact that arin said on his Twitter that they would play more (3 months ago)is the salty icing on the shit cake....
I wanted them to go to rock bottom ;(
Arin wouldn't tell if 3D game is good even if it hit him in the face.
star wars episode 1 racer 2 for pc, wii u, and/or ps4
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...and no downtown bikini bottom
How can one man be so bad at video games?
It's not like they would recognize it
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Don't forget ALttP.
He's just a fat hipster at the end of the day
No that shit got annoying after a while with Jon incessant screaming and singing.
Mega Man X legitimately one of the best games of all time in my book and ALttP is in my top 3 favorite Zelda games. Arin is still a cock though.
It's not about them recognizing it
It's about seeing someone experience something that you liked for the first time
It's sort like living that moment again just through another person
>I wanted them to go to rock bottom

They've already been there for a long time.
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Would you faggots watch a "This is how you DON'T play OoT" of their OoT playthrough?
I know this is a sad thread, but looking at Bethesda's track record you only have yourself to blame on that one.
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...I see that now anon...I see that now
Especially if it had Sequalitis clips spliced in it.
Yeah probably.
kings quest with ross is the best thing danny has done on the show

chill as fuck
Yeah Dan and Ross work well together
...it almost makes me thing of Jon and arin
MGS V from E3
Fallout 3 (Van buren)
Fallout 4 somewhere in midwest, made by Troika, or CDPR
>Fallout 4 somewhere in midwest, made by Troika, or CDPR
Why must you make me cry anon...*sob*
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There's also Gitaroo Man and Hello Kitty Seasons, but one of those isn't easy to riff over and the other Arin likes just because he's a very contrarian effete man.

Their Sierra playthroughs are actually really good. I normally don't like Let's Plays, but those ones are a joy to watch. Danny stays focused on the game, mostly because he knows what he's doing, and Ross keeps his annoying comments to a minimum because he is also really interested in the game.

I'll rewatch from time to time. I'm hoping they do Day of the Tentacle Remastered or King's Quest 7.
Is there a TISHYDP for OoT yet
It wasn't that Jon would keep Arin in check so much as Jon was passionate enough to at least deter Arin for various amounts of time.
Jon's problem was that he couldn't articulate himself well enough on the spot, so Arin usually got the better of him because of his quick vague nonarguments. Which is still a step above Danny's overall complacency.
I want a good proper sequel to bloodborne or a spritiual succesor similiar to what dark souls is to demon's souls
The Divison when it was shown at E3
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You people still watch/care about game grumps?
Did these faggots not like it or something?
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Are Egoraptor and DSP the shittest gamers of all time?

Ego has no excuse mind.
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Swear to god that Arin was intentionally fucking up on the Black Knight videos to pad it out

>Oh, I guess I gotta kill ten of these enemies with the special attack
>fails the mission two more times because he just runs past everyone or kills them with normal attacks
>career based around multitasking

i mean
Barry and Brian grumps are the best anyways
What point did you drop game grumps at /v/?
Immediately after NES punchout
As soon as I heard egoraptor was involved.

I think Jon is hilarious but egoraptor has always been shit. It only took a few videos for me to know that he was just as insufferable as his animations.
I still believe atleast part of dsp is him playing a character to fuck with people. As no one could actually be that dumb for that long of a period.
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After punchout on the wii since that was a legit good playthrough.
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I unsubscribed like a month ago but I stopped watching a good while before that.
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I wish they played more of Mad Dog Mccree
Sonic boom. It just was so forced.
neither of those fags watched spongebob anyways, so it's not like it matters.
But that's what was so great about Dan seeing all the SpongeBob stuff
I still watch it. I don't care what you fags think and don't need validation for my own goddamn opinion.
After jantran left
I tired to watch one video but dropped it. I don't enjoy these types of videos (TBFP is pretty much the only exception) and I never liked Arin stuff after he stopped doing flash videos, anyway (his music shit fucking sucks).
I was actually happy to see that Jon left that shit.
After Super Mario Bros. 2.
Watched Sonic Adventure and Ocarina to see how shitty Arin has gotten, but not much else.
unsubscribed after Jon left

Went back and watched a few things a couple years later but really couldn't enjoy it anymore

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I think the last thing I watched was the Mad Dog McCree stuff.

And the last thing before that was probably Super Mario Maker. Holy shit, I didn't realize how much I had stopped watching them.

I do occasionally go back to Kirby's Dream Course, though.

>he says, looking for a defiant (you) or two

S'cool, man. I've been trying to get back into the Grumps, after a hiatus around the Bloodborne marathon. I think I'm a Brian fan.
Do it, it's about time for another non-dsp grumps tihydp.
>I'd do it myself, but that means siting through the whole damn thing.
I'm not looking for (you)'s it's just my honest fucking opinion.
I remember the Hello Kitty episode, they made a religious joke and it sparked a humongous argument in the comments
it would've been if arin didn't skip all of the dialogue
I didn't. But I understand why some do. I just like Dan talking.
I'll occasionally watch it, but GG is not something I really care or look forward too
> tfw when a new Jon video goes up

Now Jon himself I actually enjoy , most of his early humor was just copied from the plinket videos but desire the corporate cock sucking , he's gotten better over time
Forgot pic
absolutely. the wind waker one was gold.
I feel Arin would be fucking familiar with Spongebob
early 2014, windwaker was bad.
>you will never watch good GG animated videos with Jon in them again
Neo /v/ is real, my friend
A month or two after Danny joined
I wanted to give him a chance and I do enjoy him way more than Arin, but without Jon it just wasn't the same
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I have about an hour's worth of footage made. About to finish the Forest Temple bits then move to the next.

It's hard...
Honestly, probably a few weeks after the channel started. I had high hopes because I loved both Ego and Jon's individual content enough to believe them working together would make for an actually entertaining Let's Play channel, but it quickly turned out to be just more of people screaming into mics while playing a game to easily fish for Youtube views
you can do it, anon!
Are you adding Sequelitis bits?

If yes, you are doing god's work

If not then still pretty good
After Jon left
I still went back occasionally for steam train tho
Danny and Ross are pretty comfy
You're doing a good job, anon.
I can barely make it through one episode.

Don't forget the part where he jumps slashes at an octorock in the Forest Temple.
the only time that i watch grumps now is if they're doing bad sonic games or katamari.
if those aren't some current series, then i don't care.

the only other time i've bothered with the channel recently was putting on the jon-era kirby superstar playthrough while i was up all night.
it's nice to have that noise in the background.
Thanks, mang.

Yes and no. Some are added early as a reference, then in some episodes where they (Danny and Arin) mention parts of Sequelitis, I add my own short clips debunking his bullshit.

LOL I have something planned for that.
After Wind Waker
Oh fuck yes, I want this so badly, keep it up anon. Proud of you for actually contributing to this cesspool.
Bit after Danny joined. I don't hate him, I even like some of his songs, but he's no Jon and Arin is so reprehensible when no one is around that challenges him.
Jon was funny
When can we expect to see it?
God speed anon, i'll never watch the OoT playthrough, but I may just watch this.
Good lucks and love are coming your way
Somewhere during the Super Mario Maker playthrough. They introduced Ninja Brian and some other faggot and I'm like, nope, that's it for me. Went back when they started the SpongeBob BFBB and left again after Arin fucked that up. Currently watching their Katamari Forever playthrough.
>not liking A Generic Father Plays Videogames
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Thanks, fellas. I'm not the best at editing, but I'll do my best.

Don't cross your fingers on this, but if I work efficiently enough, MAYBE 1 - 2 week from now. However it's most likely going to be 2 - 3 weeks.
Does he make any unaware ironic statements during it?

>SpongeBob isn't funny, it's just obnoxious loud noises to distract children
So do you guys think they'll give BfBB another chance?
Or is all hope lost?
Here's a clue for how bad oot got:

Arin doesn't take off the Hover Boots until the fight with Ganon
>>SpongeBob isn't funny, it's just obnoxious loud noises to distract children
Oh fuck him

I don't want them to. Arin won't like the game and Danny won't really care.

Battle for Bikini Bottom wasn't good. Take off your nostalgia glasses, people.
What is your channel? so I can sub.
arin get out of here, stop forcing your opinions
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>watching Game Grumps
>ENJOYING Game Grumps
I just played through the game and it was pretty fucking good so I don't know what your on about
You know I was playing it just last week and I still really loved it. I'm willing to concede it probably is nostalgia glasses, that and it nailing the show aesthetic. The game lacks some polish and the level designs aren't always the best, some of the mission variety is dull too.

But also, fuck that, it's still enjoyable to collect shit, explore the locations, see the on point dialogue, and slide down those hill areas going fast as shit while blowing up all the explosive boxes.

It's a generic collectathon with a Spongebob coat of paint, but fuck me if it isn't a very well done generic collectathon with an authentic coat of paint.

Nostalgia goggles is a common thing for people. Look at OOT and its legacy. Its game design is bland at best. Same with Battle for Bikini Bottom.
When it was just Dark Souls 3 and Super Mario Maker.
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H-Here I go. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEa7K7SojejHKRVzKC5j_zw
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>Jon and Arin never finished Banjo-Kazooie
I feel like if Jon was never there with him, he would have completely wrote it off.
>used to not like Jon Tron before gamegrumps
>Jon leaves
>His newer videos are actually pretty good
Will Arin become Egoraptor again if he dropped game grumps? Like the good old days?
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One last post then I gotta' go. Here's some proof that I'm not bullshittin'.
what background you got, nigga
>the game design is bland at best
confirmed for underaged shitter that literally has no clue about game design at all
Good luck
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>About 50 minutes of content already
>Only at the forest temple
Looking good, anon.
Arin is shit, the moment he acknowledged that he thought Bioshock Infinite is a really really really good game made me unsubscribe from them because he casually shits over games with 10 times better gameplay
what is your youtubechannel?
i have to go offline now, but would like to subscribe to you
Refer to this
oh thanks
Alright Mr. Pickle.

In you we believe
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Or you can get it here, IDK where I got it before. https://wall.alphacoders.com/big.php?i=519125
So what's your favorite piece of music from BfBB
I've got a soft spot for jellyfish fields
A soft, spongey spot?
good shit
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I forgot how badass this soundtrack was at times
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