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Got a PS1 recently, any recommendations?
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Got a PS1 recently, any recommendations?
Jam it up your arse. Sideways.
Get a PS3. That plays PS1 games and games from this century.
Tried it, it's only fun for so long though. Any good games?
Both Harry Potter games, Metal Gear Solid, Driver, Dino Crisis, Crash 1, 2 and 3, Spyro 1, 2 and 3, Tomba...
Pretty difficult to make recommendations without knowing your tastes, OP.
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I hope you know the price of used games for anything PS1-era or earlier have gone through the roof.

Anyway, I'd suggest Ape Escape, Silent Hill, The Legend of Dragoon, Final Fantasy VII, Metal Gear Solid, Spyro the Dragon series and Crash Bandicoot 2, 3 and Team Racing.
>Any good games?

hah, NO
Tried to find Klonoa Door to Phantomile, am very aware.
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any of these bro

Klonoa has always been very rare and expensive. The Tomba games are like that as well.
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Vagrant Story sucks dick. Look at this shit. And constantly full of repetitive braindead fights too.

Good suggestions, sans Final Fantasy Anthology.

The PS1 ports of the early Final Fantasy games have terrible load times.
Still pissed ps4 has no way of playing ps1 games
>Ace Combat
>Armored Core
>Ape Escape
>Bushido Blade
>Chrono Cross
>FF Tactics
>Gran Turismo 2
>Ridge Racer Type 4
>Metal Gear Solid + VR Missions
>Soul Blade
>Resident Evil 2
>Silent Hill

I'm forgetting a couple too
Armored Core
Bushido Blade
Crash Bandicoot
Crash Bandicoot 2
Crash Team Racing
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII
Ghost in the Shell
Gran Turismo
Legend of Dragoon
Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid VR Missions
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Crash Bandicoot 3
Duke Nukem 3D: Total Meltdown
Final Fantasy Anthology
Final Fantasy IX
Silent Hill
Soul Blade
Tekken 3
Tomb Raider 2
Wipeout XL

That's what I like anyways.


Yeah. SNES versions are much better. But its playable and I prefer it over GBA and PC versions.
Only the ntsc versions but they are at least uncensored without the trash woosly translation
I never noticed the load times too be that bad on 4/5 maybe im just used to them now haha

- Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver
- Chrono Cross
- Legend of Dragoon
- Final Fantasy Tactics
- Final Fantasy IX
- Final Fantasy VIII
- Final Fantasy VII
- Valkyrie profile
- Star Ocean 1 and 2
- Vagrant Story
- Medievil
- Gex: Enter of Gecko
- Resident Evil 2
- Metal gear
- Star Wars: Jedi Power Battles
- Poket fighter
- SaGa Frontier
Best console IMO

Final Fantasy VII, VIII, and IX
Megaman Legends

I don't have my Vita on me right now so I can't remember the other PSOne titles I've played on it.
Dino Crisis 1 and 2, Klonoa, Tomba 1 and 2, Brave fencer Musashi, Star Wars: Dark Forces, Vigilante 8 and 2nd offensive.
Kula World
Syphon Filter
Intelligent Qube
Vigilante 8
Vigilante 8 2
Rosco McQueen: Firefighter Extreme
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Give this game shot if you find it, good story and stealth mechanics for its time.
kula world, my nigga! Such an underrated puzzle game
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Dino Crisis
Die hard trilogy
Crash 1/2
Spyro 1-3
Rogue trip 2012
Twisted metal (any of them really, 4's fun)
Duke nukem time to kill
Pepsi Man
That reminds me, someone threw out a PS2 the other day. I found it near my apartment's elevator. It's just the machine, no cables or controllers, so I haven't hooked it up and tested to see if it works yet.
Use Mednafen or PCXS-R
I only had it on a demo disc but I loved every single second of it, multiple times.
Are the load times gone with emulators? Heard the PS1 versions were the best but the loadibg times really make people not reccomend them
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>Final Fantasy 7 and 9 are recommended
>Final Fantasy 8 isn't

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Legend of Dragoon. There, that's all you'll need for a good 50+ hour RPG with the best combat system of all turn-based games.
best ps1 emulator lads?
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Playing through Xenogears at the moment, it's pretty great so far.
Armored Core Master of Arena
Castlevania Chronicles
Shadow Tower
R-Type Delta
Umihara Kawase Shun
Vandal Hearts
Omega Boost
Dino Crisis 2
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>Jumping Flash!

I played through these games recently and holy shit the controls are wonderful. How can a first person platformer with tank controls hold up so fucking well? Super/ Hyper mode i crazy shit too, just flying across entire levels without touching the ground. It's a shame they're so short though.

I tried looking up videos for this game but half of them are by Ulillillia. I might just make some webms for this.
Got one for ps3?
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>no WipEout 2/3 in racing category
>putting Tony Hawk and Gran Turismo in the same category
What the actual fuck
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