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Why is there 10 times as much R34 material of Infested Kerrigan
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File: zerg_kerrigan_by_blacksheep64.png (486 KB, 1024x640) Image search: [Google]
486 KB, 1024x640
Why is there 10 times as much R34 material of Infested Kerrigan than the regular version?

Do people really want to fuck insects?
For a majority of the timeline, Kerrigan has been infected.

Didnt she get taken by the zerg like 3/4 through the first game?

She was infested in Brood War, the starcraft experience that everyone remembers playing.
People who like CG porn are degenerates. That's why.
>he doesn't want to fug dis bug
Literally has space AIDS
Don't put your dick in infected. But the fuck do I know, being a necrophiliac.
File: Wraith evolve.jpg (47 KB, 691x468) Image search: [Google]
Wraith evolve.jpg
47 KB, 691x468
Can we have a xenophile thread instead?
File: 001.jpg (637 KB, 1280x1881) Image search: [Google]
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>Do people want to fuck insects

File: sakuramura_kimahri.jpg (865 KB, 1000x781) Image search: [Google]
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>there's 10 times as much R34 material of Kimahri than of Yuna, Lulu and Rikku

Let that sink for a bit. The internet if a weird place.
>9 days to save Europe's Internet

The fuck is this shit about?

What is the source on this? Google can't help shit.

I highly doubt this is true and you're just a fag that intentionally seeks out smut of Kimahri.
>all powerful DOMINANT alien queen with all sorts of nasty habits versus a vanilla redhead

Gee, i wonder why peopole prefer the former.
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