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Paper Mario
Final fantasy.

Crystal Chronicles > FF1 > FF2
Bully > GTA1 > GTA 2
New Vegas > FO3 > FO4
The Megaman series.
Chinatown Wars > GTA1 > 2
Final Fantasy Tactics>FF1>FF2
Is Bloodborne considered a spin-off? If so, then BB>DS1>DS2
FO4 at least had working mechanics as opposed to 3. they're both still shit of course.
FO3 at least was an RPG as opposed to 4.

Theathrythm > FF1 > FF2
>Mgr Is best metal gear meme
kingdom hearts birth by sleep > kingdom hearts > kingdom hearts 2
Infinite World > DBZ2 > DBZ1
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I came here just to check.
That was true until MGSV came out. Now it's the second best.
Misadventures of Tron Bonne > MM Legends 1 > MML 2
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