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What graphics card should I purchase to render my games in a
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What graphics card should I purchase to render my games in a higher internal resolution than 1.5x Native? My current card is just the onboard Intel HD 4600.

Ideally, I'd want to run things in 3 or 4x native, with anti-aliasing as well.
I've got a 770 and it can run things usually around 3x with most other things cranked up high as well. get that cheap new 1060 and you'll be golden. also emulation tends to be more cpu locked than gpu, so make sure you've got a decent cpu as well
I've got a four-year-old radeon in a prebuilt that runs most stuff at 2x resolution
iirc dolphin's bottlenecked more by the cpu than by your graphics card, invest in a good processor if you're into emulation
I do 1080p on Dolphin just fine with a 750ti
pretty sure dolphin needs more cpu than a graphics card
my work laptop with a current gen i3 and intel hd 5k runs most games at 60 fine
>onboard gpu
amd poorfag spotted
I've got an i7-4785T @ 2.20GHz, 2201 Mhz, 4 cores and 8 log. processors

Is this up to speed? Forgive my utter ignorance, I have typically only used PCs for work purposes, never gaming, up until this point

For x3, anything in the 270x range is fine. x4 you need something a tad beefier, so 280x/gtx960 and the likes. 970 works at any higher res except with Ratchet and Clank, the game is busted no matter what.

Oh, I almost forgot: at 1080p if you go x3 you still need anti-aliasing, if you go x4 the game is clean enough so you don't need it much, if at all.
>quad-core 2.2 GHz
should be fine
File: RMHE08-15.png (4 MB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
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I render at 4k with a 970 and a bunch of tweaks per game.

Ignore the artifacting for the skybox.
2.2ghz is a bit old, but it might do ok. I'm the guy with the 770 and I oc'd to 4.2ghz for comparison
Theres more a processor than a clockspeed.
yes but dolphin doesn't use more than 2 cores iirc and def doesn't use hyperthreading
HD 7950
OP here--I'm an idiot. I have an HP Pavillion All-in-One...you can't install new graphics cards on all in ones right?
generally no, they tend to be very compact so there's no room for a big ass gpu. plus they also tend to have shitty psus that barely go above the needs of what it already has
It's probably more of a hassle than it's worth.
Gpu doesnt matter its about the cpu
define "Native"
File: melee1080p.png (2 MB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
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I got a 7950 HD Boost and I can run Melee at

>3x native

with very stable 60FPS, I never see them dropping while I play.

Horseshit, both are equally as relevant above 2x


4x original res, hence "native".
Ok I tried out if I could push it further and even with

>4x Nativ
>16x AA
>Per-Pixel Lighting

I get very stable 60FPS with 2 players on FD. Running a 7950 Boost with an i5 4570.
My HD 7850 (4 years old) can run most games at 3x native.
So basically anything new in the mid segment will work fine.
Shame. How would I go about doing it if I decided that I still wanted to try to upgrade mine?
You find out whether or not your AIO can be upgraded.
Most of the time not. And the cases where you can, you pay out of the ass for overpriced parts that can only be had from HP.

In case you can't upgrade, you go to a corner and cry.
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