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One Piece: Burning Blood DLC
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The winners of the voting ballot have been announced. The top 3 winners are:
>Rob Lucci
>Caeser Clown
>Monkey D. Garp


>Actual good choices

Didn't see that coming.
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Senior Pink should have won. We needed the hard-boiled!
bump for wan pisu
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>not a single girl made to top 3
What are you guys, gay?
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best nakama wins
Wan piss girls are shit
Koala is already fucking in. The waifu line has clearly been crossed anon.
not all of them are shit
what are the fucking odds
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Apologetic Hancock.png
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God Bless all those people who vote for good characters even the Fujoshi that got Caesar in. Not a single east blue shitters on that list thank you
>the 3 winners are characters that should have been automatically win

Definitely just an excuse to sell fucking DLC
>No one likes Vivi

It hurts
No likes one piece girls in general. It's sad.
>Lucci and Ceasar
Wtf this shit is retarded fuck you all
>Tashigi is top tier in PW3
>DLC tier in Burning Blood

Garbage. At least Caesar got in.
>garp only third

what is this madness
>Le narcoleptic man who hits hard
Meme characters deserve third place
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Garp and Lucci I wanted but also Tashigi.
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Can anyone tell me if this guy is eternally high or just pretending to be retarded 24/7?
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Superb choice
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>Caeser Clown

Why? People actually like this faggot?

Rob Lucci is fucking great though
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>Caeser Clown
Something tells me he's actually retarded.
>Caesar Clown
Women really really like him
>boring melee type
>gas logia

You could argue that Lucci had plenty of Rokushiki moves to incorporate, but you know Bandai will take the easy route and just add punches and kicks.
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Caesar's fantastic.

Supposed to hate him yet can't help but like him.
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Dont get me wrong anon i think his ability is bretty gud but i just cant figure out how he thinks
will Oda ever create a better character than Lucci?
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a sad keion.gif
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>none of the ones you wanted won
Lucci and Garp should have been in there in the first place anyway but fuck Caesar. I wanted Arlong so bad.
Is there a Tashigi costume for Smoker?
They totally should.
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Maybe the light light fruit sped his thoughts up too much, like by the time something is a problem to him he's already thought about it, gone past it, and forgot about it.
Tashigi is dogshit tier.
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well shit, those are all pretty solid choices. wish we got senor pink though.
But they switched bodies so wouldn't his powers not work?
Tashigi does have the costume in PW3, though it's a bit buttoned up.
There's a bunch of faggots in the One Piece threads that want him to become to the new crewmember
I dunno man, I just really liked Smoker as Tashigi.
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Couldn't have aked for anything else. Maybe Hody or Tashigi, but this is good enough.
>no Tashigi
Fucking gay voters.
At least the results are somewhat ok. Ceasar should've been Tashigi
I don't understand that.
Dude is a more fucked up Dr. Mengele, he's genuinely an awful, unrepentant person.
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no shit sherlock
Why the fuck wasn't he already in the game? he's important as fuck.
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Daily reminder that Caesar did nothing wrong.
>no Arlong
Well at least we still have Jinbe.
>Caesar's in
All according to SHIIRODODODODO
Perona and Jinbei are the only two characters I think should definitely become nakama, but Perona is a NEVER EVER. I think her worshipping the now God Usopp would the funniest shit ever. I bet later on it's going to turn out that she formed a fanclub devoted to him now that the rest of the world recognizes him in the same light that she does.
That's the thing. He is so despicable and vile to the point that people love him for it. They think that the Strawhat crew needs a "major villain" member to make it look unique and interesting.
I honestly don't see anyone joining after this arc. Jinbe comes off to me as someone who just likes to go his own way. Law has his own crew. Rebecca is not unlikely but I feel like she'll probably want to stay on the island to catch up on lost time with her dad.
One day vivi will become playable again
A re-aligned villain or a psycho would make a great addition to the crew, but not fucking Caesar of all people.
So is the game any good? Seems kind of tedious like Storm
Best girl Robin is already in, who else can beat her?
If you mean joining ever then I disagree, but if you just mean for this arc then probably not. Rebecca is too weak to survive and has no skills to compensate, there's no way she is joining. Most of the crew has a job only they can do, Jinbei would be the logical next step because they have nobody that can really fight in the water and that would be a huge benefit. The only reason I even mentioned Perona was because she would make a very good lookout/preemptive scrub handler, just having good synergy isn't enough. Brooke is the only one there that serves no real purpose, but Luffy really wanted a Musician so give the nigga what he wants.
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>Meme gas man
>No Carrot/Monet
She's second best, anon.
Best girl is Monet.
>best girl
>lack of decent doujinshi
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>all were playable in PW3
Fuck's sake.
On the bright side, these are all better choices than whom I thought would make it, so I'm not mad, just somewhat disappointed.
how the hell did arlong not get in?
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You have great taste and it's a shame the rest of the world doesn't share it.
Maybe W7's more popular.
Honestly shocked at Garp being here though, i thought Rebecca was too popular to not be a shoo-in. Glad I was wrong, though it sucks not getting someone like Arlong or Vivi
Man I really wanted Tashigi.
I hope the rest of the DLC candidates will be put in Burning Blood 2.
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You make me sad.
None of the girls have interesting powers except Robin
Perona also has decent powers
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>hate to play against

for me:
E3 (I bought it last week and only had ps+ since yesterday)
sabo, koala and zorro
>hate to play against
law and marco
when you move at the speed of light time slows down, hence his slow thoughts
>Caeser Clown
Literally why
cause he's cute and cuddly
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