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>trying to beat Ebrietas >Old Hunter NPC is worthless >Beckoning
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>trying to beat Ebrietas
>Old Hunter NPC is worthless
>Beckoning Bell no answered
>can get her down to halfway by myself until she kills me with lasers

What's your least favorite Bloodborne boss?
Dude. Tap that ass. That's all you need to do.
stand literally anywhere but the front of it and spam r1, it's that easy.
Get behind her or to her side, use Bolt Paper or a bolt weapon (Tonitrus destroys her), she will go down fairly easily. Staying around to her sides/back avoids her charge.
I honestly found her easier solo. She is way more predictable.
It's ironic that the Souls game with the fewest weapons and build variety (I'm aware there are multiple playstyles, just not as many as other Souls games) has more replay value for me than any of the other titles in the series. I just can't get enough of that fucking atmosphere and combat. Love co-oping. I ring my bell ten times per boss each playthrough.
My least favorite is micolash, since every time I get him into his little room in the second stage he just casts a call beyond one after another. It got to the point were I just spammed thrown items, poison knives and bullets since there's an exploit with his script
For him just stay RIGHT next to him. He will NEVER cast A Call Beyond unless you're at range. I mean it, literally do not move from his side ever. He becomes an absolute joke then.
Laurence, probably. He just doesn't make any sense to me. Why is it that he gets harder the more damaged his legs are? It's like Ebola man with his "I'm growing stronger"

Ignoring that I just feel that he's pretty uninspired. On top of that he has the worst case of pivoting in Bloodborne that I can think of. Honestly there's nothing I really like about him.
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Ebrietas gave me trouble because I was deadset on attacking it's stupid macaroni head.

As soon as I got behind it and attacked its stupid gimp legs, it got a lot easier.
He tests your patience. Nothing he has is hard to dodge, everything is telegraphed, he just hits like a truck.

The only thing I hate about the fight is how uninspired the design of him is. I don't care if he's flaming or not, just don't give me a cleric beast reskin.
Oh yeah? Ok I'll try that next time, besides I don't think Ill be able to carry enough thrown items to cheese him on ng++
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Literal camera boss.
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>Orphan phase 2 at lvl 50

No one's given me more trouble than this guy in awhile
Definitely, it's the only way I've ever beaten him. He's weak as fuck in melee.
Kos, because how easy you can chain backstab him in phase 2
Maria, because how easy it was to stagger into party her. What a joke of a boss. Dope ost tho
It doesn't have more replayability tho
>has more replay value for me
Emphasis on the "for me."
But that's wrong
>opinions are wrong
Oh, you're baiting. Bye.
living failures in terms of laziness

laurence in terms of design

god, what a shitty boss

also, an easy way to beat ebrietas is to use blood-damaging moves on her head. shoot her head with the cannon or bait the headslam + punish
Have a good day anon!
Tbh all boss but Ludwig were disappointing
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t. Shitter
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*Charge r2s you*
Mine was Amygdala. I just found him to be a little on the ANNOYING side. Also fuck Defiled Amygdala
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>cant replay DS2 because of the bland as fuck first half
>cant replay DS3 because of the messy 'wait for DLC' setting and linearity

Story, mechanics, and atmosphere got me more hooked in BB than the final two Souls. I think From's having a tricky time figuring out what made DS1 great and also struggle to make a kingdom cooler than Boletaria.
The later chalice bosses were much worse than anything in the base game (or any other Souls game, IMO). Loran Darkbeast, Defiled Amygdala, Headless Bloodletting Beast, just fucking kill me.
Once you realize Amygdala's jump will never hit you if you stand still you can cheese the shit outta it super easy.
I've heard this a lot. Is it definitely 100%? As in, if you are standing still, the jump will never, EVER hit you?
Just get behind it to the side a little and hit it's back arm. It will try and turn towards you but just stay back there. Eventually it will jump. Don't move. It will land on top of you but you'll be between it's feet and head so you won't get hit. Immediately target it's head when it lands and get a few hits in. Then run behind it and repeat.

Defiled Amy killed me like 50 times before this and I've beaten it now with 3 different characters using this strategy and only died once or twice because I wasn't being careful.
Fucking sweet strat, my man. I haven't played Bloodborne in months but this thread is making me want to boot it up again.
I always r2 Ludwig sword (not moonlight) between his legs because it reaches high enough to his body. When he jumps as long as you are still he will never hit you.
yeah man try >>344255475
or just roll behind and he never hits
Just tongue her anus all fight and keep up the pressure. Don't play defensively.
It's got more replayability than DaS3 by a mile, don't kid yourself.
I haven't finished DS3 yet.
rom because him and his friends are annoying pieces of shit. also had a ton of trouble against living failures for some reason

also dont listen to everyone else, stand in front of ebrietas and bait out her head slams. it took me around 10 tries before i thought of that. get fuckin visceral
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I kind of wish weapon arts were just another attack, not this weird 'set up' move that's at odds with DS3's quicker pace. All my favorite UGSs have terrible arts for PvE, and being dependant on mana makes me use them even less.
I find with non-chalice Rom if you kill the initial spiders before he teleports, and have high DPS, it will make the fight a lot easier. Since he doesn't use meteors in that initial phase you can take your time with the spiders, kill em all, then regen your stam and beat the living shit out of him. Chances are on NG you won't kill him unless you have a couple guys with you, but lots of damage for sure. For later phases, though, I always completely ignore the spiders.
Micolash, he's unbalanced as shit.
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I'd say Gehrman gave me the most trouble. I remember it taking me 7+ tries to get the patterns down to stagger him before i finally killed him

my least favorite tho is micolash. fuck that asshole

every other boss only took me 1-2 tries
yeah on my first run i did it alone because both my summons died in the first phase, didn't really take many hits but goddamn it took forever to get the kill because i was just running around looking for openings
Yeah, it's cat and mouse like crazy. Those spider dive-bombs do a lot of damage.
That and they're totally useless on 90% of the weapons. And a lot of weapons share the same one.

Why bother with this bad attack with a long start up and large window of vulnerability when a couple of R1's are faster, more likely to connect and do more damage?

DaS3 has a lot of problems with viability and availability, so most build variety is moot. Don't forget armor is about as meaningless as it is in BB.
>bloodtinge build
>headshots with evelyn for about 800 damage that stagger her
>visceral attacks

Bloodtinge build is legit overpowered, easiest playthrough ever.
git gudder
>I think From's having a tricky time figuring out what made DS1 great
It's really simple. It's a 3D metroidvania with varied environments that makes you feel like a knight.
Nice art but tophat fuccboi is a little out of place.
One of the easiest bosses in the game and you still can't win? Get behind her and attack, go for her head when you get a chance. Attack head repeatably when she charges that shit to stop it. Also the old hunter is useful he does good damage with his projectiles.
I beat Gehrman first try, died to the Moon Presence afterwards though.
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>the optional endgame challenge areas are harder than the early game
one reborn was a huge pain during my arcane build playthrough
How do I into BLT build?
>everyone calls it the easiest boss in the game
>struggled with him 4 out of the 5 playthroughs I've done
kill me now
Add blt and skill get chikage and evelyn
Anyone who doesn't say this guy's second appearance is a fucking liar or just don't know.
That's the beauty of Souls. Everybody has parts that are easy to them that others find difficult, and vice versa.
I haven't played BB because I don't own a PS4, but Ebrietas looks really annoying to fight if you don't cheese her by being on her ass. The camera looks super weird when you're in front of her in that fight, like it would get stuck on her tentacles.
fewest weapons? It has more unique weapons than DAS3 it feels like.

it's over 25 last I checked, not including the firearms and side shit.
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Is that the one that has the 360 spin? Fuck that.
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DS3 could've used shit loads more interconnectivity. Like DS1, Firelink should've been a hub situated smackdab in the middle.

Honestly, when it first teleported me to Lothric I had hoped it was going full-blown Demon's Souls. Then I was just able to walk everywhere anyways.
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is that a large turd on the ground behind him?

still haven't defeated him
Those three niggas who attack you all at once, I can't remember their names, they look like the ringwraiths from Lord of the Rings, I hated that fight

Gehrman and Ebrietas were close seconds
Shadows of Yharnam.
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>beat Gehrman and Moon Presence
>get thrown into NG+ immediately
>had to do the DLC with all the bosses having a lot more health
>took 8 fucking minutes of chipping away at Living Failures to win

I wanted to shoot myself. 95% of the time they just try and headbutt you, and the only cool moment of the fight is their one actual attack. Also, not once, but twice I died to them after chipping them down to almost nothing just to get killed by the meteor attack because I was hit by two at the same time, which just added to the frustration. Im too terrified to even attempt Orphan with how little damage Im going to do to him.

I also really hated Logarius because he would just jump back and spam magic like a pussy, and then when he found his balls his melee attacks had such wide arcs and weird timing that I couldn't wrap my mind around. I think he's the only boss I died to 10 or so times
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If I had to say, it's probably be Blood-Starved.
I don't even have a problem fighting him, I just hate the poison and keep-away shit.
This is coming from someone who's played Bloodborne through and through, but I might be willing to put Ebrietas in there as well, mainly due to Isz.
>By the time I finally got around to playing the DLC DaS3 had come out
>Got to Orphan and never actually fought him
>Still have Defiled Amygdala to fight before I can platinum it
It's funny, for awhile, it was the only game I played almost night and day. I spent hours in the chalice dungeons (Even if they are kinda meh. The game would have greatly benefited from removing them and making them into main parts of the game, or at least secret areas. Feels a bit too much like a grind, and it's a shame most players never saw the unique bosses and enemies because most players never bothered with them.) beating boss after boss, got walled by Defiled Hot Dog for awhile, beat him, got to Defiled Amy, and I haven't continued that since. I accumulated so much skill in that time that going back to it makes me feel incredibly fucking rusty, especially after having played DaS2 and 3.
I remember that she trapped me in between her 2 penises on her back and started breakdancing until I fucked her shit up.
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Honestly, if I had one major beef with Bloodborne, it's the fact that it throws you into NG+. I really didn't like that. The chalice dungeons are another complaint entirely though.
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The Kirkhammer is literally just two weapons put together each with more moves/versatility than their counterparts in previous Souls. This is mostly the case with the other weapons and people neglect the fuck out of this.


This is bar-none my favorite art.
>26 primary weapons, all of which with multiple forms and varied movesets that are all unique and varied. Even the Saw Spear and Cleaver have their differences
>16 offhand weapons including firearms, a fist weapons and 2 shields
>12 Hunter's Tools or spells
>2 beast forms with unique movesets
>no variety or builds though
People are retards
The final boss is the most underwhelming fight in the whole game. Even the first three enemies you come across are a more exciting fight. Grind out that plat, though. If you're this close then you deserve it.
I never seem to deviate from the Yahar'gul Black Trousers and the rest White Church outfit. What do you guys like to wear? This is on a female MC, never got a favorite outfit as a guy.
The one with chains and shit was probably the hardest boss in the game for me. I don't get how you are supposed to kill him in melee.
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>hunters get stuck in hunters hell

I was initially pissed at this. Gascoine and Eileen were pretty spot-on in highlighting your inevitable fate as a hunter, then they threw in this Hunter's Nightmare.
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The mistake DaS3 did was not making the Lords of Cinder endgame bosses. If it was going to be like DeS, just split the game this way:

>Path 1: High Wall of Lothric -> Lothric Castle/Consumed King's Garden -> Grand Archives
>Path 2: Undead Settlement -> Road of Sacrifice -> Farron Keep
>Path 3: Catacombs -> Irithyll -> Anor Londo
>Path 4: Smouldering Lake -> Irithyll Dungeon via the hole near the giant crossbow instead of the bridge connected to the Distant Manor -> Profaned Capital

Then do some other stuff with the Cathedral, Untended Graves and Archdragon Peak. That's almost 1 optional area per path, only Path 3 would be missing something (maybe Irithyll Dungeon). Or even better, find a way to connect the Cathedral of the Deep directly to Irithyll so the paths would be:

>Path 3: Cathedral -> Irithyll -> Anor Londo
>Path 4: Catacombs -> Smouldering Lake -> Irithyll Dungeon/Profaned Capital
He is the first "wall" I have gone up against so far. Probs gonna do the DLC and try him again. Any tips?
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Tomb prospector chest or charred hunter garb, cainhurst leggins and gauntlets, and the wig for that secret 'hide helmet' option.
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After putting so many hours into Bloodborne, DaS3 really did feel quite slow in my opinion, and the weapons were incredibly uninteresting to me.

>This is my main character, the other was just a guy I made to do the DLC
>He's like level 220 something, mainly because of doing chalice dungeons with all Moon runes
>On NG+2 or 3, can't recall
I really need to finish it all up.
The hardest part is usually getting back into the flow of things I find, if I can do that, I can dodge incredibly precisely and avoid most damage. When I finally beat Defiled Hot Dog, I used only maybe one or two blood vials. It's funny, because it's the only time I ever used the wooden shield.
>secret 'hide helmet' option.
I usually just don't wear anything in the head slot. Armor doesn't seem to do shit anyway.

What they did with Lothric is strange as all hell to me. I completely forgot it existed my first playthrough because so does the fucking game; you're only there at the start and at the end.
I love the female knight set and the Yahar'gul executioner set
It's too vague and unclear to be a certain fate.

Eileen awoke from the dream and retained her sanity and is still alive in the mortal world.
Djura and his men were doing alright.
Simon went there like the player, sane and of his own accord.

I assume it was a cursed fate of the original Hunters, those that were tied to whatever happened in the old days with Kos and the Hamlet.
If you got gud - rush for evelyn+chikage. I killed logarius being level 41, but I think it's possible even earlier. Once you got it - just max BLT and fuck things up.
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The collars for both of those hide the wig, and they just happen to be my favorite sets
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>That one fucking room in Isz
You know the one.
Yeah you do.
The double staircase on each side room.
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>Live in Florida
>Have gone to Disney World quite a lot
>Have actually gotten Galactic Hero
They need to replace all of those fucking guns, they barely work, and the buttons stick so goddamn often.
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>love DeS and DaS1
>DaS2 and 3 are a giant disappointment
>BB is best GOAT of all time
Bloodborne 2 fucking when.
Grant us eyes.
Orphan of Kos made gehrman and moon presence pussies
Rush to logarius at 30-40 and hope he doesn't drag the fight out spamming his aoe shit.
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>moon presence was a big B with a little P compared to a stillborn Kos baby
Then how fucking powerful was his mom?
>select all lakes and oceans
I feel the same way, but all the weapons feel unique, I can make a character with the intention of just using the pile bunker and have a fucking blast.
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In a lot of ways, I feel like Bloodborne was a sorta 'return to form' for Miyazaki. It's definitely one of the best if not the best game this generation has had to offer so far. I think Miyazaki works best when he's allowed to create something new, and I'm sure he prefers that over making sequels.
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>It's too vague and unclear to be a certain fate

No one would've guessed that there was actually a personal hell for hunters (and other 'sinners' as well), there wasn't any basis for it. It wasn't boring or upsetting that they were either slaughtered or turned; Gascoine and Eileen are great examples here.

However, if say, the Nightmare is exclusive to hunters that "still dream", that's kind of all right; where else would you throw a respawning madman? It could also explain why they're still mostly human and why Gascoine isn't: MP isn't blocking the beast.
Because I bought bloodborne before the dlc I had to do it on ng+ and the failures were the only bosses I had to summon for
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oh shit
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I think the DLC ending is one of the most intriguing endings I've seen in video games in a very long time.
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>mfw that room

the strength of the MP is not in the physical form, but in his influence on the cycle of vermin and beasts, his role on a cosmic scale rather than on an individual level.

it not far to say that all great ones are strong on the cosmic scale, but weak on the individual level, since Rom was weak, Wetnurse was weak, Kos was weak enough to get killed by a bunch of fishermen.
The best
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>B-teamborne 2

This ruins the series.

Plus, BB worked so well because of how fresh it was. Another new Soulslike is what we need.
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Cease this at once
ok demodcracy
I really don't remember this
Just bought bloodborne after finishing ds3.

So far I'm enjoying it. Fuckin Victorian horror is so spooky though
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I think the fact that Bloodborne is so incredibly unique to begin with and so underdone in the industry that it makes it all the more special. I love Gothic Victorian, pair that with werewolves, beasts, among other sorts, and you definitely have one of my favorite games of all time.
two mind rapers on the side, a sniping ayy in the mid platform with another mind raper to shoot roofies at you, werewolves at the top with another ayy to snipe you
I've never fought paarl not overleveled as shit. fuck that, it just seems like it would not be fun at all
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Bloodborne truly is a fantastic horror game, and probably the best horror game in a very long time. Most things nowadays just rely on jump scares and not often delve deeper into the more psychological side of things.
Rom wasn't a great one, merely Kin.
Kos wasn't killed by the fishermen of the hamlet, they worshipped it.
Either it was a Bergenwerth job or it died for the child.

The Orphan was immensely powerful, physically and otherwise, even in death it sustains the nightmare of dozens or more.

That's how I see it anyway. Because this is a modern From game, their philosophy is to allow you to draw your own conclusions.
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>fisherman killed Kos

I can't find the basis for that.

I think it's honestly her sacrificing herself for her child: great ones can't have children, or their children can't have parents. And that's why phase 1 and it's theme is so fucking depressing.
The most interesting thing after killing Orphan is that the sun (Or moon, whichever.) is gone and it's daybreak. I don't often flip out over things but that had me going "Oh shit"
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Why is she so perfect?
get behind her. ebrietas is not hard.
if all goes shit. come back with a BLT char and cannon her to the face 3 times
The giant brainsucker in the Isz chalice dungeon... fuck those things

>kos was killed by a bunch of fishermen

I doubt that very much.

She could have died after being riddled with parasites, then her corpse was worshiped by the hamlet.

Or Byrgenwerth killed her. I don't know why they would do that, considering they were interested in great ones, but perhaps picking through her corpse was the only way to draw conclusions considering they had no means of communicating with Great Ones (the choir made it a point of nurturing a 'Celestial Emissary' after all

The Orphan/Kos herself was willing to lay down a curse on the 'children of Byrgenwerth' after being petitioned by the fishing hamlet's denizens. I doubt they would have granted that if they were killed by those who petitioned them in the first place
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>That's how I see it anyway. Because this is a modern From game, their philosophy is to allow you to draw your own conclusions.
I think Miyazaki really did succeed in recreating the feeling he got in which he could write Demon and Dark Souls. As I said previously, I really do feel like it's a return to form for him.

Because she actually loves you.
stay on him, hit, wait for like 1/2 second, hit etc etc. don't let your stamina run out and he's unable to do shit until he dies
it's literally just a test of patience, bruh. not even the slightest bit hard if you can control yourself. hell, i'd say the first one is harder simply for the size of the arena. staying away from him when you wanted to could be tricky
it's not. first time being dragged to yraghul and finding paarl was not fun. if you can't stagger him, you die. fast
>giant alien have humanoid baby
>someone fucked that thing
mad respect
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Any good Anime resembling Bloodborne?

I had high hopes for the new Berzerk (lel) but that obviously went to shit. Looking for something similar. By "resembling Bloodborne", I just mean weebshit that isn't high school fags similar to my meme reaction picture. Something like Hellsing/Vampire Hunter D/Berzerk
>lvl 50 in the dlc
you're at like, half of what's recomended
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Orphan of Kos

Managed to cheese the fucker on my underlevelled character but beating this asshole fair and square is mind numbingly enraging, fuck phase 2.
>/v/ still talks about BB
>nothing on Dark Souls 3

what happened?
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>I don't know why they would do that
Because Byrgenwerth is ruled over by the School of Mensis.
Mensis doesn't want any competition.
DaS3 is just more of the same, BB is an unique experience
pre-DLC? micolash, not because he's hard, but tedious.
now? the orphan. that son of a bitch can go fuck himself. but alas, want to do a brocoli man run, so i guess i have to
Yeah..I don't think that's how cosmic deities work.
Charge Shot in the face with Simon's BowBlade is instant stagger. I cheesed the shit out of Ebreitas with that.

The School of Mensis wasn't a thing when Byrgenwerth went to the Fishing Hamlet
BB has a universe that was not driven into deep shit like DaS was
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Honestly I wouldn't recommend taking on the DLC, or at least Ludwig, before beating Gehrman/Moon Presence. Sad part is you can't use the cool DLC weapons in the main game unless you feel like going through NG+ with them.

What >>344260351 said. Bloodborne, at least in my opinion, just has more to offer, even if it is a relatively shorter game than DaS3.
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Dark Souls 3 a shit.
It's not even "more of the same". They tried to put BB inside DaS and it came out as nothing particular surprisingly. They should have commited more instead of trying to be everything.
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Lol, that's what you think.
Take this and upgrade your shit.
>They tried to put BB inside DaS
gameplay wise. story and setting were still that overused fire crap. if i hear fading flame one more time, i swear
tfw game was a breeze until ludwig.
i think i may be part of the few that got frustrated at him.
>first attempt
one shot to kill but got rekt. ended up with almost 20 tries, couldn't do it anymore,

ebrietas was my easiest boss despite dying the first attempt.
he's right tough. byrgenwyrth and mensis were one until the kos was dicovered and everyone tried "different" approaches on dealing with it
>What's your least favorite Bloodborne boss?
Probably Mergo's Wet Nurse. I'm honestly not even sure what they were going for with that boss. At least Micolash and the Witches had interesting ideas that separated them from the other bosses. And Celestial Emissary had the decency of being an optional boss instead of a "potential final boss".
I thought the Orphan was solid proof that we descended from Great Ones. Then we killed it.
First time player here. I just beat the Blood-starved Beast and Gehrman tells me I should go to some church workshop through Odeon Chapel. I go to the chapel and try to see if any of the gates in the level opened up. I check the first one, find out it's still locked and then get absolutely owned by some random enemy (with a sack?) I haven't seen before in that part of the level. I respawned in a cell in some "Unseen village" place. Is that good? Am I on the right track?
Yeah, but then you see the workers in Undead Settlement, the Abyss goopmonsters, the weird creatures in Profaned Capital. The buildings look pretty similar too. They made estus drinking more like vials and removed poise for ze speed.


Genuinely wishing you good luck
"we" didn't kill anything. it was found dead. and byrgenwyrth mistook the living orphan inside for Kos being alive. which led to the split of mensis from byrgenwyrth
Oh and the giant wolf monsters in Farron Keep. They also took Bloodborne's linearity too.
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Shit nigga you're screwed
Don't change anything about the transition from Highwall to Lothric Castle. I do believe that you should have to beat the Dancer.
One Reborn
Wet Nurse

Aren't those the last three ones before Gehrman (and Moon Presence)

I played BB last month but the last bosses are a fucking joke. I'm glad there was the DLC but I can't imagine how gamers must have felt about these three pushovers (Gehrman is also easy) as the final bosses.

Worst boss in the game is probably one of those, although I think only a few BB maingame bosses are really great.

I vote Cleric Beast for worst
stupid camera, "epic" theme wasted on tutorial boss, mindless beast #154
the linearity is the only thing in bloodborne is struggle with. why did they have to do that
i think they forgot to ramp up her speed, she's just way too slow for some reason. her design, the darkness attack. all fucking bad ass. but she moves at a snails speed.
Enemy with a sack is a Death Dealer and you should probably use a guide to escape out of the Unseen Village. It's kinda end game area.
His souls boss rankings are meh.
>Unkindled feel 'chosen' by the flame like hunters were 'chosen', it's the first DaS that does this
>Hemwick Undead Settlement
>Untended Graves doing the exact same shit as Abandoned Workshop; even gives a fucking achievement
>multiple timeline/dimension nonsense
>big grey monstrosities realized near the end of the game

Also why the fuck does Anri summon you but doesn't get summoned? She would get to kill Aldrich -and- help save the world. Instead she ends up at a Firelink without his ashes. Maybe that's why she hollowed, "FUCK me that was pointless"

DS3 should've been all about the ancient sad asthetic. BB has it beat in darkness and horror.
good luck, poor soul. you'be been abducted. enjoy the nice music tough
I'd really hate to spoil things for you, as playing through Bloodborne blind is a great experience.
All I'll say is beat Vicar Amelia and get the password for a door. Make sure you thoroughly explore Cathedral Ward.
I mean, if you make it more like DeS, you should maybe not make the difficulty of the Dancer and Lothric Castle endgame. That fits more Grand Archives. I don't really see the point of stopping the player after 1 boss in High Wall of Lothric. In Boletaria, they stopped you after Phalanx, Tower Knight and Penetrator, here that would be Vordt, Dancer and Dragonslayer.
>use a guide to escape
why would you need a guide for "go upstairs and touch lamp"
and Oceiros*
>kill abyss watchers
>skeleton whats his name
>boss room somehow leads to logical route

>kill aldrich
>gets teleported
>old hag dies
>dancer attacks
still doesn't make any sense to me

in dark souls 1, you ring bells and then walk away, kill lords and walk away
in dark souls 2, you kill lords and walk away, then go on a linear path that makes sense
in all souls, mid-bosses are just in your way, but they aren't the destination, in dark souls 3, major bosses are just in your way
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Well, now you guys got me worried. Thanks anyway.
I must be the only person in the world that thinks Orphan is a fair, fun fight. It was pretty much difficult Gehrman. I honestly was throwing my controller trying to fight Maria legit, and eventually I just said fuck it and used a quick weapon and parried everything and smacked her like it was nothing. But seriously FUCK that bitch. Orphan I got in a modest four tries, and I never once got angry, because not one single thing happened that I thought was bullshit. Also, I somehow was able to avoid his lightning every single time. And I think it always comes from the beach.
Playing DS3 made me miss trick weapons. I hope there is at least one in the DLC.
i'm not saying he's unfair. he's just fucking tough
>Want to play a sorcerer but don't feel like splitting my Estus'
>Mana in general
For some reason, I find cleric beast really kind of unpredictable and erratic toward the end of the fight, and it's actually kinda hard to me because I can't tell when the safe windows to attack are
Seriously though it's not a big deal.
The area is pretty small and you find a lamp pretty quickly. It's just an optional side-area until it opens up later in the game.
I think phase 2 is only fair if you go to the sea or the entrance and can avoid his lightning attack.

Aside from that he's fair and square, even though phase 2 is completely erratic.

I actually think phase 1 is too easy as soon as you figured that backstabbing out and used the right runes. Ludwig's first phase is harder to fight.
>Ludwig's first phase is harder to fight.
this a thousand times. died to his first phase a million times because he's flailing around like a retard. once i got him down to half for the first time, he died right there
Ludwig was a monster in all senses of the word, gave me a headache
It has been a while since I played so I don't remember their name but from my experiences the magic user NPC is pretty good for this fight. They carried me everytime I fought this boss
could listen to his theme all day tough
find a lamp and GET OUT OF HERE
great for farming tho
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The Bloody Crow of Cainhurst set, Bradors Testimony set and Hunter garb without the cloak, hunters hat and charred gloves and boots set<3
no, but all over the internet you see so many people like "oh, ook is impossible," and it's like dude, i thought it was downright fun.
Paarl is such a shit boss its unbelievable.
for female: knight top with trouser of choice. elegant as fuck
for male: tomb prosperctor with simon's headwrapping.
yup, most people seem to have the wrong mindset for this. "i have to get past that boss now" attitude doesn't help. you have to enjoy fighting and not see it as an obstacle
never backstabbed or parried him. i always try to just dodge and punish humanoid bosses unless i find that it just doesn't work, like with maria
Charred set + Cainhurst mask was the best looking set imo.
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Its nice that threads creep up when i recently beat the game for the first time

FUCK orphan of kos that prick can fuck right off
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>Not using the almighty Brador's set

Fucking shit taste m8
>dressing like a caveman
top kek
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I used to use >>344258441 but now I prefer >>344257804
Bloodborne's the best fashion souls.
Is this in the first chalice dungeon?
>Yharnum Queen.png
>can access miracle merchant after leaving a skippable tutorial and running 1 minute through Heide's to kill the Dragonrider
>can access hex merchant after the same thing, but run through 1 minute in an empty tunnel to Huntman's Copse
>can access pyromancy merchant after leaving a skippable tutorial and running to the second bonfire in FotFG, buy a Fragrant Branch and unpetrify the lady in the Shaded Woods path, 1 minute away from Majula
>can access the sorcerer merchant after beating the Dragonrider and unlocking the shortcut right before Flexile Sentry
>can farm and use plenty of herbs to constantly restore your spell usages without sacrificing estus
>attunement slots actually increase your spell usages if you use them for the same spells

>have to split your estus between life and mana when melee players don't even care about WA
>putting the same spells multiple times in the attunement slots don't make any difference
>hexes are 60-70% through the game
>all spellcasting mentors require you to beat the same 2 bosses minimum and go through an entire zone afterward
>half of the books and scrolls you find are probably hex books they won't even allow you to use when you get them unless you want to lose access to your miracle mentor
Fisher's Hamlet you twat
oh man, this place is so fucked. recently, i did it and cheesed the shit out of the main room with the doorway, but i want to say that the first time i did it, i actually fought them all legit. i have no idea how, i think i got them to all come up the stairs sort of separately or something
Step 1:
> Put the 16.5% Bolt Gem found near the start of Yharhagul into Ludwigs Holy Blade, or Saw Cleaver/Spear if you don't have 16 STR.

Step 2:
Also equip any Bolt Radials or Noirishings if you have them. Use the Chunks found in Yharhagul/Cainhurst to make it +8 or even +9.

Step 3:
> Kill the bell ringers up top, just to avoid annoyance.

Step 4:
> Stand next to it and mash r1. Spam backwards dodges if it spews at you

Step 5:
> Spam r1 some more, it's probably dead by now.
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Nigga Ill kill you. Nobody talks shit against the most badass armor in Bloodborne
I lost like 10 insight on that fucking part.
>go through an entire zone afterward minimum*
nope. that's the undead giant, mate. boss of the first layer of pthemru. never played farther in the CDs but my guess is, he's being recycled. and bullshit'd up
like this
>that one brainsucker around that corner just waiting for you to come through

and don't ever try to outrun the bind spell. you can only dodge through it
I bought this game player for 5 hours straight then never touched it again
Everytime I play it feels like a chore, its a fun game dont get me wrong .
How do I get in the mood to play Bloodborne
BB is probably the only souls game with a somewhat happy ending
if you're not hooked by the setting yet, it's not gonna happen
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Bumping with more Brador, everyone must love his set
It'll either click with you after a few hours gameplay or it won't.
Who here as actually gotten a perfect arcane gem? Be honest.
Quite curious as to what makes you say that Bloodborne's ending is somewhat happy.
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Nah, "that room" goes to Ailing Loran Layer 2 pre-boss side area.
> werewolf
> one way door
> room with another werewolf
> room with two Bell Ringers summoning red spiders that can see you through the one way door and Litterally never stop summoning spiders. 20+ can be active at one time.

And your reward? Ritual Blood 4.
Its a happy ending because you escape the nightmare and can have a new start
would you just fucking stop. not everybody wants to look like roadkill rudolph
I really do dig the setting and designs of the game more than the actual combat. Which isn't bad but I don't see how people say these are the best combat systems in vidya.
I would like to make a personal appeal to whoever created those spiders:

Please, I hope your nightmares are filled with those spiders as much as my own were, you monster.
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Say that to my face nigga, Ill spike you to death
>how people say these are the best combat systems in vidya.
nobody says this. don't bring it up again unless you want to to start shit. they're decent combat systems that can be fun for quite a while, but far from best. if you don't like it, don't play. simple as that
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Ever fought that thing at 99 Insight?
I'd call it one of the difficult fights
>Old Hunter NPC is worthless
Guess you have something in common then.
what differnece does it make? fought her at like 70 and she doesn't deal frenzy
There are actually 3 Undead Giants, one with two Scythes (layer 1 Pthumuru), another with a Cannon (somewhere in Hintertomb Chalice) and one with a big Club hand thing and a bunch of Flails attached to hit body that swing when he turns. They will probably one-shot you.

Luckily for Arcane or Bloodtinge builds varients 1&3 have no counter to ranged attacks, you can just stand back spamming spells or arrows and win without taking damage.
At least it has a fantastic theme.
Even if the fight is fairly easy, it's still one of my favorites.
The part where she splits up into infinite teleporting copies for a little while. Not sure but there probably isn't any difference between 70-99 insight for that.

It seems random whether she does it a ton of times or not but I ended up having to sprint around the edge of the room until she was done to survive those phases after a bunch of tries, and she'd do it at least three times every fight
wait, at low insight she doesn't split?
and you know those clones die in one hit?
why is this game so good, lads? I'm genuinely thinking about buying the artbooks and guides etc, even though I have spent over 200 hours on this game already
I prefer the real thing. How I can woe Lady Maria?
This. Summoning npc just gives her more health and since the npc is usually flimsy, just dies right away. So you just making it worse. :(
I will never tire of Bloodborne threads. This game is a gift.
Yeah that's based on insight
And yes of course, but I got killed enough times by the speed they spawn around you if you're not constantly moving to just start avoiding them altogether until she was done

You could just download them from the BBG thread on /vg/ desu, if you want to look at them before buying hard copies
That one NPC for ebrietas has good magic that makes her head explode.

Or you can just rush to the shortcut in the DLC, kill the NPC and cheese her with the bow
It's the trick weapons. Each one is worth about three normal Dark Souls weapons, and they're all viable and have different movesets, so they make the game a lot more replayable.
Because she's artificial
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Is she a virgin?
doubt it. gherman dick all over the shop
>got her on my first run

Yeah whatever

not after gehrman found her body
You mean the doll?
>try to be aggressive
>get hit and lose 50% of HP
>try to be defensive
>get hit and lose 50% of HP
>try to parry
>get hit and lose 50% of HP
>try to evade
>get hit and lose 50% of HP
>try to make the pain stop
>get hit and lose 50% of HP
oh my fucking god this same shit happened to me. THought the dlc was too hard so I just left it and forgot to go back before the final boss. For some retarded reason i thought ng+ difficulty would not affect the DLC. Spent literally ten hours on ludwig and even longer on orphan. tried laurence three times and just said fuck it and started a new game to make a bloodtinge build. did the dlc in my new game and took down ludwig in 5 tries, orphan in 3. Felt fucking amazing.
no, maria. and the doll.
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>still have 19 more vials to go
dude bowblade cheese the fuck out of defiled amy just use that. I have a skill bloodtinge build and I beat amy in one try using that thing.
sandwich build is retardedly overpowered. i remember a time when all people said "hurr bloodtinge is fucking useless stat. resistence 2.0"
I either go full cainhurst with the red finery and the metal helmet, or I do crowfeather with the cainhurst helmet, red knight gloves and old hunter trousers with the leg brace. Looks fucking tight with chikage/evelyn.
>hear Ebrietas is crazy hard
>walk into boss room with trepidation in my heart
>walk into it's face and spam R1 over and over
>it dies without me taking damage or dodging
>oh ok..
I don't get it? Is it just weak to Str Builds?
Despite beating him on my first attempt, Rom was the fucking worst. So tedious.
Orphan was a fun fight though, really liked Laurence's second phase. Ludwig was perfect because it fit nicely with the tempo of the dlc stage.
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Cursed chalice watchdog
So I've been replaying the game after quite a long time. Did from nerf the Bloody Crow? He didn't give me nearly as much trouble as the first time around. Kind of a let down, I was looking forward to this duel.
nah pretty much everyone agrees that he's fair and one of the best bosses. he's just hard as fuck
fuck you
the entire game is weak to str builds
well that was unwarranted. not a fan of bombast i take?
I don't wanna be that guy who says "git gud"
But they're relatively easy once you learn what they do and just play the fight safe. Hit one to three times at each opening usually works, with the exception of Amy and Headless, where they can be wailed on after they've attacked

Trust me guys, I did the entire game on NG+ and all the Chalice Dungeons with 10 vit.
Nah, if anything he's harder since you can't trick him into switching to Blood Chikage snd de-agro'ing while the health drain is still going. Apart from that he's exactly the same as launch.

If you have a weapon that can hit her head it can make it very easy. But it is a fight that can be extremly easy or extremly hard depending on RNG.

If you are lucky she'll headslam 4 times in a row, you will basically kill her. But if she just does her bullshit charge over and over (it happens, I once got charged 4 times in a row in Isz) it can be one of the hardest fights in the game.
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I often switch fashion but pretty much here's how it goes:

old hunter top hat, khaki haori, gascoigne wraps and crow pants for my dexfag. I replace the haori with constable chest and the gloves by white surgical to look like a dapper old school military officer when I wield the cane, reiter or rakuyo.

For my str guy, pic related when wielding the whirligig or boom hammer and I like switching to black church hat and pants with gascoigne chest when wielding the kirk and moonlight blade.

Finally, my blt character is all about cainhurst knight chest with maria gloves and hat.

Also, post hunters
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