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Hey there son... been a while since you left your room, hasn't
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Hey there son... been a while since you left your room, hasn't it? I'll leave your din-din's right here like usual. If you want to join us, me and your mother will be eating at the dinner table.
File: getting hard.gif (2 MB, 249x202) Image search: [Google]
getting hard.gif
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>nigger dad
>the person actually reads the whole caption in a gif for once

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I remember watching this video. Wish I hadn't.
Imagine a world without tumblr gifs
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>Black man being a responsible father
What game is this?
>you will never rape your dad
why even live
What's this shit? I'm at work right now.
thanks dad i love you
Heres the youtube link because I know you guys are too lazy to go to vimeo. Basically it's an art film about a kid raping his dad.
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OK then
These kids nowadays
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I wish my real dad cared as much about me as you do, black dad.
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>And this is my son's room

>He's quite the video game buff!
Thread replies: 14
Thread images: 7

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