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Could you guys just calm down a bit?
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Thread replies: 63
Thread images: 11
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Could you guys just calm down a bit?
Implying I would stoop so low as to sully some fine maidens comment section by my neanderthal speech.

le cringe material
How of you did this?

> how about we take this to PM's
I like how he assumes all this retarded shit and never assumes, "Oh she isn't replying, she must be playing her new game."
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>giving her a 3 minute response time
Or you know, in reality she just doesn't want to be involved with him cause he isn't attractive enough for her.
>talking to girls about videogames
The real cringe right there
Well. Of course that's what's really going on, but instead of making a shitty excuse like mine or facing reality he goes on a ridiculous fit.
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Fuckin' hell.
even if this is bait, it's disturbing to think that there are actually people like this, and unfortunate that i don't have any on my normiebook so i can troll the shit out of them
Spergs like this give everyone a bad name
>girl was afk doing something in house
>came back and goes to enter NintendoID
>Sees him sperg out
>Bullet dodged.
Virgins forever
>all these white knights
She was 100% in the wrong here
why do people always censor names?

just show the names, you're already trying to humiliate them.
So you won't try and find their pages
Because its fake. Most of these are.

You can even create your own, just go to


Why are you discussing this as it were real? Fuckin summerfags
I have proof
>typing 'sigh'
He's right. She's just faking it. She's a fucking fraud, and to call herself a gamer is an insult to all gamers.
Kill yourself white knight
>20 minutes between asking for Nintendo ID to calling her a fake gamer

holy shit kill urself
I didn't know this existed, time to hit /adv/
How old is this now? 2 years?
If he was attractive I doubt she or anyone would want to be around someone that pathetic anyway
Or, you know, sometimes people don't respond immediately to things.
Have a (you) for that effort senpai.
That's a site to fake a chat, not a post you retard
all me
I am so sorry, providing you with precise information is of utmost importance to me!

definitely a weirdo if they declare they are going to privately message, instead of simply pm'ing her
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Thanks for the free spoonfeeding
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You are welcome, fellow summerfag!
>spoonfeeding meme
Back to >>>/a/ and please stay there next time
people here are so friendly, I might stay here for the whole summer
>One of the best PC game released this year
>Okay Simcity lookalike with less bullshit than 5 but does nothing to push the genre in anyway
Red needs better taste
Don't forget to shitpost all the time and you'll fit right in.
You and your kind are the reason /v/ has completely gone to shit over the past 4 or 5 years.
yes, yes, /a/, don't you have some backseat moderation to do over there?
>backseat moderation
Remember the last time some newfag (much like yourself) mod tried to supersede the community's sense of self governing? How did that go?

Just remember who top dog on 4chan is, now and forever.
Yeah, explains the pitiful state of your board.
>the pitiful state of your board.
On topic discussion, generals and other faggotry gets deleted instead of a spinoff containment board being created, and shitposters who care more about SJW news and internet "celebrities" than the actual content of the medium getting deleted?

Sounds good to me.
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fake facebook.png
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What did she mean by this?
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>On topic discussion
Your lack of self awareness is incredible, no wonder you're from /a/
Tone down the memetext for a minute and try to actually articulate the point you're pretending you made, because you're either so fucking stupid that you couldn't read my post, or you're so fucking stupid that you think generals are on topic discussion.
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/a/ is really un self aware, it's sad
>cities skylines
What a fucking casual.
Learn English before you come here to shitpost next time.
>buttblasted weeb
Go back to your containment board
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>Subhuman westaboo
Go back to reddit.
>weeb calling others subhuman
Oh the irony
>3rd world subhuman
>Doesn't like glorious nippon media
>Not realizing he's a subhuman
Oh, the pity.
*tips le fedora*
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that kitten.png
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>PC "Gamers"
Thread replies: 63
Thread images: 11

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