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Super Smash Bros. 5
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Lets not kid ourselves, its going to happen eventually. What do you want to see from it?
melee styled gameplay
For it to be the last game but people play it forever.
>Much wavecheating
>Much shine hacking

less gay than rage, infinite airdodges, no momentum transferred to jumps, useless dashdancing, and magnetic ledges
loser gets gangbanged by the other players

i would lose on purpose with rosalina all the time
I really hope Mario is in it
I want a Toon Dr. Dark FE Swordsman.
Change the air dodge mechanics back to melee (wavedashing not required).

Freefall after dodging.
I like rage, but I agree with the rest of your post.

I, personally, want some fucking meteor smashes / spikes that don't take eight minutes to come out after the button input. That's why Melee is still my favorite smash game. I love playing as Falco/Capn Falcon/Ganondorf/etc because those down spikes felt so damn satisfying. Smash4 doesn't have it at all.
No shitty handheld version that fucks over the console version. Oh, and playable Inklings.
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I just want a good Adventure Mode
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Shulk with non shitty frame data and moves that fucking linger.
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Pic related.
I'm waiting on modders to put out some good material for Smash 4. Let Sakurai do whatever he wants with the next game.
What if Sakurai didn't make the next game?
weeb shit characters to see more rosterfag autism
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Bandana Dee can come with him.
Take out the absolutely shitty high damage ceilings from 4.
It would be nice to actually get a kill under 150% again.
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>Adventure Mode that's a mix of Melee/brawl
>More unique remixes
>Melee gameplay
>Stages with way fewer hazards and no fight ruining bosses
>pic related
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A Buffed Puff.
Inklings, Dixie Kong, Tetra or Impa, and hopefully some super-obscure rep like Sukapon or the ball from Odama.

Bowser's Castle specifically. Smaller stages in general, with a single gimmick, as opposed to the multi-gimmick stages we've had a lot of lately.

Some kind of adventure mode. A more robust stage builder, with new parts and floor skins unlocked as you play. A return of Break the Targets (5 stages, 3 difficulties per stage that change target placement. OR, stage-per-character again). Race to the Finish as a multiplayer mode.

And lastly, a shop for custom specials / trophies / miscellaneous unlocks.

Custom specials that are actually different. Don't force some quota of 3 per move per character.

Also, specials that somewhat interact. For example, if Link shoots an arrow while holding a bomb, it becomes a bomb arrow. If Samus drops a power bomb with a full beam charge, it becomes a super bomb. Samus should also be able to switch her beam type one way or another. And so on.
Doesn't matter. I'll cut my losses and save myself the headache of getting hyped.
Make it really competitive like Melee, but don't copy Melee outright.
Take ques from Melee though. There's nothing wrong with wavedashing or L-Cancelling, doesn't affect anyone other than the people who want to utilize it, and the people who are used to not using it. Casual play = not affected at all by anything competitive.
Maybe they could really acknowledge their hardcore fans by giving wavedashes a unique animation.

Gravity could be increased to be similar to that of Melee's. Smash 4 feels fast enough but even casually, I find Melee more fun because it's so fast and heavy.

Increase hitstun for more combos.
Maybe when you get launched by a weak attack, you stay suspended in mid air and flash white, to signify that you've entered a state where you're vulnerable to more attacks. Nintendo games, especially Smash, like to be accessible, so I think it's important design wise to still make stuff like this accessible.

I want some sort of revolution in terms of characterization. More personality in each fighter. I play as Zelda in Smash 4 and I swear she has like one animation for her face. She's the most lifeless character in the game. Give characters more personality.
On top of this, give more unique animations for when character charge Smash attacks. 4 has been a great improvement in this department so far with quite detailed charging animations but, I feel it could be taken a step further, to make each Smash attack feel more unique, rather than
>Shake violently for a few seconds then Smash
I'd also like each character to be fully representative of who they actually are. Smash 4 and 64 are the best at this so far and do it enough really, but, sometimes I do wish they'd go a step further. Mario still isn't quite the Mario we know from the Mario series, he hunches when he runs and his voice clips don't demonstrate how expressive he actually is. In MK 8 he literally screams while driving around.
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>Lucina now has a unique moveset
>Falco and Wolf now share a rail shooter Arwing/Wolfen FS like Snake and Zamus have
>Bowser, DK, and Diddy now have voices from their game series
>Mii Mage - New Mii character based around laying traps and stage control
>Custom Moves now purchasable from a seperate store, equipment is cut
>DLC chars are $4 a pack
>DLC alt costumes for everyone, 6 characters in a $3 pack each
>Shitload of new stages
>Old Stages from every game in the series
>Arcade-styled Classic once again
>Adventure returns featuring character endings drawn by the respective series' artist (Think MvC3 Arcade)
>All Star Mode based on time characters were introduced, can now choose which time period to tackle with doors (ex: 07-12 first, 81-85 next, etc.)
>Trophy viewer cuts the bullshit NoA jokes and is a pure encyclopedia now
>Model Viewer added, can view character colors and animations
>Gallery Mode added, can check artwork of characters in Smash Bros, old Smash Bros artwork, old Smash Bros trailers and commercials, and trailers & clips of games each character was featured in
>Tournament Mode is back as an actual fucking Tournament Mode
>Smash is as is now (Regular, 8-Player, Special)
>Squad Smash: Make a squad of any number of characters and fight your opponent, each stock is one different character
>Events go back to Melee's list format
>Break the Targets, Home-Run Contest, and Multiple-Man Smash are back
>Smash Tour is cut
>Dedicated Online Lobbies for For Fun, For Glory, Tournament Matches, and 2-Player Classic/Adventure/All-Star
>Menus are represented by certain characters who speak when you make selections (i.e.: Professor Oak runs Model Viewer, Tiki runs Adventure's menu, Callie & Marie run Sound Test)
>Special Movie: 2-hour long movie on behind the scenes documentary with the Smash Bros. dev team, interviews from other company developers and fans on Smash Bros., comes as a separate DVD with the game
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she's gonna join right
My fucking nigger
Go back to Youtube Alpharadbaby.
Remove gimmicky stages and make music that isn't t designed for timed 2 minute battles.

No Sakurai, after my friends have cheap deaths for the 100th time, they stop having fun and always ask me to go back to non shitty gimmick stages, so even casuals hate your decision.
First Post
Best Post
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Omg this
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Make stock the god damn default game mode.
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To be what Smash is supposed to be: a Nintendo fanservice game.
I don't want a focus on tourneyfags or "LE EBIN HYPE TRAILERS" only for said trailers to be regurgitated into the final product.
I want GOOD (and not gimped) single player content ala Brawl, all while having the online/multiplayer and gameplay (even if it's not as good as Melee) improvements from 4.
I want LOVE to be poured into this game. Obviously, Sakurai/Sora Ltd. doesn't know what that is. HAL Labs sure as hell does, though.

nintendo think they slick

Nintendo think they slick..
>over dixie or cranky
>I want LOVE to be poured into this game. Obviously, Sakurai/Sora Ltd. doesn't know what that is. HAL Labs sure as hell does, though.

You are the most literal example of a stupid, overly cynical 4chan poster.
Honestly, did you just come from the video games board or something?
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Hanafuda playable fucking WHEN?
Give it to me straight, roster autists.

Does my boy WONDEEEER RED have a real chance? Does Sakurai ever add flops?
Only if they are the token Retro character or token hardware character
>token hardware character

I'm sorry?
>people thinking ff7 remake wont come to NX
>"only on sony first
cloud will be back next smash and tifa will probably join him
Nice memes, guys.
Are you saying that the shitty/gimped content in 4 was okay?
I'm not even mad about the lack of Subspace Emissary, either. I just think that releasing Brawl and not improving on or including everthing it did in 4 is just stupid.
>Tifa will probably join him
Eggman joining Sonic has a higher probability
I'm just saying, it's too damn cynical to suggest that a game like Smash didn't have love poured into it.
Your opinion on the game is your opinion, and it's mostly irrelevant.
its either her or black mage for a second FF rep. KH is partly owned by the mouse. and besides cloud those two are the most popular FF reps.
eggman or knuckles or tails would be rad as hell though. Amaterasu would be a godsend

He's talking about mii's.

Sakurai admitted that a fuckton of newcomers were for the sake of shilling (i.e. all 4 new marth recolours)

Brawl didn't have that
Doesn't Activison and Nintendo have a good relationship?
I want actual custom moves and more customization in general

I would LOVE cosmetic collectables
He's not entirely wrong.

I know it sounds like bullshit, but Smash 4 doesn't have the same attention to detail or overall charm that the other games did.
They reused assets up the ass, the amount of new songs and stages vs returning ones is depressing, the game genuinely suffered from being split in two versions, they destroyed the "classic" mode and the new game modes are an Angry Birds rip-off and a Mario Party wannabe.
Game & Watch, ROB, Mii.
>Does my boy WONDEEEER RED have a real chance?

he's about as likely as starfy, isaac, ray 01, chibi-robo and all those other obscure faggots no one outside /v/ cares about

as in not at all
Just like how we got Metal Gear Solid 4 on Wii, right?
Doesn't make Smash 4's content any less shitty.
Are you telling me that you wouldn't love Smash 4 if it had content as good as Brawl's AND everything 4 included?
I agree it seems a bit rushed. They were problaby trying to rush it out and pad it long enough to drive up wiiUsales
Snake was a request by the person who made him. If FF7 does come to NX. I can see Tifa being in smash as a newcomer promo. Cloud would be a vet.
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> but Smash 4 doesn't have the same attention to detail or overall charm that the other games did.

I'd argue character wise it does. For one thing that all actually look exactly how they do in their games (ie Bowser) but there's a lot of nice little touches to the veterans like Ike having blue flames, DK having his barrel roll from DKC and Luigi's jumping animation being based on his flutter jump as well as Olimar's Pikmin being able to actually grab items and bring them back to him. All the newcomers feel faithful to their source material, especially Mega Man whose animations are all literally based on his old games.
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I know where most of the Mighty No.9 budget went. Infaune/Con Man paid Sakurai to put Beck in Smash 5.
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>replaces Megaman
This would be hilarious, pls make it happen Soccer Guy
I hope they keep Falco the way he was in smash 4 but with a faster run/walk speed.
>Geno and Crono since Square's playing ball
>Another F-Zero rep
>One or two more DK reps
>If they have to add more pokemon give us some fighting types like Infernape or Hawlucha
>There are enough Fire Emblem reps please make it stop
>A second stage option that removes all stage hazards but doesn't set to FD mode would be nifty
>For Glory ruleset without ranking would be neat. I don't know why but ranked in fighting games makes it harder for me to enjoy it, while the same isn't true in other genres.
>Let me turn off items in single player modes
Rage is gay bullshit. It's the equivalent to fucking x factor.
>For one thing that all actually look exactly how they do in their games (ie Bowser)

4 Bowser is the least Bowser looking design ever though.

Bowser is suppose to have a slight hunch (not like brawls. that was overkill) stubby legs, and long arms.

Smash 4 bowser was a dude in a suit

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