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Breath of Fire
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Let's have a good Breath of Fire thread for once.
That moment in the game where Tiga plowed Katt while the MC meekly watched. What were they thinking?
Doesn't that just beat all?
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Reminder this exist.
>fight against him is unwinnable
To this day it still upsets me.
Oh wow that looks good! What console is it coming out on?
That is some generic as fuck character design.
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Breath of Fire II re-translation fix where Katt is named Katt, not Lin:

Archive contains hacked roms and an "empty" save file.

If you have already downloaded it from the other link in the other thread, uncheck read-only flag on files extracted from the archive, otherwise your progress in the game won't be saved (as files are read-only)! Unless you are only using savestates.

There is a fan patch to 2 where one character's name (cat-girl in the OP) she's widely known for renamed to other, people complained and those fix that.

Can explain more detailed if interested.
Katt was a dumb name change
BoF in general had some stupid name changes like Deis becoming Bleu in the first game.
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I liked Bleu.
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Help me with this thread and bump it occasionally ffs.
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katt valentine.png
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Too spherical.
Katt has the best butt.
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Contribute to the thread!!!!!!!!
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Reminder that Fou Lu did literally nothing wrong.

Also he kind of won at the end? I guess

do you know where i can get the patch to change katts name back?
Back to what?

holy shit anon thank you so much

does this include the fixes to increase xp and gold gained as well? i remember the grind was absolutely rediculous in this game

nevermind i misread that post
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i got a few katt pics

im gonna have to go replay this soon
Guys, it is my hastily-made hexedit of not even an accurate re-translation ROM. I have no idea where I got that ROM, accurate has a CRC32 of 1320298E:

I am not completely sure if it will 100% work. It runs in snes9x, Katt's "new" name is correctly written to the save file and loaded, but I haven't gotten to the point where you get to see her name. Before the edit I've finished the game on that ROM and it never freezed or crashed the emulator.

Use at your own risk.

There aren't any patches that increase XP and money included here. Patches themselves can be found on http://www.romhacking.net/forum/index.php?topic=21355.0 and applied to accurate original ROM or accurate re-translation ROM. I am not sure how they will work with whatever I've provided.
Go download snes9x and test together now.

so you patched Ryusui's edit to change Lin back to Katt? Thats pretty much all I want out of the game. I cant try to patch the exp and gold gain in later
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>BoF thread
>katt spammers
Ursula is clearly superior.

how did you go about hexediting her name? I couldnt find a reference on where katt's name was stored
I patched not an original Ryusui's edit. Original Ryusui's edit happens when you apply patch from romhacking.net to an accurate original game cart dump, but I had whatever but not of that CRC32. That means there can be freezes and crashes, or may not. Myself, as I have played thought the edit, I haven't experienced any. Yes, I just changed "Lin" in dialogs to "Katt", also in opening where she is listed as "the best girl", lol, and in credits.

ah ok
i think i can wrap my head around that. As long as the text has his edits than its no big deal
Why won't you go now and test in emulator while we are both here? I am pretty sure you will have many questions.

yeah what the hell ill give it a shot

are you going to be around for a while? ill let you know how it turns out

ok so i started it up in snes9x and it said that it failed the integrity check when i started the rom

any ideas?
Guys which BoF games is the best? And why is it 3?
Someone tell me is Fou Lu evil or not?
Reminder that 4 is the best
Did you read the filenames? You are supposed to continue from the save file attached if you are planning to play from scratch.

Basically, take [ROM] that is said to play from scratch, move it to emulator directory, rename to simple name like "1.smc", do the same with [SAVE] file except it is like "1.srm", select ROM from open menu and play.

let me give that a try
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BoF2 Nina is best Nina

ok so i did that and it opened ok
i noticed that dragonforce was playing during the opening, which im about 99.8% sure wasnt in the original game so im guessing everything seems to be working so far. I'll give a shot getting to katt but its going to take a while.

thanks for the patch i appreciate it, im going to try patching the extra xp and gold into it as well later just to make things crazy
There is a patch from Ryusui to restore original title theme in his ORIGINAL edit. Not sure how it will work here...

yeah im not gonna worry about it, as long as the game works its no big deal, i just hope i can get the increased xp and gold edit working
>Good BoF thread
>Starts it with Kattposting
you fags just want to have a shitty fucking thread, don't you?
By design? Fa'sho. While I like her demeanor in 2, I do like her being a bit more spunky, i.e. 3.

And gets mad when little or no others post. I'd just let the thread die if I had to bump it myself, but that's just me.
some people just want to watch the world burn

they know it's wrong, but they want to see what'll happen

anyway, i'm going through bof1 and i just woke up some snake slut in a mobile town. how much more of this game do i have?
Still got some distance iirc.
Convince me to play this series
Not evil, but heavily traumatized.
Good story
Good cast in general
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its fun

Sounds good at least. How many games in the series and what order should they be played in story wise?
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Why is it wrong to start a thread with the most popular character of BoF series? Joking much?
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Never played BoF, but I've seen this character a lot
Are those pants or is she half-tiger
Does she just not have a cunt, or is everyone okay with her walking around with it exposed?
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She doesn't have pants, she has fur to cover her cunny. Everyone is OK with this, there isn't a single scene of fanservice or mentioning it.
Where's the cute catgirl?
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>good BoF thread
>autists talking about how much they want to fuck Katt

Pick one
What would a fun BoF thread be like?
Good night friends.

May you have pleasant dreams of the girl you adore most.
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Thread replies: 73
Thread images: 31

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