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What went right?
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What went right?
File: Spore 1.png (483 KB, 1262x2347) Image search: [Google]
Spore 1.png
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Spore 2.png
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It was easy to pirate, and you didn't need to keep it on your HD for long.
>What went right?
It was playable. I know that might not sound like much, but it was a playable final version worth the try. I actually like cellular and creature stages but they're too short, once you really get them going they end. Tribal and civilization are just terrible, so shallow and have bad controls on top of it. Space is alright, but has way too much micro and those "destroy 5 glowing creature" missions are pure bullshit; it should have had way more focus on macro instead of having to land on every fucking planet and manage everything yourself.
Are there any mods of this game that make it worth replaying?
Once as red. Once as green. Once as blue. You will never, ever need to play the game again - assuming you made it even that far.

Absolutely nothing.
Creature > Space > Cellular >> Civilization >>>> Tribal

The game as a whole feels like a very unfinished beta, but Tribal feels like it didn't even make it to the alpha stage. The controls and AI for your team is so terrible that combat is a complete mess and unless you micro a lot your units will just stand there, and the peaceful method is so gamebreakingly overpowered you can clear hardmode in under 15 minutes.

Problem of the game is that it was all over the place . it was an unfocused mess .

it wanted to be a sim game where you drive a creature through evolution.

It wanted to be an RPG game where you drive your creature to survive in the jungle utilizing rpg stats and skills .

It wanted to be an RTS game . It wanted to be an action game , it wanted to be all the games but none of it had any depth to it . maybe the creator had some depth but you can only create so many penis monsters until you get bored of it .
The player-created content sharing was stellar.
Honestly, Spore should have just been the cell and creature stage, and focused solely on the whole evolution aspect, with deeper creators that for one, included meaningful morphology (as in, the actual shape of your creature also matters, not just the parts), and more complex environments with biospheres, food webs and shit.
Agreed only because of how shallow the rest of the game is. I'd love a full Spore, but I'd rather take a few stages done right than a lot of stages done half-assed; cellular and creature really are the important ones to get right more than anything else, and were the closest to being good.

I remember seeing this when it was relatively new, made me so excited. I'm still fucking heartbroken, goddamn.
Yeah. The other stages felt really half assed.
Also, the whole evolution theme could have been pretty damn unique, if done well. The whole gameplay could have been made to be about adapting your creature to changing environments and finding a niche in the ecology of the planet etc.
Ad in some environmental catastrophes, competing species etc and you have a game about evolution of life.
Tribal and civilization were total shit, nothing to salvage there.
Space was fun, but the player's perspective didn't scale well, you were both leader of your species, and an adventurer going around. Maybe they could have focused on the adventure, the 4X aspects just made me want to play a proper game.
>cellular and creature really are the important ones to get right more than anything else
Stopped reading.
Nigger, the Cell stage was fantastic in comparison to everything besides Creature stage.

It is also the only stage where the shape of your critter actually matters, instead of the way it plays being just determined by it's parts alone.
There is one more option for you. You can constantly switch between green/red after each stage and you get a sequence of red, green, red, green .. and so on or reversed. This will grant you the Autistic powers or something like that. It's pretty fun to try and do that. Kinda challenging.
Yeah, it was great, but it was the least important stage to get right. Space and creature were the most important, and they were both fine outside of the hype IMO.
The only worthwhile mod is Darkmod or whatever, and that only adds new parts. Nothing will fix this game.
Oh wait no i'm just retarded. I was thinking of the Zealot philosophy.
Cellular is the first stage, it sets up everything to come, of course it's going to important.
>expect autism sim earth edition.
>get art program with shitty test games attached.
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>spend hours creating own buildings
>new cities just use random buildings and have to be manually changed each time
Who the FUCK thought this was a good idea
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>Galactic Adventures expansion uses buildings as props
>Go to alien planet
>All their buildings are fenceposts and statues
I don't even know why I have Galactic Adventures, I never bought it.
For some reason I can't find myself caring about buildings. I'll autistically make creatures and vehicles, but I'll just make different coloured cubes for buildings.
Alright /v/ you put me in the mood for some spore, hows about we make our own journey through me?
Play the game yourself faggot.
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Do slugs actually work in creature mode or is it just a meme?
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Alrighty, lets begin
It was a child - fun game all along that also had some interesting features.

make a new proper thread
anon, are you here?
the ability to create penis monsters
>fun game all along
Except tribal. Space could also be really unfun if you had a combination of bad luck and inexperience as my friend experienced.
There is a special tag, "gaprop", that prevented buildings, creatures, vehicles etc. from randomly spawning in the main game

All of the default GA creations have this tag and most people who knew how to make proper adventures always tagged their stuff
I must've gotten some really shitty adventure then.
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