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Steam Trade Thread
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Thread replies: 32
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HB Gift Codes:
Avernum 2: Crystal Souls
Cthulhu Realms - Full Version
Kentucky Route Zero
The Red Solstice
Satellite Reign
Dungeon of the Endless - Crystal Pack

Steam Gift:
Hero Seige

Offers or stuff off my tradelist

[H] Dead Space collection (including 3 but that is origin only)
[W] Offers
ill give someone my entire TF2 inventory if they buy me GTA V
interested in old bundle stuff?
It'd help if people could see what's in your inventory.
What do you have?
Got a list of what you got?
Begging is against Global Rule 11
how is it begging its a trade thread and he's trading something for the game
suck a cock at least I offer shit
>offers someone scraps from a trash can for actual cash
It isn't trash. It's nothing like your mother.
Say whatever you want but at the end of the night you have trash items and no GTAV
I'd do it, but something tells me it's bullshit
Why is that?
im the guy who posted it, just add me and message me and ill do it
Why should I?
because you showed interest?
Ehh... got a sweetner?
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steam games.png
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Have pic related

Want Daganronpa, subnautica, resident evil 4, moving hazard, offers

Since it's the last day of the sale I'll probably just buy what I can't trade for, so hit me up with an offer
I'd only do this trade if the items were worth more than GTA V, but then again you could just sell them yourself if that was the case
>Tfw once traded a guy $60 in games for a cs go knife worth $100
Felt so good, flipped that baby and got 40 in free games
Have: Dying Light: The Following - Enhanced Edition

Want: Automation - The Car Company Tycoon Game

Pretty sure I'm getting ripped off but I have no memory of how this game got in my inventory. Would also take a copy of Hotline Miami with Automation if you wanna throw that in.

how about just HM?
Are you going to provide the lube, or does he have to supply that to in that assrape of a trade?
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Have Bound by Flame.
Looking for offers.
I'll go halfies with him.
i was offering because gta v is 35 bucks until tomorrow
no i dont thats my offer
>tfw no senran kagura

Little Racers Street
Fight The Dragon
Takedown: Red Sabre
Gun Monkeys
Nuclear Dawn
Real Horror Stories Ultimate Edition
Secret of the Magic Crystals
Renegade Ops
Hack 'n' Slash
Spacebase DF-9
The Ship
Defy Gravity Extended
Frozen Synapse Prime
Risen 2: Dark Waters
Carmageddon TDR 2000
AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity
World Basketball Manager 2010
Dungeon Defenders
Not The Robots
Contraption Maker
Cthulhu Saves the World
Breath of Death VII


Thread replies: 32
Thread images: 3

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