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Who is best Peach? Smash Peach or Normal Peach?
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Who is best Peach? Smash Peach or Normal Peach?
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sexist shit
The one that uses Toad as meat shield
Smash Peach, but just for that booty
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Smash Peach.
Smash in general, although it could use a more realistic body.

Normal Peach is horrifying. Here, here she is in a popular children's arcade game.
I'd like to smash peach if you know what I mean.
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>those DSL's
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maxresdefault (2).jpg
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Charged Peach
So normal Peach.
Her voice was fucking weird in GC game. Don't know about the second one.
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Jesus christ, I remember seeing that at an arcade once and I actively stayed the fuck away from it.
Cute bellybutton
That was actually the first game for her current voice actor. Both her and Bowser Jr. got the voices they have now in Charged.
Me! I'm best Peach!
Your loss-- game's fun and it has the best art style of any mario sports game.
Thick peach
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2D Peach
Smash easily.
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Booty Peach

I want to watch her take a shit
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Biker chick Peach.
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If Nintendo could actually put some effort in and get Peach to actually look this good in-game, I would pick normal Peach no questions asked. But for now it's Smash Peach.
me too
They both look like shit. There are a few exceptions but these days Peach only looks good in some fanart, her face on her 3D models is fucking hideous.
Where's the doesn't get kidnapped every fucking week Peach?
the left one because of the white stockings
On the right
How do those wheels even work?
Normal Peach by far. She got dem dick sucking lips.
Antigravity wheels, let people float on tracks.
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Peach needs an Overwatch suit. Everyone needs an Overwatch suit. Tracer should invite Peach over for a makeover.
Smash Peach actually looks like a stylized cartoon character and not like a plastic doll.
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Normal Peach in her summer dress.
Pray tell, what is an Overwatch suit?
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Put Smash Peach in Normal Peach's dress.

Or alternatively, Paper Peach is best.
ponytail peach
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Daisy is better.
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This. The 3D models have never look very good except for Rosalina.
>Ohhhh did I win?
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>Peach always making cakes for Mario.
>Never get to see her in a pastry outfit.
>Not even an apron.
>Never barefoot in the kitchen.
>Never barefoot in the kitchen in nothing on but the apron.
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The ladies of Mario.gif
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