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This is the future you created
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Any gremlin cosplays yet?
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I'm at AX where this was taken and so far no actually

There's been plenty of d.vas tho, all in that same bodysuit
lol 90% of cosplayers just buy their outfits.

Not that there's anything wrong with that. There's going about in Halloween costumes because it's fun, and there's the art of putting together an accurate, real-life representation of a character.
Nigga I know people buy their cosplays

Most cosplayers have to commission their stuff and have it made specifically for them

But for d.va this one bodysuit is cheap and you don't have to wait for it to be made, so TONS of girls did it
There's a Widowmaker one, too

Literally made by THAT Halloween company that sells costumes for $40-65 when they're made out of $0.50 worth of material.

...Is that a man wearing it
Are they cheap enough that buying one for the purpose of cutting a pussy hole in it is economical?
>Go to Anime Expo
>Most common OW Cosplays are D.VA and Tracer
>Most D.VA's are chicks with long hair or guys with tons of cardboard boxes and booty shorts

I regret not taking pics of the D.VA with MTN Dew bottles for gun barrels

I saw a whole "budget" OW group but had to leave due to family shit
$45 at any local Halloween store
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I thought Pharah was Torbjorn
That's some autism.

>Mercy doing a nigger pose

>That terrible posture on Mercy

Jesus that woman must have nothing BUT back pain.
>Soldier 76
...That's the complete opposite of autism.

Do you understand what autism is? They would demand PERFECTION REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

These are just friends doing a gag group cosplay. They're having fun and people think it's funny. They don't have autism, you don't have autism, but you're certainly retarded.
>be at AX right now
>see cute himarus and junkos
>Too beta to ask them permission for pictures

Help me
>D.va in the way of Genji

Someone HAS to post the pic of budget Genji
That's his new dad-on-vacation skin.
>that guy who uses words he doesn't understand
Just take a picture.

If they're dressed they clearly want to have their picture taken.
Literally just walk up and ask, "Hey, may I take a picture with you?"/"Hey, make I take a picture of you?" when they're not currently talking to someone.

That's it.

That's literally it.

You take a photo or two, then thank them and compliment them on their costume, then wish them a pleasant day at the convention and continue with your day.
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Why are girl cosplayers so basic and predictable?

Why are women in general so basic and predictable?

What about having a vagina sucks out all the originality and unique thought from your life?
Just ask you faggot
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No, Anon, everything I deem ridiculous or poor is autistic in nature.

Slavs don't put their hands together that way, retard.
She's posing
Nah man, that's the butt crack priest pose
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>snow niggers aren't niggers now

She's doing the pose wrong. Your spine is supposed to be straight with just your shoulders slumped.
You're thinking of gypsies you double nigger
I laughed at this pic until I realized those are the faggot cosplayers from THAT webm

But I'm sure the fatties over at /cgl/ put some more effort into their costumes.
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Please anons this is a safe space
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blizzard made the game, not 4chan.

anyone who thought an Actiblizz game wasn't going to get viraled and spammed until it was mainstream clearly hasn't been paying attention for the past decade
Write nigger on it.
once you realize how predictable and easy to manipulate basic 20 year old white girls are, you can have sex pretty regularly
I like this better
>No GUNDAM written on it

sasuga dumb whore
>That Reaper
Is that what he is like on vacations?
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>it's a The Healer switches to an assault character midgame episode and no one notices in the hectic of the fight
Honestly I cosplay and I love when people ask for pics. It tells me I did a good job. They don't judge you they are thinking about themselves and how their cosplay will look in the photo
>The socks on S76.

Nice touch for an old guy who should be retired in FL.
>that mercy

Please god, make her squat on my face like that.
t. virgin who just discovered RoK
it's better than fat chicks who make skinsuits from cheap shit at Fabric Land
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That's just real lazy. If they're going to go through the effort the least they can do is make their own outfit. It's like having a dinner party and just ordering in chinese take-out for everyone. Yeah you're still serving food as the host but you put zero thought or work into it.
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Retard, it's based on this. Also Gundam is shit tier entry level mecha
nice projecting loser
what a dumb whore
makes me want to punch her in the face repeatedly

Muh dick
Her BF is black
Would fuck.
that looks like fucking shit
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They're in a public place. They have no expectation of privacy. Just take their picture, they can't do shit about it legally.
i don't understand why they're calling her 'gremlin d.va', didn't that just start out as bkub/chen edits?
Couldn't even get the fucking shirt right, what a shitty whore.
Her body is out of this world but god her personality is A W F U L
Gun looks like it was made/painted by a toddler. Guessing that's why she went for the tank-top and sweats cosplay.
I don't see anyone non black being able to please her.
This is not a sane response to seeing a cute cosplay, anon
>Thought it was a good idea to wear a regular black bra
Why are girls so dense about this?
/r/ing the "shitty mei cosplay starter kit" picture
He's an angry virgin.
>cute cosplay
all I see is a worthless whore fishing for attention
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I do this all the time when my team doesn't protect me when I'm healing.

If you want me to be a healslut you better make me feel appreciated.
>cute cosplay

The cosplay is pretty terrible. It's just a hot bitch.

Oh it's this """""""""""""""cosplay""""""""""""""" again
It's like those stupid "tough" poses they do right before a fight on Battlebots.
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>wearing a blue top and doing your hair up is considered cosplay
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This is my favorite Overwatch cosplay thus far
why do they never wear the parka....

oh, tits. that's right.
I was laughing about that too, but turns out it isn't actually a "safespace". They're literally just info booths.
>Pasty white tits
>Semi tanned arms
>Yellow face
Are you referring to his feminine penis?
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That'll be your fucking male gaze at work. You should be ashamed.
>when the sun is at it's daily apex
Damn it nigger get your niggers right. A snow nigger is a Nordic person.
What should she have worn?
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>Someone hasn't gone full meta and wrote and crossed out BIG ZAM on the cardboard mech.

Women just aren't creative enough, are they?
ok mate
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scandenavians are literally the opposite of what niggers are
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Neck yourself
Some people have a deeper interest in Mecha than just Gundam shit
While I understand your frustration why not just leave the match? You will lose either way 90% of the time without healer.
This is worse than the undertale "cosplayers" who just paint stripes on a sweatshirt
She has the same face as the one delinquent character from the Breakfast Club
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>That Pharah
>Any gremlin cosplays yet?
girls cosplaying overwatch do it to dress up like sluts, not to be original or funny
I hope you realize cardboard box Gundams have been a recurring joke since a long fucking time ago, dipshit.
>he doesn't know about Box Gundam
Good god what is this
Give me the set
her body is literally every fatty cgl girl ever
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>Based on tumblr art
>Shits on Gundam
>original or funny
good thing gremlin d.va is neither of those
>A bunch of fuckers escaped from Norway onto an even colder wasteland and even there they would raid fuckers for material/social gain because the wasteland sometimes isn't enough
And that's just the beginnings of an offshoit of Nordics. Their niggertry may not be there anymore, or it may now be hidden. But there's no doubt that they're still snow niggers. It mostly has to do with their geographical location for me. Some kind of Geo-niggercentric idea or something. But now I'm rambling.
You'd better hang yourself.
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4chan went there once, and then got immediately banned.

Those were good times

Gundam is trash compared to Ideon, Votoms, Patlabor, Giant Robo, etc. It is the most entry level mecha you can get. Most people who watch it only watch Gundam and then complain when everything mecha isn't like Gundam
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>those rolls of fat on her stromach
>deeper interest
You do know you are posting in an Overwatch thread on /v/ right? Your tastes couldn't be any worse or irrelevant than they are right now.
Mentioning VOTOMs and Patlabor doesn't make you any less of a retard, stop being such a hipster dipshit.

>complaining about entry level
>talks about an Overwatch cosplay

jesus christ anon, what about the nordic countries triggers the fuck out of you?

you aren't Argentinian by chance?
I'm not seeing you swinging yet.
Stop wasting our time and get on with it.
Where are her leaked nudes? I want to know what shape her breasts are free hanging and the size of her nipples.

>Goes to the effort of making a mech for her cosplay
>Doesn't even TRY and make it look like the mech from the game

For FUCK'S sake

There's no set, she is doing a d.va set soon tho.
Then why did every fat clg member not become extremely famous with tons of free white knight money?
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It's not hipster. It's a problem when people say they like mecha but only like Gundam and have literally never watched anything else. They affect mecha as a genre.
Lots of AMWF at ax this year
So the same goes for you and all the people bringing up Gundam first?
probably because you lose all the xp for the match if you leave early.
Why are you so upset by this? Nigger has been used as a term for other races too. There's some civilizations of course that can't be described with nigger though. Some of these are the Song Dynasty of China, the Greeks, the Tahuantinsuyo Empire, and the Roman Empire. I might be miasing some but I just woke up so I'm still a bit groggy. I'm just explaining how to correctly identify something as nigger.
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>being a homosexual

It's ok, god will forgive you someday.
You mean the one guy considering mecha is dead as fuck?
nice cellulite
10/10 Would help drop a colony with.
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That's what makes it so good, so fuck off back to lolcow
If you are the same anon, you need to stop being a hipster and accept that your tastes aren't any better. Just because Gundam is popular doesn't make it any worse of a franchise. You can do this for anything, shows like Game of Thrones or The Walking Dead or House of Cards aren't bad shows as they get more popular. Bands like Mastodon, or Metallica, or say Twenty One Pilots. But you want to act as though Gundam is irrelevant because it makes lots of money. Well...hate to break it to you but Gundam also lights the way for a lot of other anime projects that come later, and they borrow from it all the time.

I guess...hate it all you want...but in the end it doesn't matter how you feel about it, just like how as time goes on you will turn away from Overwatch and call it shit for the same reason.
enjoy your cottage cheese
Ok, imagine someone say they like FPS games and they have only played Overwatch. That's a lot of Gundam fans
Enjoy your hugbox, now go back to cow
I had it saved somewhere. Too lazy to look.
Who is this titcow?
What's her insta/snapchat?
>Why are you so upset by this? Nigger has been used as a term for other races too.

nigger i am 100% calm, but you on the other hand have apparently been triggered by nordniggers and i'm genuinely fascinated as to why.

>I'm just explaining how to correctly identify something as nigger.

yes, please expound more on your expertise regarding the identification of races by [noun]+nigger
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I don't get why whenever she's brought up bitches from lolcow have to show up and shitpost about how much they hate her.

Ya she's a shitty person, but idc. Gonna fap to her anyways.
I don't even know what the fuck you're talking about obese lover
I don't hate Gundam. I like the first few shows, but anytime something mecha is shown Gundam people just flood in crying about how it isn't Gundam or whatever.
you're american aren't you
Probably british
Me? Upset? I'm not the one who keeps on using the term triggered. I have just gone into a small analysis on using nigger. I don't see how me showing how Nords can be classified along with the other non-impacting cultures of Europe, the Americas, Asia, Africa, and Oceania as niggers makes me upset.
way too late to backpedal now
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Because she looks like a gremlin.
This entire argument started due to the Gundam cardboard meme cosplay, which at least applied.

The only mech fans I've ever met started out as Gundamfags but eventually branched into other shit, though. I'm more of a Macross guy, but I got along with them just fine and they're pretty open to recs.
Ok, imagine someone says they like Chinese food but haven't been to China.

To be fair, that happens all the time with things people aren't educated on. How many times have you heard people call ANY smartphone an iPhone just because Apple has the best marketing ever and people just aren't educated to know the difference. What I'm saying is, a lot of people just may not be smart enough to know that Gundam refers to one individual series and not what the genre is called.
Because normies don't know about them.
>Food analogy to a country

No, that's retarded. Talking about Media genres here
4chan memes rarely make sense. Also don't let people say it started on tumblr or reddit. They stole it from 4chan like they do with everything else.
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Guess I'll upload more thickness
no she looks like a bkub chen. the person who started this meme was directly ripping off bkub
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A bit too much but her face is pretty cute.
They did, normies are just stupid
It looks pretty close. Maybe not the legs, but the top part really does.
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>muffin top

get out



nevermind the fact that it's russian slavs that are snow niggers and scandinavians are pretty much turning into just regular niggers because of their immigration.

but whatever, i'm out. if i wanted to argue with someone with low-blood pressure that needs to yell at something to feel human in the morning, i'd talk to my mother-in-law.

pls I must see
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Ok then, it is like someone saying they like cars and they have only ever owned a Mustang.
Fine. I lied anyway and did actually look.
Cars aren't media
I got her nudes. Link?
Oh somebody beat me to it
Now where's the dildo that penetrates her whenever the mech moves?
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You got a chuckle out of me mate. I'm not simplifying the conversations with greentext and twisting words about. All I gave was an analysis, from which you seem to be upset about. Oh wait, could it be possible that you're Nordic yourself? That could explain why you're like this. But anyways nah, I personally would still use snow nigger for the Nordics because of certain characteristics being engrained into the collective consciousness of people. Calling Russians snow nigger is a little bit hard because of that. Their federalised state makes me unsure of they should be called something such as Rus-nigger or Ruso-nigger.
Pretty underwhelming. I wonder how much I have to pay this slut for more.
Enough for her next outfit, I'd wager.
Someone says they like Michael Jackson but only own the Thriller album.

Someone says they like souls games but haven't played bloodborne.

Someone who says they like jrpg's but has only played final fantasy.
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Thick Sammy (5).jpg
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Why that mercy look like she bout to drop the hottest heals of 2016?
Yeah, pretty much. Cancerous people
That would require not having autism. I have been to one con before and I don't understand what people find hard avout this I did it like seventeen fucking times just go ask.
You hang around shitty women famalam.
Thick girls are fine, most people don't know the difference between thick and fat though.
Yeah...she is fat.
Is this a thread for cosplay in general or just OverWatch?
I find mei THICC posting to be as insufferable as it gets but you're a fag if you don't like thick women.

That or your dick is far too small, but that's not your fault.
fuck off retard

God damn these "gamer" girls piss me off.
Fucking lard
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owning a mustang doesnt make someone less of a car person
Fuck off.
>greenish grey semen

The second picture makes me hard as diamonds

Yeah except that pig is fat in your photo, oink oink!
this is the closest thing
M-muh dick!
>Still no links to any nudes of the girls posted in this thread
One job /v/, one job.
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I cant believe some of you faggots are complaining about girls showing their breasts or their ass. What the fuck is wrong with you? Youre the reason feminazis exists
>I do this all the time when my team doesn't protect me when I'm healing.
Same. I'm not going to beat my head against a wall trying to play Mercy when my teammates can't keep a Genji or Reaper off me.
I saw a few at AX yesterday, non of them were anything to write home about, pretty much what youd expect
But you're already eating it.

God yes!
she succ

No fucken way.
What webm?

The only cosplay-related webm I can think of is the one where they all start dancing half-nude

Come on, honey. You're a Manilow. You don't need to whore yourself out like this!
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