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Classic vs Story mode
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Just got pic related as a present, should I do story mode or classic mode first? Does it even matter?
Did you play the original?

Start with story so nothing is spoiled.


Beating Story first will unlock 2 more classes for Classic
You should have got EOU2 instead.
If you want to ever get a 100% clear on a classic mode run, you have to beat the game on story and then transfer that progress over to a NG+ on classic. If you don't care, then start on whatever. Classic mode lets you form your own party but you miss out on a bunch of story exclusive content. Since everyone bitched about that, EOU2 is actually better about it so there's nothing exclusive other than the story MC.
Start with Story Mode then go to Classic. You can transfer your Story characters to Classic, but not the other way around.
Should have made them return it in for 4 instead.
Thanks for that, story sounds like the way to go.
le milemon girl
Content's locked behind story mode, but the story is pretty shit. It's your call, but if you're not going to play it again, go Classic.
story, content is locked behind it
Oh, that's a good consideation. I'm not a NG+ kind of guy, so maybe I'll enjoy Classic more.
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