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Thread replies: 26
Thread images: 7
File: 14674038245687.jpg (293 KB, 1920x836) Image search: [Google]
293 KB, 1920x836
>this is not a photo
>this is not a drawing
>this is an unmodified screenshot from Skyrim Remaster

File: Doge Birthday.jpg (107 KB, 640x548) Image search: [Google]
Doge Birthday.jpg
107 KB, 640x548
Wow, it's fucking nothing. There are fucking mods that do better than this.
A blurry mess with stupid amount of brightness added for no damn reason.

Mods look fuckin' better.
>Those ground textures still flat as fuck
>Sunny dust filter on everything even though Skyrim is mostly tundra and shitty mountains.

God damn Bethesda is garbage
>that piss filter is so good i'd preorder it again
literally the same ass 2011 console tier graphics with dof and terrible godrays.
Which one is which? They both look like dog shit.
alright pete you dont need to do todd's job
>better than anything

I'll never understand ENBs they look like shit
which one is the """remaster"""
So this... is the power... of the remaster
Honestly. Which one is the remaster? aside from the piss filter they both look exactly the same. Is that the joke? is this yet another spicy meme that /v/ will adore?
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Only gonna play it because I'll get it for free!
File: pissmaster.jpg (537 KB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
537 KB, 1920x1080
Thank you based Todd
Damn it looks great. How were they able to pack all those graphics into the PS4™?
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586 KB, 1920x1080
You'll never not be retarded
Power of the GDDR5 my friend
Damn, mods look surprisingly pretty when you remove the ridiculous oversaturation.

piss filter
File: image.jpg (35 KB, 259x188) Image search: [Google]
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>yellow piss filter

What did he mean by this?

Modlist for that?


>something that is configurable in its entirety is one state of "shit"
looks exactly like the old game only it has a shitty ENB
when will it be finished?

i bet the aliasing is fucking horrific in motion
No idea, not my image
What will?
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The big deal is that it's now on a 64 bit engine that won't buckle under the load of 20 mods and 4gb of texture load, while also being far more stable and optimized.

I look forward to my free upgrade.

If Bethesda isn't retarded and the only change to anything script-wise is the executable, then all mods should work fine, minus any lighting and enb mods, and all it should take is a quick update to SKSE.
Thread replies: 26
Thread images: 7

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