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If the last book you read was made into an adventure game, would
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If the last book you read was made into an adventure game, would it be a fun game?
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Absolutely, it's fucked up it has not been done already too
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oh hell yea
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Well, it already exists.
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It is.
>Principles of Tax Planning

It'd be interesting to see an attempt if nothing else.
Since the last book I read was Fellowship of the Ring, pretty sure its been done.
I don't have a clue, a plot doesn't translate into game mechanics
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Would be very cool actually. I wonder about how the general landscape of Urth looks sometimes.
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Could be a pretty cool setting.The 1600's/1700's are ignored a lot in games.
Could be really good
just realized I havent read a book in like 5 years
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An adventure game as a POW? Seems fun.
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could be cool
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>Echopraxia by Peter Watts
Not really. Neat setting, but the plot and tone wouldn't fit an adventure game. Could be converted into a cool RTS or something maybe.

>about to start re-reading Mistborn
I'm still sad about that.
>this is the company that's supposed to have been making it
Taliban Shuffle.
Definitely. Adventure would be the perfect genre for it
Mistborn, Alloy of Law

one can dream ;_;
hell yeah im here for airship battles with clankers
people read?
Maybe someday we'll get the game and/or tv series we deserve
or at least a couple movies for the first book, that would rock
I doubt it. The books rely too much on narration and inner monologues of its characters. It would always be lacking.
>Voltaire's Candide
I picture a classic Lucasfilm comedy Point and Click adventure, and suddenly I'm sad that no such game exists. It'd be perfect.
I dont think the Intelligent Investor would make for a very good game.
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It would probably make a fun detective game.
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No it wouldn't be fun. At all.
my nigga. At God Emperor now. The series hasn't jump the shark the way Foundation books did.
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Not even a little bit. Literally the worst idea.
What are some good fantasy and scifi series to read? Honestly asking since I go to the store and see thousands of books, but no idea where to start. And I don't want to just read the 100 most popular books on some website list.

Are the ringworld and wheel of fire books worth starting with?
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i know

Although the movie changed at least half the book, i think the inner thought/dialogue it did was perfect. i havent seen the miniseries so i have no idea how that is done but i hope that if there was to be another attempt at the series theyd work it out like that.
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fuck, i apparently dont know how to end spoilers. ill go die now
>Being no One by Metzinger
it will be horrible to play and i have no idea how to translate it into game.


>Blade of Black Steel

grimdark gay quipvengers: the game. I would throw half my money at kickstarter just to see the threads on /v/ but only if they actually keep all the gayness.
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Um no the gor novels ahould not be adapted into anything they are terrible cancer and im glad they never caught on outside of their niche
The next biggest horror game
>God Gave Us This Country

It would have a depressing ending if the main character is Native American, more so if they're part of Tecumseh's Indian Confederacy.
>The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck

You know it.
Discworld Noir already exists.
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