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You are currently reading a thread in /v/ - Video Games

Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 131
How pumped are you, /v/?




The Battleborn Marketplace offers players the option to use earned or paid in-game currency to enhance their game experience without affecting gameplay. The Marketplace houses a variety of in-game content, from Loot Packs, bank pages, and new heroes that can be purchased with Credits earned in-game, to premium cosmetic skins and taunts that can be purchased with paid Platinum currency.

We recently introduced Platinum to the Marketplace, a premium currency that can be purchased through the PlayStation Store, the Xbox Store, or through Steam Wallet in-game. Platinum can be used to purchase cosmetic skins and taunts that are not available to unlock or earn as dropped loot, or pick extra bank spaces or Loadouts.""

I'm sure the Battleborn player is excited.
give up randy

its never going to happen
I thought randy was rip?
fuck of retard
Thanks for the info, shill
this game has the worst character designs
>that webpage will have more hits than battleborn has players
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What a shitty cast
>4 arms midona
>jewish samurai
>tiny head macho man
>the female character
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Whoa now, don't go inflating the numbers.
Let's be fair, there are probably more than 1 person in their development team.
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Super stoked bro!
and even they are playing other games
Whoa FIVE new characters for free?
How can one company be so based?
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Is this really going to be the 2nd time in 2 months they have had to overhaul their matchmaking to accommodate their dwindling player base? Has there ever been a more incompetent dev team?
Gearbox is badass as fuck dude
To be fair, that's way more players than I expected to see.
More incompetent that Gearbox? The company behind Counter Strike Condition Zero and Duke Nukem Forever? I'm sure there is, but Gearbox is the most well known incompetent company by a long shot.
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T-the steam sale will save us!
this is the battleborn playerbase
I would rather say they're at the front of Duke Nukem Forever and not behind it, since they just released the garbage they bought instead of actually making a good game when they acquired the license and assets
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>That slight bump

you mean you have to grind for 30 hours to pay for them with the F2P currency then another 30 hours of grinding to unlock their skill try and unique gear
yes. chucklefish and tripwire
>$60 base game
>$30 season pass with a high chance of a second one like they did with Borderlands
>You STILL have to grind heroes like it was a F2P game

I am glad this failed. Their ego grew too much with Borderlands.
>The Battleborn Marketplace offers players the option to use earned or paid in-game currency to enhance their game experience without affecting gameplay.
Don't those contain stat effect items?
I find it completely impossible to give a shit.
>keep posting pc numbers
>implying there isnt 10x more people on console
>implying this isnt a console game

i dont even care about this shit but the tortanic stuff is annoying
I am hyped for:

-Three new PVP Maps
-Hero Balancing of 24 heroes
-Broadcaster Mode
-Lore Challenges (fuck Ambra)

I hope Pendles will be like a rogue in WoW
Borderlands never had a second season pass.
I legit cannot get past that incredibly ugly character design
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>mfw i bought this game for 40$ from a key site on launch

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Hold the fuck up my niggas. Are those new heroes and maps free? or do they actually have the gall to charge the already dwindling playerbase just for a few extra bucks?
what did they do?
>not contacting their support that the key is taken and you want a refund
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>Overwatch isn't even on the top 50 games

Stay delusional blizzshills and keep sucking (((Blizzard's))) cock
Is this bait or made by a retard?
I don't even like Overwatch but the complete and total BTFO of Battleborn by Overwatch is funny enough to watch
Everything in PvP is free

Gearbox should just make the whole PvP part of the game F2P and the PvE part as it is now
Selling a game

What the fuck are you doing buddy?
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>premium currency

But Warframe already did this
I'm giving you a 7/10 for creativity, but you can do better
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a little of column A
a little of column B
This is Overwatch not Battleborn

Battleborn has "only" skins and taunt for real money purchuse. There is no random part, you buy directly what you want.

New cash shop only skins

New cash shop only taunts
(love the Shayne and Aurox one)

Battleborn has no P2W. The gear you use must be obtain through playing the game (and the gear isn't too important, because the rarity doesn't gives you better stats only a different stat combination).
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Everyone here is clearly just an angry Blizzshill.
Apparently there are still like 1k players who play the game and "pay" for cosmetics.
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You killed her /v/

You killed my waifu

I hope you're happy

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The game seems to be bleeding about 100 players a week. Apparently not even another 50% off sale could save them from this downward spiral.
>if you even mildly enjoy a game then you're a shil
I don't even have overwatch but this shit on /v/ is what is killing it. Everyone is a shill, you can't like shit, you can't enjoy shit. This board is worse than /a/ because they are at least doing fun shit over there. Even if that fun shit is fucking each other in the gay asses
>>jewish samurai
How dare you!
He's the Prince of all Jennerits!
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So how do those actually interested in Battleborn feel about these changes? From the outside it just looks like they have finally given up on actually balancing matches and have decided to throw a CASUAL tag on matches and call it fixed.
holy shit its like a literal plane crash
>competitive ques will take longer
Like how much longer? An hour? There can't be that many people left.

This shit was funny at first but now it's just sad. I don't even have Battleborn or whatever but fuck I feel bad for the people who bought the game and bought the season pass, it's just fucking painful, even to watch. It's like watching some guy kick the shit out of some starving child and he just keeps kicking the shit out of the kid until it finally just dies. The kid doesn't even cry and I think that's whats so sad about it, how the kid just doesn't even have the strength to cry anymore.
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Most people are expecting "Competitive" mode to take around 40 min to find a match since this is just the old lvl based queue system renamed.
Doesn't the regular queue take like 30 minutes though? The competitive would take like 50 minutes if not an hour.
The only good character is the bird guy. He deserves to be in a better game.
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The normal queue currently takes 5-15 min since the last rework made it so that lvl was basically ignored in favor of filling the actual match.
Reminder Gearbox deserves this and more for robbing Sega
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This game looks like something your grandma accidentally buys for you, instead of the game you asked for.
Wtf I hate overwatch now

HAHHAHAHA, holy shit

I guess Gearbox is trying to kill off the game themselves now so they can cut their loses and no longer have to support it.
>the last rework made it so that lvl was basically ignored in favor of filling the actual match
That's just
so sad.
Plays just fine on PS4, community isn't that small on there either
Her design is alright but her voice and voice lines don't match her at all.
That is pathetic.
This is accurate.
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They seem to be trying to copy Overwatch's matchmaking system without understanding that a good amount of their playerbase only want to play certain modes.

What else could they really do when they were facing the reality of >1000 players on pc at peak times.
>hold yourself back and hide your powerlevel so you don't completely shit up newkid's day
fuck. that.
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Shame too, anthropomorphic avians are so very rare to come across, especially in video games.
Legitimately nobody here cares.
Was it ever confirmed that Gearbox runs bots in the game to inflate player numbers?

This is literally Zenyatta
I like the design of the mushroom guy.
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There were accusations floating around during the play with the devs period that most of them were either bots or simply AFK in matches to inflate numbers.
>701 pc players as of now...

Pheobe is great, just saying
Only Evolved had a second season pass. They were so in up their asses that they never backtracked on a decision
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>Tfw Blizzard killed Gearbox

Blizzard is just as fucking bad. They can just shill harder
>Blizzard is just as fucking bad
They really aren't even comparable.
watching this game crash and burn feels soooo good.

I feel bad about the players trying to keep it alive though, hoping to make their $40 purchase worthwhile i suppose.
How did we kill her? By not buying bargain bin games that are literally in the bargain bin a month after release? Go fuck yourself for buying Battlebore, you were warned here many times before release. Also, enjoy your wait times you fucking trash compactor.
Gearbox ruined the word "badass"
is that a mushroom and a roided out redneck with a small head?
You can't make this shit up
Exactly. And I don't even mind the voice acting for her, it just doesn't fit.
Blizzard can actually make cute waifus and they don't need to hamfist SJW agendas on their shit.
>Blizzard is just as fucking bad.
Blizzard stole money from SEGA and has only ever made terrible games?
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>somewhere in the world a kid wanted Overwatch as a birthday gift and got battleborn instead
>Gearbox has only ever made terrible games
Here's your (You) go buy a bubble gum.
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Did he an hero himself? Nah, he's this kid >>343238034

No, they are really just as bad. They just have you brainwashed because of marketing.

Overwatch is just as shit. It's just prettier shit with waifus. And you all are stupid enough to feed their shit.
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Borderlands 1 was their last good game, and even then it was a shameless rip-off of another game or something of the sort.

Whatever you say kid.
Opposing Force and Blue Shift were 15 years ago, anon.
>the clerk is a gearbox moderator on his off time
>calling someone a kid because you have no idea what your talking about
Only kid is you bud.
this must be an old image i assume?
oh fuck is that one sale again?
I might grab it, I still have my old gfwl copy
Battleborn has no niggers and lesbos and it is failing compared to HOMOWATCH from Blizzard
fuck Blizzard and Chris Metzen
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Was that on launch day? Here are some current stats.

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>there are more people playing TW1 than there are people playing Battleborn
Oh fucking wow.
The brothers in arms series was pretty good I enjoyed playing them with my dad
How many weeks since launch did it take for it to get a cash shop?

I would feel sorry for them, but fuck Gearbox.
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The witcher 1 is still beating it
im not joking
>Overwatch is just as shit. It's just prettier shit with waifus. And you all are stupid enough to feed their shit.

Doesn't matter what our opinion of the game is because regardless the fact of the matter is they have significantly more players and overwatch isn't dying so, theres that. I don't have either overwatch or battleborn so I don't have any time of agenda in either one. Unlike you, queer.
If you think they LOOK bad, just wait until you hear them!

That's because witcher 3 was so good it made a lot of people want to try out the previous titles.
It was obviously a joke you damn monkey
So you can have teams of lvl 100s beating the shit out of people under lvl 20?
I'm gonna start filtering Battleborn threads.
It's just depressing at this point.
>Professional sports practice good sportsmanship
Regretting your purchase?

I don't have an agenda either you fucking idiot. I'm saying both games are fucking shit, but /v/ and Blizzard fags somehow feel superior for buying shit with a pretty paint job.
>Complains about people comparing it to Overwatch
>Half the review is comparing it to Overwatch

This shit can't be real. Battleborn players are the saddest people alive.
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Not sure if this is hilarious or just sad.
It's Gearbox, so I'm going with hilarious.
yep a full premade team of level 100's can and very very often do get matched with players that literally just started.
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The cash shop was patched in on the 14th.

This is a pretty regular occurrence in 90% of matches now.

Did you purchase Battleborns?

I wish there was a drawfag in the thread that would draw an image of tracer and widowmaker squeezing their asses between a copy of battleborn or one of their characters and somewhere on the image it says: "this kills the battleborn"
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You are talking about the same playbase that blamed its falling player count on FATHER'S DAY.
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Name five good things about Battleborn without mentioning Benedict
No, my one friend who decided to buy it instead of overwatch like the rest of our group complains about it enough as it is.
I don't need it from /v/.
Blizzard isn't killing a cripple's dying wife.
I feel like if Ashley Burch isn't related to youknowwho and Gearbox in general she would be more popular around /v/.

I don't listen to dubs and care much about English-based voice actors, she doesn't have a lot of range but her acting is pretty good IMO.

but but but but....people keep yelling that levels mean nothing and that a lvl 100 is the same as a lvl 20

except that a lvl 100 will have all Characters and 3rd Helixs unlocked and most likely would have the perfect whites or legendary equipment grinded out but if you ignore all that then the lvl 100s are the same as the lvl 20s
>The Mayor of Murder Town

yeah, that's a gearbox employee alright.
People on /v/ used to like Hey Ash Watcha Playin' before her brother turned into a thundering megacuck

i mean i was indifferent to it but you'd see threads from time to time that were fairly positive.
She's a huge SJW just like her brother, and the only reason she even has a voice-acting career is totally not because of nepotism.

They're both cucks who deserve everything bad that happens to them.
they will blame it on fucking anything just as long as it doesn't break their illusions.
>fathers day
>pc players
>console players
>time of day
Same as a lvl 30 in LoLvs a lvl 1
A lvl 1 can beat a lvl 30 if he's better.
I liked this game. 125 hours in, but there is no saving this game now. Last I checked the game still runs like shit on minimum settings on Coldsnap, and drops below 60 on most other maps at best.

Fucking items only available through RNG in the story mode missions just like Borderlands farming, absolutely no penalty for just leaving games over and over again, and the playerbase a month ago was still clueless by and large as to how to actually play the game, reveling in how many player kills they got above all else.

I like the characters. I like the PvP. I just wish fucking Gearbox had nothing to do with this game, it could have been decent.

I hate what Blizzard did to Warcraft and Starcraft, I even had someone try argue with me that the Warcraft movie was based off the first game and was one of the few to show Orcs as more than just the bad guys.

But they didn't fuck over Sega, they're not currently in a legal battle to force someone's wife off life support and they're not holding Duke hostage.
I wouldn't be able to do it justice. I'll try a mock up of the "This kills the battleborn" with tracer with the scissors tomorrow.
You faggots advertise this game more than Gearbox. Is the game fun?
I only notice those videos popping up after mentioning her brother's name becoming a norm on /v/, the impression I got from those threads is that about not too little people still somewhat enjoys those videos.

I thought she was not as hardcore as the rest of the Gearbox family.
She ruined Dancing All Night with her shitty voice as Rise
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>gearbox humor listed as a positive
>sexual exploitation
As opposed to exploitation of a dying woman, eh, Gearbox?
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He really got cucked by gearbox
For /v/, that is like next year.
>without affecting gameplay
>buy gear and heroes

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this game is too funny
As of last week, Battleborn has grossed 18 million dollars across all platforms. In comparison to its direct comparison, Overwatch has grossed over 270 million across all platforms.

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>5 new heroes
>the game will have more heroes than players now
Just played a match because of this thread and remembered why i dropped it after 20 hours and vowed to never pay that much for a game again.

The gameplay is just . . boring.
Someone post that normal quest dialogue vs gearbox quest dialogue image.

It's the best.
>I just wish fucking Gearbox had nothing to do with this game

I spend so much time on /v/'s shitting-on-battleborn threads so I figure out I should actually watch some of the highlight videos to check out the gameplay myself.

It's pretty bland tbqh but the nail of the coffin for me are the fucking dialogues of that game, do you actually enjoy people screaming cultural references and sarcastic phrases 24/7?

like I said, I don't listen to dubs because I am not a EOP.

But I understand that games with dubs has a tendency to switch voice actors as they please right? I think P4 (the main game) featured a different VA for dub Rise.
the difference here is that LoL has different queues to prevent that type of thing from occurring.
She really is a SJW as much as her brother. They have videos making fun of GG, defending feminism, and they both just tweet liberal PC shit.
>in comparison to its direct comparison
I'm fucking retarded.

In comparison to its direct competitor*
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The Grimmace
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>the game will have more heroes than players now
>that quote

That FUCKER. How dare he quote my favorite GI Joe dub in his profile!
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just checked only 717 In-Game

This desu senpai
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give it up
it's fighting a competition against a game that has a larger userbase and no DLC
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>the game will have more heroes than players now
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>How pumped are you, /v/?
How do two games that are so similar even come out at the same time?
Is it really just horrible unfortunate timing?
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>"Women are objectified in imaginary shit despite us using actual women as objects in the end" feminism
>Actual feminism
That's just them being idiots trying to get brownie points from mental patients for not being themselves and becoming literal cuckolds when said mental patients find more weak-spined people to exploit and make money off of.
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>that one character that is literally call of duty dudebro
>How do two games that are so similar even come out at the same time?
When you figure most AAA games made now are of 3-4 types, it's more likely than you think
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>everything in that picture

it's like one of those bad steam profile screenshots but filled with copyright'd Gearbox writing.

BL's dialogues give me the same vibes from this game, I don't understand why some people /v/ on shits on battleborn for it's battleborn dialogue but not BL for doing the exact same fucking shit.
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He got the better game
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It takes approximately a month of steady playtime to purchase one of the DLC characters with in-game currency.


Gearbox believed they could compete with Blizzard for some insane reason.

My fucking sides.
>intentionally handicap yourself so the bads can have fun too
Whoever this guy is should be one of the first people to hang when the day of the rope comes.

The strong should never fear the weak. They just need to make the game more attractive. And you do that by making the models more attractive.

Make the female models to be objectified--fuck feminism.
>Money talks, bullshit walks.

Make the models slightly more realistic (and a bit less like BL), but keep its cartoony aesthetics, just like how Overwatch has it.

Pay players to play your game. Create tournaments to get """professional gamers""" to play it and shill the game for you.

Tie Stillborn to their other games, to create cross-promotion kind of shit. So people playing BL, but haven't played Stillborn yet, would be enticed to play; and vice versa. Playing BL could earn them currency for use in Stillborn (maybe a few shekels a day), and playing Stillborn will give them access to Stillborn-themed items in BL. They could also bundle the BL franchise with Stillborn: buy Stillborn, get BL1 and/or BL2 for free (not including DLCs, so they can jew players to buy the BL1/2 DLCs).

They could also add other game modes too.
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It's so sad how true this is.
>do you actually enjoy people screaming cultural references and sarcastic phrases 24/7
Of all the things wrong with the game, this is not one of them. Yes, it gets old, but there's a very visible option to turn voiceovers off in PvP.

The game runs like shit.
There are two incredibly shitty game modes, and the one good one, Meltdown, is apparently too confusing for people.
Items needed in PvP are gained only by running the same fucking map over and over again in story mode, and story mode is fucking boring and easy.
Basic gear acquisition is so fucking slow if you just play PvP.
The game is not consistent at all when it comes to deciding if you have to restart your sprint after using a movement skill or not.

The characters are whatever, and the voices can (and should) be turned off ASAP. The base game is there and it should be good, but it isn't because Gearbox has no fucking clue how to fix their game, and even if they could, they'd have to wait until the console update gets certified because apparently they can't just update the PC version as soon as a critical fix comes up - they've decided to keep this not-cross-platform game's updates synchronized with the console versions.

Whatever, fuck this game. It's not going to get fixed.
>remember reading that there were going to be 3 skin levels, 1 being recolor, 2 being an actual costume but you can get through lootboxes, 3 being some sort of change to the actual model itself and 3 was going to be the only one you had to actually pay for
>Level 2 and 3 skins were not in the game yet but players still horded their loot boxes for anticipation when that update to get level 2 skins went live.
>Gearbox now opted to hide the level 2 skins behind a paywall and their reasoning for backpedaling is "just a cosmetic change"

Damn that's some fucked up stuff
People on /v/ do shit on Borderlands for having this kind of writing, its other places that finds this kind of half ironic 'witty' observation shit amusing. I, personally, find it a bit better in Battleborn than Borderlands just because some of the character are actually voiced well with actual personality.

Anybody have that one screencap of normal writing vs Gearbox?
Gearbox could pay people to play Battleborn and it wouldn't make a difference at this point.
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Gotcha covered, anonymous.
The movies Oblivion and Afterearth came out at the same time as well. This is a common tactic among large companies. If the competition is working on a project very similar to one that you are starting on in a year, that later project will get pushed up to potentially take that potential market.

Either Blizzard or Gearbox got wind of the other, and decided to push up the time so the games would compete. This particular instance failed hard for Gearbox, but trying to carve out a market after a huge release is also pretty hard.
Even though I've been shitting on it, I would glady play Battleborn for minimum wage. Just must the voices.
Yeah, but I still see some threads surface from time to time (before battleborn's birth for obvious reasons) praising how Handsome Jack is a well-written and good villan when he is basically Borderlands writing with a bit more character than the other empty husks they call a character in those games.
ur mah bro
if it takes a salary to motivate you it's not really "playing" family.
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It's a shame the game is met with such vitriol, bias, hyperbole and cherry-picking and false-flagging around here. I don't think I've ever seen a game get bashed so fucking hard before.
The gameplay reminds me a bunch of Monday Night Combat (and not the shitty sequel).
Gearbox need to fucking sort out the DLC character thing though. It's absurd how much grinding they take to unlock.
Also the tier 2 skins being microtransactions is disgusting; in fact, the microtransactions in general are disgusting and will only serve to drive more people away.

Fun fact: The season pass came with it's own "brand of the goy".
If you buy it, you're given a permanent "golden podium" in the pre-match character select screen.
Thank goodness I didn't buy it or pay full price for the game.

I don't find the attemps "humor" funny, but I'm not offended by it, so I liked the fact that every single character (of the 24+) has like 20 minutes of voiced dialogue on top of all being pretty damn fucking diverse design and personality-wise in the first place.

It really makes the game feel more alive and natural, at 50 hours in I was still hearing stuff I'd never heard before.
>multiple lines for ability activation
>multiple lines for spotting specific characters
>idle chatter

Although you easily turn off the voices if they trigger you that hard.
They'd pay you FAAAR less than minimum wage, maybe $1.25 an hour if you're lucky. They'd bleed money if they hired a bunch of /v/irgins at $7+ an hour.
It is so on point i feel uncomfortable
I love almost everything about this guy. Almost. Why the fuck is his waist so skinny in comparison to the rest of his body?
Gearbox can't into proportions.
Christ, it's like he took a line straight from Borderlands 2.
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What's this about a wife dying?
That is the one thing I think OW is severely lacking at the moment, I want more character interactions. It's a good thing the player base is so strong so its guarantied to be worked on
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Relevant as fuck yo
>Somebody is going against the hivemind and isn't blindly shitting on the game? How dare they!
Have a (you) in return my shitposting friend.
something something duke nukem
It's really like that Anon was Burch or something. i mean, word for word.
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>Marketplace offers players the option to use earned or paid in-game currency to

Even if blizzdrones would do it I don't think the average person is going to want to spend anymore money in game for a paid game for cosmetics.
>It's a shame the game is met with such vitriol, bias, hyperbole and cherry-picking and false-flagging around here

How the hell is anyone false flagging anything? The numbers are there and so is the proof. They don't have players and the game is in the bargain bin, so how is that false flagging or cherry picking? And there is no hyperbole for saying: "oh TW1 has more people playing it than Battleborn does"
I think that gearbox was in legal battle with some guy that couldnt even pay for his wife meds
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>currently 94 viewers at real time

fucking Yugioh Frobidden Memories has more viewers than that on Twitch, jesus.
You know, I'm still not certain what exactly this game did wrong.

In the Open Beta it felt alright, nothing particularly wrong stood out when I played it. It was a solidly built game. But somewhere it obviously fucked up because this is one of the biggest flops I've ever seen. Was it marketing? Is it just because it's a Gearbox game? What exactly went wrong?
>less then 5 seconds into the actual video
>le quirky SO FANNI le randum humor
Can Gearbox write ANYTHING but that tripe?
>zero "relevant" marketing
>new IP with experimental gameplay (moba+FPS)
>questionable visuals to normal audience
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>a single player game that's only in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean has more players than Battleborn
This is just fucking pathetic.
matchmaking issues
slow patching
bugs and exploits left hanging for weeks
optimization issues
made by gearbox
the list goes on
>came out at the same time as Overwatch
>barely had any ad marketing
>barely had any coverage
>terrible visual design
>terrible sound design
>terrible game design
>terrible heroes with terrible abilities
>terrible weapons
>no delicious waifus on par with the fems from OW
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I think you'll be lucky if that happens.
Blizz don't need to do those sort of touch-ups because the game's a snowball of popularity like DoTA and CSGO.
All they gotta do is add more characters, maps and skins, and people will probably stay happy.

I'm not talking about the numbers though.

Have you somehow ignored all the
>"this can't be fucking happening battlebros, those fucking blizzkikes can't keep shitting on OUR game and taking OUR PLAYERS"
kinds of posts? Possibly with pic related or some variation?
No to mention the "ironic" shilling like the OP is doing.
Or did you really think they were genuine?

People treating it like the worst game ever conceived unironically.

Repeatedly digging at weak points such as Orendi's "so randumb" dialogue and judging the entire game based on that.
Alternatively, that still frame where every possible UI effect is active at once (which happens once in a blue moon) and treating that as representative of the entire game.
Fags like you always call anything like that false flagging. Well you know what bitch? I could call your post false flagging too. I guess you don't think someone on /v/ could be legit pissed off that their game is doing poorly.
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>those animations

Jesus christ, it really makes you appreciate what an amazing job Blizzard does with theirs
>"Feminism is awesome!"
Reminder that Battleborn picked the fight, and Overwatch stomped the bully into the dirt.
Using Nvidia jeworks is the dumbest choice ever. Gearbox could've avoided 90% of the shitty problems with the game if they hadn't gone that route.
>I think you'll be lucky if that happens.
Aw thats cute, your so use to having your games abandoned now that you project on to others. I guess you can have that jab considering the whole of the internet is laughing at you.
My god this guys hair is too fuckin funny. New images of him just keep surfacing too
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It's sad because he's got a decent face. Just go bald or super short and he'd be an easy 7/10.
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He has to validate his purchase of battleborn some how. I just feel severely bad for him, probably spent full price on a game that didn't even last a month. The last time I seen a game hit the bin as fast as Battleborn was Too Human, and I still think it lasted longer than Battleborn and it's not even a multiplayer game.
F2P when?
He's pretty ripped too and has money. Have you seen the pic of him like "what the fuck is a meme?!" "I'll have you guys know my wife loves me and my hair" it's pretty hilarious.
>I guess you don't think someone on /v/ could be legit pissed off that their game is doing poorly.
But that's not what I'm getting at.

If you can't spot blatant "ass-blasted drone" caricature shitposting like that, you're far far far too naive.

But I'm not projecting anything.
Look at things from a realist perspective instead of thinking multi-million-dollar companies such as Blizzard, EA, Ubisoft, etc., are your buddy and have your best interests at heart.
To write and record a bunch of new idle chatter for every character would take a lot of effort on their part, which would be better spent going towards promotion videos, new characters, and so on and so forth. Shiny new things to draw in more players.
Probably another month judging by how long microtransactions took.
>I just wish fucking Gearbox had nothing to do with this game, it could have been decent.
you're a dumbass for buying a gearbox game anyway. I learned that myself with memelands 2.

all you have to do is look at what they do with every fucking game. it's dlc garbo and lots of it. memelands has about 200 dollars worth of shit you can buy. pure autism at it's finest. autists are the only people who buy gearbox games.

so that makes you an autism child
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Give it another few months.
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You talkin' shit on my clonefus.
All of this is true with one single caveat.

Homeworld remastered and the new game are actually pretty good.
If some russian team made an ironic abortion simulator named "stillborne" it'd sell more than this failure.
God I fucking love this guy, more salt please!
You better have bought battleborn, and not just pulling my leg for a laugh.
First they make a f2p weekend and milk the DLC they have at the ready. So probably 1-3 months
They didn't even make it a good discount. They thought it was a good idea to have it at 30 when it's already been on sale elsewhere for far less numerous times.

>Do what the incompetent developers couldn't


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The only one of the upcoming heroes that really interests me is the penguin demoman. Pendles could be cool, but I don't like assassins.

But that grind just to unlock the DLC heroes is stupid. They could've at least given them gameplay unlocks like everyone fucking else.
They didn't do DNF, blame apogee for that shit.

No really I'm begging you blame apogee for that they raped one of my favorite franchises and somehow got away almost scotfree.
>already getting 5 new heroes

Direct me to anywhere I've been "salty".
The only thing annoying me right now is how you're assuming somebody not completely condemning one game and singing high-praises of another constitutes "salt".
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yes, keep going!
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