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Characters with the same hair as you
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Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 222
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Unless you're a fit dude in your mid 30s to 40s, you probably look like a fag.
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That is a hard haircut no manage anon
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without the tattoo.png
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To* manage
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post a picture
The big guy from Yakuza 4.
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I actually look a lot more like best Revan face than I thought.
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Just with a thicker beard and without the slavid nose / ears
I just did.
What vidya characters have an undercut?
I don't have a picture but lee chaolan except my hair is black.
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I even have a katana, 100% would cosplay again
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Why live?
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Imagine this except if it just looked fucking terrible
God tier hair
Great duwang
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At least you aren't pretending to have hair like >>343218481
But it does look fucking terrible.
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P5 MC.png
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Glasses and all
m8 I'll keep my widow's peak hair for the last 5-10 years I can.
When I get a bad bald spot or it becomes too blatant, then I'll shave it.
get a haircut faglord
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Mediterranean hirsute heritage
i'd fuck you desu
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go back to syria
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ps4 tan.png
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Closest I could find
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I need a haircut.
ruined the gif tbqhwy
You know Snake has a mullet, right?
I just hope you're fit
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you get used to being bald clean shaven. although when i had hair it was like pic related
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Essentially the same
I've yet to see a single vidya character with hair like mine

Plenty with the right length but none with curly hair
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not even kidding
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I just noticed right now that I have a similar hair cut like Donte. Fug.
Dude that's a private image of me. Where the fuck did you get it?
all me
Do I know you? How'd you get this pic of me?
That is exactly what I look like
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Which one has the same hair as me?
Yeah yeah sure scumfags, that's obviously me
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Char? Who is that?
Your hair is fucking shit,dude
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Sometimes it's actually close to that when I cut it really short on the sides.
delete this
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booty had me like.gif
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I'm also fatter, and not as heroic.
Hello Dave
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Same haircut, more rectangle glasses, bigger nose because of a deviated septum, and I have a beard. Maybe after I get my nose fixed, shave, I'll cosplay as him.
>quads wasted on a /co/ meme
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consider hairbrush
Best joestar
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mine's pretty much this only dark brown instead of black
Without glasses.

Also he fits the other frequent topic that asks "which characters are literally you".

You look like Dave Mustaine?
post pic
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That's uncanny holy shit
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objectively wrong
>tfw wearing a hat for so long that it fused with some of my hair and i cant take it off

fuck,i cant even remember what my hair looks like
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It was entirely worth it anon. I'll enjoy my quads.
What the fuck did you just say you bastard
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a bit longer and I keep it down in a regular ponytail, but yeah, this
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What's your stand?
Hello me
No homo but you need a conditioner
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I got you senpai
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Same hair, sort of look the same except he's better looking than me.

Is that joelene? I haven't got that far but I ain't digging her hair colour.
this ain't the fifties anymore
This is gradually becoming a Jojo thread
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That's Johnny you silly
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Except with glasses
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Literally me

How could you obtain a picture of mine

Show yourself, enemy stand user!
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I have the same hairstyle, but not as exaggerated as this.
That's a man? Wtf
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thats good
post pic
Hi max
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Can't you tell?
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it's me again
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Looks like Jackie to me
Well someone's living in the past.
shave your head faggot.
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Fuck,i want to get to part 7 already

I dont like part 5 at all,I dont want to suffer through it anymore
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It's literally just this.
Post joelene. I have a felling johnnys arc is shit but I am only on part 3.
Hi etika
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Steel Ball Run (Johnny's part) is by far the best part
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If only I could grow as handsome beard as welll.
Why you gotta ask me out of everyone in the thread?
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I have faith it will grow up again. J-just you wait...
It's a pretty common hair cut desu.
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Ive never seen a character with my hair
And no, Im not a girl Im just a bad artist
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hair (me).png
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name of char who has this hairstyle?
this desu
I wish I was kidding
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Nigga you look like a girl lol
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So ur a white school shooter?
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i hate mass effect, but this
What do you think of this world and all the human worms feasting on it's carcass?
Nigger memes are funny
Get a haircut, fag.
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>tfw shit hair and will never have a glorious long beautiful hair
it hurts me so much more then it should
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Lilith from borderlands 2
Hola JC
It ain't that hard to grow hair and shampoo it senpai...
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I just fucking hate it. My whole life is just cruel, bitter hatred and I've always wanted to die violently. This is the time for vengeance, and no life is worth saving.
oh neat, hes kinda hot
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I need a new haircut ASAP
i wish i could see a pic of each and everyone of you faggots, in relation to the pic you posted

i think i'd literally die of laughter
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>Not vidya related
I know
check out that new doujin with miller and ocelot fucking snake which sounds normal but there's scat and their pecs are the size of D sized tits
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literally me
>want to grow hair longer so I don't look like a jew
>mom makes me cut it
Fuck this.
what the fuck is that thing on your head?
legit jelly tho
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I don't know, man. My friends have even compared me to my character, it's not just me
fag detectioned
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Except I don't let it droop in front of my face.
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Fucking nice
Do you play in a Smiths cover band?
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Reminded me of this
what the fuck
Who would want a bf with that haircut?
someone already beat you to it
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believe me i tried.
i got hair bays and it begins to curl after certain length.
already tried many different shampoos but it always looks fucking terrible.
my facial hair is shit too fuck this life.
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The only decent haircut for a man.

You probably look like a total faggot.
Shit nigger, I'm jelly
My hair is so fucking curly that it looks like mashed potatoes
I can't think of any characters that have as boring a hairstyle as me. Maybe some generic GTA pedestrian or something.

It's just a crew-cut grown out a few inches and parted at the side.
Bald is beautiful.
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that expect fat burger version so it looks like shit
>Hair used to be like that
>then it un curled and got long
>now it's thinning a little
Just fuck my shit up
I'm hoping it's a medical or stress thing. I should see a dermatologist or something
That's fucking great, I'm honestly impressed.
are you jersey slut?
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I really hate washing/combing every morning. I was thinking i should just go cut it all down.
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Been rocking this cut for years. Might be slightly longer on top now though.
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pics or it's a lie
Looks like ass
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I can't be the only one.
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Like this, but a little shorter.
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this is close
Nigga, why would you cut your hair because you simply are tired grooming yourself. You should be ashamed of yourself senpai.
>post pic

Cool story bro
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>dont shower for one day
>get greasy hair and dandruff
is it just me or is it shitty genetics
Pretty based.
I think I've seen you post before.

What exactly does your hair look like?
This is it. The epitome of anime hair that can only be held together with magic.
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So thats where The Weeknd got his hair style from... Fucking Seymour, the realest rapper out here
>dont shower for one day
Do people really do this? The first thing I do when I wake up is shower, I can not function properly if I don't shower in the morning, it makes me feel disgusting.
hey,thats pretty good!
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wasn't expecting any (You) let alone this many
thanks mate
ask you're mother :^)
>showering in the morning
nigga i dont want to go to sleep all dirty, also do you not travel or stay at peoples house for a day or just being lazy
Reminder that if you have hair longer than 4 inches and you're a guy over 20, you better be the drummer in a grunge band because there's literally no other excuse for it.
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Closest I've got
If only I wasn't such a fat fuck
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Not saying I look anything like Big Boss, but from head on it's pretty much that hair/beard but not a mullet/long at the back, it's the same length on the back and sides which I tried to block out in 9 hours of mspaint

Reason I know when to get a haircut is my cousin who made the comparison starts jokingly calling me Snake.
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I'm no SJW, but hair is simply based on your race which has racially specific genes. There's a reason why some hair product are simply for black curly hair. You really just have to put effort into finding what is right for you. If all else fails hook up with a barber and get a new haircut that requires less matinence.
i like to think i have something like that, but mine is way to curly.
god fucking dammit if i try to use wax or gel, it gets all wavy like some kind of old times greek athlete
I literally only have my graduation photo since i don't go out much. Will that do?

>arbitrary rules for no absolute reason

Sounds like a shit way to live life
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Kind of like this but shorter
if it has the same hairstyle then yes
not him but if i got fit and grew my hair just al ittle longer (or a lot longer) i could pull off an awesome kaz/liquid cosplay

if i ever get fit (probably never), that's what i'll do every year at the cons
show us your dounuts
Spoken like a true secondary
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You're not living life correctly. Long hair is objectively the best look on a guy.
me too m8
at least it's a cool haircut, even if the character itself is shit
If I put gel in mine, all these little hairs curl forward, so it looks like my head is sprouting little black shotels. Yay me.
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This. Different color, same style.
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Thank you hungry skeleton.
i did switch shampoos a couple of months ago thanks senpai also best stand
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closest i can think of is dante's hair
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>tfw bald at 16
You must weigh 400 pounds.
What? This is the most generic haircut ever. Yosuke from Persona 4 off the top of my head. Literally every animu shit has it as well.
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This was 3 months ago
Yeah, my hair is pretty similar to this. Though it is a bit more wavy depending on how I wash it
at least i am rapidly balding like my father
fuck me
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I have the same beard and look and everything. I don't come here anymore though, I have to hold a lot of interviews with my production team on TV. And very few people in my country know MGS anyway
not nearly as good as
but still wouldn't look out of place in a bistro
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This besides the shaved sides and back.
I just part my messy hair to the side and it looks like Donte's.
fat burger's hair was alright though desu
>inb4 newfag
doesnt look one bit like it.

being delusional isnt good anon
Can you fuck me, no homo
This but a bit curlier, until I got a haircut a while ago. Can't recall anyone with similar hair though, it's kinda boring
The thing is my hair is pretty thick and i don't use hairgel anymore. It gets kinda messy and that's why i said i want to cut it down. If i can't treat them as i should, why even have them?
>production team on tv

Who are you?
who /blond/ here? I haven't gotten a haircut in like 2 years and it's really long. Kinda past my shoulders now, not sure what to do. Part of me wants to keep growing it. I just tie it back into a tight bun every day so it's not particularly annoying to style. At this point I don't even need gel or anything.
Nigga r u Charlie Sheen's son?
I think bald can look good on a lot of guys. You just have to own it.
If you actually look like him, then post a pic
I have a full head of hair and I still shave it once a year. I think I make it look pretty good.
>in my country

I assume you aren't an americlap. Then where are you from
maybe if you are much older and it easily shows, yes
but if you are less than 40 and is bald, you better be buff as fuck
Only got laid once and i don't do crack, so that's a no.
>tfw have a bad habit of slowly pulling my pic related hair
>just KNOW that if I cut my hair I'm gonna have bald spots everywhere

Should just shave it at the sides like Geralt, summer with this hair is pure suffering
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What the fug
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 222

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