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What games let me dress characters in drag? Better yet, what
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What games let me dress characters in drag? Better yet, what games feature gender bending as an actual mechanic?

Only The Sims 3 and FFVII come to mind.
Lisa the painful
You can even work in a brothel while in drag
Final Fantasy 7
You can wear opposite gender clothes in games like Saints Row
GTA V. You can put Trevor in a dress

Can you even read?
I guess technically Runescape has a quest that is impossible to finish without having a male character. And if you change genders during, the quest guy gives you a voucher to change back.

But if you started as a girl, it wouldn't affect you, so I dunno if it counts.
Came here to post this.
Is it a set piece or a recurring part of the game?
Crossdressing and drag aren't the same.
Did SR3 have a slider that made your character more feminine but let them keep their dick?
A set piece
You can recruit a dude in a drag to fight with you for the entire game though
Pixels don't really do it for me.
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Dragon's Dogma is okay
>Crossdressing and drag aren't the same.
yes it is, if nothing further is stated
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Drag incorporates makeup and wigs, crossdressing doesn't implicitly.

Akiba's Trip

You can wear any clothing except girl's underwear
This actually did it really well.
Not him but doesn't drag imply performance of some sort?
No, that would be a drag performance. Doing drag is simply dressing up as the opposite gender.
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